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1、Lesson 37 The Olympic Games奥林匹克运动会 When was the last time this country hosted the Olympic Games? The Olympic Games will be held in our country in four years time. As a great many people will be visiting the country, the government will be building new hotels, an immense stadium, and a new Olympic-st

2、andard swimming pool. They will also be building new roads and a special railway line. The Games will be held just outside the capital and the whole area will be called Olympic City. Workers will have completed the new roads by the end of this year. By the end of next year, they will have finished w

3、ork on the new stadium. The fantastic modern buildings have been designed by Kurt Gunter. Everybody will be watching anxiously as the new buildings go up. We are all very excited and are looking forward to the Olympic Games because they have never been held before in this country. 参考译文4年以后,奥林匹克运动会将在

4、我们国家举行。由于将有大批的人到我们国家来,所以政府准备建造一些新的饭店、一个大型体育场和一个新的奥运会标准游泳池。他们还将修筑一些新的道路和一条铁路专线。奥运会就在首都市郊举办,整个地区将被称作“奥林匹克城”。工人们将在今年年底前把新路铺好;到明年年底,他们将把新体育场建成。这些巨大的现代化建筑是由库尔特.冈特设计的。大家都将急切地注视着新建筑的建成。我们都非常激动,盼望着奥运会的到来,因为在这个国家里还从未举办过奥运会。【New words and expressions】(9)1 Olympiclimpik a.奥林匹克的2 holdhuld v.召开3 governmentgvnmnt

5、 n.政府4 immenseimens a.巨大的5stadiumsteidim n.露天体育场6 standardstndd n.标准7 capital kpitl n.首都8 fantasticfntstik a.巨大的9 design dizain v.设计一单词讲解1、Olympic adj奥林匹克竞赛的the Olympic fire奧林匹克圣火the Olympic Games/the Olympics奧林匹克运动会2、hold-held-held1) conduct举行,进行A meeting was held here yesterday 昨天一个会议被召开了。2)observ

6、e,celebrate庆祝,过(节日,生日,周年)例: Do you hold Christmas in your country?你们国家庆祝圣诞节吗?3)take and keep/grab/seize/catch抓住,握住hold my hand抓住我的手take hold of.catch hold of.get hold of. 抓住.例: l threw the rope and he caught hold of it.我扔出了绳了,他抓住了它。4) contain容纳have enough space for sb/sth例: My brain cannot hold so m

7、uch information at one time5)坚持例:Hold on! 坚持住!Stick to it! 坚持住!Never say die! 永不言败!Never give up! 永不放弃!Never lose heart! 永不要灰心丧气!Hold the line, please 请稍等,不要挂断电话。Hold it! 别挂断!Hold on a minute,please !请稍等(不要挂断电话)。3、government n政府govern v治理(国家,国民),统治,管理,抑制例: The mayor governed the city very wisely.这个市

8、长很好的治理这个城市。govern the people 统治人民govern a school 管理一所学校govern one s temper 抑制某人的脾气government n 政治,政府the local government 地方政府:governor n州长(美):总督,总裁,管理者(-英)4、stadium n露大体育场a baseball stadium 棒球馆a swimming stadium 游泳馆an indoor stadium 室内游泳馆the Olympic stadium 奥林匹克运动场gymnasium健身房,室内体育馆gymgymnasia(pl)5、

9、capital1) n首都,省会例: London, Paris and Rome are capital cities.Paris is the capital of France 巴黎是法国的首都。2) n大写字母capital letterwrite in capitals用大写字母来书写例: Begin your sentence with a capital.用大写字母开始句首。3) n资本,资金capitalism 资本主义capitalist 资本家6、standard1)adj.标准的,一般的standard English 标准的英语a car of the standard

10、 size标准大小的汽车2) adj极佳的,一流的a standard composer一流的作曲家 3)n标准,水准,模范,规范living standard生活水准the standard of living生活水准moral standard 道德标准criterion n标准,尺度criteria pl.例: His work was below the required standard.他的工作低于要求的标准。standard time标准时间(以格林尼治标准时间为基准,在某个地区或国家采用的时间)7、fantastic /immense adj巨大的big大的反义词small小的

