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1、Unit 6 Electricity. 短语(词组)1. a moment later 一会儿以后 moment 可数名词, 意为”瞬间;片刻” 如:Id like to talk to you for a moment. 与moment 相关的短语:a moment ago 刚刚;刚才 如:He was here a moment ago.at the moment 现在;此刻 如:He is at home at the moment.wait a moment 等一会儿 如:Wait a moment, please.later 副词,意为”后来;以后”2. at the moment

2、此时此刻; for the moment 暂时; in a moment 过一会儿; at any moment任何时刻3. a packet of 一袋不可数名词没有复数形式,在表示数量时,常用“a+单位量词+of+不可数名词”结构。如:a piece of meat; a piece of paper; a glass of apple juice; a bag of milk数词+单位量词+of+不可数名词可数名词复数如:two glasses of water; three cups of tea; two packets of sweets ; three bags of penci

3、ls 4. Its like water, in a way.1) like 像一样 Lily has a good voice, and she can sing like a great singer.2) in a way 在某种程度上 3) on the way 在路上; He is on the way to school now. 他现在在上学的途中.4) in the way 挡道; His hobby sometimes gets in the way of his studies. 有时他的爱好妨碍了他的学业.5) in this way这边走; Please come in

4、 this way.6) by the way 顺便问下By the way, who is Tom? 顺便问一下,谁是汤姆?7) all the way 一直He studies hard all the way. 他学习一直很努力.5. connect 连接 常用结构: be connected to sth. 连接到 connect sth. to/with 把和连接起来.如:Turn on your computer and connect it to the Internet. The railway line connects Wuhan to Shanghai. 6. power

5、 station 发电站7. washing machine 洗衣机8. 1) switch off=turn off 关掉When the clock struck twelve, I switched off TV and went to bed.时钟敲响十二点时, 我关了电视上床睡觉。2) switch n.开关Where is the light switch?电灯开关在哪儿?9. switch on=turn on 打开10. tidy up 收拾 整理=put away11. air condition空调12. come into 进入之内13. provide sb. with

6、 sth. 供应给某人某物 如:The sun provides us with light and heat. =The sun provides light and heat for us. “为某人提供某物”还可以用 provide sth. for sb. 14. “as many + 复数名词+as ” 意为”和一样多的” 如:I have as many books as you. 我和你有一样多的书.“as much +不可数名词+as” 意为”和一样多的” 如:My brother drinks as much milk as I every day. 15. share cu

7、ps with others 与别人合用杯子share sth. with sb. 与某人合用/分享某物Lucy shares a bedroom with Lily. 露西和莉莉合用一间卧室.16. Keep the outside of the pot dry.(1 )“keep + sb. / sth. + 形容词” 意为“让某人/某物保持某种状态”。 keep the classroom clean(2) keep doing sth. 连续不断地做某事,一直做。强调不断重复的动作。如:Li Lei keeps buying books about cars. 李雷不断地买有关车的书。

8、(3) keep sb./ sth. doing sth. 让某人不断地做某事(4) keep sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事如:We must keep them from getting to know our plans. 我们必须防止他们知道我们的计划。17. foolish adj. 愚蠢的(=silly/stupid) fool n. 傻子,傻瓜 v.愚弄 Dont _ the blind. Its not polite(礼貌的) to do so. Dont be _ , you should say “hello” to Uncle Li.18. tes

9、t n.&v. 测试 Ill have an English test tomorrow. You need to test the water before you take a bath.21. cooker n.厨具,灶具 cook. n.厨师 v.煮,烹饪 Mom cooked fish for dinner yesterday. Grandma is a good cook. She always cooks nice food for us.22. start a fire 引起火灾23. safety tips 安全提示24. electricity appliance 电器25

