洪恩英语 Hello Teddy 第一册-第七册内容整理.doc

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1、洪恩英语第一册Unit 1 Hello句型:Hi.Hello.Thank you.Goodbye单词:Teddy Kitty Puppy NickyUnit 2 Animals句型: Im a.Im a bear.Im a cat.Im a dog.Im a mouse.Im a rabbit.单词:bear cat dog mouse rabbitUnit 3 Fruit句型:I like .I like apples.I like pears.I like bananas.I like peaches.I like oranges.单词:apple pear banana peach or

2、angeUnit 4 My head句型:Touch your.Touch your ears.Touch your eyes.Touch your nose.Touch your mouth.Touch your head.单词:ear eye nose mouth headLettersA a a for apple.B bb for banana.C cC for catD dd for dog.Unit 5 Actions句型:I can.I can walk.I can jump.I can run.I can tiptoe.I can crawl.单词:walk jump run

3、tiptoe crawlUnit 6 Food句型:.is yummy.Honey is yummy.Fish is yummy.Meat is yummy.Ice cream is yummy.Jelly is yummy.单词:honey fish meat ice cream jellyUnit 7 My family句型:I love you,.I love you,Daddy.I love you,Mommy.I love you,Grandpa.I love you,Grandma.I love you,Brother.I love you,Sister.单词:daddy momm

4、y grandpa grandma brother sisterUnit 8 Colors句型:What color is it?Its .What color is it?Its yellow.Its read.Its black.Its blue.Its green.单词:red yellow blue green black LettersE ee for eye.F ff for face.G gg for go.H hh for hop.洪恩英语第二册Unit 1 Clothes句型:Its my .Its my T-shirt.Its my shoe.Its my sock.Its

5、 my hat.Its my dress.单词:T- shirt shoe sock hat dressUnit 2 Food句型:Have some .Have some pizza.Have some pie.Have some cheese.Have some cake.Have some candy.单词:pizza pie cake cheese candyUnit 3 Numbers句型:How old are you? Im.How old are you?Im one.Im two.Im three.Im four.Im five.Im six.单词:one two three

6、 four five sixUnit 4 Zoo句型:Look at.Look at the tiger.Look at the lion.Look at the zebra.Look at the elephant.Look at the wolf.单词:tiger lion elephant zebra wolfLetters:I ii for ice cream.J jj for jelly.K kk for kite.L ll for light.Unit 5 Toys句型:I want.I want a yo-yo.I want a ball.I want a doll.I want

7、 a balloon.I want blocks.I want a dinosaur.单词:yo-yo ball doll balloon blocks dinosaurUnit 6 My Room句型:Whats this?Its.Whats this?Its a rug.Its a chair.Its a bed.Its a table.Its a sofa.单词:rug chair bed table sofaUnit 7 Actions句型:clap your hands.Nod your head.Shake your body.Stamp your feet.单词:clap nod

8、 shake stampUnit 8 Nature句型:I can see.I can see a tree.I can see a bee.I can see a flower.I can see a leaf.I can see a ladybug.单词:tree bee flower leaf ladybugLetters:M mm for morning.N nn for night.O oo for orange.P pp for pizza.洪恩英语第三册Unit 1 Greetings句型:Good morning.Good afternoon.Good evening.Good

9、 night.How are you?Im fine.Thank you.Whats your name?Im Teddy.Unit 2 Animals句型:What can you see?I can see.What can you see?I can see a bird.I can see a snake.I can see a snail.I can see frogs.I can see monkeys.I can see ants.单词:ant bird frog snail monkey snake扩展:I can see a bird in a tree.I can see

10、a money drinking tea.I can see a tiger watching TV.Unit 3 Body句型:Touch your shoulders.Touch your knees.Touch your toes.Wave your arms.Wiggle your fingers.Touch your tummy.单词:shoulders knees toes arms fingers tummyUnit 4 Colors句型:Color it.Color it orange.Color it purple.Color it gray.Color it brown.C

