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1、新概念英语青少版入门级B期中试题姓名_ 成绩_听力部分(30)一 听录音,找出你所听到的单词。(两遍)10分 1 ( ) A grandmother B mother C aunt 2 ( ) A this B that C these 3 ( ) A those B think C thank 4 ( ) A four B five C frog 5 ( ) A bathroom B bedroom C dining room 6 ( ) A sock B clock C black 7 ( ) A he B it C she 8 ( ) A lamp B look C lunch 9 (

2、) A peach B please C potato10( ) A shop B sheep C shoe 二 听录音,选择正确的应答。(两遍)10分 ( )1、A. Yes, it is. B. No, he isnt. C. Yes, she is.( )2、A. Yes, they are. B .Theyre sheep. C. Therere apples.( )3、A. Fifteen. B. Its one oclock. C. At three. ( )4、A. Hes my father. B. Shes Helen. C. Shes my mother.( )5、A. S

3、hes Helen. B. Its Helen. C. Its Helens.三 听录音,找出相符的中文,并标上序号。(10分)( ) 是吃午餐的时候了。( ) 床的旁边有一盏台灯。( ) 这是我们的房子。( ) 好多的袜子啊!( ) 它们是爸爸的鞋子。笔试(70分)一. 圈出正确的单词或图片。(5分)1) frog 2) bedroom bathroom sitting room3) chair shelf desk 4) 早饭 lunchsupperbreakfast 5 ) skateboard skipping rope spaceship 二. 圈出不同 (5分)1. red blu

4、e pink banana2. frog bird butterfly chair3. schoolbag tall short big4. seven eight fine ten5. father mother uncle driver三. 写出句子的缩写形式并首字母大写(25=10分)1. there is a dog in the room. 2. where is the window? 3. there is not a doll on the bed. 4. that is the bedroom. 5. this is not a big room 四. 选择题(215=30分

5、)( )1.Your fathers brother is _.A. fatherB. uncleC. cousin ( )2. My mothers sister is my _.A. auntB.grandmother C. daughter ( )3.Lucy is my aunts child(孩子),shes is my _.A. brotherB. sisterC. cousin( )4. Whos that man? _ a teacher.A. ItsB. HesC. Shes( )5. _ is Robert? Hes in the house.A. What B. HowC

6、. Where( )6. Theres _ apple on the table.A. aB. anC. /( )7. These _ chickens.A. isB. areC. Be( )8. Is that your bag? No, it _ .A. arentB. dontC. isnt( )9. What _ these?A. isB. areC. Be( )10. Its 7 oclock in the morning. Its time for _.A. lunchB. breakfastC. supper( )11.你不知远处的某物是什么? 应该问:A.What is thi

7、s? B.What is that?( )12.不确定那个男的是不是警察,应该问,A.Is he a policeman?B.He is a policeman.( )13.告诉妈妈苹果是红的,应该说,A.Its an appleB.Its red( )14.你不知道这个足球是谁的,应该问,A.Whos this football?B.Whose football is it ?( )15.这个有一个桌子,应该说,A. There is a desk.B.They are desks.五. 按要求做题(10分)1、 There is a ball on the bed. (变为否定句) The

8、re a ball on the bed.2、 There is a poster on the wall. (变为一般疑问句) a poster on the wall? 3、 That is a sheep. (改为复数句子) Those are .4、 Is there a bed in the bedroom?(肯定回答) Yes, .5、 Are these cows?(否定回答)No, .6、 your Is grandfather that ?(连词成句) 7、in dining He is room the . (连词成句) 六. 连线 (110=10分)( )1.Whos t

9、hat girl?A.Flora ( )2.Is this your house? B. Hes in the bathroom.( )3.Where is Max?C. Tommys.( )4.What time is it? D. Shes a teacher.( )5.Are these birds? E. They are glasses.( )6.What are these? F. Good night.( )7.Whose computer is it? G. No, it isnt.( )8.Its time for bed. H. Its eight oclock.( )9.Whats your name? I.Yes, they are.( )10.What is your mother? J.She is my cousin


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