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1、Unit1 1. Automation in this true sense is brought to full fruition only through a thorough exploitation of its three major elements, communication, computation, and control-the three “Cs”自动化按其确切的意义,只有全面运用通信、计算和控制三个主要组成部分(“三C )才能完全实现。2. In the case of the blast-furnace, the computer would need to be

2、supplied with information about the raw material which goes into the furnace, the temperatures at which the furnace works, and the best way of dealing with the various ingredients.就高炉来说,需要给计算机提供装人高炉的原料的信息、高炉工作温度的信息和处理各种各样配料的最好方法等方面的资料。3. The operation of this part of the steel plant is a complex and

3、 highly skilled operation, requiring a great deal of knowledge, a great deal of integrated information and rapid decision-making, to make sure the furnace operates efficiently in relation to the next stage in the process.钢厂的高炉操作是一项复杂而要求技术熟练的作业,需要大量的知识和大量的综合信息,并迅速地做出判定选择,以便确保高炉工艺流程中的下一阶段的有效工作。4. All

4、the time,information,and the actions taken by the computer as a result,are also fed upwards to what we might call general manager computers,or perhaps I ought to say,in order to prevent misunderstanding, computers to assist the general managers,to help them to decide what variations,if any,in routin

5、e or organization would be involved in order to operate the various departments in a more efficient manner,in line with general managerial policy.信息数据和计算机据此所进行的运算,也总是往上面送到称为总管理计算机的机构中去(或许我应该说,为了防止误解,总管理计算机就是对管理人员起辅助作用的计算机),帮助他们决定在例行工作中或组织机构中进行什么样的变化(如果有的话),以便更有效地管理各个部门,使之与总的经营政策协调一致。5. One welcome r

6、esult would be that committee meetings and conferences could be made much briefer and much more business-likeand in many instance abolished altogether.一个受欢迎的结果将可能是使委员会会议和大会讨论更加简洁和条理清晰,更加实事求是和有效率。而且在许多情况下,完全不需要开会。Unit21. Nissan unveiled a new production city carthe Pixoand a battery-electric concept

7、car highlighting Nissans focus on electric drive for the future, the NuVu.尼桑推出了一种新产品城市汽车Pixo和一款电力驱动的概念车NuVu预示了尼桑未来的重点会放在电力驱动车上。2. Ongoing urbanization will force a radical rethink of the types of cars driven in cities, Nissan said, if levels of personal mobility are to be retained.尼桑表示,如果个人的流动性水平持续下

8、降的话,正在进行的城市化将推进对城市中驾驶的各类汽车进行彻底的重新思考。3. The most important aspect of NuVu is the interior design which provides great comfort and space in an intelligent package. Nuvu最重要的方面是其内部设计,聪明的整体设计提供了极大的舒适和空间。4. There are two pedals for stop and go and a digital instrument panel with dials for speed, distance

9、covered and battery capacity.两个踏板,用于停车和前进。还有数字仪表盘来显示速度,行驶距离和电池容量。5. With its lightweight construction, Pixo produces CO2 emissions as low as 103 g/km with fuel consumption of 4.6 L/100km on the combined cycle (NEDC).凭借其轻巧的结构,Pixo在NEDC(新欧洲循环驾驶 )试验中产生的二氧化碳排放量低至103克/公里,燃料消耗量为4.6升 /100公里。Unit31. Todays

10、industries cannot survive worldwide competition unless they introduce new products with better quality(quality, Q), at lower cost(cost, C), and with shorter time delivery(delivery, D). 1. 除非能以较低的价格提供更好的质量及更短的交货时间提供新产品,否则任何企业都无法在当今的国际竞争中立足。2. The design process starts from customersdemands that are i

11、dentified by marketing personnel and ends with a complete description of the product, usually in the form of a drawing. 2. 设计过程始于由市场人员认定的用户需求,止于对产品的完整描述,通常用图形来表现。 3. Dimensional reduction, for example, implies that a thin sheet of material is represented by an equivalent surface with a thickness att

12、ribute or that a long slender region is represented by a line having cross-sectional properties. 3. 例如:尺寸缩小表示一张薄的材料由具有厚度属性的等效曲面来代表,或一个细长区域由具有截面特性的线段来表示。4. As illustrated in Fig. 1, the manufacturing process begins with process planning, using the drawings from the design process, and it ends with th

13、e actual products. 4.如图10-1所示,制造过程根据设计过程的图纸始于工艺计划,止于实际的产品。5. An analysis model is derived first because the analysis subprocess is applied to the model rather than the design itself. 5.首先要导出一个分析模型,因为分析子过程适用于该模型而非设计本身。 Unit41. In a typical NC system the numerical data which is required for producing

14、a part is maintained on a punched tape and is called the part program.1.在典型的数控系统中,制造零件所需的数值数据,即零件程序,被保存在穿孔带上。2. Compared with a conventional machine tool, the NC system replaces the manual actions of the operator.2.和传统的机床相比,数控系统取代了操作员的手工操作。 3. Part programmers must be familiar with the function of N

15、C machine tools and machining processes, and have to decide on the optimal sequence of operations.3.工件程序设计员必须熟悉数控机床的功能和加工工艺,然后才能决定最佳的操作顺序。4. The DNC is the advanced technologies in manufacturing, which includes the numerical control, communication, computer network and database. 4.DNC技术是目前制造业的先进技术 ,

16、是数控技术、通信技术、计算机网络和数据库等技术的综合应用。5. The driving device may be a DC motor, a hydraulic actuator, or a stepping motor. The type selected is determined mainly by the power requirements of the machine.5.该驱动装置可能是一个直流电动机,液压致动器,或步进电机。对驱动装置类型的选择主要取决于机器对电源的要求Unit51. A joystick is a pointing device composed of a

