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1、unit 2 Jim Fixx had been a heavy smoker and weighed 214 pounds when he took up(开始从事) running in the 1960s. He soon reaped (收割者)the benefits from running. His weight decreased by 60 pounds by the time his book, The Complete Book Of Running, was published. His book inspired(有灵感的) millions of people. I

2、n his book and on television talk shows, he extolled the benefits of physical exercise and how it considerably (显著地)increased the average peoples life expectancy. His readers and audience became more health-conscious. However , to their shock, Fixx died at the age of 52 after his daily run. Many who

3、 opposed his beliefs said this was evidence (证据)that running was harmful. However, his supporters revealed (揭露)that the real cause of Fixxs death was a heart attack. He came from a family where men had poor health stories. His father suffered a heart attack at the age of 35 and died of one at 42. Gi

4、ven(规定的) Fixxs unhealthy lifestyle until he took up running, many argued that running added many years to his life. “Running does have its shortcomings,” Acknowledges(承认) heart specialist Paul Thomas, in a recent medical journal. “The impact(影响) can be hard on your knees. Runners are more at risk du

5、ring their training, particularly(特别) if they run marathons. However, the news for runners isnt all bad. Evidence suggests in spite of its shortcomings, moderate(温和的) amount of running exercise can actually result in(导致) a longer, improved life.” Dr.Dale Macdonald, a certified Strength and Condition

6、ing specialist once summed up a discussion by saying, “As with (与一样)all athletic endeavors, running comes with both great reward (奖赏)and inherent risk. More than 60% of runners will suffer an injury that causes them to take time off runningeach year!” He also said that improving ones balance can red

7、uce the likelihood (可能)of injury.吉姆夫人是一个烟鬼,体重214磅,当他接手(开始从事)运行在60年代。他很快获得(收割者)办学效益。他的体重下降了60磅的时候,他的书,全书的跑步,出版。他的书鼓励(有灵感的)数百万人。在他的书和电视谈话节目,他将体育锻炼的好处和它如何大大(显著地)平均增加了人们的预期寿命。他的读者和观众变得更加健康。然而,他们的冲击,菲克斯在52岁去世后,他的日常运行。很多人反对他的信仰说这是证据(证据)跑步是有害的。然而,他的支持者显示(揭露)的真正原因,夫人的死是一个心脏病发作。他来自一个家庭,男性的健康状况很差的故事。他的父亲因心脏病发


9、衡可以减少的可能性(可能)损伤。Unite3 Hyde was founded in 1966 to provide education based on character development rather than (不是而是)academic achievement. It is a place where well-to-do families can send their children who have difficulty in other educational environments. Many students are there because their par

10、ents believe in the educational theory of character before performance. Although Hyde is typically(典型的) categorized as a college preparatory school, the school regards its primary(主要的) purpose as preparation for life. Hyde helps students learn, embrace, and adopt a character compass that will guide

11、them for the rest of their lives. Emphasis is placed on(名列) performing arts and sports. Hyde believes that one needs to expose(揭露) themselves to group and community interactions as part of the growth process. Competitive sports are played year round and have led to many championships. There are typi

12、cal high school classes and academics. Many Advanced Placement courses are available(可利用的) and encouraged. Most students are accepted to four-year colleges and universities. There are “Group Discovery” sessions several times per week. Students are encouraged to counsel(律师 忠告) each other when they th

13、ink another students actions or thoughts do not correspond to the schools philosophy. These sessions focus on(集中于) the individual students and their current issues and problems faced at the school. Students are encouraged to share intimate secrets, doubts and regrets about themselves and their famil

14、ies. These sessions are extended (伸长的)to parents. The purpose of these sessions is to involve (包含)the whole family into the Hyde community social structure. Truth is emphasized over harmony. Students who have difficulty with following the school rules are assigned (分配)to perform maintenance jobs and

15、 lawn care for the school. The practice is not solely punitive but also(并且) serves to illustrate that the transgressor has separated him/herself from the community by their actions. The idea behind it is to earn acceptance by the group, and work back into the trust of the community.unite3海德公司成立于1966