10、. We must close the windows when the air conditioner is on. sth be on 是开着的26. identify, vt.识别、认出,确定vi.确定;认同如:Could you identify your coat among a hundred others.链接:identical adj 同样的;identification n. 辨认, 鉴定, 证明; 27. Stand at least one metre away from the microwave when it is on.at least 至少A child mu

11、st sleep at least eight hours a day.You should at least have warned her. 你至少该警告她。与least有关的短语:(1) not in the least 一点也不He is not in the least worried about his future.他一点也不担心他的未来。(2) least of all 最不的Nobody cared, least of all my little brother. 没有人在意,更不用说我的小弟弟了。28. make sure it is microwave safe. 确保它

12、适用于微波炉。make sure 务必,确信29. Go out alone,take the medicine on time (P79)alone 单独的;独立的-指无人陪伴,不表示内心的感觉lonely 孤独的;荒凉的;寂寞的-内心世界的孤独感on time 准时;按时in time 及时Please come on time. 请准时来.Youre just in time. 你正好赶到.课后练习一,选择填空: ( )1. Mum makes me eat an apple every day _ the doctor away. A.keeps B. is kept C. to ke

13、ep D. kept ( )2. Im getting fatter and fatter now. What should I do, doctor?-Youd better eat food and take exercise.A.less;less B.more;more C.more;less D.less;more( )3.-What can I do for you? -Id like two _.A.packet of tea B. packets of apple C. packets of tea D. packet of apples( )4.Watercomestoour

14、flats_pipesunderthestreets. A.acrossB.alongC. throughD.over( )5.AndyWanglooks_today.Heislaughingalltheway. A.happyB.happilyC.sadD.sadly( )6. The computer is connected _ a machine. A.at B. to C. on D. in ( )7.Our head teacher is kind to us and she is like our mother, _.A.on the way B. by the way C. i

15、n a way D. in the way( )8._youshowmethewaytothenearestundergroundstation? A.mayB.mustC.canD should( )9.Electricity_ourlifeeasier,Wemustsaveit. A.makeB.makesC.ismakingD.made( )10.Jasonputsomericeinthepotand_thericecooker. A.openedB.switchedonC.closedD.turnedoff( )11. I washed a lot of clothes. Who ca

16、n _?A.tidy up them B. tidy them up C. tidy it up D. tidy up it( )12.I asked him twice. But he didnt _ my questions.A.answers B. answer to C. reply D. reply to( )13.Thereare_syllablesintheword“chemical”. A.twoB.threeC.fourD.eight( )14. Jon:MayIhaveapacketofsweets? Shopassistant:_ A.No,itisnotyoursB.O

17、K,hereyouareC.ThatsagoodideaD.Whynot?( )15.EarthHourstartedin2007in_. A.theUSAB.ChinaC.theUKD.Australia二,用同义词(组)替代句中的划线部分。1“Idontthinkitisagoodwaytoworkouttheproblem.”repliedMrWhite. A.saidB.answeredC.askedD.thought2. Dont look so foolish. It is a very easy question.A. silly B. happy C. clever3 .- C

18、an I ask you a question? - Wait for a moment, Im coming.A.a long time B. a short time C. at once4. The boy is like his father.A.likes B. sounds like C. looks like5. You neednt finish the work today.A.dont have to B.cant C. mustnt三,完形填空ElectricityElectricity is very dangerous. (1) , it is also very (

19、2) in a way.We (3) see electricity, but we can (4) it into different (5) of energy, (6) movement energy, heat energy, sound energy,light energy and so (7) .Electricity is a very great (8) . It changes our lives. (9) it, our lives will be very (10).1. ( ) A.Or B.And C.But D.So2. ( ) A.hardly B.useful

20、 C.beautiful D.difficult3. ( ) A.can B.may C.may not D.cant4. ( ) A.put B.get C. turn D. make5. ( ) A.form B.from C.froms D.forms6. ( ) A.likes B.such as C.for example D.seem7. ( ) A.at B.in C.on D.into8. ( ) A.things B.invention C.job D.discoverment9. ( ) A.Own B.With C.No D.Without10.( ) A.easy B.