17、lever that moves in multiple directions to navigate a cursor or other graphical object on a computer screen.1. 鼠标是一个由手握住控制的定点装置。 操纵杆(摇杆)是一个由杠杆构成的定点装置, 它在电脑屏幕上可多个方向移动操控光标或者其它的图像。2. A network interface card (NIC) allows the computer to access a local area network (LAN) through either a specialized cab

18、le similar to a telephone line or through a wireless (Wi-Fi) connection. 2. 网络接口卡使得计算机通过类似于电话线的专门的电缆或者无线连接接入局域网。 3. Usually a permanent part of the computer, hard disk drives can store large amounts of information and retrieve that information very quickly. Floppy disks store less information than a

19、 hard disk drive and retrieve the information at a much slower rate.3.作为永久的计算机部件,硬盘驱动一般可以存储大量信息,同时检索资料的速度也非常快。相比之下,软盘存储较少的信息, 检索速度也较慢。4. Read-only memory (ROM) contains critical information and software that must be permanently available for computer operation, such as the operating system that dire

20、cts the computers actions from start up to shut down.4.只读存储器包括非常重要的信息和必须永久地可以用于电脑操作的软件,例如总开机到关机自始至终指示计算机运行的操作系统。5. A CRT-based screen, or monitor, looks similar to a television set. Information from the CPU is displayed using a beam of electrons that scans a phosphorescent surface that emits light a

21、nd creates images.5. 阴极射线管,或者检测器,看起来和电视机很象。通过使用一束光电子扫描磷光表面放射出光线, 形成图像将中央处理器的信息显示在显示器上。Unit61.Electronic commerce (e-commerce) will be defined here as the sale of goods and services and the transfer of funds or authorization of payment through a Web site.本文将电子商贸定义为通过网站进行货物和服务的销售、资金的转移和支付授权。2.IBM defi

22、nes e-business as “the transformation of key business processes through the use of Internet technologies.”2.IBM公司将电子商务定义为“利用互联网技术的主要商务活动的转变”。3. The Internet and e-commerce impact at different levels and therefore must be understood at diverse dimension.3.互联网和电子商贸影响着不同的层面,因此也必须从不同的方面进行理解。4. Internet

23、entrepreneurs who can take advantage of network benefits only when enough prospective customers and suppliers are online.4.只有当在线的预期顾客和供应商足够多时,能利用网络优势的互联网企业才能获利。5. Studies show that the most important use of the Internet in developing countries is limited to e-mail servicesrather than World Wide Web

24、serviceswhich require minimal time online.5.研究表明互联网在发展中国家最重要的用途是E-mail(而不是万维网),而这只需要很少的在线时间。Unit71. As our phones get smarter, smaller and faster and enable users to connect at high speeds to the Internet, an obvious question arises:Is the mobile handset turning into the next computer?1、电话变得越来越智能、小巧

25、、快捷,并且能够让用户高速地连接到互联网,一个显而易见的问题就出现了:移动手持设备将成为下一代计算机吗?2. With this capability, phones will soon be able to provide precise driving directions, serve up discounts for stores as you walk by them and expand dating services2.有了这项功能,手机很快就能提供精确的行车向导、播报所路过店铺的打折信息,并拓展约会服务。3. Telecommunications are the transmi

26、ssion of words , sounds, images, or data in the form of electronic or electromagnetic signals or impulses.3. 电信是利用电子的或者是电磁的信号、脉冲来传递文字、声音、图像以及数据的技术。4Innovation in the mobile industry is full of zigzags and wrong turns, often because no single company completely controls the device in your pocket. Cel

27、lular systems use three different techniques for sharing an RF spectrum.4.这个行业里的创新充满了曲折和失误,其原因是常常由于没有任何一家公司能完全控制这一产品。这个系统中有三种不同的技术来使用这些无线频率波段。5Scientists are continuing decades of research into speech-recognition systems and have recently introduced the technology into PDAs5科学家已经在语音识别 系统方面进行了几十年的研究,

28、且此项研究仍在继续。最近这项技术已被引入PDA中。Unit81. Thanks largely to the subsequent work of Stuart Parkin and coworkers at IBM Research, the phenomenon has been put to great effect in the read heads in hard disk drives.1.得益于IBM研究中心的工程师斯图尔特帕金(Stuart Parkin)及其合作伙伴的后续工作,巨磁电阻效应在硬盘设备的读取磁头中发挥了巨大作用。2. The development of sem

29、iconductor lasers and light-emitting diodes (LEDs) in 1962 is a great materials science story.2.1962年问世的半导体激光器(LD)和发光二极管(LED)是材料科学史上伟大的事件。 3. Nanotechnology simultaneously gained an identity, a vision, and a remarkable level of funding through the initiative. It also established a method of funding

30、interdisciplinary science in such a way that the rest of the world would have to try to match.3. 与此同时,通过该发展规划,纳米技术得到业界一致认同、赢得发展市场远景并获得巨额的资金支持。也为跨学科研究资金筹集方式开辟了新的途径,世界上其它国家对此竞相模仿。4. The development of carbon fibers, together with advances in design, modeling, and manufacturing, has given rise to compo

31、site materials with controlled, specific properties.4. 碳纤维技术的不断发展,以及在设计,建模和制造等方面取得的进步,导致合成材料得以拥有可控的,特别的性质。5. This revolution would not have been possible without a transition from rechargeable batteries using aqueous electrolytes, where H+ is the working ion, to the much higher energy densities of Li-ion batteries.5. 如果没有从使用水电解液的充电电池(氢离子为工作离子)过渡为更高能量密度的锂离子电池的话,就不可能产生这场(技术)革命。


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