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1、 NCE 118 TEST 一填入下列单词中所缺的字母。(10分)1.c_ l_ ur 2. Br _ _ n 3.g _ _l 4. W_ _m 5.ye_lo_6. oran_ _ 7. fri_nd 8. lo_ _ly 9.m_ther 10. bro_ _er11. wom_ _ 12. y_ _ng 13. c_ld 14. g_ _dbye 15. Poli _ _man16. nati_ _ ality 17. Ch_ _ ese 18. s_ _ool 19. th_ _k you 20. t_ _cher二按要求写出下列各词。(10分)1.she_(她的) 2.fat_(反

2、义词) 3.short_(反义词) 4.clean_(反义词) 5.cold_(反义词) 6.young_(反义词) 7.lazy_(反义词) 8.mother_(对应词) 9.brother_(对应词) 10.he_(他的) 三按要求完成句子。(10分)1. This is your umbrella.(改为一般疑问)_2. That is his watch.(改为否定句)_3. They are your classmates.(改为一般疑问句)_4. He_a keyboard operator. (用am, is 或are填空)5. - Whats_job? (用 his, her,

3、 your 或my填空) - She is a air hostess.四从括号中选择适当的词完成句子。(10分)1. That is _sisters book. (hehis)2. Whats _job? (youyour)3. Thank _very much. (youyour)4. This is _handbag. (myI)5. Stella is here. That is _blouse. (sheher)6. _brother is a teacher. (HeHis)7. This is my shirt. _is new. (It Its)8. _mother is a

4、 policeman. (SheHer)9. This is _car. (StevensSteven)10. This is my pencil. _is there. (HerHers)五连词成句。(20分)1. am , I , student , new , a. _2. What , you , are , nationality. _3. Your , is , Mr.Blake , teacher. _4. coat, my , please , umbrella , and , my. _5. job , your , is , what. _6. not , my , is

5、, this , umbrella. _7. she , teacher , student , a , is , a , or? _8. boy , Tom , an , English , is. _9. upstairs , come , see , and , it. _10. shirt , Toms , white , is. _六英汉互译。(20分)1. What make is it ? Its a Toyota. _ 2. He is a Japanese student. _3. Is he a student or teacher? _4. Sorry, sir. Thi

6、s isnt my umbrella. _5. Her daughter is an English teacher. _ 6. 你是做什么工作的?_我是一名警察。_7. 看那个女的,她很年轻。_8. Whose shirt is this? _9. Are your friends tourists too? _10. Those women are very hard-working. _七判断下列句子是否正确,正确的填字母Y,错误的填字母N.(10分)1Are you French? Yes, I am. ( )2. Whats your jou? I am a engineer. (

7、)3. How do you do? I am very well, thank you. ( )4. This is me shirt. Its blue. ( )5. Is this your umbrella, Dave? No, its not my umbrella. ( )6.what are this? This is my pen. ( )7. That is my sisters coat. ( )8.Whose shirt is that? She is my sister. ( )9.How are Tony? He is fine, thanks. ( )10.What

8、 nationality are you? I am Chinese. ( )八从下列中选出恰当的选项完成对话。(10分)A. What is your job now? B. How are you? C. I am a mechanic. D. She is a teacher.E. Im fine. Amy:_today, Jack?Jack: Im fine, thank you. And you?Amy:_, too.Jack: _.Amy: Im a postman. And your job?Jack:_Amy: What is your mothers job?Jack: _.


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