17、们认为另一个学生的行动或思想不符合学校的哲学。这些会议的重点(集中于)个别学生和他们目前的问题和面临的问题在学校。鼓励学生分享亲密的秘密,怀疑与后悔自己和家人。这些会议是延长(伸长的)父母。这些会议的目的是涉及(包含)全家到海德社区的社会结构。真理是强调和谐。学生有困难谁以下学校规则分配(分配)进行维修工作和草坪护理学校。实践不仅是惩罚性也是(并且)正好说明,违反者使他/她从社区的行动。背后的想法是赚验收组的工作,并重返社会的信任。Unite 4 When Henry Ford announced he was going to produce an automobile that would

18、 be affordable(付得起) to the general population, he probably did not realize what a great impact (作用)his achievement would have on life in the United States and, eventually,(最后) the world. Fords use of mass production strategies (战略)to manufacture the Model T started a new era in personal transportati

19、on. As a result,(因此) roads were built for the sake of cars and the greater mobility(流动性) of people. With cars and the roads, having a business of ones own became a lot more feasible(可行性). Every type of business sprung up. Customers could easily get to the stores no matter where (无论怎样)they were in to

20、wn, provided (假如)there was a road, so businesses no longer had to be located at a towns center. And what about the family vacation? Families packed(拥挤的)into their cars and drove across the country to explore(探究) the new frontier, stopping at every possible roadside attraction (吸引)on the way. There w

21、as no limit to where you could go and what you could see. The car offered a sense of independence and, as Americans particularly hated to be restricted,(限制) they fell in love with the automobile instantly.(立即) On average(平均的), each American household owns two or more cars. As the world gets more com

22、plicated, driving cars around helps people cope with (与相适应)the demands of modern life. If you ask people what qualities define(规定) Americans, they will probably say that the two dominating (支配)characteristics of an American are inventiveness and independence. America is truly the land of cars and ca

23、r culture.当福特宣布他将生产汽车,将是负担得起的(付得起)向一般人群,他可能没有意识到什么是很大的影响(作用)他的成就可能对美国的生活,最终,(最后)世界。福特的大规模使用的生产战略(战略)制作模型,开始一个新时代的个人交通。因此,(因此)道路建为求汽车和更大的流动性(流动性)人。汽车和公路,有自己的公司变得更加可行的(可行性)。每一种类型的企业如雨后春笋般。客户可以轻松地到达商店无论在哪里(无论怎样)他们在城镇,提供(假如)有一条路,使企业不再是一个位于镇中心。什么样的家庭度假?家庭装(拥挤的)进入他们的汽车开全国各地探索(探究)新边疆,停在路边的吸引力(吸引)的每一个可能的方式。

24、是没有限制的,你可以去和你可以看到。汽车提供了一个独立的意识,为美国人最讨厌被限制,(限制)他们爱上了汽车上。(立即)(平均的),平均每个美国家庭拥有两家或更多的汽车。世界变得越来越复杂,驾驶汽车在帮助人们处理(与相适应)现代生活需求。如果你问什么样的品质定义(规定)美国人,他们可能会说的主要特点(支配)美国是创造性和独立性。美国是真正的土地的汽车和汽车文化。Unite 5 Aging is a natural process. Although medical advancements have come up with ways to cover signs of aging, there

25、 is no stopping the process. During the closing period in the lifespan of human beings, people tend(趋向) to “move away” from more desirable previous periods, often known as (被称为)“usefulness”. Age sixty is usually considered the dividing line(分界线) between middle and old age. It is the time where you a

26、re considered an “elderly”, meaning somewhat old or advanced beyond middle age. Period of decline comes partly from physical and partly psychological (心理学)factors. The physical cause of decline is a change in the body cells due to the effects of the aging process. The psychological cause of decline