21、beautiful C.difficult D.simple四,阅读理解A electric machineJanes mother was about seventy, so Jane and her husband wanted to give the old lady a nice present for her birthday. She liked drinking tea, so Jane bought a small electric machine for her. It could make tea and then wake people up in the morning

22、. She brought it to her mother on her birthday,and showed her how to use it.Before you go to bed,put tea and water in it,”she explained to her mother,”and dont forget to turn on the electricity.When you wake up in the morning, your tea will be ready.”After a few days, the old lady telephoned her dau

23、ghter and said,”Jane,there is one thing I dont understand. Why do I have to go to bed to make tea? Cant I have tea in the afternoon or in the evening?”1.( )On the birthday,Janes morther got a machine to .A.make tea for her B.buy tea for her C.wake her up in the morning D.both A and C2.( ) how to use

24、 the machine.A.Jane told her husband B.Jane told her mother C.Janes husband told her mother D.Janes mother knew3.( )The machine can be used .A.before going to bed B.only in the morning C.both in the afternoon and evening D.at any time4.( )We need to use an electric machine.A.time B.a telephone C.ele

25、ctricity D.tea5.( )From the passage we know that .A.Jane is beautiful B.Jane his husband are silly.C.Jane is a good daughter D.Janes mother is hard-working五,情景对话(A) 从方框中的六个选项中选出五个合适的选项补全对话。Arecycle B. protect C. when D. if E. difficult F. easy A: Hi, Sue, would you like to help (1)_ the environment?

26、 B: Id love to, but I dont know what I can do. A: First, you can start by turning off the lights. B: Yes, thats (2)_. Whats the next? A: Second, you can ride a bike. Dont take a bus or a taxi (3) _ you dont have to. B: That will save money, too. What else? A: Third, try to (4)_ paper that is used by

27、 people around you. B: Mm, thats a good idea! A: And fourth, take your own bag (5)_ you go shopping. Dont use plastic bags. B: OK. My parents do most of the shopping, Ill tell them.(B) 选择下列句子完成下面对话。AIm almost ready. B. I always forget many important things C. OK. I am ready. D. The concert is nothin

28、g to me. E. You have to go right now. F.What a bad memory I ve got! G. My glasses!A: Come on, Paul! Its nearly seven. We have only a few minutes left.B: (6)_A: We will be late if you dont hurry.B: Just one minute. I am packing my things.A: The gate guards wont let us in if we are late.B: (7)_A: Come

29、 on, then.B:Oh, I almost forget our tickets. (8)_A: Have you taken the car key?B:Oh, the keys. OK,lets go Oh, my God.(9)_- Icant see well without my glasses.A: You will forget your head if you are not careful.B: Its my memory. Its so bad these days.(10)_A: Then youd better do something to improve it

30、.六、用单词的适当形式填空:1 Yao Ming is very tall. He is at _ (little) two metres tall.2 With this _ (electricity ) blanket, the grandpa wont feel cold in winter. 3 Its _ of you to buy such a dress. It looks so ugly (fool )4 The remote control doesnt work now. I think we need to change the two _ in it ( battery

31、 )5 Your room is dirty and _. I think you know what you need to do now ( tidy )6. A moment _(late), Daisy came back.7. Benny _(reply) “Can you get me a bag of sweets?”8. Can Tom _(speak) English?9. Electricity is very helpful, but we must remember the _(safe) rules.10. We mustnt touch the TV set wit

32、h our wet _(hand) because it is dangerous. 语法:情态动词一、情态动词的定义情态动词是一类用于表示说话人的语气和情态的助动词。常表示命令、请求、拒绝、义务、可能、需要等。二、情态动词的特点1. 情态动词无人称和数的变化, 2. 情态动词后面跟的动词需用原形,否定式构成是在情态动词后面加 not。 3. 个别情态动词有过去式, 过去式用来表达更客气, 委婉的语气, 时态性不强, 可用于过去,现在。三、情态动词的用法1. can/could; cant/couldnt (否定)1) 表示能力, 意为“能、会”, 例如:如:I can speak a lit

