新标准大学英语(第二版)综合教程 精读2 课后参考翻译.doc

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1、新标准大学英语综合教程2课后参考翻译第一单元课后翻译:现在中国大学生参加志愿活动已成为常态。他们到社区为老年人服务,到山区助学,举办爱心捐赠活动,或到世博会(World Expo)或奥运会等重要国际活动担任志愿者。参加志愿活动有助于学生获取专业技能,丰富社会经验,提高道德水平。多数大学生都认为参与志愿服务是自己应尽的社会责任和义务,希望能做一些有意义的事情来回报社会,积极推动社会和谐发展。Volunteering has now become the norm for college students in China. The volunteers may provide community

2、 services for senior citizens, support students in mountain areas in education, organize fundraising activities to help those in need, or work for major international projects such as the World Expo and the Olympic Games. Doing volunteer work is a useful way for students to enhance their professiona

3、l skills and social experience as well as promoting their moral development. The majority of college students believe that it is their duty and obligation to participate in volunteer activities. They hope that they can do something meaningful and promote the development of social harmony.第二单元课后翻译: “

4、不以物喜,不以己悲”出自北宋文学家范仲淹的名著岳阳楼记,意思是凡事都要以一颗平常心看待,不因外部事物的好坏和自己的得失而或喜或悲。它是一种思想境界,体现了中国的传统道家思想,教导人们追求一种淡然(detached) 平静的心态。在物质文明高度发达的今天,保持这样的心态仍显得十分重要。当你拥有了这种心境,生活就会多一些阳光,多一些快乐。 Be not pleased by external gains, nor saddened by personal losses is a statement from the essay Remarks of Yueyang Tower by Fan Zho

5、ngyan, a writer of the Northern Song Dynasty. The statement means one should look at and accept things as they are, and remain unbothered by external matters or personal gains or losses. It is a mental outlook that reflects the traditional Taoist ideas of China, instructing people to become calm and

6、 detached. Even today, when we have a highly developed material civilization, keeping such a state of mind is still important. When you possess such a state of mind, you will be able to live a brighter and more joyous life.第三单元课后翻译:乒乓球被称为中国的国球有三个原因。首先,乒乓球为中国赢得了荣誉,到目前为止,中国已经获得了二百多个乒乓球世界冠军。其次,乒乓球有着广泛的

7、群众基础,是中国最受欢迎的业余体育娱乐项目之一。最后,乒乓球运动促进了中国的对外友好交往。1971年中美两国在北京的乒乓球友谊赛为恢复两国外交关系敲开了大门,史称“乒乓外交”。如今,中国在发展自身乒乓球运动的同时,也为其他一些国家输送了优秀的运动员,对推动全球乒乓球运动的发展起到了积极作用。There are three reasons why table tennis is called Chinas national game. First, up to now China has won more than 200 world titles in table tennis, which

8、has earned great honor for the country. Second, table tennis is widely enjoyed by the general public, and is one of the most popular amateur recreational sports in China. Finally, table tennis helps promote Chinas friendly exchanges with foreign countries. The friendly table tennis match between Chi

9、na and the US, which took place in Beijing in 1971, is an event known to history as “ping-pong diplomacy”, and helped resume Sino-US diplomatic relations. Today, while developing its own table tennis, China also has top table-tennis players playing the game in other countries. This plays a positive

10、role in promoting the global development of the game of table tennis.第四单元课后翻译:20世纪中后期,随着科学技术的迅速发展,以网络技术为代表的高科技相继问世。但与此同时,以网络犯罪为代表的各种高科技犯罪也开始出现,对社会的健康发展带来潜在的威胁。如何预防和减少高科技犯罪已成为受到普遍关注的问题。中国也面临着同样的问题。为避免或减少由此带来的损失,在日常生活中,我们应该提高警惕,避免上当受骗。 In the middle and late 20th century, the rapid development of scie

11、nce and technology witnessed the birth of high technology, represented by the Internet. But at the same time various high-tech crimes, as represented by cybercrime, also arose, constituting a potential threat to the healthy development of society. How to prevent and reduce high-tech crimes has becom

