Get Smart 教学大纲 1.doc

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1、Syllabus 教学大纲Get Smart 1ModuleCommunication ObjectivesStructuresVocabularyCross-curricularConnectionsPhonicsModule 1 Hello!-to greet someone-to introduce oneself and inquire about ones name-to count (1-10)Im (Lisa).Whats your name?My names (John).Greetings:Hi. Hello.Goodbye. Bye.Numbers:1-10Music (s

2、ong, chant)Math (counting)Language Arts (fiction)Art(finger puppets, drawing, coloring)a appleb bagc catd dogModule 2School-to identify colors-to identify and talk about classroom objectsWhat color is it? (Blue).Whats this? Its a (pen).Whats that? Its an (apple).Is it a (computer)?Yes, it is. No, it

3、 isnt.Colors: red, blue, yellow, greenClassroom objects: pen, pencil, eraser, book, ruler, computer, chair, desk, bagMusic (song)Math (counting, identifying shapes)Language Arts (fiction)Art (clay objects, drawing, coloring)e eggf fishg greenh hati inkModule 3 Family and friends-to identify and talk

4、 about family members and friends-to ask and answer about ones well-being-to identify and talk about petsHow are you?Fine, thank you.Whos that?Its my (grandma).This is my (dog).Is that your (sister).Yes, it is. No, it isnt.Family: mom, dad, brother, sister, grandpa, grandma, friend, teacher, mePets:

5、 rabbit, bird, fish, turtle, cat, dogMusic (song)Social studies (family album, family tree)Language Arts (fiction)Art(family album, drawing, coloring)j jamk kitel lollipopm momn noseModule 4 You and me-to count(11-15)-to ask and answer about somebodys age-to talk about feelings-to talk about physica

6、l appearanceHow old are you?Im (six). Youre (seven).Are you (happy)?Yes, I am. No, Im not.(He)s (thin).Is (she) (sad)?Yes,(she) is. No,(she) isnt.Numbers:11-15Adjectives: big, small, thin, fat, short, tall, hungry, thirsty, happy, sadPeople: boy, girlMusic (song)Social studies(appearance, feelings,

7、helping friends)Math (counting)Language Arts (fiction)Science(size)Art (stick and clay figures, coloring)o orangep penq queenr reds sadt tallModule 5 Party time!-to talk about quantity-to identify and talk about party items-to identify and talk about colorsHow many (dolls)?(Two)(dolls).Happy birthda

8、y, (Lisa).This is for you.Thank you.What are these?Theyre (lollipops).What color are they?Theyre (pink).Are they (lollipops)?Yes, they are.No, they arent.Toys: doll, guitar, teddy bear, yo-yoParty items: present, balloon, cake, lollipop, hatColors: pink, orange, brown, white, blackMusic (song)Social

9、 studies(birthdays)Math (counting)Language Arts (fiction)Art (birthday card, coloring)u umbrellav vanw whalex foxy yo-yoz zooModule 6 Toys and games-to give and follow simple instructions-to identify and talk about toys-to talk about possession(Stand up).I have a (kite).I dont have a (ball).Do you h

10、ave a (car)?Yes, I do. No, I dont.Actions: come, stand up, sit down, turn around, clap your handsToys: car, computer game, ball, kite, bike, plane, train, robotMusic (song)P.E.(physical activities)Language Arts (fiction)Art (toy poster, drawing, coloring)/p/ pen pencil pink/b/ book ball bikeModule 7

11、 My body-to give and follow simple instructions-to identify and talk about parts of the body-to describe physical appearanceDont (touch your nose)(She) has (long) (legs).(He) doesnt have (big) (feet).Does (it) have (a long tail)?Yes, (it) does.No,(it) doesnt.Parts of the body: eyes, ears, mouth, nos

12、e, head, arms, legs, hands, feet, fingers, toes, teeth, tailAction verbs : touchAdjectives: longMusic (song)P.E.(physical activities)Science (describing animals)Language Arts (fiction)Art (puppets, drawing)/t/ tail toe table/d/ desk doll dogModule 8Food-to identify and talk about food-to talk about

13、likes and dislikes-to ask for something politely-to thankI like (apples).I dont like (beans).Whats your favorite food?(Pizza).Two (bananas), please.Here you are.Thanks.Food:bananas, grapes, mangoes, strawberries, oranges, apples, fish, carrots, rice, eggs, beans, pizza, burger, ice cream, pastaMusic

14、 (song)Health (food pyramid)Social studies(preferences, being polite)Math (counting)Language Arts (fiction)Art(food plates, food mobile)/k/ kite car cat/g/guitar girl gumModule 9My house-to identify and talk about rooms in a house-to describe location-to identify furniture-to describe ones house/bed

15、room-to identify and talk about clothesWheres the (ball)?Its (in) the (closet).Where are the (shoes)?Theyre (under) the table.His (pants are green).Her (dress is yellow).Rooms of the house: kitchen, bedroom, living room, bathroomPrepositions of place: on, in, underFurniture: bed, closet, tableClothe

16、s: shoes, pants, shirt, dressMusic (song)Science (position of objects)Social studies(describing ones bedroom)Language Arts (fiction, poem)Art (bedroom poster)/f/ feet fish fat/v/ van vase violinModule 10Places-to identify and talk about places in a town-to identify and talk about zoo animals-to coun

17、t(16-20)Theres a (toy store).There are (monkeys) at the (zoo).How many (toys) are there?There are (twenty) (toys).Places: bookstore, toy store, fast food restaurant, pet store, zooAnimals: bear, crocodile, monkey, parrotNumbers:16-20Music (song)Math (counting, adding, subtracting)Social studies(zoo poster)Language Arts (fiction)Art (zoo poster)/m/ mom mouth monkey/n/ nine nose nurse


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