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1、新概念二册1-6课测试题(满分100分,60分钟)姓名:_ 分数:_一 单项选择(每题一分,共20分)( )1. I looked under _bed and found _book I lost last week. A. the;a B. about C./;the D. the; /( )2. I went to the supermarket and bought a great many A.tomatoes B.potatos C .vegetables D.meat( )3. Where is your homework? I brought it to you _you we

2、re in Miss Lees office yesterday. A. if B. when C. because D. before ( )4. Harry Potter 3 is _interesting story and we all like it . A. a B. an C. the D. /( )5. Would you like something to drink? _ please. A. Meat B. Rice C. Water D. Bread( )6. Look! There are _pictures on the wall. A. any B. some C

3、. much D. both( )7. Which coat is _on me, the blue one or the black one? The blue one. A. good B. better C. best D. the best( )8. I _the CDs to you if I have time tomorrow. A. Will return B. returned C. have returned D. return( )9. -Its raining ! When did it start? -I dont know exactly. In fact, it

4、_ all this afternoon. A. lasts B. has lasted C. lasted D. will last( )10. Do you know _now? In the Peoples Hotel. A. where is Tom working B. where did Tom work C.where Tom is working D. whereTom worked( )11. He has made a lot of films, but_ good ones. A. any B. some C. few D. many( )12. Excuse me si

5、r, where is Room 301? Just a minute .Ill have Bob _ you to your room. A. show B. shows C. to show D. showing( )13. Im _ in that _ filmA. interesting; interestedB. interested; interestingC. interested; interestedD. interesting; interesting( )14.Its very cold. _ your coat. A. Take off B. Put on C. Tur

6、n on D. Turn off( )15.You have failed two tests. Youd better start working harder , _you wont pass the course. A. and B. so C. but D. or( )16.Wake up, boys and girls! Let me tell you _. A. something interestingB. interesting something C. anything interestingD. interesting anything( )17. In our city

7、,_ middle school students want to work as a teacher in the future. A. thousand B. thousands C. thousands of D. two thousand of( )18. Linda, I am very thirsty. Lets go to the nearest supermarket _some drinks, OK ? A. buy B. bought C. to buy D. buying( )19. My aunt isnt here. She _ shanghai on busines

8、s .She will be back in three days. A. went B. has gone to C. has been to D. will go to ( )20. We all love Miss Yang .She always makes her history class very _. A. interest B. interests C. interesting D. interested二 完成以下句子,用 over, between, along, in front of, behind, 或 across 等介词或介词短语填空 (每题1分,共5分)21.

9、 A lot of birds are flying _ the river. 22. The teacher is standing _ the blackboard. 23. I am running _ the Great Wall(长城). 24. They are swimming _ the river. 25. I am sitting _my brother and my sister. 三用所给单词的适当形式填空:(每空1分,共10分)26、He is not very (friend) towards newcomers(新来的).27、She slammed the te

10、lephone down (angry).28、It was a sudden (decide)29、She works for that restaurant as a (waiter)30、She is very (exciting) about winning the first prize.31、What have you been done (late)32、We are very (please) with our new house.33、She ( rare) visited her aunt.34、“What do you want?”She asked (rude)35、I

11、 had a long (converse) with her the other day(不久前一天).四、完成句子:(每空1分,共20分)36.中秋节的月亮好圆好大啊!_a _ and _moon it is on Mid-autumn Day!37. 你不应该把这本书带出图书馆You shouldnt _ this book _ _ the library.38、妈妈给我买了一条牛仔裤。 Mother a pair of jeans.39、我去过北京三次了。I _ Beijing three times.40、顺便问一下,你知道邮局在哪里吗? ,do you have any idea

12、where the post office is.41、Our school is two miles from the station.(就划线句子提问) is your school from the station? 42、我在桂林六年了。I Guilin _ six years.43. 这不管你的事。Its _ of your business. 六短文理解阅读下面短文,从A. B. C. 三个选项中选择一个正确选项(本小节共15道小题,每题2分,共30分)AHow many different languages are spoken in the world today? Ther

13、e are about 5,000 different languages. Nearly 900 languages are spoken in India Chinese is the language spoken by the biggest number of people in the worldBut the most widely spoken language in the world is English300,000,000 people speak English as a first languageNearly twice as many-about 650 mil

14、lion people speak it as a foreign language How many words are there in the English language? There are about 490,000Also,there are about 300,000 words used in science(科技)There are more words in English than in any other languageBut most people use no more than 60,000 wordsChildren,leaving school at

15、the age of 1 6,know about 1 5,000 words( )1The Chinese language is spoken _. Ain most countries in the world B.in 600 countries C by the biggest number of people in the world( )2.About 650 million people speak English as_ Aa first language Bwell as the native speakers C a second language ( )3.Only _

