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1、U11. They felt that the aggressive behavior and attention-seeking which are more prevalent (普遍的) among males should not be reinforced by teacher responses.2. The ideology of enterprise culture has finally permeated (渗透) the remaining institutions of British cultural life.3. He warned that authoritie

2、s would not hesitate to take decisive action against any groups or individuals that contemplated a disturbance of the peace.4. Truly, there is no such thing as a “free lunch”, every decision has its own inherent (内在的) problems.5. It was in the middle of the busiest city in Europe, with noise, exhaus

3、t fumes and literally thousands of bodies all within yards.6. Having children so early in their marriage was mixed blessing.7. Politically they tend to be unstable, with very high birth rates but poor education and very low level of literacy.8. Two contrasting colors such as blue and yellow can look

4、 effective when freely mingled (相混合), each intensifying the impact of the other.9. The period of the flood and directly afterwards had become completely distorted (曲解) in her mind.10. Colleagues and pupils thought of him as formidable (令人生畏的), a few found him frightening, a few found him affable.11.

5、 The scheme is being widely debated on television because it sets a precedent (先例) for other companies.12. From July, all organically produced food must be certified (认证) under EC regulations.U31. Indeed he was apt to develop violent prejudices against certain men and women in public life with whom

6、he was not personally acquainted (了解).2. A moment later the sounds of the storm were magnified suddenly in the hut as the door flew open.3. The quota (配额) of foreigners allowed into the island country has been reduced.4. Despite the economic slump, private sponsors committed $20 million to complete

7、the huge building.5. They thought that previous Conservative governments had been too tolerant about high taxation and public spending, and too accommodating (迎合) to other countries, particularly in Europe.6. His head collided (碰撞) with a table on the way down.7. Give it a proper share of your atten

8、tion and it will certainly repay you.8. The energy bill is bound to be heavily amended in Congress for it is out of date now.9. This is a basic social contract, whereby (据此) citizens enjoy certain rights including health care, decent education and housing and a job.10. She wants to be more than just

9、 a singer and is planning to launch (着手) a company of her own.11. The TV series, filmed from a novel with the same title, became an overnight favorite among the audience across the country.12. Faced with a persistent excess of expenditure over income, the school has decided to cut down the student n

10、umber.U41. He prided himself on being a very well esteemed (敬重的) member of the British community, highly respected by his peers.2. She felt stunned (不知所措), as if what he had done to her had somehow paralyzed not only her limbs but her senses too.3. Her bad temper was notorious (臭名远扬的), and she was o

11、ften depicted with a beard and a bow and arrow, testifying to her warlike character. 4. It is absurd to suppose that every power which is conferred (授予) on the political head of a department must be exercised by him and him alone.5. His friends no longer had an aspiration (抱负) for further education,

12、 because they thought its opportunity costs were too high.6. He acknowledged that in the majority of businesses the moral standards had been diluted (减弱) very significantly.7. Maslow hypothesized a hierarchy (等级) of needs, whereby the satisfation of a lower need will result in its being replaced by

13、a higher need.8. People are amazed at the change in her image, but they should realize that, first and foremost, she is a caring woman.9. They asserted (宣称) quite clearly that permitting divorce would certainly affect the stability of all Irish marriages because it rendered every Irish marriage diss

14、oluble.10. It is said that the partys ignorant and arrogant behavior over the years towards reserved and moderate criticism provoked the crisis.11. The report is only one of those showing the generally dreadful state of the countrys housing and employment.12. Industry would be unwilling to invest fu

15、rther in recycling until it became profitable, he said.U61. Youll get a receipt for each transaction (交易) and full details will appear on your next statement where you spent your money and how much.2. Such was the rapid rate of expansion that ensued (继而产生) that the workforce in Britains mines rose f

16、rom a mere 50,000 at the beginning of the 19th century to over 1 million on the eve of the First World War.3. Frank told the reporters that he wouldnt let his attackers intimidate him into moving away from the area.4. Kevin was not happy about the arrangement so he used his sore throat as a pretext

17、(借口) for not going to the meeting.5. At the end of the session every one of them was able to answer the hitherto (迄今) unanswered questions.6. He doubts whether some countries, for example Italy, will be able to clamp (紧抓) down on smuggling.7. With his left hand he snatched (抢夺) the gun from the crim

18、inals hands, and with his right hand he gave him a violent blow on the ear.8. The atmosphere at the station was clam last night as police took severe measures to avert (避免) a repeat of Tuesday nights clashes.9. It urged civil servants to be as helpful as possible and to withhold (守住) information in

19、the interests of national security.10. We should take an honest look at what we do, how we do it and who we do it with, and learn to minimize the risk we take.11. American country singing star Heather Cooke, 56, is being hounded (烦扰) by an obsessed fan who claims to be her long-lost son.12. The gove

20、rnment has authorized this new approach with a view to improving value for money and quality of work.U81. Young people have grown rather cynical (怀疑的) about democracy; in other words, they no longer believe that it is an honest system.2. One of the saddest aspects of AIDS is the plight (境况) of child

21、ren infected with HIV.3. If there is a significant change in your condition, your doctor will ascribe (归因于) it to his traditional treatment if he does not know that other new therapies have also been tired.4. The full fee is payable in advance and includes the cost of refreshment, lunch and all semi

22、nar documentation.5. Instead, children were asked to complete so many compulsory pieces of work in a week.6. We believe the police in general should be commended (赞扬) for the professional way they conducted themselves in the face of emergency.7. The criminal deliberately treated her with particular

23、care and patience for two days before hooked her, and reeled (绕,收线) her in.8. A few more statistics will suffice (足够) to show the trends of the time.9. The whole company must suffer the consequences of an absurd (荒谬的) and stupid decision.10. The problem of childcare is aggravated (加重) by the high di

24、vorce rate which has led to a large number of single-parent families.11. Every year, about 300,000 people mostly women request advice and assistance in dealing with obscene (下流的) or malicious phone calls.12. The British had felt hurt as the cinema of their own country had been largely eclipsed (消失) by that of Hollywood.


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