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1、Unit1 Write an essay (of about 150 words) about a memorable experience in which forgiveness or a smile worked to clear up misunderstanding or improved the relationship between you and someone else.EG: In my middle school years, I had a best friend. We talked about everything. And we loved singing so

2、ngs together. Once, however, there was a bitter quarrel between us and we stopped talking to each other. It was obvious that both of us wanted to keep the friendship, but neither had the courage to break the ice. It went on like this for months. Then, one day we were asked to write about friendship.

3、 I wrote in my composition what friendship meant to me and the misunderstanding that had separated us. It was given the top mark, and I was asked to read it in class. When I ended my presentation with the words from our favourite song, my friend was singing along. All misunderstanding was cleared an

4、d once again we were best friends. To break down the walls between people is easy; all it takes is a little forgiveness! (150 words) Write an essay (of about 150 words) about human relationships in our society. The following hints might serve as a guide: a. The problems existing in the relationships

5、 between people in our society. b. The negative results such problems may bring about to our society. c. What you can do to establish a harmonious society as a student.EG: We are living in a world of distrust. We live behind cold security bars; we do not talk to strangers, let alone go out of our wa

6、y to help them; we live in fear of fake products. In short, fear and feelings of insecurity fill the environment we live in. All this greatly harms our society. Growing up in such an environment, we tend to feel isolated and care about ourselves only. If things go on like this, “trust”, “teamwork”,

7、and “harmony” will eventually become terms unheard of. In my opinion, trusting others and being trustworthy are the two basic principles that we should follow if we want to improve human relationships. We may not be in a position to change others, but we can change the way others see us by winning t

8、heir trust in us. Mutual understanding and love are the pillars that support a harmonious society. (151 words)Unit3 Write a narrative essay (of about 150 words) about your pursuit of a dream or someones experiences in making his / her dream come true.EG:Li Hui, my friend in high school, was born int

9、o a workers family. She began to dream of becoming a cartoon artist from her childhood. To her disappointment, her parents strongly opposed her career choice, because the cost of her education would be too high for the poor family, and they were worried about the job opportunities for a cartoon arti

10、st. However, Li Hui would not change her mind. She worked hard to perfect her skills and searched persistently for ways to realise her dream. Just before she finished high school, the chance came: a famous art school was holding a cartoon drawing competition. The first three winners would be given a

11、 scholarship to study cartoon drawing at the school. Li Hui told herself not to let the chance slip through her fingers. She readily participated and won the second place. She is now studying there and I feel certain that her dream will come true. (156 words) People may have different opinions about

12、 the key factors for success. Write a short essay (of about 150 words) and share your opinions with your classmates.EG:In my opinion, before a person becomes successful, he or she should fully understand the basic elements of success: competence, determination and optimism. For a person to succeed,

13、he or she has to face great competition and excel in his or her chosen career. The person needs to demonstrate and prove his or her competence in dealing with problems. Without competence, the person can neither stand out among the crowd nor attract the attention of those who hold the keys to the do

14、ors of opportunity and advancement. Yet ability alone cannot guarantee success. Often enough, things do not go the way we have planned and failure is unavoidable no matter how intelligent or capable we may be. In such cases one needs to remain firm and optimistic, always believing that hard work wil

15、l eventually pay off. If the person gives up halfway, success will never knock at the door. (149 words)Unit5 Many stories have demonstrated to us that character is something that gives life meaning and depth, and we can enjoy true happiness only by making character the guideline of our lives. Have y

16、ou had any experience or read any story that conveys the message? Write an essay (of about 150 words) based on your understanding of the importance of character.EG:A widespread belief in modern society is that with talent, personal effort and luck alone a person can succeed, regardless of character.

17、 However, history has proven over and over again that the morally defective cannot be truly successful, even if they at times enjoy some temporary glory. A typical example is found in the story of four brilliant Cambridge students. They were all talented and eventually worked their way up to very im

18、portant positions in the British government, with one even ending up working in Buckingham Palace. During and after World War II, however, they betrayed their country by giving away national secrets to the Soviet Union, which damaged the interests of Britain in many ways. Eventually what they had do

19、ne was uncovered. Three of them fled the country and ended up in exile; the fourth lost his knighthood in disgrace. “Intelligent” and “successful” as they once were, they are now remembered as traitors to their country. (157 words) Based on what you have learned from both Texts A and B, write an ess

20、ay (of about 150 words) about the moral condition of our society. Your essay may cover the following points:a. Some cases in which mutual trust in our society is lacking. b. Consequences of the absence of mutual trust. c. What we can do to improve the situation or to enhance mutual trust.EG:As moder

21、n society advances, we are growing more suspicious of each other. This is clearly reflected in our reaction to advertisements. Instead of seeing advertisements as a source of reliable information, we tend to doubt the truth they claim and always assume that the producers are trying to trick customer