11、large(宽度,数量上)大的huge巨大的,极大地very large in size or amount , enormousvast: very large in area, size, quantity or degree (面积,体积,数量,程度)巨大的immense:extremely large 巨大的,非常大的fantastic (口)巨大的enormous: very large, immense 巨大的, 极大的tremendous: very great 巨大的,极大的giant n巨人 巨物 adj.巨大的gigantic adj. 巨大的of very great s

12、ize or extent, immensetitanic 巨大的fantastic1)adj巨大的2)adj. (口)极好的,美妙的,很棒的例: The night view of the bay is even more fantastic.海湾的夜景甚至更美。8、designl)v设计,拟订例: She designs dresses for the singer.她为那个歌星设计的衣服。design a perfect crime 筹划一个天衣无缝的犯罪The house is designed for a large family.这个房子是为人口多的家庭设计的。designer n

13、. 设计师2)V图样,设计(图)a design for a dress -条裙子的图样a school of dress design 服装设计学校draft a design for a building 画建筑的设计图dra:ft例: The machine is of very poor design.这个机器设计极其的糟糕。二、关键句型Key structures将来完成时一般将来时:will + do现在完成时:have/has 过去分词将來完成时:will(shall)have +v- ed农将來某时会完成的事情并往往对将来某时间产生影响,常常与表将来的时间状语连用。区别:一般将

14、来时间状语连用。区别:一般将来时时将要发生的事。例: I shall have finished this book before lunch.在午饭之前我将要看完这本书。Theyll have hit the year s target by the end of October.到十月底为止,他们已经完成这本书了。When we get there they ll probably have left.他们可能已经走了。By this time next year we ll have turned all the land into rice fields.到明年这个时候为止,我们已经把

15、稻田变成了田地。He will have moved to a new flat in two months time.两个月之后,他将已经搬进新的公寓了。三、课文讲解Text1、The Olympic Games will be held in our country in four years time.game n cform of play or sport with rulesa game of cards纸牌游戏例: Playing house is one of the favorite games of children.玩过家家是孩子们最喜欢的游戏。games运动会 (pl.

16、)the Games (国际)体育比赛international athletic contests 国际性比赛the Olympic Games 奧林匹克运动会play a cat-and-mouse game with sb 欲擒故纵the luck of the game 手气in 4 years time= in four years 四年之后此句为被动语态,主动语态是We will hold the Olympic Games in our country in four years time四年之后,将在我国召开运动会。2、As a great many people will b

17、e visiting the country, the government will be building new hotels, an immense stadium, and a new Olympic-standard swimming pool.a great many +pl 许多a good many十pl.a large number of+ pl.many a + single n. (谓语用单数)3、They will also be building new roads and a special railway line. The Games will be held

18、 just outside the capital and the whole area will be called Olympic City. Workers will have completed the new roads by the end of this year.By the end of the Year 到今年年底为止in the end 最后at last 最后finally 最后at the end of+时间地点at the end of this month 这个月月底at the end of this road 这个路的尽头by the end of 与完成时连

19、用4、We are all very excited and are looking forward to the Olympic Games because they have never been held before in this country.look forward to ( prep) + n. /doing/pron.渴望,盼望(常用进行时态)be eager to do sth 热切的盼望做某事be eager for sth 热切的期望着什么long to do sth渴望做某事long for sth 渴望着什么东西例:I am looking forward to

20、your letter.我期待着你的信。I am looking forward to seeing you again.我渴望着再次见到你。look1)n神情,表情good looking 好看的common looking 长相普通的ordinary-looking 长相普通的have a look at 看一眼2) vi.look at 看look for 寻找look after 照顾look into像里面看:调查,研究look on 旁观look through 透过一看;快速浏览look over 反反复复地看look back 回顾look back the pastlook

21、forward 向前看,展望;渴望look out 小心例:Look out! A bus is coming 小心,公共汽车来了。look up查字典;拜访;抬起头,仰视I don t understand this word, I shall look it up in a dictionary.我不明白这个词,应该在字典里查一下。Don t forget to look me up when you return.等你回来的时候不要忘了来看看我。He did not look up from his desk when I entered his office.当我进入办公室的时候,他甚

