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1、恩波英语模考答案凡团购恩波图书,可于考前一个月免费获得恩波模考和作文预测服务。大学英语四级考试参考答案Part WritingAdvantages and Disadvantages of InternetIn the picture a girl is asking a question online. Answers from different netizens differ so greatly that the girl is very confused about whom she should follow. It is becoming a fashion for people

2、 to ask questions online when confronting a dilemmaThe implication in the drawing can be elaborated as follows. On the one hand, the Internet has provided us with great convenience. For example, we can get knowledge about nearly all aspects on the Internet. On the other hand, with an explosive amoun

3、t of information on the Internet, it can be difficult to tell good information from bad. For example, teenagers and adolescents may mistake the bad information online as good, the result of which can be rather devastating. In conclusion, it is important for us to take full advantage of Internet to e

4、nhance our efficiency and save our time. However, effective steps should be taken to educate people to avoid inappropriate data online so as not to be misguided. Only in this way can the net better serve for our life, study and workPart Listening ComprehensionSection 15DCDCC610BABBC1115CADBDSection

5、1620CBDDC2125BCADBSection 26. hardships27. hatch into28. journey29. rapids30. starved31. still32. covers33. reproduction34. break forth from35. on their ownPart Reading ComprehensionSection 3640IACOM4145HFEBJSection 4650DBIEF5155HLNCJSection 5660BCCDA6165BABDCPart TranslationIn 2013, The Nobel Prize

6、 for literature was awarded to Alice Munro, 82 years old and a Canadian writer, which to a great extent/degree disappointed those people who thought The Nobel Prize preferred the writers whose writings demonstrated/ indicated/ illustrated the political elements. Alice Munro was a novelist whose work

7、s was seldom involved in the political background. She became famous in 1968 when she was 37 years old and joined in the Canadian feminism movements and published her short novel series Dance of the Happy Shades, beginning to absorb the publics attention听力原文Section 1. W: One of the members of the do

8、rmitory council is quitting. Do you know of anyone who would be interested in taking her place?M: Im not sure. But Ill certainly keep an eye out for youQ: What will the man probably do?2. M: Whats on the agenda today, Miss Smith?W: Mr. Black has an appointment to see you at ten. Then the accountant

9、and, after lunch, your lawyerQ: Whats the probable relationship between the two speakers?3. M: Has David found an apartment?W: David wanted to find an apartment for 200 dollars a month, but discovers he has to pay twice that muchQ: How much does David have to pay to rent an apartment?4. M: The room

10、is filled with smoke. I can hardly breatheW: I agree. Smoking should not be permitted in this room at allQ: What can we learn from the conversation?5. M: Ill call a taxi. Do you know the telephone number?W: I dont know, but we can always find the telephone numbers in the local telephone book. But le

11、ts just stop a taxi on the street. That is much easier and quickerQ: What does the woman suggest doing?6. W: Ill just wash out my coffee mug before I goM: Oh, just leave it. Ive got so many dishes to wash. One more mug isnt going to make any differenceQ: What does the man mean?7. M: How do Jane and

12、Bill like their new home?W: Its really comfortable, but theyre tired of having to hear the jets go over their house at all hoursQ: Where probably is Jane and Bills new home?8. W: I was sorry to hear about Freds being fired. I know he was sick a lot and usually went to work lateM: Oh, it wasnt that.

13、Fred made a big error in last months accountingQ: Why did Fred lose his job?Conversation OneW: Good morning, Mr. BrownM: Oh, Jessica. Ive been expecting you. Take a seatW: ThanksM: And what can I do for you?W: Well, I am thinking about taking a year off after we finish school this summer, and I want

14、 some adviceM: I see. You mean put off going to university for a year?W: Thats right. Ive been offered a place at University College in London, but what Id really like to do is take a year out firstdo something different, maybe go abroadM: So were you thinking of getting some sort of job, or traveli

15、ng around? I mean, is your main aim to earn some money, or to do something else? Or do you want to do a bit of both?W: Id really like to travelbut I dont have any money. But Ive heard of an organization called Peterson Internationaland thats what I want to ask you about. Do you know anything about i

16、t?M: Sure. Its a charity and its aimed very much at young people like you, and what they do is to get teams of young people to work together on various projects all over the worldenvironmental projects, community projects, that sort of thingW: Mum, it sounds great. Is it just English people working

17、on the projects?M: No, theyre international teams. Youd be working with quite a variety of people9. How long does the woman want to put off going to university?10. What does Peterson International do?11. Where do the people in the Peterson International teams come from?Conversation TwoW: HelloM: Hel

18、lo. This is Harry. May I speak to Susan?W: Oh, Harry. This is ConnieM: Hi, Connie. Hows it going?W: Fine, but finals are coming up, so Im studying like crazyM: Yeah, I know what you meanW: Well, it was nice talking to you. Ill check and see if Susans still hereM: Thanks. (pause)W: Im sorry, but shes