22、s into buying their products. One of the most serious consequences of such absence of mutual trust is the constant doubt and anxiety within our own minds. If we see everyone else as a potential enemy, we can no longer make new friends; if we regard all information passed on to us as lies, how can we

23、 make use of such sources effectively? Mutual trust is the glue that holds human society together. As students, we should try to foster mutual trust and help build up a moral society by our own deeds. If we are honest to others and foster mutual trust, we shall soon see the difference. (158 words)Un

24、it6 Based on Text A and what youve discussed in “Voicing Your Views”, write a short essay (of about 150 words) entitled “A Creative Person” in accordance with the following outline: a. A creative person I knowb. The traits that can be found in him / her EG:A Creative Person My physics professor is a

25、 very creative person. His research project for his doctoral dissertation dealt with a very complicated physics problem at a time when many others thought it was impossible to solve it. But he creatively introduced a new concept and finally resolved the theoretical and experimental contradiction. He

26、 possesses many unique traits. He is very energetic and hard-working. He chairs the Physics Department and teaches many hours a week. Meanwhile, he is in charge of the universitys technology research. Obviously he is a efficient worker. My professor can be eccentric, once he shocked the whole class

27、by saying “Good physics, everyone” instead of “Good morning, everyone”. But above all, my professor has a sincere interest and a strong passion in his research field. No wonder he is highly respected by both his colleagues and his students. (140 words) Some sayings in our life sound so familiar and

28、natural to us that we take them for granted without a second thought. Do you realize that when you take them as “absolute truths”, you are locking your mind and creativity? Write a brief comment on such a saying in about 150 words.EG:Popular Sayings May Become “Mental Locks” To cultivate a creative

29、mind, one needs to chip away at ones “mental locks”. Some of the “mental locks” are shaped by popular sayings, which sound so familiar to us that we tend to take them for granted. Instructive as they may be, these common statements may restrict our freedom to think. “Look before you leap!” We make t

30、his remark to caution someone to think carefully before making a decision or taking an action. It may seem sound advice, but it may also put him or her in a passive position. He or she may just keep “looking” round and without making a “leap”. Similarly, we may say to the same person, “Dont let the

31、chance slip through your fingers!” Then, the person may be motivated to act promptly, regardless of the consequences. In either case, the personal may fall victim to popular sayings. So, if we want to come up with a new idea, we must break up the “mental locks” that close our minds. (166 words) unit

32、7 Write a short passage of (about 150 words) entitled My View of a Team Player. The questions listed below may serve as an outline. 1) What does a team player mean? 2) Why do we need team players? 3) How do we make ourselves team players?EG:A team player is someone who can work well with other peopl

33、e in a team. But it is not enough just to get along with others. A true team player must be more positive and constructive than just following the herd; he or she must also be able to play an active part in decision-making. Our society demands team players because by gathering all our various streng

34、ths together, we can accomplish more in a shorter time. It is because of teamwork that most businesses are able to function properly. To become team players we must learn to compromise. When our views conflict with the general view of the team we must restrain our egos and listen to what others say.

35、 We should learn how to deal with criticism in a mature way; be honest and be aware of others feelings. (144 words)Unit8 Write a short essay (of about 150 words) entitled When Facing Adversity. The following outline may be of some help. a. The adversity we may encounter in lifeb. General reactions o

36、f people to adversity c. Your own view on dealing with adversity EG:Throughout our lifetime we may encounter many adversities: unable to pay for the education, obstacles in studies and even physical disabilities. Whether we are rich or poor, intelligent or slow, adversity seems the constant companio

37、n of many of us. In the face of adversity there are typically two reactions: one is to feel frightened and run away; the other, to face it with courage. But what happens next makes a big difference between the brave and the cowardly. Some people turn away from adversity without even an attempt to ma

38、ke things better; while others, though frightened emotionally or disadvantaged physically, manage to shake off the initial fear and take hold of their bootstraps to pull themselves out of the bad situations they are in. We should choose the attitude of the latter because running away is not going to

39、 solve the problem. In addition, this attitude may lead one to acquire the habit of always thinking negatively and thus limit ones growth and development. (165 words) Resilience can help us overcome difficulties in life and make our life and career more successful. But what is resilience? How can on

40、e develop resilience? Write a short essay (of about 150 words) about your understanding of these questions. You may want to draw on the two texts in this unit and give some examples to support your ideas.EG:Resilience is a positive quality some people display when they meet unforeseen difficulties.

41、Resilient people are able to judge reasonably the situation they are in, to make adjustments when necessary, and to remain confident even when the bad situation lasts long. Resilience is like the human muscle, it grows with use and practice; but if ignored, it will weaken. Resilience is both inborn

42、and learnt. Some people who are naturally more open to others or slower to react to hardship have an advantage when trying to develop resilience. However, anyone with enough determination and applying the right method can do it, too. For example, learning something new and difficult is a good way to challenge ourselves. When we are forced to sit down and memorize hundreds and thousands of new words, our resilience is practiced and promoted. Resilience is a characteristic we all need and can develop. (147 words)


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