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1、NCE2学习情况记载表姓名日期 默写:第 单元授课内容 1. 讲解第44课单词、语法、课文、语言点。 本课重点结构:v-ing 动词的ing形式动名词1. 作主语 Eating is always a pleasure.2. 作宾语 1)介词宾语 I am keen on cycling. Without saying anything, he went out. I look forward to seeing him tomorrow. 我期待明天见到他。 I am used to getting up late. 我习惯晚点起床。 2)动词宾语 (比较to do和doing) They

2、continued running./ to run. (在begin, start 后加to do或doing, 没有区别) 但是,有些词如love, like, hate 后面加ing或to do也有细微区别。 To do 表示一次性的喜好,doing 表示长期性的喜好。 e.g. I hate disturbing people when they are busy. 我不喜欢在别人忙的时候打扰他们。 I hate to disturb you, but can I come in for a moment? 我不想打扰你,我能进来一会吗? 比较 doing 和 to be done (

3、need doing= need to be done; want doing=want to be done) My shirt is torn. It needs mending. 我的衬衫撕破了,需要修补。= It needs to be mended. Those windows are dirty. They want washing. = They want to be washed.3. 作表语 Seeing is believing. 眼见为实。 His job is driving a bus. 他的工作时开公共汽车。 4. 作定语,表示功能a dining-room 餐厅;

4、a sleeping car 卧铺车厢;a swimming pool游泳池;a reading-room阅览室练习 do/to do/ doing1. Beside _ , she is kind and tender.A. beautiful B. being beautiful C. she beautiful D. is beautiful2. One learns English by making mistakes and _ them.A. correct B. correcting C. corrects D. to correct3. How about the two of

5、 us _ a walk down the garden?A. to take B. take C. taking D. to be taking4. _ is a good form of exercise for both young and old.A. The walk B. Walking C. To walk D. Walk5. _ , I went to the railway station to see my friend off. A. After ate my dinner quickly B. After quickly eat my dinner C. After e

6、at my dinner quickly D. After quickly eating my dinner6. Dont you remember _ ? A. seeing the man before B. to see the man before C. saw the man before D. to have been seeing the man before7. Can I see your new shirt? Sorry. It _ . I can show you it some time later. A. need to wash B. needs washed C.

7、 need washing D. needs washing8. I prefer _ to _ because I think climbing is not as exciting as skiing.A. ski, climb B. ski, climbing C. skiing, climb D. skiing, climbing9. The classroom wants _ .A. clean B. cleaned C. to clean D. cleaning10. This X-ray machine needs _ .A. repairing B. to repair C.

8、repaired D. being repaired11. Usually, I like _ at night, but Id like _ TV this evening.A. read, to watch B. reading, watching C. read, watching D. reading, to watch12. I am looking forward _ from you soon.A. to hear B. of hearing C. hearing D. to hearing13. Would you like _ the risk of going to the

9、 island with me?A. to take B. to do C. to make D. getting14. There was _ noise outside that we couldnt hear the teacher.A. so many B. such much C. such many D. so much15. _ a deep breath of you feel nervous. It may get knocked off.A. Do B. Make C. Take D. Give16. Do you have some good ways on _ Engl

10、ish? Yeah, I practice _ English for at least two hours every day. A. learn; speak B. learning; speaking C. learning; to speak D. learn; to speak 把下列句子/短语翻译成英语。1. 他冒着生命危险去救那孩子。(take the risk)2. 她跑得太快了,我根本就追不上她。(catch up with)3. 翻看报纸的时候,我看到一幅非常有趣的图片。(go through)4. 她已经上气不接下气了,但他还是继续追赶。5. 我总是忘记检查我的拼写。6. 向我走来 7. 经历艰辛 8. 屏住呼吸 9. 得到这些文件(document) 10. 在森林边上


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