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1、新概念英语第二册课后习题答案详解Lesson 4练习答案 Key to written exercises1关键句型练习答案A 1 I have just had breakfast.2 He has been in prison for six months.3 The police have not caught the thief yet.4 You have (already) asked that question three times (already). 5 Have you ever been to Switzerland?6 I have never been to Swi

2、tzerland.7 He is a wonderful runner. He has broken two records so far .8 I havent seen George lately .C 1 He has just left the house .2 He has just had breakfast .3 She has just written a letter .4 My sister has just turned on the radio .5 My mother has just made the bed .6 She has just bought a new

3、 hat.D 1 He hasnt washed the dishes yet .2 She hasnt made the beds yet .3 He hasnt combed his hair yet .4 She hasnt swept the carpet yet .5 We havent read Macbethyet .E 1 Have you seen the new play at The Globeyet ? 2 Have you taken your holidays yet ?3 Have you read this book yet ?4 Have you done y

4、our homework yet ?5 Have you finished your work yet ?2 难点练习答案1 received 2 received 3 took 4 taken 5 take3多项选择题答案1. d根据课文内容Tim is an engineer. He is working for a big firm., 只有d. Timis working for a big firm as an engineer 是对的,其他3个与文章不符合。2. b根据课文的最后一句My brother has never been abroadbefore,应该选b.其他3个选择

5、都与课文内容不符合。3. ab. in(在里面)不能和动词go连用;c. at(在地方)也不能同go 连用;d.into(进入内)可以与go连用,但是到某个国家不能用go into; 只有a. to 同动词go 连用 go to才能表示到某个地方去,如国家,城市等,所以选a.4. b本句是问“他在那儿呆了多久”。因为说话时他还在那,所以应该用现在完成时态。a. is he 是一般现在时;c. has he 中没有过去分词been, 不符合语法;d. was he 是一般过去时;只有b.has he been 是现在完成时, 所以选b.5. ba. for 只有同表示一段时间的词连用时候才能用在

6、完成时中,如for six months, for one year等.c. from 常与介词to连用表示从到,它很少用于现在完成时;d. by 可以表示时间“到为止”,常用于过去完成时中和将来完成时中,但是它用在本句意思不对;只有b.since(从以来)可以用在完成时态中,选b.才能使句子的时态和意思正确并且合乎逻辑。6. a本句的意思是“他刚刚买了一辆澳大利亚小汽车”强调买的时间短,用just来表示。b. a long time ago(很久以前)与原来句子不符合。c. last year(去年)也跟原来句子不符合。d. six months ago(6个月前)也不对,句子中没有明确说明

7、;只有a. a short time ago(不久前,最近)同just的意思相近,所以应该选a.7. c本句需要用现在完成时,已经给出了助动词has,只需要填上过去分词就可以了。a. went 是过去式; b. being 是现在分词;d.was 是过去式,只有c. been 是过去分词,所以选c.8. b本句需要选出与firm(公司)的同意义词。 只有b. company(公司)和firm 的词意思相同。 而其他3个a.society(社会),c. factory(工厂),d. store(商店)都不是firm的同意义词,所以选b.9. c本句需要选出一个与前一句的different相对应的

8、词.a. the only (唯一的)不是different的反义词. b. asimilar (相似的,类似的)也有同样的意思,但是它不是和different相对应的反义词;d.alike(相象的,相同的)通常做表语. 只有c. the same(同一的,同样的)是different的反义词,所以应该选c.10. a只有a. bigger than a village but smaller than a city才能准确表达town的含义,而其他3个选择都不表示这个意思。11. c本句需要选出一个同前一句soon(不久)意义相接近的词,a. quickly(快速地),b. for a shorttime(短时间),d. in a hurry(匆忙地)这3个选择都与soon意思不同,只有c. shortly(不久)是soon的同义词.12. c本句需要选出同前句中fly(飞,乘飞机)的意思相应的短语。只有c. by air 是固定短语,表示方式, go by air 是惯用法,意思是“乘飞机去”,而a. with air, b.in air, c. through air 都不是固定短语,意思都讲不通,所以选c.


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