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1、Unit OnePeriod OneNo.1目标导读1.能够理解对话大意;2.能够用正确的语音、语调朗读对话。3.能够在情景中运用句型When do you get up/finish class/eat dinner/go to bed? I get up/ finish class /eat dinner/go to bed at.自如地交流。No.2温故互查 Ask and answer in pairs. (运用钟表 ,二人小组仿照例句大声问答。) 例如:A:What time is it?/Whats the time? B:Its oclock./Its No.3情景导入Read

2、the phrases in pairs. (二人小组大声读出下列短语。) get up finish class eat lunch go back to school eat dinner go to bed No.4自学检测Ask and answer in pairs. (两人小组看图问答。) 6:50 a.m. 7:20 p.m. 7:30 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 12:30 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 9:30 p.m.e.g.-When do you get up/ eat dinner /go to bed/?-I get up/eat dinner

3、/ go to bed atNo.5巩固练习1. Read the text in pairs. (两人小组分角色读出课文,试着表演。)2. Read and circle.(读一读,圈出恰当的词语)Today is Monday. I ( eat/has/do) breakfast at home at 7:00. I (go/have/has) English class at 9:00 in the morning. After class, I (playing/play/plays) with my friends. I (go/comes/goes) home at 5:00 in

4、 the afternoon. I usually (eats/have/drink) dinner at seven in the evening.No.6拓展延伸Make a survey in groups.(四人小组做调查)e.g.-When do you get up/have breakfast/finish class/eat lunch/go back to school/eat dinner/go to bed ?-I get up/have breakfast/finish class/eat lunch/go back to school/eat dinner/go to

5、 bed at 静宁县李店教委张强强Period TwoNo.1目标导读1.能够理解对话大意。2.能够用正确的语音、语调朗读对话。3.能够在情景中运用句型When do you get up/finish class/eat dinner/go to bed? I get up/ finish class /eat dinner/go to bed at.自如地交流。No.2温故互查 1. Ask and answer in pairs. (运用钟表 ,二人小组仿照例句大声问答。) 例如:A:What time is it?/Whats the time? B:Its oclock./Its

6、2.Look and say in pairs.(二人小组互查) No.3情景导入Read the phrases in pairs. (二人小组大声读出下列短语。) do morning exercises eat breakfast have English class play sports eat dinnerNo.4自学检测Ask and answer in pairs. (两人小组看图问答。) 6:30 a.m. 7:10 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 12:30 p.m. 4:50 p.m. 6:45 p.m. e.g.-When do you do mor

7、ning exercises/eat breakfast/dinner /have class/?-I do morning exercises/eat breakfast/dinner /have class/ atNo.5巩固练习Ask and write in pairs. (两人小组问答, 并填写时间表。)6:30a.m.get up _ do morning exercises _eat breakfast_ have Chinese class _eat lunch _ play sports _eat dinner _ go to school _No.6拓展延伸1. Talk

8、about your day in pairs.e.g. I get up at 6:00a.m. I do morning exercises at 6:30a.m.2. Write about your day. 静宁县李店教委张强强Period ThreeNo.1目标导读1.能够在情景中运用句型Clean the plate/classroom/room/, please. Put two eggplants/clocks/plates in the playground自如地表达。No.2温故互查 Ask and answer in pairs. (二人小组问答) e.g. When

9、do you get up/?-I get up at 6:00 in the morning/.No.3情景导入Read in pairs. (二人小组大声读出下列单词。) clean eggplant plate clever clock please class playNo.4自学检测Read and match. 读一读,连一连。 plate eggplant clever cleanplease play clock class No.5巩固练习1. Look and write.(看图写单词。) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _2.Put the words in the corr

10、ect order. (连词成句)1) plate please the clean .2) in playground put two the eggplants .No.6拓展延伸Make sentences. (用今天所学单词造句。)e.g. Clean the room, please. Put the clocks on the desk, please. 静宁县李店教委张强强Period FourNo.1目标导读 1、能够理解对话大意。 2、能够用正确的语音、语调朗读对话。 3、能够在情景中运用句型What do you do on the weekend? I always/of

