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1、1、The long drought caused a(n) _ shortage of water in this region.A) urgent B) acuteC) dense D) rigid2、Ive seen Donna in lots of movies, but Ive never seen her _.A) in personB) in realityC) in practice D) in theory3、The consumption market in the western provinces will grow rapidly, _ the market in t

2、he affluent (富饶的) eastern area is likely to grow at a moderate pace.A) neverthelessB) thereforeC) whereas D) consequently4、It is reported that the two armies _ near the borderline again before dawn. A) clashed B) crushedC) crashed D) flashed5、Charles is shy and does not take the _ in making acquaint

3、ances.A) presentation B) initiativeC) strategy D) introduction6、Its quite necessary for a qualified teacher to have a good manner and _ knowledge.A) intensiveB) expansiveC) extensive D) expensive7、Do you mean that this plant _ electricity for the entire city?A) charges B) manufactures C) yields D) g

4、enerates8、This kind of tent is easily _ or folded away.A) made B) foundedC) erected D) extended9、There is a beautiful view from the _ of the hill.A) summitB) ceiling C) landscape D) maximum10、The news began to _ through to the outside world.A) pourB) filter C) broadcastD) drip11、The kitchen was smal

5、l and _ so that the disabled could reach everything without difficulty. A) conventional B) compatible C) compact D) concise12、The tomato juice left a brown _ on the front of my jacket.A) track B) trace C) spotD) point13、Although he is rich and famous, he lives in a _ house in the village.A) limited

6、B) modest C) slight D) reserved14、There is no _ that the new agricultural policy has been in any way disasters.A) indicationB) information C) exhibition D) demonstration15、He made a _ to build a successful business on his own in this district.A) disposalB) hint C) perspective D) resolve16、It took hi

7、m several months to _ the wild horse.A) tend B) cultivate C) breedD) tame17、You see the lightning _ it happens, but you hear the thunder later.A) the instantB) for an instant C) on the instantD) in an instant18、He is a leading authority _ plant diseases.A) onB) about C) forD) of19、It is up to the Go

8、vernment to tackle the air pollution problem and _ measures in line with the councils suggestions.A) set about B) fill up C) work out D) bring over20、In the _ of the project not being a success, the investors stand to lose up to $30 millions.A) face B) time C) event D) course21、You simply cant _ a p

9、hone if youre in business.A) do away with B) do without C) give away D) give out22、Markets are _ and a company must learn to adapt.A) temporary B) static C) concrete D) dynamic23、An application to join this scheme places you under no obligation _.A) indeed B) eventually C) whatsoever D) apart24、Ther

10、e have been some small _ in the past year, but by now large prices have remained stable.A) limitations B) demonstrations C) deductions D) fluctuations25、Its strange that many countries permit cigarette companies to advertise their products in magazines and newspapers, and yet they _ cigarette commer

11、cials on TV.A) prevent B) forbid C) ban D) keep26、Against such a well-trained professional team, Im afraid our chances of winning the game are pretty _.A) noticeableB) weak C) slimD) helpless27、Children who are over-protected by their parents may become _.A) hurtB) damaged C) spoiled D) harmed28、The

12、y finally agreed to _ their argument _ an impartial arbitrator.A) submit to B) subject to C) substitute for D) subscribe To29、This country is _ desert.A) greatlyB) largely C) exclusively D) exceedingly30、Mr. Smith had an unusual _: he was first an office clerk, then a sailor, and ended up as a schoo

13、l teacher. A) profession B) occupation C) careerD) position31、The system was redesigned to embrace the network and eventually _ it in a profitable direction. A) adapt B) control C) install D) steer32、Fluency in three languages _ her for work in the European Parliament.A) qualifiesB) enables C) credi

14、ts D) deserves33、The man in the corner _ to having told a lie to the manager of the company.A) declinedB) refused C) admitted D) confessed34、Workers in the fine arts _ thoughts and feelings through their creative works. A) convey B) transmit C) elaborate D) contribute35、Its just _ ten minutes past e

15、leven now. Lets hurry up, or we will miss the train.A) come roundB) come out C) come up with D) come up to36、_ their differences, the couple were developing an obvious and genuine affection for each other. A) But forB) For all C) Above allD) Except for37、The house was _ from the road by a small wood

16、.A) locatedB) constructed C) concealed D) emerged38、Please dont think he likes living on others. No people would like to live on _.A) charityB) grant C) sympathyD) pension39、In general, matters which lie entirely within the state boundaries are the _ concern of the state government. A. extensive B.

