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1、第一部分一 根据英语写汉语1. classroom _ 2.library _ 3.toilet _ 4.playground_ 5. first _6. second _7. third _ 8. floor _ 9. room _10. our _ 11. they_ 12.chair _13.desk _14. blackboard_二 把字母重新排列,组成单词。1. room class _ 2. br ar li y _3. let toi _ 4. ground play _5. st fir _ 6. ond sec _7. ird th _ 8. oor fl _9. ro o

2、m _ 10. r ou _11. ey th _ 12. air ch _13. sk de _14. board black _三 根据汉语意思,选择正确选项,把单词补充完整。( )1. classr_ m (教室) A. oo B. om C. oe( )2. l_ brary (图书馆) A. i |B. a C. o( )3.t _ let (厕所) A. oi B. ei C. ai( )4. playg_nd (操场) A. ou B. on C. au( )5. f_ st (第一) A. ir B. or C. oo( )6. sec _ d (第二) A. on B. en

3、 C. an( )7. th_ d (第三) A. or B. ir C. oo( )8.fl _ r (楼层) A. oo B. ir C. or四 选出不同类的单词。( )1. A. classroom B. library C. second D. playground( )2. A. third B. second C. first D. one( )3. A. our B. we C. my D. your( )4. A. chair B. toilet C. desk D. blackboard( )5. A. they B. we C. I D. our 第二部分一 选择。( )

4、1. _ you have a computer room in your school? A. Do B. do C. Does D. Are( )2. Do _ have a computer room in your school? A. you B. your C. my D. our( )3. Do you _ a computer room in your school? A. have B. has C. are D. can( )4. Do you have _ computer room in your school? A. a B. / C. an D. the( )5.

5、Do you have a _ room in your school? A. computer B. computers C. computers D. computers( )6. Do you have a computer _ in your school? A. room B.rooms C. roomes D. rooms( )7. Do you have a computer room_ your school? A. in B. at C. on( )8. Do you have a computer room in _school?A. you B. your C. yous

6、 D. I( )9. Do you have a computer room in your school?-_. A. Yes, we do. B. No, we do . C. Yes, we dont.( )10._ have computers in our classrooms. A. My B. we C. We D. Peter( )11. We _ computers in our classrooms. A. have B. has C. are D. do( )12. We have _ in our classrooms. A. a computers B. comput

7、er C. computers( )13. We have computers _ our classrooms. A. in B. on C. at ( )14. We have computers in _ classrooms. A. we B. our C. us( )15. We have computers in our _. A. classrooms B. a classroom C. classrooms( )16. Do you have _ in your school? A. a library B. a libraries C. library( )17. Do yo

8、u have a library in your school?-_. A, Yes, we dont. B. No, we dont C. No, we do.( )18._ on the first floor. A. its B. Its C. It( )19. Its _ the first floor. A. on B. in C. at( )20. Its on _ floor. A. first B. the first C. one二 句型转换。1. We have a computer room in our school.( 改为一般疑问句)_2.Do you have a

9、 library in your school?(做肯定回答)_3.Do you have a computer room in your school?(做否定回答)_三 连词成句。1. do have you computer room your in school a(?)_2. do we yes (, .)_3. no dont we (, .)_四 给问句选择正确的答语。( )1. Do you have a computer room in your school? A. Tuesday.( )2. Do you like art? B. Science and PE.( )3.

10、What classes do you have on Monday? C. Yes, I do.( )4.Whats your favourite day? D. No, we dont. But we have computers in our classrooms.第三部分一 选词填空。Where Do What Why Which1._ is Bill? Hes in the art room.2._ classes do you have on Monday?3. _ class are you in?4._ you have a library?5._ does Tim want

11、to go to school on Friday morning?二 句型转换。1. Bill is in the art room.(对划线部分提问)_ 2. We have a computer room.(改为一般疑问句,并做否定回答。)_选择( )1. _ school building has three floors. A. Our B. our C. We( )2. Our school building _ three floors. A. have B. has C. is( )3. Our school building has three _. A. floors B.

