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1、articulate :tikjuleit口才好的 coherent kuhirnt 条理清楚的 eloquent elkwnt 有说服力的;雄辩的 fluent focussed hesitant inhibited inhibitid拘谨的;羞怯的 lucid lju:sid明了易懂的 persuasive rambling 漫无边际;杂乱无章 responsive sensitive succinct sksikt, ss- 简洁的;简明的 tongue-tied,Vocabulary,Exercise C: Use a prefix to form the opposites of t

2、hese words from Exercise A. articulate coherent focused Inhibited responsive sensitive,inarticulate,incoherent,unfocussed,uninhibited,unresponsive,insensitive,Vocabulary,Common prefixes that form opposite meanings. dis disadvantage; dislike il illogical; illegal im impossible; impolite in incomplete

3、; incapable ir irregular; irresponsible mis mislead; misunderstand non nonsmoker; nonstop un unfair; uncomfortable,Listening,Communication is key. People have to _ what youre trying to tell them to do. They have to have a long-term _ in terms of their career _ . You must make it clear, as a manger,

4、what those _ are. _ is more important than written. People can talk to you on a _ basis. You actually encourage _, then and you actually get a _ and a _ with the individual.,understand,strategy,development,aims,Verbal,one-to-one,rapport,relationship,confidence,Penny says it is not possible to be a g

5、ood manager but a poor communicator. Complete this extract of what Penny goes on to say.,For each of the following sentences, choose the best reporting verb. Ill send you the revised figures by the end of the week. a) apologise b) warn c) promise 2) Sorry about the delay. a) apologise b) remind c) s

6、uggest 3) I could come in early tomorrow to speed things up a bit, if you like. a) admit b) promise c) offer 4) Our after-sales service isnt always up to scratch (达到标准,情况良好), lets face it. a) suggest b) acknowledge c) advise 5) Dont forget to bring the sales figures. a) remind b) deny c) insist,6) I

7、f I were you, Id take a closer look at what our competitors are doing. a) advise b) insist c) promise 7) Youll never clinch (达成协议) the deal if you procrastinate (拖延,耽搁). a) promise b) warn c) deny 8) It wasnt me who sent you an infected file. a) apologise b) deny c) suggest 9) Weve got to launch our

8、 new BX2 model by the end of September, its crucial. a) offer b) insist c) acknowledge 10) What about hiring more temporary staff? a) suggest b) offer c) promise,Vocabulary,Exercise 1: Work in pairs and complete the statements with suitable marketing expressions from the box. Because of tight _ comp

9、any profits could not be taken out of the country. Red tape and other examples of _ hinder (阻止) a companys entry into a market. The country is attractive to exporters (出口商) because it has enjoyed _ for the last 50 years. The purchasing behaviours of consumers can be described as their _. The _ is im

10、proving leading to a rise in employment. _ is a term used by economists to describe how wealth is shared in a country.,monetary/currency regulations,government bureaucracy,political stability,buying habits,economic situation,Income distribution,Reading New words,Integration ,intirein Differentiate ,

11、difrenieit Exorbitant igz:bitnt Chassis si (plural chassis siz) Cereal siril Conform knf:m Spectrum spektrm Compromise kmprmaiz Advent dvnt Accelerate kselreit,Laboratory lbrtri Meld meld Module mdju:l Markedly ma:kidli Gauge eid Simultaneously saimlteinisli Sequentially sikwenli Premium pri:mim Chr

12、onometer krnmit Lifebuoy laifbi Antibacterial ,ntibktiril,Reading New words,Subsidise sbsidaiz gourmetumei Viagra vair; vi:r Ergonomic ,:unmik Whisk hwisk Forward-looking Vex veks,Eliminate ilimineit Mount maunt Gloriously gl:risli Prospect prspekt Daunting d:nti Bounty baunti Flexibly fleksbli Tack

13、le tkl,Reading New expressions,Single out Be content to/with Reward with Dead set Take off Gourmet umei meals Ergonomic ,:unmik chairs,Garden allotments ltmnt Lay on Whisk sb. To do sth. Take-over bid Sever from Stay-put Issue with ,Complete each sentences with the correct form of the word in bold.