16、 English words are used by most people Asix thousand Bthree hundred thousand Csixty thousand ( )4.Children _ know about 15,000 words Awho start school at the age of 6 Bwho study at school C who finish school at sixteen( )5.Which of the following is true AThere are no more than 5,000 different langua

17、ges in the world BEnglish is the most widely-used language C The Indian people speak 800 languagesBOne day a poor student was walking through a town. He had not had anything to eat for several days and he was very hungry. And when he saw a man selling homemade hamburgers, he let out a scream and fel

18、l to the ground. When the surprised seller asked the student what the matter was, the student answered, “I dont like hamburgers. In fact, I hate them. Whenever I see them, I feel ill and cant eat.” The hamburger seller then thought that he would play a joke on the student. He put ten hamburgers in t

19、he comer of a room and then locked the student in it. After a short time, the hamburger seller opened the door of the room. He was surprised to find that the student had eaten all the hamburgers. The student explained. “For some strange reason, I suddenly decided that I liked hamburgers.” The hambur

20、ger seller was angry that the student had fooled him. He asked what other things he did not like to eat. “Oh, I like everything, ”answered the student, “Except at the moment I would hate to drink two cups of good strong tea!”( )6. The student was very hungry because . Ahe was ill Bhe had not eaten f

21、or a long time Che saw the hamburgers( )7. The hamburger seller wanted to the student. Ahelp Bpull up Cplay a joke on( )8. The hamburger seller was surprised to find the student had eaten hamburgers. Aten Bfive Ctwo( )9. In fact, _. Athe seller wanted to sell some hamburgers to the student Bthe stud

22、ent really hated hamburgers Cthe student fooled the hamburger seller( )10. The student . Awanted some tea Bdidnt like tea Chated strong teaCGeorge works in a factory. He was born in a very poor family and was in school for only four years. He has to do the hard work, but he is paid less because of t

23、his. He likes to watch football matches very much and spends much time on it. One evening there was a big football match on a playground. He borrowed some money from his friend and hurried there. There were a lot of people there. And all the tickets were sold out. He was sorry for it. He saw a pole(

24、电线杆)outside the playground and climbed it up quickly. A policeman came and said. “Its dangerous to stay on it! Come down!” “Wait a minute, please!” George said and just at that moment the policeman heard cheers in the playground and asked in a hurry. “Which team has kicked a goal?” “Ours!” “Wonderfu

25、l!You can stay there. But take care!” the policeman said happily and left. When the match would soon be over, he came back again and asked,“Whos won?” “Theirs, 3-2.” “Come down, ”the policeman said Angrily, “Such a match isnt worth watching!” George had to come down. But soon they heard cheers again

26、. The policeman said in a hurry, “Climb up quickly and see whos kicked a goal!”( )11. George is paid less because he didnt learn much when he was young.ARight BWrong CDoesnt say( )12. George climbed up the pole because he hoped to save some money.ARight BWrong CDoesnt say( )13. The policeman soon ch

27、anged his mind at the first time because he thought it was safe for George to be on the pole. ARight BWrong CDoesnt say( )14. The policeman became angry when he heard their team had lost the game.ARight BWrong C Doesnt say( )15. Both George and the policeman are football fans. ARight BWrong C Doesnt

28、 say七完型填空阅读下面短文,从A. B. C. D四个选项中选出一个能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。(本小节共10道小题,每题1分,共10分)Mrs. Williams loved flowers and had a small _1_ beautiful gardenIn the summer,her roses were always the _2_ in her street0ne summer afternoon her _3_ rang,and when she went to the front door,she saw a small boy outsideHe was abou

29、t seven years oldand was holding a big bunch(束)of beautiful roses in his hand “I _4_ roses, ” he said“Do you want any? They are quite cheapOne shilling _5_ a big bunchThey are fresh(新鲜)I _6_ them this afternoon” “My boy,” Mrs. Williams answered,“I pick _7_ whenever I want,and dont pay _8_ for them,b

30、ecause I have lots in my garden”“Oh,no,you havent,”said the small boy“There _9_ any roses in your garden -_10_ they are here in my hand!”( )1Aand Bor Cbut( )2Abetter Bworst C best( )3Abell Btelephone C door( )4Asell Bsold Cam selling( )5Afor Bby Cin( )6Abrought Btook C picked( )7Aflowers Broses C a flower( )8Anothing Bsomething Canything( )9Ahavent Bwont C arent( )10Aso Band C because8 作文 :请写一篇电子邮件给一位要来桂林旅游的美国朋友Jack,可以介绍桂林的天气,饮食,好玩的地方和其他的注意事项。字数要求不少于80字。(本题5分)Dear Jack,Yours,


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