Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet 单元写作.doc

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《Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet 单元写作.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet 单元写作.doc(2页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Unit 8 单元写作 本单元的话题是文学和音乐,主要谈论了经典西方文学作品和西方流行乐队以及美国乡村音乐。具体到书面表达,要求能根据所学,介绍一名歌手或者作家的作品。在写作时,注意一般过去时与现在完成时的区别,及现在完成时与其他时态的有机结合,同时注意人称和数的变化。写作此类话题作文的常用表达有:1. 能用Have you ever read?/Have you decided yet?/Whatsabout?/What do you think of?/Whatslike?/I thinkis/What books have you already read?/Its really goo

2、d, so I couldnt put it down./The book/song was written/recorded by/This is a successfulsong/CD/book. /I listen to this song/read this book when等句型引出描述事物的话题。2. 能用The story is/From the story, we can/This is a book about/I likebecause/I feelwhile/Im proud of/Ill try my best to work hard to learn from h

3、im.等句型发表自己的感慨。典题链接请根据下列提示,用英语写一篇介绍世界著名童话作家安徒生(Anderson)的短文。国籍丹麦(Denmark)生日1805年简介11岁:丧父,由于家庭贫穷,没能上学14岁:在剧院工作1828年:接受高等教育(gethighereducation)毕业(graduation)后:他坚持写小说、诗歌(poems)等1875年:去世喜欢原因在读他的故事时我感受到安静和和平【写作点拨】这是一篇提示性作文,时态以一般过去时为主,根据内容提示可考虑采用下面的模板来写作。One Possible Version: My favorite writer is Anderson

4、. He was born in 1805. His father died when he was only eleven. He couldnt go to school because his family was poor. At the age of fourteen, he went to work at a theatre. Later, with the help of some kind people, Anderson went to school. In 1828, he got higher education. After graduation he began to

5、 write stories. He kept on writing stories and poems. He worked hard and got great success. He wrote more than 160 stories and died in 1875. I like his stories very much. I feel quiet and peaceful while reading his stories. 单元写作Write an article about the singer or writer. Here are some words and phrases you can use.the first line in the song / bookthe book / song was written / recorded byenjoyed success insuccessful song / CD / bookI listen to this song / read this book when The song / book makes me feel _


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