22、至没有从办公桌上抬起头来。put take get set look have万能词:四、练习Exercises1. Workers will have completed the new roads by the end of this year. They _.A. have already finished B. haven t finished yetC. finished long time ago D. are finishing now2. By the end of next year they will have finished the new stadium. This

23、means they will finish it the _ end of next yearA. at B. before C. after D. long before3. A motorway is a_.A. street B. road C. avenue D. high street4. It does not alter the fact that he was the man _ for the death of the little girl.A. accounting B. guilty C. responsible D. Obliged5.Because of the

24、Olympic Games .A. there has been a lot of new building B. a lot of new building was completedC. a lot of new building has been planted D. there was a lot of new building 6. The Olympic Games . A. have just been held in this country B. have never been held before in this countryC. are held in this co

25、untry every four years D.were held in this country four years ago7.The buildings have been designed by Kurt Gunter.So he designs .A. are not complete yet B. are now completeC. will be completed soon D.havent been completed yet8. We are looking forward to the Olympic Games, they have never been held

26、before in this country.A. for B. why C.because of D. due to9.How often do we the Olympic Games?A. make B. do C.have D. play10.It will be an immense stadium.It will be .A. tall B.wide C.high D. huge11.Kurt Gunter designed the buildings.He is probably .A. an engineer B.wan architect C.a builder D. a m

27、echanic12.We are looking forward to the Games.So we will be when they begin.A. pleased B.unhappy C.sorry D. important练习1. Wed better get ready for the dinner now because _ Greens are coming to visit us tonight. A. a B. an C. the D. /2. The plane will take off _ three hours. I must get to the airport

28、 right now. A. in B. for C. on D. at3. They _ play football last Friday because Simon forgot to bring his football here. A. could B. couldnt C. cant D. can4. You are in a bad mood all the afternoon. Maybe you need _ like me to cheer you up. A. no one B. none C. someone D. everyone5. That film was so

29、 _ that most of the audience kept screaming in fear while watching it last night. A. exciting B. frightening C. boring D. amazing6. _ wonderful dictionary it is! Thank you for buying me such a useful present.Im glad you like it. A. What a B. What C. How a D. How7. Its said that smoking wont be _ in

30、indoor public places or workplaces in China soon. A. attacked B. admired C. attracted D. allowed8. A tourist will easily lose his way in Beijing _ he has a map or a guide. A. if B. because C. unless D. when9. We have finished watering all the trees, Miss Li._! Boys and girls, lets have a drink. A. G

31、ood luck B. Well done C. Good idea D. Best wishes10. The Summer Palace is wonderful. Have you ever visited any other interesting places?Yes. Also, we _ to the Great Wall. A. have gone B. have been C. had gone D. had been11. The Gulf of Mexico(墨西哥湾) is being polluted seriously. That has affected _ se

32、veral hundred kinds of sea animals there. A. at least B. at once C. at birth D. at times12. Mr Brown always makes his class _ and keeps his students _ in class. A. alive; interesting B. lively; interesting C. alive; interested D. lively; interested13. Jerry, do you mind my pointing out your mistakes

33、?_. Your advice is of great value to me. A. Not at all B. Youd better not C. Of course D. Its my pleasure14. The girl _ won the gold medal comes from Beijing Sunshine Secondary School. A. who B. which C. what D. whom15. That actor often joins in different activities in Beijing. Do you know _?For 5 y

34、ears. A. how soon he will come back B. how long he has stayed there C. when he went there D. when he will come here任务型阅读Job requirements:Register(注册) a store on the Internet.Do a market survey and think of creative ideas.Develop a wide social network that helps make the store liked by a lot of peopl

35、e.Time needed:3-5 hours a day.Cost needed:From Zero to as much as you can spend. (Zeroif the supplier makes you an agent(代理商), you neednt spend anything on the products before they are sold.)Possible income:Anywhere from less than 100 yuan a month to more than, 10,000 yuan.阅读以上信息,完成下面的短文,每空一词。Are yo

36、u looking for a part-time job during the holiday? Ill be happy to offer you one. That is to open an 1 store.You should register a store on the Internet first. Then you need to do a market survey, which can help you 2 up with some creative ideas. In addition, you should develop a wide social network