17、excluding C. excessive D. exclusive40、These chemicals must be kept at a _ temperature of 40C.A) continuousB) consistent C) constant D) permanent41、As a public figure, he knows well enough what he does will have _ for society.A) effectsB) results C) influencesD) consequences42、The church refused to _

18、 the kings second marriage.A) consentB) sanction C) credit D) speculate43、The chimney was _ clouds of smoke.A) dischargingB) dismissing C) disposing D) dissolving44、The Prime Minister will give details of the plan at a press _ today.A) reportB) discussion C) conventionD) conference45、Did the people

19、_ approve of the governments policy?A) in all B) in public C) at largeD) at best46、A significant _ of the plants and animals in Hawaii exist nowhere else in the world.A) productionB) proportion C) provision D) procession47、Many university courses are not really _ to the needs of students or their fu

20、ture employers.A) associated B) related C) geared D) qualified48、The store had to _ a number of clerks because sales were down.A. lay outB. lay off C. lay asideD. lay down49、An engineer _ an ore(矿石) to find out whether it contains impurities (杂质).A) analyses B) anticipates C) assesses D) evaluates50

21、、There was a good deal of _ to the introduction of foreign cultures.A) obstacle B) challenge C) block D) resistance1、B。acute严重的。Theres an acute shortage of water.严重缺水。*urgent指情况紧急,急需解决问题,acute通常指需要和缺乏的紧急程度,也指病情的严重,dense稠密的、浓厚的,rigid坚硬的, 刚性的, 严格的, 精密的, 刻板的。2、A。In person亲自,in reality实际上;其实,in practice

22、实践中,实际上;在不断练习中,in theory理论上。3、C。whereas 引导与主要子句成对照或相反的子句虽然却,然而 (事实是),与相反地;鉴于,由于。4、A。Clash n.冲突,撞击声,抵触;v.(使)发出撞击声,猛撞,冲突;crush v.压碎, 击败, 使.失望, 折皱, 压榨 n.压碎, 压榨, 极度拥挤, 迷恋;crash v.撞击, 坠毁, 发出巨响, 崩溃, 破产,宿夜n.轰隆声, 猛撞, 崩溃, 暴跌, 垮台adj.速成的 n.粗布5、B。Initiative n.初步;率先,首倡;创始力,创业心,进取心。Take the initiative (in doing)率

23、先(做某事),on ones own initiative主动地;自动地。6、C。Extensive广大的;广阔的;大量的;广泛的#an extensive view广阔的事业#extensive knowledge and profound scholarship学问博大精深;intensive集中的;密集的;彻底的;加强语气的#intensive training强化训练#intensive care特别护理(病房);expansive有膨胀力的;扩张性的;展开性的;宽阔的,广阔的;阔达的#an expansive view of the surrounding area周围地区的辽阔景色

24、。7、D。Generate heat, electricity, power产生热、电、动力。8、C。Erect vt.使竖立,建立,建造 adj.直立的,竖立的,笔直的。9、A。Summit(山)顶,顶峰;极点;元首级。10、B。Filter n.滤器 vt.过滤,滤除 vi.滤出;透过;走漏;(人群等)慢慢移动。New ideas are slowly filtering into peoples minds.新思想逐渐深入人心。 The news of the defeat started to filter through.战败的消息开始传出来。11、C。compact (屋子、房间等

25、)小而整洁(舒适)的。compact指为了方便把某物压缩到最小程度,也指紧凑、简洁的文体;concise书面用词,可与brief换用,指语言文学言简意赅,无多余的话。12、C。spot n.点,斑,污点(人品,道德),场所;point n.论点;分数;特点;尖端 v.指向。13、B。modest适度的,不过分的;质朴的#a modest little house质朴的小房子。14、A。indication指示,表示,迹象;demonstration示范, 表达, 实证, 集会。15、D。Resolve vt.解决;决心 n.决心,He made a resolve to stop smokin

26、g.他决心戒烟。Disposal n.处理,处置,布置;hint n.暗示 v.暗示,示意;perspective n.远景,看法,透视adj.透视的16、D。tame adj.驯服的, 柔顺的, 乏味的 vt.驯养, 使驯服, 压制 vi.变得驯服17、A。The instant一就,for an instant片刻,on the instant立即,马上,in an instant立即,立刻。18、A。19、C。Work out计划;发展;设计;计算;估算;理解;看出;判断;用尽;枯竭;采掘完;解决;通过努力得到圆满解决;证明有效或实用。Set about开始;袭击。Bring over带

27、某人来;使某人改变想法。20、C。In the event of sth. 万一,倘若。21、B。Do without没有也行;不用也可以;do away with废除,去掉;谋杀;give away赠给;泄露;出卖;分发;give out产生(声音、光等),散发;分给;宣布,公布,发表;用完,耗尽;停止运转,出故障;抛锚。22、D。Dynamic adj.动力的, 动态的, 有活力的 n.动力, 动力学,static静态的,静止的;无活力的,乏味的。23、C。Whatsoever whatever的强调形,adv.任何(用于否定句中以加强语气) pron.无论什么 adj.无论什么的24、D