33、tle English. - Can you ride a bike?I cant swim. - Yes, I can. / No, I cant.2) 表示请求或允许,多用于口语中,意为“可以、能”等 如:You can go home now. 现在你可以回家了 - Can I borrow your bike? You cant stop your car here. - Yes, you can. / No, you cant.3) 用于否定句、疑问句中,表示猜测、怀疑或不肯定. 如:Lucy cant be at home now, she went to the park jus

34、t now. Where can it be? I cant find my football.【注意:】1)could 是can的过去式, 有两种用法, 一种表示过去式;一种用来表达更加客气, 委婉的语气, 时态性不强, 可用于过去,现在。2) be able to 意为“有能力,能够做.”, 相当于can/could, 但它有人称,数和时态的变化。2. may; may not (否定)1) 表示“请求,许可”,此时与 can 同义,可以互换使用 如:May I borrow your bike? Can I borrow your bike? Yes, you may. / No, yo

35、u may not. Yes, you can. / No, you cant.2) may/might表示不太肯定的猜测,意为“有可能”如:Lucy may come to school late today.It might rain today.【注意】:might 是may 的过去式, 有两种用法, 一种表示过去式,一种表示更加委婉, 客气的语气或对可能性的怀疑。 3. must; mustnt (否定)1) must(“必须”, 表示命令),mustnt(“一定不能”, 表示强烈禁止.) 如:You must go to bed before 22:00pm.You mustnt p

36、lay with fire. Its dangerous!-Must I write down the sentences? -No,you neednt. (-No,you dont have to) 注意:在回答must的疑问句中,否定回答用neednt或dont have to表示“不必”,不用mustnt2) must 还可以表示非常肯定的猜测,意为“一定”如:The girl in a red skirt must be Lucy. 3) must/ have to 的区别:. must表示必须,强调主观上的愿望;have to表示“不得不”,强调客观需要 如:You must go

37、 be bed before 22:00pm.My bike is broken, so I have to go to school on foot. have to 有人称、数、时态的变化;must则没有。如:I have to clean the classroom today.She has to finish her homework first.It was late, he had to go to school without breakfast.语法,情态动词专练1. ( ) -May I borrow your books? - -Yes, you _ .A. may B.

38、 can C. must D. need2. ( ) -Can he speak English?-_.A .Yes, he does B.Yes,he did C. Yes, he can D.Yes, he must 3. ( ) -_ I swim here? -Im sorry. Children _ swim alone here.A.Must; cant B. May; must C. Can; mustnt D. Cant; can4. ( ) With the help of the new technology, you _ e-mail your friends by mo

39、bile phone. A.can B. must C. need D. should 5. ( ) -Can I go fishing with you, Dad?-No, you _. You _ stay at home and do your homework.A.wont; may B. cant; must C. shouldnt ; ought D. neednt; should6. ( ) Thomas, please be quiet. The others _ hear very well. A. cant B. mustnt C.shouldnt D. neednt7.

40、( ) Its very warm today. You _ wear the coat. A. must B. dont have to C. have to D. mustnt8. ( ) Look at that man over there. he be our teacher Mr.Luo?-He be him. He has gone to Beijing.A.May;must B.Can;may C.Can;cant D.May;cant9.( ) You _ talk loudly in the library. A. dont B. mustnt C. neednt D. dont have to10.( ) _ climb that tall tree?A.Do you need B.Are you need C.Need you D.Need you to11.( )Some warm-hearted animals _ hibernate (冬眠) A.neednt B.does not need to C.neednt to D.dont need 12.( )_I go and apologize to my teacher for my mistake?A. Sho


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