19、 not here. Would you like me to give her a message?M: Yes. Id appreciate that. Tell her that I have two tickets for the Berlin Philharmonic tomorrow night at Carnegie Hall at 8:00. Theyre playing Beethoven and MozartW: Oh, well.I know that shed love to go with you, but I dont think that shes going t

20、o be back tomorrowM: Really?W: Yeah, she went to her parents house for the weekendM: Well, I dont know what to do. My brother gave me these two tickets and I hate to waste the other oneW: Well, actually, I love Beethoven and Mozart!M: Really? Well, maybe this will work out after allW: Ill tell you w

21、hat. You take me to the symphony and Ill buy you dinner at that new Chinese restaurant downtownM: Youre got a deal. Ill pick you up at 6:00W: Great. Ill see you at 6:00. I really appreciate thisM: Im looking forward to seeing youW: Bye!12. Why does Harry make the phone call?13. What has Connie been

22、busy doing recently?14. Why cant Susan go to the concert with Harry?15. What does Connie promise to do?Section Passage OneSome farmers are having a hard time picking their crops. There are not enough workers to help them with the harvest. One farmer used to grow peaches, but will soon switch to grow

23、ing almonds. Peaches require more labor to harvest. They are fragile, and must be picked by hand. Machines would damage the ripe peaches. Then the farmer could not sell them. He is using a bulldozer to remove his peach trees. Then he will plant almond trees in their placeAlmonds are harvested differ

24、ently. It does not take as many workers to pick them because a machine shakes the almond trees. The almonds fall on the ground and then are gathered up. The farmer does not have to hire many workers to pick the almonds off the trees. Some farmers think there are two reasons why there is a shortage o

25、f farm workers. One reason is that there are a lot of construction jobs in the area. These jobs pay higher wages. Many workers are taking construction jobs instead of picking fruit. Another reason is that it has become more difficult to cross the border from Mexico into California. Many farm workers

26、 come from Mexico. Fewer are able to cross the border in order to work on the fruit farms. One solution might be to allow Mexican workers to work here as guests. That would help them to provide for their family and help farmers harvest their crops. Farmers say that unless things change, more produce

27、 will come from other countries. This is because labor is cheaper in other nations than it is in the United States16. Why will the farmer change to grow almonds?17. What is one of the reasons that theres a shortage of farm workers in California?18. What do farmers say according to the end of the pas

28、sage?Passage TwoAustralians always take great pride in displaying their mateship to others. This was built up bit by bit when the first settlers began to explore a living on the vast, wild land. At that time, convicts and free immigrants had to fight together against the changeable nature which coul

29、d put them on the verge of risks and disasters at any time. For survivals sake, they united closely together to share sufferings and happiness. Gradually, they became good friends who kindly helped each other and often demonstrated cooperation in exploring. Later as more and more lands were explored

30、, people began to scatter in the great interior individually. They no longer had any helpful neighbors nearby. Sometimes, it would be months before they met a passing stranger. Feeling lonely, they would of course be delighted to see each other and greet each other friendly and politely regardless o

31、f their backgroundNowadays, this mateship has been extended: when your car breaks down on the highway, especially with an old man or child, passing cars will surely stop to offer help. If your car needs a mechanic, they will seek aids for you in a nearby police station. If, for instance, you are won

32、dering along a street with a worried look on your face, someone may come up to you and ask, “Anything wrong? Can I help you? ”When you are found really sick, kind Australians will accompany you to a hospital19. What can we learn about the ancestors of Australians?20. Why did Australians no longer ha

33、ve helpful neighbors nearby later?21. Which of the following is mentioned to reflect the extended Australian mateship?Passage ThreeWell, I manage a small branch of a large supermarket, and we lose a lot of money through shoplifting. I have to try to prevent it, or else Ill lose all my profits. A lot

34、 of shoplifting is done by young people, teenagers in groups. They do it for fun. They are not frightened, so we have to make it difficult for them. Obviously a supermarket cant have chains or alarms on the goods, so we have store detectives, who walk around like ordinary shoppers, otherwise theyll

35、be recognized. We have big signs up, saying “shoplifters will be prosecuted”, but that doesnt help much. Weve started putting cash desks at all the exits, weve found we have to do that, or else the shoplifters will walk straight out with things. Of course, that worries the ordinary shopper who hasnt

36、 found what he wanted. We also use closedcircuit television, but thats expensive. In fact, all good methods of prevention are quite expensive, and naturally they make our prices higher. But it has to be done, otherwise shoplifting itself will make all the prices even higher, and the public doesnt wa

37、nt that! I really hope the measures can take effect22. Whats the speakers problem?23. Why do the teenagers do shoplifting in the supermarkets, according to the passage?24. Which of the following measures has been taken by the speaker to prevent shoplifting?25. What is the effect of putting the cash desks at all the exits?


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