11、ten/usually/sometimes play ping-pong /go shopping /watch TV /wash my clothes/自如地交流。No.2温故互查 Read in pairs. (二人小组大声读出下列单词。) clean eggplant plate clever clock please class play No.3情景导入1.Read the phrases in pairs.(二人小组大声读出下列单词、短语。) cook dinner have Chinese class watch TV robot 2.Read and match. (选择正确的

12、答案,连线。) do homework go shopping robot play ping-pongwatch TV wash my clothes cook dinner have an English class No.4自学检测1. Ask and answer in pairs.(二人小组问答)-What do you do on the weekend?-I always/often/usually/sometimes go shopping/No.5巩固练习1.Read and fill in the missing words.(阅读短文,补全单词)A: What _ you

13、 do _ the weekend?B: I often go_.Sometimes I _ and_ .What _ you?A:I sometimes_. I often _, too. B:Lets go together next _.(周末)A:Great.2.Read the dialogue in pairs. (两人小组分角色读对话,试着表演。)No.6拓展延伸Make a survey in groups. . Fill in the blanks.(四人小组,做调查,并填空)e.g. A: What do you do on the weekend? B:I often/u

14、suallywith my mum. Sometimes I A: I often , too. Lets together next weekend. B:OK. I usually_ on the weekend. Sometimes I_. I can_with _. I can_with_on the weekend. 静宁县李店教委张强强Period FiveNo.1目标导读 1.能够听、说、读短语clean my room ,go for a walk ,go shopping ,take a dancing class。 2.能够在情景中自如地运用句型I always/often

15、/sometimes clean my room/go for a walk/go shopping/take a dancing class withon Saturdays/Sundays/the weekend.进行交流。No.2温故互查 Look and say in pairs.(二人小组看图说单词、短语) No.3情景导入Read the phrases in pairs.(二人小组大声读出下列短语。) clean my room go for a walk go shopping take a dancing class watch TVNo.4自学检测1.Read and ma

16、tch. 选择正确的图片,连线。 go for a walk go shopping watch TV clean my room take a dancing class 2.Give answers about yourself. (写出你的答案)-What do you do on the weekend?-I often_. -I always_. -I sometimes_.No.5巩固练习1.Read and fill in the missing words.(阅读对话,补全单词)A: What _ you do _ the weekend?B: I often _ and go

17、_.Sometimes I _. What _ you?A:I often_.Sometimes I _.But the weather report says its going to rain tomorrow.B:Then come to my home. Lets_ together.A:OK.2.Put the words in the correct order. (连词成句)1) do the you what weekend do on ?2) sometimes shopping I with go weekend mum the my on .3) take on I da

18、ncing often a class Sundays .4) always with go walk for I a on my Saturdays friends .No.6拓展延伸Make a survey in groups.(四人小组做调查)e.g. A: What do you do on the weekend? B: I always/often/sometimes clean my room/ withon Saturdays/Sundays/the weekend. 静宁县李店教委张强强Period SixNo.1目标导读1.能够理解Robinson的信大意。2.能够用正确

19、的语音、语调朗读Robinson的信。3.写回信,告诉Robinson你每天经常干什么。No.2温故互查 Look and say in pairs. (二人小组看图互查) No.3情景导入Read and match. (读一读,连一连) win island letter cave wash my face go swimmingNo.4自学检测Read and tick or cross.(判断正误,正确的在括号内写T, 错误的写F)1) Robinsons friend is Friday. ( )2) Robinson and Friday always get up late in

20、 the morning. ( )3) Robinson only cleans his cave on Friday. ( )4) Robinson and Friday play sports together in the afternoon. ( )5) Robinson often wins. ( )No.5巩固练习1.Read and fill in the missing words.(阅读完成短文)I _ Robinson. I live on _ _. I get up early _ _. I wash _ face, then eat _. Sometimes I cle

