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1、新人教版小学英语五年级英语下册总复习资料Unit My day.四会句子: 1.When do you finish class in the morning ?你早上什么时候放学? I We finish class at 1 oclock. 我们一点钟结束上午的课。 2.When do you get up? 你什么时候起床? I usually get up at 12:00 at noon.我通常在中午12点起床。Thats too late. 那也太迟了。3.What do you do on the weekend?你在周末干什么? I often watch TV and pla

2、y ping-pong with my father . 我经常看电视,也常和我爸一起打乒乓球。That sounds a lot of fun. 听起来很有趣。Usually I watch TV and go shopping. 我通常看电视和购物。 Sometimes I visit my grandparents.有时候我去看望我的外祖父母。 4.I often play football. 我经常踢足球。Sometimes I go hiking.有时候我去远足。 语法考点: 1When引导的特殊疑问句,就作息时间进行问答: - When do you + 行为活动?- I + 行为

3、活动 + 具体时间。 例: A: When do you eat dinner? B: I eat dinner at 7: 00. . 2What引导的特殊疑问句,就活动内容进行问答: - What do you do + 时间?(教材主要是周末) - I + sometimes / often / usually + 行为活动 + 时间。 例: A: What do you do on the weekend? B: I often play football. Unit 2 My Favourite Season There are four seasons in a year . Th

4、ey are spring, summer ,autumn and winter. Sping is green with flowers and songs. The weather is warm . I can wear my shirt . I can fly a kite and go on a picnic. Summer is hot and the days are long. But I like summer best . Because there is a summer vacation. I can wear T-shirt.And I can go swimming

5、 in summer. I also can eat ice-creams and watermelons. Autumn is a golden season.The leaves fall and fall. So we call it fall too.Its cool. I can wear sweater . I can climb mountains and pick apple. I dont like winter . Its too cold . I must wear my scarf and gloves. But I can make a snowman.Everywh

6、ere is white.二四会句子: 1.Which season do you like best?你最喜欢哪个季节? I like winter best.我最喜欢冬天。 2. Why do you like summer? 你为什么喜欢夏天? Because I can swim in the lake.因为我可以在湖里游泳。 语法考点: 1 Which 引导的特殊疑问句,谈论最喜欢的季节: - Which season do you like best? / Whats your favourite season? - I like + 季节 + best. 2Why 引导的特殊疑问

7、句,谈论喜欢某个季节的原因: - Why do you like + 季节?- Because I can + 行为活动。 3.why为什么,问原因,和because搭配。Why do you like summer ? Because I can swim.When 问时间,什么时候。When do you eat lunch? I often eat lunch at 11:30.Where 问地点,哪里?在答句里经常可以看到in onunder等方位词。Where is your pen . Its on the desk.Which,问哪个,需要做出选择。Which season do

8、 you like best ? I like winter best.What问什么东西,什么事情?What is this ? Its a book. What do you do on the weekend ? I often go shopping.Unit 3 My school calendar Unit4 When is Easter一There are 12(twelve )months in a year.They are .March ,April and May are in spring. June, July and August are in summer. Se

9、ptember, October and November are in autumn. December , January and February are in winter. 具体的日期用序数词表示:1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 21st,26th基变序,有规律。123,特殊记,th从4起,8去t,9去e,y结尾改ie,ve要f替,再th莫迟疑。若遇几十几,只变个位就可以。first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth eleventh twelfth thirteenth twentieth

10、thirty-first重要知识点: 1、关于月份:(1)五月May没有简写形式。九月September 的简写形式是前四个字母加点Sept. 其他10个月的简写形式是前三个字母加点。(2)无论是完全形式还是简写形式,表示12个月的单词的第一个字母都要大写。节日也要大写。 2When is Teachers Day ? 什么时候是教师节? Childrens Day ( June 1st ) 儿童节 Christmas Day ( Dec. 25th ) 圣诞节 New Years Day (Jan. 1st ) 新年 Spring Festival 农历春节Army Day ( Aug. 1

11、st ) 建军节 Mid-Autumn Day 中秋节Womens Day ( Mar. 8th ) 妇女节 Mothers Day 母亲节 May Day 劳动节National Day ( Oct. 1st ) 国庆节 Fathers Day 父亲节Tree Planting Day ( Mar. 12th ) 植树节 Thanksgiving Day 感恩节 April Fools Day ( Apr. 1st ) 愚人节 Easter复活节summer vacation 暑假 winter vacation 寒假 maths test 数学考试sports meet 运动会 schoo

12、l trip 学校组织的旅游 singing contest 唱歌比赛3. 在回答When is your birthday?这个问题时,如果只说明生日在几月份,在月份前用in.如 My birthday is in July. 如果要具体说明生日是在几月几日,则要把in去掉,直接用is,或者在is后加on。如My birthday is June 9th. 或My birthday is on June 9th . 二四会句子 1. When is the party ? 聚会什么时候举行?Its in April.在四月。2.When is the trip this year ?今年的(

