人教版必修三unit4 vocabulary.ppt

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《人教版必修三unit4 vocabulary.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教版必修三unit4 vocabulary.ppt(26页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Unit4,words,Group 1:Topic-related words,1. write down the main gases(气体) in the atmosphere(大气层) 2. different kinds of animals 3. different kinds of scientists,Group 2: phrases,1.write down 6 phrases with “time” 2.write down 6 phrases with “turn” 3.write down 6 phrases with “break” requirement: widel

2、y used phrases,Group 3:prefix and suffix(前缀或后缀),1.find out 6 words with “en” or “en” 2.find out 6 words with “-less” 3.find out 6 words with “un-”,Group 4,1.find out as many pairs of words as possible (eg: religion- religious) 2.conclude the phrases in this unit,Group 1:Topic-related words,1. write

3、down the main gases(气体)in the atmosphere(大气层) 2. different kinds of animals 3. different kinds of scientists,1.the gases in the atmosphere oxygen(氧) nitrogen (氮) rare gases(稀有气体) carbon dioxide(二氧化碳) vapour(水蒸汽) Other matters (物质):酸acid, 碳carbon, 原子atom,地球大气,The earths atmosphere,nitrogen,oxygen,dio

4、xide,carbon,vapour,2. different kinds of animals shellfish 水生有壳动物 amphibian 两栖类动物 reptile 爬行类动物 mammal 哺乳动物 Can you give them a right order according to its development? Can you give us 2 examples for what is shellfish , amphibian, reptile and mammal?,3. different kinds of scientists physicist 物理学家

5、biologist 生物学家 geologist 地质学家 chemist _ artist _ Can you write out the original form of these words?,化学家,艺术家,Group 2: phrases,1.write down 6 phrases with “time” 2.write down 6 phrases with “turn” 3.write down 6 phrases with “break” requirement: widely used phrases,1.the phrases with “time” 1)in time

6、 2)on time 3)from time to time 4)for the first time 5)at one time 6)at a time 7)at times 8)at no time 9)in no time,及时,终于,迟早 按时 不时地 第一次 曾经,一度 每次 间或,偶尔 绝不,从来没有 立即,马上= soon,2. phrases with “turn” 1) In ones turn 2) turn out 3) turn up 4) turn to 5) turn down 6) turn on 7) turn off 8) take turns to do 9

7、) turn in= hand in,1)轮到某人 2) 结果是 3)出现,调大 4)转向 5)拒绝,调小 6)打开 7)关上 8) 轮流做某事 9)上交,3. phrases with “break” 1) break out 2) break in 3) break down 4) break off 5) break up 6) break away from,1)爆发 2)闯入,插嘴 3)崩溃,瓦解,出故障 4)中断 5)分解 6)挣脱,Group 3:prefix and suffix(前缀或后缀),1.find out 6 words with “en” or “en” 2.fin

8、d out 6 words with “-less” 3.find out 6 words with “un-”,1. words with “en” or “en” 使 (adj.-v.) less-lessen 1.wide-_ 2.sharp_ 3.short_ 4.weak-_ 5.deep-_ 6.large-_ 7.rich-_ 8.able-_ Do you know the Chinese meaning of the above words?,v. 减少,减轻,deepen,sharpen,shorten,weaken,widen,enlarge,enrich,enable,

9、后缀-less(否定意义)(noun-adj.) weight-weightless-weightlessly 1.end- 2.care- 3.use- 4.hope- 5.penny- 6.job- 7. home-,2. words with “-less”,Do you know the Chinese meaning of the above words?,endless,careless,useless,hopeless,penniless,jobless,homeless,3.words with “un-”,前缀 un(否定意义)likeunlike 1.believable-

10、unbelievable 2.certain-uncertain 3.luckily-unluckily 4.willingly-unwillingly 5.dress-undress v. 脱衣服 6.cover-uncover v.揭开,揭穿,揭示,Do you the Chinese meaning of the above words?,Group 4,1.find out as many pairs of words as possible (eg: religion- religious) 2.conclude the phrases in this unit,1.pairs of

11、 words Noun-adjective 1.religion-religious 2.globe-global 3.violence-violent 4.presence-present 5.harm-harmful 6.extinct-extinctive-extinction 7.fundament-fundamental 8.weight-weightless-weightlessly,Verb-noun 1.pull-pull 2.float-float 3.puzzle-puzzle 2.conclude the phrases in this unit,phrases in t

12、his unit: 1.solar system 2. in time 3.give birth to 4.in ones turn 5.preventfrom 6.block out 7.cheer up 8.now that 9.get the hang of 10.break out 11.watch out 12.lay eggs,A.下蛋 B. 产生,分娩 C. 感到高兴 D. 当心,提防 E . 爆发 F. 既然 G. 熟悉,掌握,理解 H. 挡住(光线) I. 阻止,制止 J.轮到某人 K. 及时,终于,迟早 L. 太阳系,L K B J I H C F G E D A,now

13、that同since相似, 语气较弱, 强调人们 已知的事实。 既然你忙, 就让我给你做吧。 Now that you are busy, let me do it for you. 既然人都齐了, 咱们开始干吧。 Now that everyone is here lets start work,fundamental,Fresh air is fundamental to good health. 新鲜空气对健康是不可缺少的。 So, one of the fundamental problems in medicine is that you and I, and all of us,

14、we go to our doctor once a year. 所以医学上一个根本的问题是你和我,以及我们所有的人,我们一年看一次医生。,multiply,1.乘, 相乘 one can make 18 by multiplying 3 and 6 (together). 3和6相乘可得18。 2. 增加 Spending on military equipment has multiplied in the last five years. 过去的五年中军事装备的开支大大增加。 3.(使)繁殖 When animals have more food, they generally multiply faster. 动物在有较多的食物时, 一般繁殖得较快。,


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