11、olor it pink.Color it white.单词:orange purple gray brown pink white扩展:What color do you like?I like pink.LettersQ qq for quilt.R rr for rug.S ss for sock.T t t for T-shirt.U uu for umbrella.V vv for violin.Unit 5 Drinks句型:What do you want?I want.What do you want?I want water.I want milk.I want yogurt

12、.I want juice.I want tea.I want coffee.单词:water coffee tea juice milk yogurt扩展:I like coffee,I like tea.Unit 6 Feelings句型:Im.Im cold.Im hot.Im hungry.Im full.Im thirsty.单词:cold hot hungry full thirsty扩展:Im a little hungry,have some pizza.Im a little thirsty,have some water.Unit 7 Merry Christmas句型:A

13、 gift for .A gift for Teddy.A gift for Nicky.A gift for Puppy.A gift for Kitty.Merry Christmas.单词:Santa Claus sleigh Christmas tree gift bell stockingUnit 8 Numbers句型:Lets count.Seven umbrellas.Eight umbrellas.Nine umbrellas.Ten umbrellas.Eleven umbrellas.Twelve umbrellas.单词:seven eight nine ten ele

14、ven twelve Letters W w w for walk.X xx for X-ray.Y yy for yard.Z z z for zebra.洪恩英语第四册Unit 1 Pets句型:This is .This is a turtle.This is a goldfish.This is a parrot.This is a spider.单词:turtle goldfish parrot spiderUnit 2 Clothes句型:Im wearing .Im wearing a sweater.Im wearing a coat.Im wearing a jacket.I

15、m wearing a scarf.Im wearing pants.单词:coat sweater jacket scarf pantsUnit 3 School supplies句型:I have.I have a crayon.I have paper.I have a pencil.I have scissors.I have a backpack.I have a book.单词:crayon paper pencil scissors backpack book扩展:where is my crayon?Here I am.Color it yellow.Yes I do.Unit

16、 4 On the playground句型:Lets play on.Lets play on the swing.Lets play on the slide.Lets play on the seesaw.Lets play on the jungle gym.单词:swing slide jungle gym seesaw扩展:Slide and seesaw ,let me playMe first,let me play.No,wait your turn.Im sorry.Phonics:A a apple hat ant catAnt,ant,in a hat.Apple,ap

17、ple,in a cat.E eegg red elephant bedEgg,egg,in the bed.Elephant,elephant,all in red.I iink sit pig fishLittle pig,sit down,please.Little fish,draw with ink.O oorange dog octopus boxOctopus,octopus,on the dog.Orange,orange,on the box.U uuncle sun umbrella runUncle,uncle,run ,run,run .Umbrella,umbrell

18、a,in the sun.Unit 5 Transportation句型:Lets go by.Lets go by motorcycle.Lets go by boat.Lets go by plane.Lets go by train.Lets go by car.Lets go by bus.Lets go by bicycle.单词:motorcycle boat train plane car bus bicycle 扩展:The wheels on the bus go round and round.The people on the bus go up and down.Uni

19、t 6 Kitchen句型:Pass me the .Pass me the spoon.Pass me the bowl.Pass me the knife.Pass me the plate.Pass me the chopsticks.Pass me the fork.单词:spoon bowl knife plate chopsticks fork扩展:Johnny broke a bowl,he blamed it on me.Unit 7 Numbers句型:How many . are these?There are .How many books are these?There

20、 are thirteen books.How many apples are there?There are fourteen apples.How many snails are there?There are fifteen snails.How many lemons are there?There are sixteen lemons.How many pears are there?There are seventeen pears.How many shoes are there?There are eighteen shoes.How many hats are there?T

21、here are nineteen hats.How many socks are there?There are twenty socks.单词:thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twentyUnit 8 On the beach句型:I found a.I found a sandcastle.I found a shovel.I found b bucket.I found a crab.I found a shell.I found a starfish.单词:sandcastle shovel

