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1、2016-2017学年度第二学期小学期中教学质量检测听力部分(共20分)一、听句子,为图片标序号(1-10),读两遍。(10分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )二、听录音,选择最适当的答语。读两遍。(10分)( )1. A I am going to the City Library. B Go down this street an turn right at the second traffic lights. C Yes,sure.( )2 .A Tomorrow morning. B No,thanks. C We are going t

2、o travel around the world.( )3.A Yes,of course. B Yes,I do. C I want to see my favourite places.( )4.A You can get there by plane. B I went to Sanya. C We learned by doing things.( )5.A There is a bank near my home. B We went to hospital yesterday. C The book shop is on the left.笔试部分(共80分)三、单项选择。(10




6、sclothes.4.-_togotoLondon?-Ofcourse.5.-_gotoDisneyland,OK?-Great!五、A、找出正确的答语。(10分)()1.Howdidyougothereyesterday? A.Yes,ofcourse.()2.WouldyouliketovisittheMingTombs? B.Yes, Byplane.()3.HowdidyoulearnEnglish? C.Bydoingtasks.()4.Whatisonthedesk? D.Godownthisstreet,itsonyourright.()5.Whereisyourschool?

7、E.Thereisabook.B、找出正确的汉语意思。(10分)()1.Thereisabankinfrontofmyhouse. A.我们将要乘飞机去杭州。()2.WeareveryinterestedinEnglish. B.在我家附近有个银行。()3.YoucangettherebyNo.6bus. C.你可以乘6路公交车去那儿。()4.WeregoingtoHangzhoubyplane.D.你想要去迪斯尼乐园吗?()5.WouldyouliketogotoDisneyland?E.我们对英语感兴趣。六、选句子,补全对话。(10分)Kate:Hello,Bob.Wereyouathom



10、c! Yours, Lisa()1.LisaisinChinanow.()2.LisaenjoyedinterestingtaskswithLanlan.()3.TingtingwillvisittheSummerPalace.()4.Therearethreepeopleinthisletter.()5.LisawillnotvisittheGreatWall.八、阅读理解。(10分) Tomorrow is Sunday.Sarah is going to the park with her best friend,Amy.The bus stop is near her home.So

11、Sarah is going to walk to the bus stop and take Bus2 to Amy home. Then theyre going to the park on foot,because the park is near Amyhome.They are going to play chess under the tree.They are going to take pictures and watch the beautiful flowers,too.根据阅读材料,选择最佳答案。()1.What day is it today?A.Its Sunday

12、.B.Its Saturday()2.What is Sarah going to do tomorrow?A.She is going to the park,B.She is going to the zoo.()3.Sarah is going to Amys home_?A.on foot ,B.by bus.()4.The park is near _home.A.Sarahs.B.Amys.()5.Sarah and Amy are going to _in the park.A.play football and draw picturesB.take pictures and

13、watch the beautiful flowers九、写作。(10分) 以“My Travel Plan”为题写一段话。要求:表达清晰,语意完整,语法正确。 (50词左右) My Travel Plan_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _听力材料一、1、How can I get to the City Library? You can go there on foot.2、I stayed at home and enjoyed Spring Festival with my family.3、We are going to visit the Temple of Heaven thi

14、s morning.4、When are we going to visit the Great Wall ?Tomorrow morning.5、We enjoyed sunbathing during the day.6、Would you like to go to Sydney Opera House?Yes,of course7、.Where is the bookshop?Go down this street.The bookshop is on the left.8、We enjoyed the moon and stars at night.9、How can I get t

15、o the post office? You can get there by bike.10、We are going to vist the Forbidden City there.二、1、How can I get to the City Library?2、When are we going to visit the Greet Wall?3、Would you like to go to Disneyland?4、How did you learn English?5、What did you do yesterday?参考答案听力部分一、3 9 4 2 10 1 7 5 8 6(

16、每题一分,共10分)二、BAACB(每题二分,共10分)笔试部分三、BCBCA AABBC(每题一分,共10分)四、1、Where 2、When 3、What 4、What 5、Would you like(每题二分,共10分)五、BACED BECAD(每题一分,共10分)六、EABCD(每题二分,共10)七、TFTFF(每题二分,共10)八、BABBB(每题二分,共10)九、My Travel Plan(错一处扣0.5分) Im going to Britain with my family next week.Were going there by plane.In Britain,We are going to visit Big Ben and the Tower Bridge.And we are going to travel around London.I think we are going to have a good time.


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