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1、Lesson 38 Everything except the weather唯独没有考虑到天气 Why did Harrison sell his house so quickly? My old friend, Harrison, had lived in the Mediterranean for many years before he returned to England. He had often dreamed of retiring in England and had planned to settle down in the country. He had no soon

2、er returned than he bought a house and went to live there. Almost immediately he began to complain about the weather, for even though it was still summer, it rained continually and it was often bitterly cold. After so many years of sunshine, Harrison got a shock. He acted as if he had never lived in

3、 England before. In the end, it was more than he could bear. He had hardly had time to settle down when he sold the house and left the country. The dream he had had for so many years ended there. Harrison had thought of everything except the weather.参考译文我的老朋友哈里森在回到英国以前曾多年居住在地中海地区。过去他常幻想退休后到英国,并计划在乡间

4、安顿下来。他刚一回到英国便买下了一幢房子住了进去。但紧接着他就开始抱怨那里的天气了。因为即使那时仍为夏季,但雨总是下个不停,而且常常冷得厉害。在阳光下生活了那么多年的哈里森对此感到惊奇。他的举动就好像他从未在英国生活过一样。最后,他再也忍受不住,还没等安顿下来就卖掉了房子,离开了这个国家。他多年来的幻想从此破灭。哈里森把每件事情都考虑到了,唯独没想到天气。【New words and expressions】(6)1 except iksept prep.除了2 Mediterraneanmeditreinin n.(the)地中海3 complain kmplein v.抱怨4 contin

5、ually kntinjuli ad.不断地5 bitterlybitli ad.刺骨地6 sunshine snain n.阳光一单词讲解except prep 除了,除了外eg. Except a broken chair, the room has no furniture.除了一把破椅子,这间房子里什么也没有。 (chair与furniture性质相同)except foreg. Except for a broken chair, the room is empty.除了一把破椅子外,这间房子是空的。except for没有“所指项目类别”的限制except thateg. I kn

6、ow nothing about his career except that he is a graduate of Oxford University.除了他是牛津大学毕业生之外,我对他的职业一无所知。but prep. 除之外 ( 与no, nobody, all, anywhere等连用)eg. Nobody knew her name but me.除了我之外,没人知道她的名字。They were all there on time but the chairman.除了主席外,其余人都按时到了。but 强调未被排除的其他事物(人)except强调所排除之外(事物)Mediterra

7、nean adj. /n.n地中海the Mediterranean/the Mediterranean Seaadj.地中海的,地中海沿岸的,内陆的Mediterranean climate 地中海气候(内陆气候)complain V1)(常做贬义)抱怨,投诉,发牢骚complain to sb about sth 对某人抱怨某事complain to sb at sth 对某人抱怨某事complain about the terrible weather抱怨这个恶劣的天气eg. You are always complaining about your fate!你总是抱怨命运!What

8、was the weather like on your holiday?你度假的时候天气怎么样阿?I can t complain./It was as good as could except.It couldnt be better.不能抱怨就像所能预料的那样好。好的不能再好了。complain of.诉说(病,痛等)complain of a toothache牙疼2)(正式地)投诉eg. We complained to the police about the noise from the e bar.洒吧问噪音人人,我们向警方投诉。complaint n.1)u抱怨,埋怨,不满Y

9、ou have no reason for complaint.你没什么理由好抱怨的。2)C中诉,控诉They are full of complaints about their labor conditions.关于劳动条件他们牢骚一大堆。continually adv. 频繁地,屡次地,反复地例:工am continually losing things 我一再地遗遗失东西He was continually late for work 他一再地迟到比较: They chattered continuously for an hour.他们整整唠叨一小时了。continuously连续不

10、断地,不间断地continue v.1)继续,持续(用于不中断的继续或中断后的继续)The rain continued till late at night.雨一直持续到半夜。The discussion continued after a break.休息一会后讨论继续。continue doing /continue to do sth继续做某事How can you continue to work with so much noise?有这么大噪音,你怎么能继续工作呢?2)继续存在或不断发生continue十 adj.The weather continued cold 天气依然很冷

