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1、形容词排序1.She has a _ jacket.(leather,brown,beautiful)2.He has a _ car. (American,long,red)3.They live in a _ house. (old,beautiful)4.He has a _ jumper. (woollen, lovely, red)5.She has a _ ring. (diamond,new,fabulous)6.It was a _ song.(French,old, lovely)7.He owns a _ dog.(black,horrible,big)8.She boug

2、ht a _ scarf.(gorgeous,silk,pink)9.I saw a _ film. (new,fantastic, British)1.beautiful brown leather jacket.2.long red American car.3.beautiful old house.4.lovely red woollen jumper套头衫.5.fabulous new diamond ring.6.lovely old French song.7.horrible big black dog.8.gorgeous pink silk scarf.9. fantast

3、ic new British film.形容词强化练习题1) Tony is going camping with _ boys.A.little two otherB. two little otherC.two other little D.little other two2) One day they crossed the _bridge behind the palace.A. old Chinese stoneB. Chinese old stoneC. old stone ChineseD. Chinese stone old3) - How was your recent vi

4、sit to Qingdao?- It was great. We visited some friends,and spent the _days at the seaside.A. few last sunny B. last few sunny C. last sunny few D. few sunny last4)- Are you feeling _?- Yes,Im fine now.A. any wellB. any betterC. quite goodD. quite better5)The experiment was_ easier than we had expect

5、ed.A.more B.much more C.much D.more much6)If there were no examinations, we should have _ at school.A. the happiest timeB. a more happier timeC. much happiest time D.a much happier time7)The weather in China is different from_.A. in America B. one in America C. AmericaD. that in America8)After the n

6、ew technique was introduced,the factory produced _ tractors in 1988 as the year before.A. as twice manyB. as many twiceC. twice as manyD. twice many as9)John has three sisters, Mary is the _ of the three.A. most cleverest B. more clever C. cleverest D. cleverer10). She told us _ story that we all fo

7、rget about the time.A. such an interesting B. such interesting aC. so an interesting D. a so interesting11) The story sounds_.A. to be true B. as true C. being true D. true12) The pianos in the other shop will be _, but_.A. cheaper, not as better B. more cheap, not as betterC. cheaper, not as good D

8、. more cheap, not as good13).-How did you find your visit to the museum?-I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was _ than I expected.A. far more interesting B. even much interestingC. so more interesting D. a lot much interesting14) _ food youve cooked!A. How a nice B. What a nice C. How nice D. What nice15)

9、These oranges taste_.A. good B. well C. to be good D. to be well16) The experiment was _ easier than we expected.A. more B. much more C. much D. more much17) Canada is larger than _ country in Asia.A. any B. any other C. other D. another18) Which is _ country, Canada or Australia?A. a large B. large

10、r C. a larger D. the larger20) John was so sleepy that he could he could hardly keep his eyes_.A. open B. to be opened C. to open D. opening21)-Mum, I think Im _ to get back to school.-Not really, my dear. Youd better to stay at home for another day or two.A. so well B. so good C. Well enough D. goo

11、d enough22) -I f you dont like the red coat, take the blue one.-Ok, but do you have _ size in blue? This ones a bit tight for me.A. a big B. a bigger C. the big D. the bigger23) I t takes a long time to go there by train; its _ by boat.A. quick B. the quickest C. much quick D. quicker25)-Have you fi

12、nished your report yet?-No, Ill finish in _ ten minutes.A. another B. other C. more D. less27) Can you believe that in _ a rich country there should be_ many poor people?A. such, such B. such, so C. so, so D. so, such28) How beautifully she sings! I have never heard _.A. the better voice B. a good v

13、oice C. the best voice D. a better voice29) Wait till you are more_. Its better to be sure than sorry.A. inspired B. satisfied C. calm D. certain30) _, Mother will wait for him to have dinner together.A. However late is he B. However he is lateC. However is he late D. However late he is31) If I had_

14、, Id visit Europe, stopping at all the small interesting place.A. a long enough holiday B. an enough long holidayC. a holiday enough long D. a long holiday enough答案与解析1.答案是C。由限定词-数词-描绘词-(大小,长短,形状,新旧,颜色) -性质-名词的顺序可知数词,描绘词,性质依次顺序,只有C符合答案。2.答案A. 几个形容词修饰一个名词,他们的排列顺序是:年龄,形状,大小+颜色+来源+质地+用途+国家+名词。3.答案是B。本题