37、to make your store 3 . If youre an agent, you can give money to the supplier for the products 4 they are sold.In a word, its an easy job. It wont take you 5 5 hours a day. If you devote yourself to it, you may get more than 10,000 yuan in a month.Come on! Your dream will come true.首字母填空A passenger t

38、old all air hostess(空姐) that he needed a cup of water to take his m1 when the plane just took off. She said to him, “Ill bring you the water i 2 ten minutes.Thirty minutes later, when the passenger ring for service sounded, the air hostess ran ill a hurry .She Was so busy that she f 3 to bring him t

39、he water. As a r 4 ,the passenger couldnt take his medicine in time. The air hostess hurried over to him with a cup of water. but he r 5 it.After a short while, the air hostess came up to him with a smile,” Could you please tell me what I can do for you, sir? The passenger turned around without any

40、words. The second time .also with a sweet smile, Would you like s 6 I can do for you?” Again the passenger refused. In the following hours , each time the air hostess passed the passenger, she would ask him w 7 a smile whether he needed some help or not. But the passenger never replied to her. When

41、the passenger was going to get o 8 the plane, he asked the air hostess to hand him the passengers booklet (小册子).She knew that he would write down terrible words about her job. H 9 .still with a smile she handed it to him.Getting off the plane. the air hostess opened the booklet, and smiled because t

42、he passenger wrote,” How can I refuse your twelve sweet s 10 ?答案:C【解析】冠词的用法。定冠词the用在姓氏前面表示一家或夫妇。句意为我们最好现在就准备吃晚餐,因为格林夫妇今晚要来我们家做客。故选择C。答案:A 【解析】介词的用法。过多久之后做某事要用介词in。句意为再过三个小时飞机就要起飞了,我必须马上去机场。故选择A。答案:B 【解析】情态动词。couldnt 是could的否定式,注意,表推测时,它们并不是过去式,只是在语气上比can或cant委婉;could和couldnt 表示推测时,可用于肯定句、否定句和疑问句。cou

43、ld/couldnt一般用于过去的时态,can/cant一般用于一般现在时态。句意为:上周五他们不可能踢足球了,因为西蒙忘记带他的足球了。故选择B。答案:C 【解析】不定代词的用法。none后跟of短语,既可指人又可指物,表示“没有”,而no one只单独使用,只指人,表示“没有一个人,谁也不”。someone表示“某个人”,everyone表示“每个人”。句意为你整个下午心情都不好,你需要像我这样的某个人让你高兴起来。故选择C。答案:B【解析】词汇辨析。A. exciting令人兴奋的;B. frightening令人害怕的;C. boring令人厌倦的;D. amazing令人开心的。句意

44、为那部电影如此吓人以至于许多观众昨晚看它的时候吓得一直尖叫。故选择B。答案: A 【解析】基本句型与特殊句式。What a+ 形容词+可数名词单数为典型的强调句句型。若选D项,题干中dictionary前面应加不定冠词a。故选择A。答案:D 【解析】词汇辨析。A. attack袭击;B. admire羡慕;C. attract吸引;D. allow允许。句意为据说不久中国将不允许在室内的公共场所及办公地点吸烟。故选择D。答案:C 【解析】连词的用法。A. if如果,引导条件状语从句; B. because因为,引导原因状语从句;C. unless除非,如果不,引导条件状语从句;D. when当

45、时候,引导1时间状语从句。句意为如果没有一张地图或者到有,游客很可能在北京迷路。故选择C。答案:B 【解析】交际用语。根据第一句话的语境学生们对老师说“我们已经把所有的树浇完了”,下句的答语应为对学生所做的表示赞扬,故选择B。答案:B【解析】时态与语态。根据问句中的“have”,答语也应用现在完成时,排除C、D两项;have been to some place表示去过某地(已经回来),而have gone to some place则表示去了某地(还未回来),故排除A,选择B。答案: A【解析】词汇辨析。A. at least至少;B. at once立刻,马上;C. at birth生下来时;D. at times有时,偶尔。句意为墨西哥湾被污染的很严重。那已经影响了那里的至少几百种的海洋动物了。故选择A。答案:D


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