11、continual. adj.1) 再重复的continual complaints 频频的抱怨continual invitations频频的邀请2)连续的continual rain 连续不停的雨continuous(时间上,空间上)连续的a continuous line of cars络绎不绝的汽车continuous rain 连绵不断的雨区别:continual指“中间有间断,但持续很久,好像没有停止的意味”例:You need continual practice 你需要持续的锻炼。continuous指“中间没有间断,但持续某段时间后可能会停下来”例:The plane is

12、capable of two day continuous night.这架飞机能持续飞行两大。bitter adv.1)苦味的a bitter taste -种苦的味道eg. The coffee was too bitter to drink.这个咖啡太苦了没法喝。taste: sour, sweet, bitter, hot, salty味道: 酸的,甜的,苦的,辣的,咸的2)痛苦的,令人悲伤的a bitter life 痛苦的一生a bitter experience 痛苦的经历bitter tears 痛苦的泪水例:She has a bitter memory 她有一段痛苦的回忆。

13、3)严寒的a bitter winter寒冷的冬天bitterly adv. 苦苦地,惨痛地,严寒地例:He was bitterly disappointed他极度的失望。be bitterly cold 刺骨的寒冷bitterness n痛苦eg. Who goes through the happiness and bitterness with me?谁和我同甘共苦呢?sunshine n.1)阳光U例:Cats like lying down in the sunshine在阳光下下晒太阳2)晴天,好天气u例:After rain comes sunshine (谚)雨过天晴,苦尽甘

14、来3)快活,开朗例:Her presence always gives sunshine to all of us.她的出现总是让我们很开心。a ray of sunshine -线光明(希望)sunrise 日出before sunrise 日出前dawn 黎明sunset 日落after sunset 日落后twilight 黄昏suntan 晒黑get a suntan 晒黑,皮肤晒成古铜色二、关键句型Key structures过去完成时:had+过去分词(v-ed)一般过去时:过去某一时间发生的事情。过去完成时:过去某一时刻之前发生的事,也就是“过去的过去”。过去完成时是一个相对的时

15、态,它不能离开过时间而独立存住。三、课文讲解TextMy old friend, Harrison, had lived in the Mediterranean for many years before he returned to England.before he returned to England时间状语从句(一般过去时)He had often dreamed of retiring in England and had planned to settle down in the country.settle down定居dream of sth/doing sth梦想做某事H

16、e dreams of becoming a millionaire. 他梦想着成为百万富翁。dreamer 空想家a day dream 白日梦a waking dream 白日梦a fond dream 黄粱梦country1)国家eg. He sold the house and left the country.他卖了房子离开了这个国家。2)乡村,乡下例: He had planned to settle down in the country.他计划着在乡村定居下来。countryside农村eg. The countryside around Vienna is very beau

17、tiful.维也纳乡村的景色非常优美。country国家(最普遍的中性词)state 侧重指政权机构,亦可指政府本身nation1)可指政治单位,比state庄重the United Nations联合国2)民族land较为庄重,多用于诗歌中motherland祖国/native land祖国/homeland祖国He had no sooner returned than he bought a house and went to live there.no sooner.than.一就eg. He had hardly had time to settle down when he sol

18、d the house and left the country.还没等安顿下来他就卖了房子离开了这个国家。no sooner-than 一就 / as soon as 一就hardlywhen几乎来不及就主语had no sooner done + than+-般过去时的句子主语had hardly done + when+一般过去时的句子例: I had no sooner arrived home than it began to rain.我刚一到家就下雨了。He had no sooner seen her than he fell in love with her.他一见到她就爱上

19、她了。He had no sooner arrived in Beijing than he fell ill.他一到北京就病倒了。I had no sooner come back than he asked me to go on business again我刚一回来他又让我去出差。Hardly had we begun when we were told to stop.我们刚一开始就被告诉停下来。Almost immediately he began to complain about the weather, for even though it was still summer,

