新视野第三版第一册further practice short conversation.doc

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1、Unit 11 W: Hi, John. I am back. Did any of my friends call me? We were supposed to meet at the bar for drinks, and then go to the cinema. But they never showed up. M: Sorry. Ive been home since I came back from the office and the phone never rang once. Q: where does the conversation probably take pl

2、ace?2 M: Not all great people are famous; take Jack kilby as an example. W: right. Jack kilby invented the microchip, and received the Nobel Prize. But only a small part of the public knows of him. Its very surprising. Q: What does the woman think is very surprising?3 W: I dont quite understand what

3、 made Charlie Chaplin such a popular movie star. M: Are you serious? Look at Charlie Chaplins works and compare them to other films of the time. He was so original that people were really surprised by his films. Q: What does the man say about Charlie Chaplins film?4 W: whats the greatest invention o

4、f the last few hundred years? M: Lets see. The computer, the car, the phone? No, I think its the light bulb. This invention has changed the world more than anything else. Q: Which invention does the man think changed the world most? 5 W: our play last night was a great success . we are all proud of

5、bob. M: Yes. But if Bob had remembered all his lines, his performences would have been more natural. Q : What does the man mean?Unit 2 1 W: Why didnt you show up at Johns party last night? He was expecting you. You know, he is leaving the city for good. M: Im terribly sorry. I had planned to go, but

6、 I had to take care of an emergency . I tried calling him many times but he couldnt reach him. Q: Why didnt the man go to the party?2 M: I havent seen you around for quite a while. What have you been doing?W: Ive been reading Shakespeares great play Hamlet. My literature professor required me to pre

7、sent a unique review about Hamlet for my term paper. Q: What has the woman been preparing for? 3 W : which do you prefer, classical music or pop music? M: Neither. Have you ever seen me listening to music at all? You know, I dont have an ear for music. Q: What does the man say about music?4 M : I m

8、taking the minimum credits to graduate. Making friends, traveling , partying these are what matter most to me right now. W: Im not here to make friends or go to parties. I am doing part-time jobs to save money to start my own company once I graduate. Q: What are the two speakers talking about?5 W: T

9、om, have read the notice on the school website? Ive won the scholarship for nest term. M: Not surprise to me. You have earned it. while others are at parties, you are in the library. Q: What does the man mean?Unit 31 W: how I wish you had gone to the concert with me last night. The band was terribly

10、 good!M: I knew it would be. But I came down with a bad cold and had to stay at home to rest. Q: Why didnt the man go to the concert?2 M: What did Jennifer think about her job interview? Im so looking forward to hearing about it. W: She didnt say much. When I saw her late this morning, she said she

11、would prefer not to talk about it. Q: What can we learn about Jennifers job interview?3 W: I was waiting for you to call me last night. You know I really needed my bicycle to go to the library. M: oh, Im so sorry . I was playing a computer game with my roommate and completely forgot. You know what,

12、Ive got it right here. Q: What will the man probably do? 4 M: How was the high school reunion party? You must have had a lot to tell those people since you hadnt seen each other for ten years. W: I sure did! I was so excited seeing them again. Everyone had interesting experiences, exciting jobs and

13、a happy family. Q: what are the speakers talking about?5 w: I had a quarrel with my roommate. Every night she stays up very late. I cant fall asleep when she is around making noises in the room. M: Im so sorry to hear that. Like you, I m an early bird, too. Its hard to share a room with a night owl.

14、 Q: What does the man mean?Unit 41 M: Would you like to share a taxi with me to the airport? We can save money that way . W: Actually, Im not flying. Im going to the conference by train. I was thinking of driving, but it will be too tiring. Q: How is the woman going to travel?2 w: I have to catch th

15、e 10:45 train. I think Id better get to the station by half past 10. M: oh, its just a small station . itll be fine if you arrive there five minutes before the train departs. Q: According to the man, at what time could the woman arrive at the station? 3 M: Did you say I should take the NO. 46 bus to

16、 your house? Because I remember going there once on the No.28. W: The No.28 bus has been canceled . it used to run straight to my house and it was faster than the No.46. Its too bad. Q: What does the woman say about the bus services? 4: W: Many people would rather take the bus or the subway than dri

17、ve by themselves. Parking is getting to be a real headache. M:That doesnt surprise me, for more and more people are buying their own cars.Q: What does the man mean?5 M: Excuse me, could please tell me when the next train to London is? W: Sure. The next train to London is two hours from now, but if y

18、ou do not mind connecting at Manchester, there is one indirect train leaving in 10 minutes. Q: What information about train services does the woman provide? Unit 51 w: Friday is a public holiday. Shall we go and spend the long weekend on the farm? We could leave on Thursday night. M: Id rather go on

19、 Friday. My best friend from New York is coming here for a business conference and I have invited him to dinner on Thursday. Q: Why cant the man leave on Thursday?2 M: Have they finished discussing their vacation plans? Have they reached an agreement? W: They only seem to have agreed to set another

20、date for further discussion. They will wait and see. Q: What is the result of the discussion?3 w: Im so happy that I have bought some Christmas gifts in less than half a day. You know, sometimes I cant find anything good enough even after shopping for a full day. Here is a new lamp for you. M: some

21、gifts! I can hardly find space for the new lamp here. Q: what does the man think of the woman? 4 M: Jane, weve got a problem. We dont have enough money to go to Europe on vacation as planned. Im thinking of giving up my job and finding another if my boss still refuses to give me a raise. W: Well, I

22、dont know. But maybe we can stop hiring a cleaner. Q:what problem are the man and woman talking about? 5 w: My family are going on a beach holiday next month as a celebration. My son has been admitted to his first choice university. M: Congratulations! Thats a great way to celebrate. Q: what can we learn from the conversation?


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