21、an _ _, too. I often _ _ in the water. _ is my friend. In the afternoon, I _ _ my _. Friday _ good _ sports. He _ wins.2.Read the letter in pairs. (两人小组读信。)No.6拓展延伸1.Talk about a letter to Robinson in pairs.(二人小组谈论给Robinson的回信)2.Write a letter to Robinson. (给Robinson写回信)静宁县李店教委张强强Period SevenNo.1目标导

22、读1.能够理解故事大意。2.能够用正确的语音、语调朗读故事。3.能够表演故事。No.2温故互查 Look and read in pairs. (二人小组互查) No.3情景导入Read the phrases in pairs. (二人小组大声读出下列短语。) very busy from Monday to Wednesday collect nuts have a show play the pipa No.4自学检测Tick or cross. (判断正误,正确的写T, 错误的写F)1. On Tuesday Zip usually collects nuts in the morni

23、ng. ( )2. On Thursday Zip often dries his nuts. ( )3. On Friday Zip eats nuts with his friends.()4. Zip often watches TV on the weekend.()5. This weekend Zip has a show.()No.5巩固练习1.Read and fill in the missing words.(补全短文)Zip: Its _ now. Im _ very busy.Zoom:Why?Zip:Let me see.From_ to_, I usually co

24、llect _ _ the afternoon.Zoom:What else?Zip:On_,I often_ my nuts _ the sun.On_, I eat _ _ my friends.Zoom:What _ you usually do_ the weekend?Zip:I often _ _,but this _I have a _.Ill _ the pipa.Zoom:_?Zip: _, at_ oclock. Oh, no.2.Read the text in pairs.(二人小组大声地读出上面的短文。)No.6拓展延伸Practise the story and a

25、ct out the story in pairs.(二人小组练习并表演这个故事) 静宁县李店教委张强强 Unit TwoPeriod OneNo.1目标导读1.能够理解对话大意。2.能够用正确的语音、语调朗读对话。3.能够在情景中运用句型Which season do you like best? I like spring/summer/autumn/winter.自如地交流。No.2温故互查 Look and say in pairs.(二人小组看图互查) No.3情景导入Read the words in pairs. (二人小组看图大声读出下列单词。) No.4自学检测1.Read

26、and match.(读一读,连一连) spring summer autumn winter2.Ask and answer in pairs. (两人小组看图问答。)e.g.-Which season do you like best? -I like spring/summer/autumn/winter.No.5巩固练习1.Read the text in pairs. (两人小组分角色读出课文,试着表演。)2.Read and fill in the blanks.(补全对话)Mr Jones: Today well _the seasons. _ season do you lik

27、e best?Mike:_. I like snow.Mr Jones:_ season do you like best, Wu Yifan?Wu Yifan:_. Its green.Mr Jones:Yes, _ _.3. Read and match.(读一读,连一连)golden hot green with flowers white No.6拓展延伸Make a survey in groups.(四人小组做调查)e.g.- Which season do you like best?- I like spring/summer/autumn/winter.-Why?-Its p

28、retty./I can go swimming./Its golden./I like snow. 静宁县李店教委张强强Period TwoNo.1目标导读1.能够理解歌谣大意。2.能够用正确的语音、语调朗读歌谣。3.能够在情景中自如地运用句型Grandpa/Grandma/grows green/yellow/brown/purple grapes/potatoes/grass/apples.No.2温故互查 Ask and answer in pairs. (两人小组看图问答。) e.g.-Which season do you like best? -I like spring/sum

29、mer/autumn/winter.No.3情景导入Read the words in pairs. (二人小组大声读出下列单词。) brown green yellow purple red orange No.4自学检测Read and match. (看图连线。) grow brother umbrella grandpa grape library grandmaNo.5巩固练习1,Read and group.(根据读音归类)grey brother grow ground bring bread group bright great grade breakfast breakbr