20、 it rained continually and it was often bitterly plain about 抱怨complain to sb about sth 对某人抱怨complain about the weather 抱怨天气even though引导让步状语从句,相当于even if “即使”eg. Even though he worked hard, , he failed in the exam.即使她学习很努力,但考试还是没及格。文中三个it均指天气,属虚主语的用法例:It rained continually. 天总是下雨。After so many year

21、s of sunshine, Harrison got a shock.get a shock 大吃一惊get a surprise 吃了一惊get a shock 大吃一惊get a fright 吓了跳He acted as if he had never lived in England before.虚拟语气表示所说的话只是一种主观的愿望,假想和建议等。虚拟语气的动词基本形式有其中,其中had+过去分词表示过去事实的相反的假想。If we had left earlier, we wouldnt have missed the train.假若我们早点动身的话,我们是不会错过火车的。I

22、n the end, it was more than he could bear.He could not bear it any more. /He could bear it no more他不能再忍受下去了。Harrison had thought of everything except the weather.think of1)考虑,思考例:What were you thinking of? 你在考虑什么呢?2)想起eg. I can t think of his phone number.我想不起他的电话号码了。3)想到eg. Ive thought of a good pe

23、rson for chairman.我想到一个做主席的合适人选。4)万想不到,做梦也没有想到(与would not, could not连用)eg. I wouldnt think of selling the land.我万万想不到会卖了这块地。Special Difficulties难点1用no sooner than连接句子:I)I had left the house. It began to rain.一I had no sooner left the house than it began to rain.我一离开房子,天就开始下雨了。我刚一离开房子就下雨了。2) We had h

24、ung the picture on the wall. It fell down.一We had no sooner hung the picture on the wall than it fell down我们刚一把花挂在墙上它就掉了下来。4、 练习Exercisesl. He acted _ he had never lived in English before.A. as though B. like C. as D. even if2. He had hardly had time to settle down _ he sold the house and left the c

25、ountry.A. than B. when C. as soon as D. after3. It rained continually. It_.A. stopped occasionally B. never stoppedC. hardly rained at all D. never rained4. The two scientists disagreed and a _ argument developed.A. hard B. bitter C. salty D. Sour5.What was Harrison looking forward to doing?A. Compl

26、aining about the weather. B. Spending his old age in England.C. Buying a house somewhere. D. Living in the Mediterranean.6. Harrison probably couldnt stand the English climate because .A. it never stopped raining B. it was always cold C. he had spent so long in the Mediterranean,he had forgotten wha

27、t it was like D. he had never lived in England before7. Harrison had made plans he returned to England.A. before B. when C. as soon as D. after8.It was more than he could bear.He couldnt bear it .A. more B. longer C. any longer D. no more9.When did he ?He left immediately.A. live B. longer C. any lo

28、nger D. no more10.Harrison retired in England.So a job.A. he was going to get B. he had C. he would have D. he didnt have11. He wanted to settle down in the country.He wanted to .A. rest there B. live there permanently C. live there for a while D. go there for a visit12. He as if he had never lived

29、in England before.A. made B. did C. conducted D. Behaved13. It was more than he could bear.He couldnt it.A. suffer B. put up C. carry D. stand 练习选择1.Do you like to listen to “Mozart”? Yes. Listening to _ is my favorite.A. songs B. music C. stories D. news2.Will you please _ it to me on Friday? What

30、about Saturday? My computer doesnt work well these days.A. send B. give C. email D. bring 3. Its an important decision for you, so_ your time and think it over.A. take B. waste C. kill D. save 4.Do you think it will do us good or harm? _. Lets beg for Gods help.A. Its hard to say B. Im sure C. Its i

31、mpossible D. You are right5. If you are weak _ a subject, _ and asking a teacher for advice can help. A. at; working hard B. in; work hard C. at; work hard D. in; working hard 6. While flying, a bat makes a sound which hits things and comes back to its ears. In this way its able to know _ the things

