新概念第二册 第42课随堂练习.doc

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1、NCE 2 Lesson 42 Not very musical (have + n.)1. 英汉互译蛇 动作 继续 跳舞曲调 一瞥 管乐器 显然差别 印度的 玩蛇者 市场,集市精通音乐的 并非很懂音乐(TITLE)2. 用have+n.结构改写,可作必要的改动 I was very thirsty, so I drank some water. Jane is swimming in the sea. Im going to wash before dinner. Weve just ridden in Johns new car. Ive looked at your essay and

2、I like it very much. Im going to shower this morning instead of bathing.3. 用 as,when &while 填空 We waited _ he dined. _ he gets older, he becomes more quick-tempered. _ he called, I was in the kitchen preparing a meal. We used to have a lot of fun _ we were young. _ I was getting off the bus, I dropp

3、ed my purse. The sun was setting _ I was walking home. _ time passed, things seemed to get worse. The burglars broke in _ we were sleeping. _ he was enjoying himself in the pub, his wife was doing housework at home. _ the policeman was chasing one of the two thieves, the other was running away.4. 用pick up & pick out 填空 He managed to _ a few words of Chinese while he was in Beijing. I _ a purse full of money on my way to college last week. Can you _ a nice birthday card for Brenda? Ill _ you _ on the corner of your street. Is that all right? Shes _ a lot about the job in just one week.


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