12、 floor C. floors( )4. _ have a science room. A. We B. we C. Our( )5.We _ a science room. A. have B. has C. are( )6. We have a _. A. science room B. sciences room C. science rooms( )7. We have _ art room. A. a B. an C. the( )8. We have an _ on the first. A. library B. art room C. science room( )9. We

13、 have a library _ the first floor. A. on B. in C. at ( )10. We have a library on _ floor. A. one B. the first C. first( )11. We have some classrooms on the second _. A. floor B. floors C. floors( )12.We have two _ on the second floor. A. toilet B. toilets C. toilets( )13. We have _ rooms on the thir

14、d floor. A. teachers B. teachers C. teachers( )14. We _ have a playground. A. too B. two C. also第四部分一 选出划线部分发音不同的单词。( )1. A.like B. rice C. rip D. nine( )2. A.bit B. bite C. wine D. hike( )3.A. five B. wine C. pin D. ripe( )4. A. lake B. cake C. cat D. hate( )5. A. can B. tap C. Sam D. cape二 判断下列单词划

15、线部分是否一致用“”或“x”表示。( )1.can cake ( )2. bit bite( )3. rip pin ( )4.can win( )5. wine hike ( )6. hate cape第五部分一 选择( )1. Lucky _ in Bills classroom. A. is B. am C. are( )2. Lucky is _ Bills classroom. A. in B. on C. at( )3. Lucky is in _ classroom. A. Bill B. Bills C. Bills( )4.He _like maths and runs ou

16、t of the door. A. isnt B. dont C. doesnt( )5. He doesnt _ maths and_out of the door. A. likes runs B. like runs C. like run( )6.He runs _ the door. A. out of B. outs of C. out on( )7.He to the music. A. dance B. dancing C. dances( )8. He dances _ the music. A. to B. in C. with( )9. He _ the music. A

17、. dance to B. dances to C. dances on ( )10.This is _! A. fun B. like C. love( )11.He _ an email to Bill. A. write B. writes C. writing( )12. He writes _ to Bill. A. a email B. an email C. an emails( )13. He writes an email _ Bill. A. to B. for C. in( )14.He _ an email _ Bill. A. write to B. writes t

18、o C. write( )15.He _ some red water. A. looks at B. look at C. looking at( )16. He looks at some red _. A. water B. waters C. room( )17. I _ drink this! A. am not B. am C. cant18. He _ pictures with his feet. A. draw B. draws C. drawing19. He draws pictures _ his feet.A. with B. and C. to20. He is _

19、 basketball. A. plays B. play C. playing21. He _ playing basketball. A. am B. is C. are22. He _ his dirty feet. A. wash B. is washing C. washing23. He is washing _ dirty feet. A. he B. his C. him24. He _ a book. A. read B. is reading C. reading25. He is reading _ book. A. a B. an C./26. Lucky _ hims

20、elf in the book!A. see B. sees C. seeing27. Lucky sees _ in the book. A. he B. himself C. his28. Wow , its _! A. I B. me C. my29._school isnt so boring! A. Bill B. Bills C. Bills 30. Bills school _ so boring! A. dont B. doesnt C.isnt二 选择正确的汉语意思。1. run out of A.如此无聊2.in the teachers room B.比尔的学校3. wr

21、ite an email C.看见他自己4.dance to the music D.读书5.in the music room E.洗他的脏手6.like maths F.打篮球7. write an email to Bill G.用他的脚画画8.in the science room H.喝这个9.look at I.一些红水10. some red water J.看11.drink this K.在科学教室12.draw pictures with his feet L.给比尔写一封电子邮件13.play basketball M.喜欢数学14. wash his dirty feet N.在音乐教室 15.read a book O.跟着音乐跳舞16.see himself P.写一封电子邮件17. Bills school Q.在老师的办公室18. so boring R.跑出


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