12、e a common concern. China is facing a similar situation. To avoid or reduce losses caused by high-tech crimes, we should keep alert in our daily lives, so as not to be deceived.第五单元课后翻译:自2008年全面实行免费开放以来,中国博物馆每年举办展览两万多个,年参观人次达6亿多。博物馆不仅陈列藏品,还兼具教育、娱乐和休闲的功能。参观博物馆已成为中国人享受闲暇时光的一种重要方式。每到周末和节假日,家长就会带着孩子到各类博

13、物馆参观。旅游者每到一个地方,除了品尝当地的美食、欣赏美景,也会去参观当地的博物馆,了解其历史文化。Since 2008, with the implementation of the free admissions policy, Chinese museums have had more than 20,000 exhibitions, which have attracted over 600 million visitors each year. Museums are not only places to display collections, but also sites wit

14、h educational, entertainment and recreational functions. For Chinese people, visiting museums has become an important means of enjoying their leisure time. On weekends and holidays, parents take their children to various kinds of museums. While visiting a place, apart from eating amazing local food

15、and enjoying beautiful scenery, tourists may also visit local museums to learn more about its history and culture.第六单元课后翻译:2008年8月,中国第一条高铁“京津城际铁路”正式通车运营,宣告中国进入高铁时代。近年来,中国高铁不仅在关键技术领域取得一系列重大的创新与突破,还建立了具有自主知识产权、世界一流水平的高铁技术体系。凭借先进的技术、高性价比(cost effectiveness)和成功的运营经验,中国正在向世界各国大量出口高铁技术及相关产品。中国的高铁技术正在走向世界,

16、对推动“一带一路”(Belt and Road Initiative)战略起到积极作用。In August 2008, Chinas first high-speed railway, the Beijing-Tianjin Intercity Railway, was opened, ushering China into an era of high-speed railway. In recent years, in addition to achieving a series of major innovations and breakthroughs in key technolog

17、ies, China has also developed a world-class high-speed railway technology system with independent intellectual property. With its advanced technology, cost-effectiveness and successful operating experiences in high-speed railway, China is witnessing an increasing export of its high-speed railway tec

18、hnologies and related products to many countries around the world. Chinas high-speed railway technology is finding its way in the world and is playing a positive role in promoting “the Belt and Road Initiative”.第七单元课后翻译:“和”的观念在中国文化中占有重要位置。儒家思想主张“和为贵”,认为人们可以通过完善道德修养把事情处理得恰到好处,营造和谐的社会关系。不仅儒家,佛、道、墨诸家,也

19、大都主张人与人之间、族群与族群之间的“和”。中国人为人处事向来以和为贵,他们知道和睦的人际关系与和谐的社会环境对于人的生存和发展至关重要。在构建和谐社会的今天,“和”的思想显得更为重要。 “Harmony” is one of the most cherished values in Chinese culture. Confucianism advocates the idea that “Harmony is most precious”, believing that with their ethical attainments people can handle affairs pro

20、perly and create harmonious social relationships. Buddhism, Taoism and Mohism, as well as Confucianism, all advocate a harmonious relationship between people and between ethnic groups. Chinese people have always given priority to a harmonious relation in dealing with people in everyday life, as they

21、 know that a harmonious human relationship and society is of vital importance to human survival and development. Today when were constructing a harmonious society, the idea of harmony has become even more important.第八单元课后翻译:随着就业市场竞争的日益激烈,中国大学生越来越重视实习。每年都有大量的高年级学生参与实习。实习有助于学生验证自己的职业抉择、了解目标工作的内容和要求、学习

22、技能、锻炼才干。实习是帮助学生找到好工作的有效途径。企业在招聘时会倾向于寻找有相关实习经历的应聘者,有些企业在招聘的时候会优先录取自己的实习生。 With the increasingly fierce competition in the job market, Chinese college students are attaching more and more importance to internships. Every year, a lot of senior students take part in internships which may help them find

23、out whether they have made the right choice of career and have a clear idea of what they are going to do in their target job and what the job demands; it also helps students learn skills and cultivate their abilities. Taking internships is an effective way to secure a good job. In recruiting new staff, companies tend to prefer applicants with relevant internship experience. Some companies will give preference to those who have done an internship in their companies.


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