15、考查多个形容词的排序问题。一般与被修饰形容词关系密切的形容词靠近名词;如果几个形容词的重要性差不多,音节少的形容词在前,音节多的方在后,在不能确定时,可参照:限定词+数量词(序数词在前,基数词在后)+性状形容词+大小、长短、高低等形体+新旧+颜色+国籍+材料+名词,如those + three + beautiful + large + square +old + brown + wood + table。4.答案是B. any 可修饰比较级,quite修饰原级,well的比较级为better.5.答案是C.much可修饰比较级,因此B,C都说得通,但easier本身已是比较级,不需more,

16、因此C为正确答案。6.答案是D。7.答案是D. 本题意为中国的天气比美国热。比较的是天气而不是国家,C不能选。A没有名词,后句成分不全,排除。B和D中,B中的one常用来代替可数名词,而that可车以代替不可数或抽象名词,所以选D。8.答案是C. 此句意为这个厂1988能生产的拖拉机是往年的两倍。表示倍数用倍数+ as + 形容词原形+ as +比较对象的句型。所以此句答案为C.9. 答案是C.比较范围在三者或三者以上应用最高级。10。答案是A。在so(such)that 的句型中,so修饰形容词或副词,such修饰名词。11.答案是D. sound是连系动词,后面应接形容词作表语。12.答案

17、是C。根据the other shop 的含义可判断第一空白处为比较级,第二空白处为同级比较:not as good = not as good as the one in this shop.13. 答案是A。多音节形容词的比较级是在其前面加上more构成,而比较级的强调形式可在其前面加上far.14. 答案是D. 要掌握由what和how引导的感叹句的句型:what + a/an+形容词+单数可数名词what+形容词+不可数名词/可数名词复数how+形容词+ a/an+可数名词单数15. 答案是A. taste是连系动词, good用作表语.16. 答案是C. much用来修饰比较级eas

18、ier.17.答案是A. 要区分两种句型: than+ any+ other+单数名词(包括主语在内); than+ any+ 单数名词(不包括主语在内). 众所周知, 加拿大不属于亚洲,所以A为正确答案.18. 答案是D. 一般来说,形容词比较级作表语时前面不加任何冠词. 此句可理解为Canada is the two countries.19. 答案是B. 本题考查对修饰比较级的程度副词的掌握. any修饰比较级, 一般用于疑问句或否定句. quite 不能与比较级连用.20. 答案是A. 本题考查对形容词作宾语补足语的掌握.当open作宾补时, 一般用它的形容词,不用它的现在分词形式.2

19、1. 答案是C. 对话的内容是谈论身体情况,所以形容词应选用well. 另外, enough作副词修饰形容词时应放在形容词之后.22. 答案是B. 根据a bit tight for me的提示,可推断答案应为比较级. 形容词的比较级修饰可数名词单数时,前面应加a/an.23. 答案是D. 这是一个省略句, 全句的内容是: Its quicker to go there by boat than by train.24. 答案是D. have a good/happy/wonderful time是习惯用法. much修饰比较级.25. 答案是A. more 与another 在表示 再, 又

20、 时,用法不同, more放在数词后面,而another放在前面.26. 答案是B. 本题考查对形容词排列顺序的掌握.27. 答案是B. 应掌握such 和so 接名词的不同用法: such+ a/an + 形容词+ 单数可数名词.so+ many/few+复数可数名词.28. 答案是D. 根据题意应采用比较级形容词,这句话相当于I have never heard such a good voice before.29. 答案是D. 从后一句(即Its better to be sure than sorry.) 可得到提示,只有certain 符合题意.30. 答案是D.以 however 引导的状语从句,应把 however所修饰的形容词放在它的后面.同时, 主语谓语不颠倒.31. 答案是A. 本题是语序测试题,enough 应紧跟在所修饰形容词之后.32. 答案是C. 从题干中句子的含义看,由过去分词转化成的形容词known应有一个比较级的副词来修饰,而A和D项是最高级,应首先排除. be well known for 是个短语,well的比较级是better.


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