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1、朗文5B各单元单词、词组 Unit1 Teamwork 单词list清单 fence篱笆 break打破 badge奖章 just刚刚 puppy小狗 sweep扫地 yet还没有 cute可爱 caretaker管理员 important重要 teamwork团队合作 already已经 order订购 favourite特别喜爱 词组flower pot花盘 basketball match篮球比赛make the bed整理床铺 tidy the room收拾房间throw away丢掉 do the washing洗衣服takeaway拿走 Unit2 Exciting experie

2、nce 单词experience经验 helicopter直升机 participate参与traditional传统 entertainment娱乐 western西方instrument乐器 make-up化妆 ponytail马tomb古墓 pirate海盗 cave山洞army军队 treasure宝藏 herb草药emperor黄帝 cancer癌 scientist科学家god神 tower塔 parade巡游词组racing car赛车 charity walk慈善步行pop concert流行音乐 hiding place收藏处tortoise shell jelly龟苓膏 t

3、ake place发生Cantonese opera粤剧 husing estate屋村 Unit3 Eating habitssome一些 chicken鸡肉 bread面包pea豌豆 pork猪肉 beef牛肉broccoli西兰花 spaghetti意大利粉 lettuce生菜eel鳗鱼 comfortably舒适地 exercise运动cheesecake芝士蛋糕 greedy贪吃 stuck被卡住trap困住 fries炸薯条 more较多less 较少 sausage香肠 fewer较少词组a little少许 a few少许 a lot of很多 put on weight体重增

4、加 eating habit饮食习惯 go on a diet节fired food煎炸食物Unit4单词enough足够 healthily健康地 cereal麦片buffet自助餐 pasta意大利面条 dessert甜品jelly啫喱 bill账单 full饱weigh称.的重 waste浪费 yoghurt乳酪cracker饼干 fishball鱼蛋 unhealthy不健康词组plenty of很多 too many太多 too much太food pyramid食物金字塔 salty food咸的食物 balanced diet均衡饮食pocket monkey零用钱 plain

5、bun馒头 sweet corn甜玉米 Unit5单词plants植物 insect昆虫 suggest建议excited兴奋的 butterfly蝴蝶 spot斑点rare罕见的 upset不安 instead代替backward后面 safely 安全地 词组how long 多长时间 how far 多远 be interested in对感兴趣good idea 好主意 take photo拍照 on the way在的路上Wildlife Society野生动物研究馆 after a while过了一会儿find out发现 Unit6 Help save the animals单词

6、swallow吞 shell外壳 adult成人protect保护 surface表面 breathe呼吸hunt打猎 tusk象牙 therefore因此destroy损坏 orangutan小红猩猩 pet宠物Jungle丛林 dolphin海豚词组sea turtle海龟 lay over 产下 come up to来到近旁from time to time 不时地 grow up 长大 in group成组in danger of处于危险 dying out灭绝 be short of短缺take land from the sea填海 laws against hunting禁止狩猎

7、的法律 different kind of不同的 so that为了 in the future在将来 Unit7 The new Cinderella单词stepmother 继母 palace 宫殿 daughter女儿extra 特别的 ball舞会 ribbon彩带iron熨烫 wave挥舞 tired累的fairy仙女 purple紫色的 chime钟声helicopter直升飞机 concert演唱会 词组once upon a time很久很久以前 cheer up振作起来be silly犯傻 extra hard更加努力wave hand挥手changeinto 把变成 sho

8、es with glass heel水晶鞋off you go离开 in the purple dress穿紫色裙子run away跑开fly in a helicopter坐直升飞机try on the shoes试穿鞋子 be kind to对好动词过去式和过去分词(不规则)cost cost cost cut cut cuthurt hurt hurtput put put read read read let let letmean meant meant hear heard heardbuild built built lose lost lostpay paid paid say

9、 said said have had had sit sat sat sleep slept slept keep kept kept sweep swept swepstand stood stood understand understood understoodmake made madeeat ate eaten speak spoke spoken break broke brokenthrow threw thrown grow grew grown know knew knowndraw drew drawn fly flew flownchoose chose chosen run ran run come came come become became becomeride rode ridden write wrote written


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