13、秋)游在什么时候?Its in October. Well go to the Great wall. 在10月,我们将去长城。3.When is April Fools Day ? 愚人节是哪天?Its on April 1st. 它在4月1日。4.When is your birthday?你的生日是什么时候.My birthday is onMay 4th . 三、 语法考点: 1. 1.When引导的特殊疑问句,就什么时候过生日;什么节日在什么时候进行问答: - When is + 某人的(你的,我的,他、她的)+ birthday? - Its in +月份。 2. - Its on

14、+ 几月几号(具体日期)。 3附:介词后跟表示时间的词语时,表示在某年、某月、某个季节,某个时候(在上午,在下午,在晚上)用in;表示在某一天,在星期几,具体的日期用on,在具体的几点几分用at. 4序数词(1st)和基数词(1)。用序数词时:表示名次He is the first.日期:Its May 22nd.排序:March is the third month in a year.This Sunday is my eleventh birthday. 用基数词时:表示时间,Its 5 oclock. 表示年龄 I am twelve years old.表示数量There are f

15、ifteen pens here. 表示价格Its ten yuan.Unit 5 Whose dog is it ? Part A一、 知识点:形容词性物主代词:my your his her our their Zooms 名词性物主代词: mine yours his hers ours theirs Zooms 有名则形,无名则名。(后面如果有名词,就用形容词性物主代词。如:This is my book.后面没有跟名词就用名词性物主代词。如:The book is mine.)二、重点句型: The yellow picture is mine. Are these all ours

16、 ? Whose is it ? Its_. Whose book is that ? It is _s.Whose _are they ? They are _s.Are these yours ? Yes ,they are .No, they arent. Is it his ? Yes, it is .No, it isnt .Unit5 Whose dog is it ? B 部分 和Unit6 Work quietly ! A 部分一、重要知识点: 动词变为现在分词(加ing)的规则: (1)一般情况下,在动词的后面直接加ing. 如:playplaying cleancleani

17、ng drawdrawing cookcooking climb-climbing (2) 以单个不发音的字母e结尾的动词,去掉不发音的字母e,再加ing . 如:writewriting taketaking makemaking havehaving dance-dancing(3) 以重读闭音世结尾的动词,如果词尾只有一个辅音字母,则要先双写这个辅音字母,再加ing. 如: runrunning swimswimming 二、语法考点: 正在进行时 be doing (now / look! / Listen! Its 7:00 p.m.) 1. What引导的特殊疑问句,直接提问对方正

18、在干什么: - What are you doing? - Im + 行为活动。Im reading a book. 2. What引导的特殊疑问句,提问某人正在干什么: - What is + 某人 + doing? - He / She / 某人 + is + 行为活动 (doing). Its 4:00 p.m.What is Zhangpeng doing ? He is listening to music.What is Amy doing now? She is dancing.What is the tiger doing ? Its running.3. 复数情况下。Look

19、 !What are they the monkeys the students doing ? They are climbing trees having a class.三、重要句型:Is he drinking water ? Yes ,it is .No, it isntt. He is eating.What are they doing ? They are eating lunch.Whats the little monkey doing ? Its playing with its mother.三重要知识点: 1.当句子中出现了can时,动词一定要用原形。 如:What

20、can you do ? I can wash the clothes.我会洗衣服。 2.now, am , is , are 这几个单词都是现在进行时的好朋友,当句子中出现了它们时,动词要用现在分词形式,也就是ing形式。 如:What are you doing?I am washing clothes.我正在洗衣服。 语法考点: 1What引导的特殊疑问句,谈论动物(单数)的动作: - What is it / he / she doing? - Its / Hes / Shes + 动作(doing)。 例: A: What is it doing? B: Its eating ban

21、anas. 2What引导的特殊疑问句,谈论动物(复数)的动作: - What are they doing? - They are + 动作(doing)。 例: A: What are they doing? B: Theyre swimming. Unit 6 work quietly B 部分祈使句:Keep to the right. 靠右行。Keep your desk clean.保持桌子干净。Talk workstudy quietly !小声讲话、工作、学习。Take turns.轮流、排队。Be quiet ,please.请安静。No eatingdringking.禁止

22、吃喝。No bikescars.禁止自行车、汽车。结合什么样的场景或条件,使用正确的祈求、命令或者建议。各单元的语音:1、 语音 cl 【cl】plpl一般情况下放在开头的发【cl】pl,放在末尾的cle,ple发音不一样,如circle ,uncle ;purple,people.2、 br 和gr,一般情况下,就看单词中的br一样,发音就一致。gr同理。3、 字母组合ch一般读/t/ 但个别发/k/如school,christmas。sh ,ch和sh发音绝对不一样。4、 th 在数词中/ three thirty thirteen 在代词中/ / this that these those they er结尾/ / father mother other together brother th结尾/ math fifth 5、 ng 和nk 6、 whw和ww发音一样。why what which where when 一般情况下wh后跟o发【h】whose who whom 除了whole。和h【h】发音一致。


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