14、Sometimes you will need to use a negative form using a prefix (un-, dis-, de-). 1. Satisfy Women are more _ with their jobs than men in many countries. Low pay and poor working conditions create _ workers. Small European countries are at the top of job _ league tables. 2. Motivate What are the stron

15、gest _ factors in peoples lives? Workers become _ if they work long hours for low pay. What was your _ for becoming a salesperson? 3. Fulfil Becoming Department Head was the _ of a lifelong ambition. He _ his role as manager very effectively. I feel _ in my job because I am not given enough responsi

16、bility. 4. Inspire Jack Welch was an _ business leader who motivated employees. He has been an _ to the new members of staff. After an _ launch, the new model quickly failed. 5. Frustrate You could see the _ building up in the workforce. I find talking to him _ because he never listens to anything I

17、 say. I felt so _ with their attitude that I decided to resign.,satisfied,dissatisfied,motivating,satisfaction,demotivated,motivation,fulfilment,fulfils/fulfilled,fulfilled,inspiring,inspiration,uninspiring,frustration,frustrating,frustrated,Match these halves of sentences from newspaper extracts.,P

18、re-reading: New words,Generate denreit Increasinglyinkri:sili Volatilevltail Consultancyknsltnsi Precipitateprisipitit, -teit Internal fraudfr:d Corruptionkrpn Exacerbateekssbeit, iz- Revealrivi:l Unprecedented,npresidntid Apprehension,prihenn,Plethorapler International sanctionss,knz Devaluation,di

19、:vljuein Extortionikst:n Pollpul Consumer activismktivizm Foremostf:must Respondentrispndnt Sophisticatedsfistikeitid Staticsttik Incidence insidns,New words and expressions,Extranetekstrnet Flexible fleksibl Ski gear i Liquidation ,likwidein Auction :kn Brokerage brukrid Bidbid Traverse trvs, -v:s,

20、 trv:s, tr- Refer to Retirement benefits,Expense reports Requisition,rekwizin Diskette disket Display racksrk Enlistinlist Freelancefri:l:ns Marketer m:kit Await weit Invoiceinvis Demographic ,demrfikdata,Case Study New Words,Megastore mest: 售货种类繁多而方式如同超级市场的商店 Expenditure ikspendit 支出,花费;经费,消费额 Expl

21、oiteksplit, iks- 开发,开拓;利用 Forthcomingf:kmi即将到来的 Outsource atss外包 Segment semnt, sement, sement 某一市场特定的产品,ReadingNew words resolu;on,rezlu:n infiltrateinfiltreit nooknuk crannykr鎛i synergysindi culpritklprit retribu;on,retribju:n confineknfain albeit:lbi:it demoralisedimrlalz disastrousdiz:strs expli

22、citiksplisit compensatekmpenseit catalystk鎡list,ReadingNew words delightdilait使高兴 baolebatl 同作对;战斗 sHmulatesHmjuleit 激发 woewu悲痛,悔恨,问题 avertv:t避免,防止 induceindju:s,indu:s诱导,引起 rapportrap:t和谐 reassure,ri:u令人安心;放心 faultyf:lH有故障的;有错误的 vouchervaut代金券 empathyempi同感,共鸣 outrageautreid愤怒,愤慨 unclaimednkleimd无人认领的 vitalvaitl必不可少的,极其重要的 answerable:nsrbl对某人负责;对某事承担责任,Unit 8 vocabulary C Uncommunicative Indecisive 绝不犹豫地 Inefficient 效率低下的 Unenthusiastic 不热情的 Inflexible 不屈不挠的 Unfocussed Unimaginative 缺乏想象力的 Disloyal 不忠的 disorganised 杂乱无章的 Unpopular impractical Unsociable 不善交际的 unstable 不稳定的 Intolerant 不可思议的,


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