22、bucket crab shell starfish扩展:I caught a crab alive.I let him go again.Why did you let him go?Because he bit my finger .So I let him go again.PhonicsB bbee bus bird bearBird,Bird,chasing a bus.Bee,Bee,chasing a bear.C ccoat car cat cakeCat,cat,wearing a coat.Eating a cake,in a car.D ddoll dog door da

23、ddyDaddy,Daddy,open the door.I see a dog and a doll.F ffour face feet foxFox,fox,has four feet.Fox,fox,has a funny face.洪恩英语第五册Unit 1 Fruit Salad句型:Lets make fruit salad.Some.Lets make fruit salad.Some mangos.Some lemons.Some grapes.Some strawberries.Some kiwis.Some cherries.Some watermelons.单词:mang

24、o lemon grapes strawberrykiwi cherry watermelon扩展:Who stole the lemons from the yellow car?Teddy stole the lemons from the yellow car.Who?Me?Yes,you.Not me.Then who?Unit 2 Antonyms句型:Im.=I am.I am short.I am tall.I am big.I am small.I am fat.I am thin.I am quick.I am slow.单词:tall short fat thin big

25、small quick slow扩展:I am short and youre tall.I am fat and youre thin.I am slow and youre quick.Do you want to be my friend?Unit 3 Farm Animals句型:These are.These are chicks.These are ducks.These are goats.These are horses.These are pigs.These are cows.单词:chick duck goat horse pig cowUnit 4 Flavors句型:

26、How is . ? Its .How is the cake ? Its yummyHow is the coffee?Its yucky.How is the candy?Its sweet.How is the lemon?Its sour.How is the salt?Its salty.How is the red pepper?Its spicy.单词:yummy yucky sweet sour salty spicy扩展:I love to eat.PhonicsG ggoat go girl gameGoat goat,go go go!Girl,girl,play a g

27、ame.H hhelicopter head hand hamburgerHelicopter,over my head.Hamburger,in my hand.J jjuice jelly jam jacketJuice ,jelly,jam,All in my jacket.K kkitchen kite Kitty kickKitty,Kitty,in the kitchen.Dont fly a kite,and dont kick!Unit 5 Weather句型:How is the weather?Its.How is the weather?Its rainy.Its sun

28、ny.Its snowy.Its windy.Its cloudy.Its foggy.单词:rainy sunny snowy windy cloudy foggy扩展:I can hear the bell.Unit 6 Halloween句型:Happy Halloween! Trick or treat.单词:ghost jack-o-lantern lollipop cookies chocolate popcorn扩展:Happy Halloween!Knock,knock,open the door!Hello!Hello!Trick or treat!Candies,cooki

29、es all for me.Thank you! Thank you.Happy Halloween!Unit 7 Feelings句型:I am. Are you.?Yes,I am./No,Im not.I am happyI am sad.I am scared.I am sick.Are you angry?Yes I am.Are you tired?No,Im not.扩展:If youre happy and you know it.Clap your hands.If youre happy and you know it,And you really want to show

30、 it.Clap your hands.Unit 8 Good friends.句型:Lets go hand in hand.Lets share a cake.Lets play together.Give me a hug.Give me a goodbye kiss.单词:hand in hand share hug kiss扩展:The more we get together,The happier well be.For your friends are my friends,And my friends are your friends.PhonicsL l lamb lion

31、 leg lakeLittle lamb has four legs.Saw a lion and ran to the lake.M mmango mouse milk monkeyMonkey,monkey,eating a mango.Mouse,mouse,drinking milk.N nnod nine number nameNumber nine,nod your head.Number nine,whats your name?P ppoliceman pizza please pigPoliceman ,policeman,Please come here.I see a p