27、has something to do with unfavorable attitudes toward oneself, other people, work and life in general(一般来说). Senility, a more or less complete physical breakdown, will take place (举行)when there is mental disorganization. The individual becomes careless, absent-minded, socially withdrawn, and promptl

28、y (敏捷地)adjusted.Due to the unfavorable social attitudes toward the elderly, treatment toward them in American, unlike (不像)other cultures, makes them feel no longer (不再)useful and unwanted. People who come from countries where respect for the elderly is customary (习惯上的)usually treat elder people with

29、 more consideration(考虑) and respect.In fact, old people are a treasure of experience to society. It is expected that old people will play an increasingly (越来越多地)active role in social and community affairs as well as in the business and professional worlds. Because of the reduction in(在上减少) the numbe

30、r of roles the elderly are able to play , it is very likely (很可能)that they will develop a feeling of inferiority. It is our duty to make them better realize value and help them lead a life of comfort. 衰老是一个自然的过程。虽然医疗进步想出办法来覆盖老化的迹象,也没有停止的过程。在闭幕期间的寿命人类,人们往往(趋向)“走”更可取的,从以前的时期,通常被称为“有用性”(被称为)。六十岁时通常被认为是


32、挥日益积极的作用(越来越多地)在社会和社区事务,以及在业务和专业的世界。由于减少了(在上减少)数量的作用老年人能够发挥,这是非常可能的(很可能),他们将建立一个自卑的感觉。这是我们的责任,使他们更好地实现价值,帮助他们过上舒适的生活。unit 6Earthquakes have plagued our lives for as long as people have inhabited the Earth.These dangerous acts of the Earth have resulted in great damage to human beings.Earthquake dama

33、ge depends on what area is hit .If an unpopulated region is struck ,there will be low loss of life or property.If it hits a large city which is densely populated,here may be serious injuries and destruction.Earthquakes have the power to uproot trees and send them crashing into buildings.They can tri

34、gger landslides and cause flooding and tsunamis.Buildings and structures are also at risk .It is interesting to note that tall buildings will suffer the least damage if they are located directly at the epicenter .This is because they can withstand the up-and-down motion of P-waves.S-waves, on the ot

35、her hang,occur far away from the epicenter ,and cause the greatest stress by shaking buildings from side.These buildings are often knocked off their foundations.Buildings with thick,heavy walls do not resistshock waves very well.Violent earthquakes often cause structures to collapse ,burying people

36、underneath.Brick buildings are the most vulnerable .The shaking of the earth is sometimes not the greatest disaster.It is in the subsequent fires and floods that often the greatest damage occurs.Predicting an earthquake until now has almost been technologically impossible .With improvements in techn

37、ology,lives have been saved and many more will.All that remains is to research what takes place before, during, and after an earthquake .This has been done for years to the point that a successful earthquake prediction is theoretically possible . However, accurate prediction of earthquake may take m

38、ore years. 6单元地震困扰我们的生活,只要有人居住的地球。这些危险行为的地球造成了巨大的损害的人。地震破坏取决于区域中。如果无人居住的地区,会有低的生命或财产损失。如果打到一个大的城市,人口稠密,这里可能是严重的损伤和破坏。地震的力量将树木连根拔起,把他们撞上建筑物。他们可能引发泥石流,导致洪水和海啸。建筑和结构也有风险。有趣的是,高大建筑物遭受至少损害如果他们直接在位于震中。这是因为他们可以承受的上下运动p-waves.s-waves,在另一方面,发生远离震中,和造成最大应力撼动的一面。这些建筑往往把他们的基础。建筑与厚,厚重的墙不resistshock波很好。大地震常引起建筑物倒塌,掩埋底下的人。砖建筑是最脆弱的。地球晃动有时不是最大的灾难。它是在随后的火灾和水灾,通常最大的损害发生。地震预测到现在几乎已在技术上是不可能的。随着技术的改进,生命得到拯救和许多更多。这一切仍然是研究发生了什么之前,期间和之后,地震。这已经做了多年的点,一个成功的地震预报理论上是可能的。然而,准确预测地震可能需要更多年。


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