32、 are and avoid bumping into them.A. how B. where C. what D. which7. If we continue to be _ the problem, things are sure to go from bad to worse.A. blind to B. interested in C. honest about D. satisfied with8. Have you heard of the story of Holi? It _ like this: there is a bad king whoA. tells B. com

33、es C. goes D. says9. A study shows that a tropical fish in America can survive(存活)_ water for up to 66 hours.A. beyond B. in C. out of D. from 10. He didnt tell his parents he was going home because he wanted to give them a _.A. joy B. surprise C. shock D. happiness11.Excuse me. How can I get to the

34、 railway station? Turn left and then follow your noseYou _ miss it! A. mustnt B. cant C. shouldnt D. neednt12.I didnt know this is a one-way street, sir. _. Please show your driving license. A. I dont careB. Sorry, but that is no excuseC. Its all right D. I hope so13.Do you think well need a coffee

35、pot?I dont drink coffee, and _. Its not necessary. Why not a tea service?A. so do you B. neither you do C. so you do D. neither do you14. My son wants a pet rabbit for long, but I have no time to buy _ for him.A. itB. thatC. the oneD. one15. A “Workaholic” works too much and usually forgets to have

36、meals and go to bed. _, he doesnt have good health. A. As a matter of fact B. As a whole C. As a result D. As a rule16. Newton was playing under an apple tree _ an apple fell onto his head. A. when B. while C. after D. before17.You arent a stranger, are you? _, dont you remember_me at the school gat

37、e ten minutes ago?A. Yes; to see B. No; seeingC. No; saw D. Yes; seeing18. Which sign means “No Photos”? A. B. C. D.19.How much will you be paid?Judy, I dont do it for money, but for experience. _, its voluntary (志愿的) work.A. However B. Besides C. Finally D. Possibly20. Nowadays meteorologists (气象学家

38、) can make good forecast for 3 or 5 days. Perhaps soon they may be able to do that for a week or _.A. more ahead B. more behind C. less ahead D. less behind 首字母填空Nearly 2,000 years ago, during the Han Dynasty, there was a person called Ying Chen. One day, he invited Du Xuan to his house and treated

39、him with wine. On the wall of the room (1) h_ a red bow (弓). Its shadow appeared in Du Xuans cup. Du Xuan took the shadow for a snake. He was (2) f_ but he didnt refuse out of politeness. He drank the wine (3) w_ his eyes closed.When he was back at home he felt so sick that he could (4) h_ eat and d

40、rink any more. He sent for the doctor and took some (5) m_, but nothing could cure him. (6) W_ Ying Chen went to ask Du Xuan how he got so seriously ill, Du told him about the snake in the wine. Chen returned home, thought hard, (7) b_ he could not find an answer. (8) S_ the bow on the wall caught h

41、is eyes. “Thats it!” he shouted. He immediately sent for Du Xuan. He seated him where he sat before and offered him a cup of wine. Du Xuan saw the snake-like shadow again. Ying Chen said, pointing at the shadow, “The snake in the cup is (9) n_ but a shadow of the bow on the wall!” Now that Du Xuan k

42、new (10) w_ it was, he felt much easier. And strange enough, his illness disappeared the next moment.This story turned out to be the idiom “Bei Gong She Ying”.任务型阅读 How do you feel when you have to make a speech in front of class? What about when you go to a birthday party? Do you get really shy? Sh

43、yness means feeling nervous or frightened when youre around other people. Experts (专家) have found that more than 80 percent of middle school students feel afraid to be the centre of attention. Some kids are born shy. Some become shy later because of their life experiences. Its OK if it takes you a w

44、hile to feel yourself again when you go to a new place or meet new people. In fact, everybody gets a little shy sometimes. Its just a case of how much. Most people have red faces and talk in broken sentences when they get shy. But some become so shy that they wont go to a restaurant because they are too nervous to order and pay the bill (账单). Some are afraid of meeting new people, so they seldom go outside. This kind of shyness can be bad for a person. If shyness doesnt stop you from doing something you want to do, being shy isnt a very big probl


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