32、ig eating my pizza.洪恩英语第六册Unit 1 Meals句型:Whats for breakfast/lunch/dinner?Whats for breakfast?Eggs,bread and milk.Whats for lunch?Rice,chicken and hamburgers.Whats for dinner?Tomatoes,soup and noodles.单词:egg noodles soup rice chicken tomato hamburger扩展:Its lunch time.Lets set the table.Eggs,rice,chi

33、cken and noodles.Nice,nice,nice.They are nice.Haha,Its a big meal.Unit 2 Jobs句型:What do you do? Im a .What do you do?Im a policeman.Im a driver.Im a teacher.Im a doctor.Im a cook.Im a farmer.Im a nurse.Im a fireman.单词:policeman driver teacher doctorcook farmer nurse firemanUnit 3 Sea Animals句型:There

34、 is .in the seaThere is a whale in the sea.There is a dolphin in the sea.There is an octopus in the sea.There is a lobster in the sea.There is a shark in the sea.There is a jellyfish in the sea.There is a seahorse in the sea.Mr.Shark,please brush your teeth.单词:dolphin whale octopus lobster shark jel

35、lyfish seahorse扩展:Have you ever seen a jellyfish?Go this way and that way.Unit 4 Places句型:Where are you going?Im going to .Where are you going?Im going to the zoo.Im going to the supermarket.Im going to the park.Im going to the hospital.Im going to the bookstore.Im going to the bakery.Im going to th

36、e restaurant.Im going to the kindergarten.单词:zoo supermarket park hospital bookstore bakery restaurant kindergarten扩展:Daddys taking us to the zoo tomorrow.We can stay all day.Were going to the zoo.How about you?You can come too.Were going to the zoo.PhonicsQ qquick question quilt queenQueen,queen,in

37、 the quilt,Asking a question,“Who is quick?”R rrabbit rain run rugRabbit,rabbit,Running in the rain,Rabbit,rabbit,Jumping on the rug.S sSanta Claus star sleigh sockSanta Claus,in a sleigh.Put a star,in my sock.T ttired taxi tiger teaTiger,tiger,are you tired?Take a taxi and have some tea.Unit 5 My D

38、ay句型:What time is it? Its. Its time to .Its 8 oclock.Its 12 oclock.Its 3 oclock.Its time to get up.Its time to play games.Its time to wash my face.Its time to brush my teeth.Its time to watch TV.Its time to go to bed.单词:get up wash my face brush my teethplay games watch TV go to bedUnit 6 Seasons句型:

39、Whats your favorite season? I like.Whats your favorite season?I like spring.I like summer.I like fall.I like winter.I dont like winter.单词:spring summer fall winterUnit 7 Days of the Week句型:What day is today?Its .What day is today?Its Sunday.Its Monday.Its Tuesday.Its Wednesday.Its Thursday.Its Frida

40、y.Its Saturday.Look,look,come here.Monday,honey.Oh,I like Monday.Tuesday,fish.I like Tuesday.Wednesday,meat.I like Wednesday.Thursday,eggs.I like Thursday.Friday,vegetables.Oh,I dont like Friday.What day is today?Its Friday.Oh,no.Unit 8 My School句型:Where are you?Im .Where are you?Im in the school.Im

41、 in the classroom.Im on the playground.Im in the library.Im in the office.Im in the restroom.Nicky,where are you?Not here.Nicky,where are you?Im in the restroom.扩展:Roll the red ball down to town.Bounce the red ball on the playground.PhonicsV vvan vest violin vaseWhere is the violin? On my vest.Where

42、 is the vest? In my van.W wwindow walk wolf waterMr.Wolf walks to the window.Mr.Wolf wants some water.X xsix ax fox boxSix foxes moving axes.Six foxes moving boxes.Y yyummy yo-yo yogurt yardLittle Nicky ,little Nicky,Eating yogurt,saying,”Yummy!”Little Kitty,little Kitty,Playing with a yo-yo in the yard.Z zzoo zebra


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