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1、二级下Unit 12 Animals are our good friends.教学目的和要求Teaching aims and demands 通过学习本单元,学生能进一步增强热爱动物及保护 动物的意识 全面复习和巩固有关动物的名词 学生能用英语简单讲述本单元的故事交际用语Expressions in communication Animals are our good friends. Lets invite our beautiful rabbit to sing us a song Do I have to sing a song? Are bats useful animals? W

2、hat do bats eat? Do hats have eyes? A duck is a pet What animals are they?重点朗读词汇Key words and expressions animal, friend, lizard, spider, parrot, giraffe, tiger, bat fly, lion, bear, goat, puppy, kangaroo, panda, chicken, country, China, America, England, Australia, useful, reddish, joey, pouch, hip

3、po, move, truck所需教具Materials for teaching 前面出现过的所有动物图片 蝙蝠及袋鼠图片 四个国家的国旗或标志性的建筑(中国、美国、英国、 澳大利亚) 几种动物(兔子、狗、猫、袋鼠、鸭子、青蛙等)的 头饰 第八部分动物的单词卡 将第十部分的答案复印在若干张小条上,练习之后发 给学生如何导入教学?上课时,教师首先拿出一个可爱的动物玩具说:“ Do you like this cute animal? Do you? I like this animal, too. This dog is not real. But I have a real friend a

4、t home. He is Frank. Every day Id like to play with my little dog for a while. When I come to school, my dog will stay at home. Now who else in our class has got any pet? What is it?”a) “What animals can be our good friends?” 教师拿出一组动物的图片问大家:“Do you know all these animals? Lets say them together.” 教师

5、带着大家一起复习一遍动物的英语名称。b) 接着,教师对大家说:“Now Im going to put all these animals on the blackboard and I want you to discuss in groups. What kind of animals can be our friends?” 教师让大家三人或四个人一组来谈论这些动物。教师给出一个句型“A dog can be our pet”, 并让学生用这个句型说英语句子。c) 教师找几个同学回答:“What kind of animals can be our pet?”d) 教师对学生说:“Now

6、 lets have a small party. Who wants to be a dog? Come here! Who wants to be a cat? Come here.” 教师让几个学生戴上头饰。头饰戴好之后,教师说:“Lets have a party. First lets invite our beautiful cat to sing us a song.” 戴猫头饰的学生唱一首歌。等 她唱完之后,教师继续说:“Next, lets invite our beautiful rabbit to sing us a song.” 如果某个学生说不会,教师应该说:“You

7、 can do it. Come on!” 之类的话来鼓励学生。e) 待小型的聚会结束之后,教师对大家说:“Lets look at the scene picture. What are animals doing?” 教师问学生几个有关图片的问题:“What animals are there in the picture? Do you think animals are our good friends? What animal is dancing now? Who will be the next one to sing a song?”单元教学活动2 Doing things第二

8、部分需要学生画连线,将动物与它们喜欢吃的食物相连接。但在画连线之前,教师可以先问大家问题,而且应首先以最简单、学生最容易回答的问句开始。比如:What do cats like to eat? (fish)What do sheep like to eat? (fish)What do rabbits like to eat?(carrots and vegetables)What do dogs like to eat? (meat and bones)What do pandas like to eat? (bamboos)What do hens like to eat? (worms)

9、问答之后,教师让学生看教材并根据要求画连线。单元教学活动3 Look and answer.第三部分属于知识扩展。教师首先需要问大家一些简单的问题。比如:“In China we have a kind of animal which is very special. Famous all over the world. Do you know what it is?(panda) What is the famous in Australia? (kangaroo) What is the famous animal in India? (elephant)” 接着,教师可以给学生展示一些澳

10、大利亚的动物。这些动物可以从 的网站上搜索到。教师可以把这些做成ppt 文件,或直接打印成图片。展示了图片之后教师对大家说:“Now lets look at this picture. There are many animals in this picture. Which country has all these animals? China? America? Australia? Or England?” 正确的答案是:Australia. 澳大利亚有大约1800中动物,澳大利亚本土动物有591种,仅袋类动物就有54种之多。单元教学活动4 Look and find out第四部分

11、需要教师介绍一些有关蝙蝠的内容。教师可以根据学生的情况挑选一些内容讲给学生听。讲完之后,教师让学生看教材的第四部分,并让大家回答本单元第四部分的问题。单元教学活动5 Listen, read and write第五部分是关于红袋鼠的小短文。教师可以通过网站下载一些红袋鼠的图片。让学生看完照片之后,教师先带领学生朗读几遍该短文,然后再让学生回答该短文的问题。单元教学活动6 Listen, chant and sing第六部分属于歌谣和歌曲部分。教师可以先带着大家有节奏地练习该歌谣,然后再让大家跟着录音一起学唱该歌曲。单元教学活动7 Listen, read and retell第七部分的内容是看

12、图将故事。上课前,教师可以通过逐次复印放大的方式将四张图放大,并适当涂色。上课时,教师依次拿出故事图给学生讲河马的故事。故事讲完之后,教师首先问大家:“Do you understand the story? Where did the hippo go one day? Did he often play by himself?” 问了几个简单的问题之后,教师可以让学生听该故事的录音。在听录音的基础之上,教师让学生打开书,大声朗读该故事。最后,教师让学生两人一组做复述。根据时间,教师可以将自己制作的四幅图贴在黑板上,让学生到前面讲述有关河马的故事。单元教学活动8 Look and guess

13、第八部分是辨认图形上的动物并用英语说出它们的名称。教师说:“Now lets look at the pictures. Can you identify these animals? Lets look at number one. What is it? Yes, its a crocodile. What about number two?” 教师依次问每个动物。当说到某种动物,教师拿出该单词卡并把该词贴在黑板上,并问大家怎样才能记住该单词的拼写,看哪个同学的拼写规律掌握得最好。教师可以采用同样的方法来完成其他图片的辨认及单词拼写练习。单元教学活动9 Listen, draw and c

14、olour第九部分是听力题。学生应根据所听到的内容涂色和增画图案。为了练习听力和学生的快递反应,教师也可以自行决定让学生画某个东西。比如,教师说:“Now I want you to draw a ball for the monkey. Please draw a big whale in the sea.”等等单元教学活动10 Look, circle and say第十部分检查的是学生的判断力。教师对学生说:“Please look at these pictures. There is something wrong with many things on this picture. Please tell us what has gone wrong. For example, you can say, picture A is wrong. This is the sheeps body, but it has got a pigs head.”教师要教学生如何说这些句子,并让学生两人一组进行大量的练习。


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