30、_gr _2. Choose the right words and fill in the blanks.(选词填空)When what Do Which Who1) _do you do on the weekend?2) _you like the music?3) _is that woman?4)_do you go to school?5) _season do you like best?No.6拓展延伸Try to answer.(根据实际情况,回答下列问题。)1.What is the weather like today?_2.Which season do you lik

31、e best?_ 静宁县李店教委张强强Period ThreeNo.1目标导读1.能够理解对话大意。2.能够用正确的语音、语调朗读对话。3.能够在情景中运用句型Which season do you like best? I like spring/summer/autumn/winter. Why? Because I like/can.自如地交流。No.2温故互查 Ask and answer in pairs. (二人小组问答) 例如:A:Which season do you like best? B: I like spring/summer/autumn/winter. No.3情

32、景导入Read the phrases in pairs. (二人小组大声读出下列单词、短语。) colours weather pretty summer vacationNo.4自学检测Read and match.(读一读,连一连) vacation weather colours flowers trees No.5巩固练习1.Read the text in pairs. (两人小组分角色读出课文,试着表演。)2.Read and fill in the blanks.(补全对话)Amy: Hello, Miss White. Look_ my pictures.Miss White

33、:_ job! I _ the trees. The _ _ very pretty!Amy: Yes. I like _ best. The_ _ good and the_ _beautiful! _ season do you like _ , Miss White?Miss White:_.Amy: Why?Miss White :Because I like _ _.No.6拓展延伸Make a survey in groups.(四人小组做调查)e.g.- Which season do you like best? -I like spring/summer/autumn/win

34、ter. -Why? -Because I like/can. 静宁县李店教委张强强Period FourNo.1目标导读1.能够听、说、读短语go on a picnic, go swimming, pick apples, make a snowman play in the snow, plant trees and eat ice cream。2.能够在情景中自如地运用句型I likebest. There are I often/canwith No.2温故互查 Ask and answer in pairs.(二人小组问答) e.g.A:Which season do you li

35、ke best? B:I like spring/summer/autumn/winter. A:Why? B:Because I like/can.No.3情景导入Read the phrases in pairs. (二人小组大声读出下列短语。) go on a picnic go swimming pick apples make a snowman play in the snow plant flowers eat ice creamNo.4自学检测Look and say in pairs. (二人小组看图说单词、短语) No.5巩固练习Read and match. (读一读,连

36、一连) go on a picnic go swimming pick apples make a snowman play in the snow plant flowers eat ice cream4. Read and fill in the blanks.(读一读,填一填)go on a _ go _ _ apples _ a snowman _ in the snow _ flowers eat _No.6拓展延伸Make a survey in pairs.(二人小组做调查)e.g.-Which season do you like best?-I likebest. There

37、 are I often/canwith 静宁县李店教委张强强Period FiveNo.1目标导读1.能够理解课文大意。2.能够用正确的语音、语调朗读课文。3.能够在情景中自如地运用句型I likebecauseNo.2温故互查 1.Look and say in pairs.(二人小组互查) 2. Ask and answer in pairs. (二人小组仿照例句大声问答。) e.g. A:Which season do you like best? B:I like winter because I can make a snowman.No.3情景导入Read , guess and

38、 write.(读一读,猜一猜,写一写)1. Look at the green trees and flowers. _2. There is lots of snow. Its white everywhere. _3. The weather is very hot._4. The leavesfall and fall. _No.4自学检测1.Tick or cross.(判断正误)1)The last “fall” means “pretty”. ( )2)Robin likes summer. ( )3)He can swim. ( )2.Which season do you like best? Why? Complete the sentence.(补全句子)I like _ best because _. No.5巩固练习1.Read the text in pairs. (两人小组读课文。)2.Read and fill in the blanks.(补全短文)-Look _ the _ trees and _ flowers. I like _ because there are_ _ everywhere.-The _ is hot. I like _,but I _ swim.-What lovely _.The


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