28、。Fluctuation n.波动, 起伏,deduction扣除,扣除额,推论,推理,演绎。25、C。Ban v.禁止,剥夺权利 n.禁令,禁止;指合法地或由于社会压力而禁止,含谴责或不赞成的态度,通常搭配形式:ban .from sth./doing sth。forbid vt.禁止,不许,普通用语,用于较小事物,或个人、上级、官方、长辈做出的禁止命令、规定,或客观条件不允许,通常搭配形式:forbid sb. to do sth.26、C。Slim(希望等)微渺的,渺茫的。27、C。Spoiled宠坏的。28、A。 submit (to sb/sth) 屈服或归顺于某人某事物;服从, 顺

29、从某人某事物;subject to易受影响的,屈服于的,让步于;substitute for代替;subscribe to订阅,订购;赞同。29、B。Largely大部分,主要地 e.g. The state of Nevada is largely desert. Exclusively专门地,完全地,仅;排他性地,独占性地;exceedingly非常地,极度地#an exceedingly difficult book一本很难的书。30、A。profession 以前常指要受过高等教育(尤指法律、医学和神学)才能获得的职业,现在一般指为谋生日的职业,尤指从事脑力劳动和受过专门训练,具有某种

30、专业知识的职业。occupation 泛指任何一种职业,既不分什么行业,也不管是脑力还是体力劳动。career 指经过专门训练,终身愿意从事的职业。31、D。steer操纵,驾驶,掌舵,引导。32、A。qualify使具备资格#qualify(sb) (for/as sth);enable使能够#enable sb/sth to do sth。33、D。Admit to sth/doing sth 承认,供认,招认(常为不情愿地);坦白某事物。admit强调因外力或良心驱使或经判断而明确承认,多含不情愿或被迫意味。confess语气较强,着重承认自己意识到的错误或罪行,含坦白忏悔的意味。34、

31、A。convey表达, 传达, 运输, 转移。35、D。come up to接近;向走来;达到高度;相当;达到;与匹敌;对产生预期的坏结果;come round前来,过访,绕道而来,苏醒,改主意。36、B。For all虽然;尽管。37、C。 Conceal sth/sb (from sb/sth)隐藏、掩盖或隐瞒某事物/某人。38、A。 live on/off charity 靠赈济生活39、D。exclusive排外的,独占的,唯一的,完整的,奢华的;extensive广泛的,广阔的,广大的,大量的;excessive过度的,过大的,极端的。40、C。constant多指习惯性的重复和不变

32、的持续。continuous语意最强,强调在时间和空间上没有间断。consistent指各事物之间或同一物体各细节之间都能一致,不自相矛盾。permanent指总是处于相同的情况和地位,可长期持续下去,永久不变。41、D。recent developments which could have far-reaching consequences for the countrys economy 最近的事态变化能够对国家的经济产生深远影响。42、B。sanction批准,同意,支持,制裁,认可;consent指同意别人的请求、建议或满足他人的愿望,着重意愿或感情,常和to连用;credit相信,

33、信任;speculate深思,推测。43、A。discharge排出,释放,解雇,放电,解除,清偿债务;dismiss开除,解散,屏除,(法律)驳回;dispose处理,处置,部署;布置,安排,除去,使愿意;dissolve溶解,解散。44、D。convention侧重指某一政党或团体为某一特殊目的而召开的会议;也可指学术团体的年会。conference正式用词,一般指大型会议,如政府工作会议、国际学术交流会议、各国之间的协商、会谈等。45、C。in all 共计;in public公开地;at large自由地;未被捕;逍遥法外;普遍的;一般的;整体的;详尽地。46、B。proportion

34、部份,比例,均衡;production生产,产量,作品,成果,制作;provision食品,粮食,供应,规定,条款,预备;procession队伍,行列。47、C。gear sth to/towards sth对某事物加以调节以适合某种需要或达到某种水平或标准。E.g. Education should be geared to the childrens needs and abilities.教育应适应儿童的需要和能力。48、B。lay off 临时解雇;停止工作或活动,休息;不要打扰别人;戒除;脱掉,把(衣服)等搁在一边。lay out花费,付钱;展现,呈现,陈列;计划,安排。lay aside暂停某一工作或活动;节省,为特定目的而积蓄;抛弃,拒绝。lay down辞职;贮藏;放下;牺牲;明确规定;下赌注;建造。49、A。analyse分析,解析,研究;anticipate预期,期望;assess评定,估算;evaluate评价,估计。50、D。resistance抵抗,抵触,反对,阻力。obstacle指在达到目的或前进的过程中必须消除或绕过的障碍物,也指起阻碍作用等情况。block 语气强烈,指有效堵住了通道,使人或物无法通过。


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