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1、湘少版英语教材知识纲要 一、教学目标描述 语言技能二级目标 听: 1、能在图片、图像、手势的帮助下,听懂简单的话语或录音材料; 2、能听懂简单的配图小故事; 3、能听懂课堂活动中简单的提问; 4、能听懂常用指令和要求并做出适当反应。 说: 1、能在口头表达中做到发音清楚、语调达意; 2、能就所熟悉的个人和家庭情况进行简短对话; 3、能运用一些最常用的日常套语(如问候、告别、致谢、致歉等); 4、能在教师的帮助下讲述简单的小故事。 读: 1、能认读所学词语; 2、能根据拼读的规律,读出简单的单词; 3、能读懂教材中简短的要求或指令; 4、能看懂贺卡等所表达的简单信息; 5、能借助图片读懂简单的故

2、事或小短文,并养成按意群阅读的习惯; 6、能正确朗读所学故事或短文。 写: 1、能模仿范例写句子; 2、能写出简单的问候语; 3、能根据要求为图片、实物等写出简短的标题或描述; 4、能基本正确地使用大小写字母和标点符号。 玩演视听: 1、能按要求用简单的英语做游戏; 2、能在教师的帮助下表演小故事或童话剧; 3、能表演歌谣或简单的诗歌3040首(含一级要求); 4、能演唱英文歌曲3040首(含一级要求): 5、能看懂英文动画片和程度相当的英语教学节目,每学年不少于10小时 (平均每周不少于2025分钟)。 语言知识二级目标 基础教育阶段学生应该学习和掌握的英语语言基础知识包括语音、词汇、语法、

3、功能和话题等五方面的内容。 语音 1、知道错误的发音会影响交际; 2、知道字母名称的读音; 3、了解简单的拼读规律; 4、了解单词有重音; 5、语音清楚,语调自然。 词汇 1、学习有关本级话题范围的600700个单词和50个左右的习惯用语; 2、了解单词是由字母构成的。 语法 1、知道名词有单复数形式; 2、知道主要人称代词的区别; 3、知道动词在不同情况下会有形式上的变化; 4、了解表示时间、地点和位置的介词; 5、了解英语简单句的基本形式和表意功能。 功能 了解问候、告别、感谢、致歉、介绍、请求等交际功能的基本表达形式。 话题 能理解和表达有关下列话题的简单信息:数字、颜色、时间、天气、食

4、品、服装、玩具、动植物、身体、个人情况、家庭、学校、朋友、文体活动、节日等。 二、教材知识纲要 (一) 话题、句型、单词 1. 字母:(大小)辨认、书写顺序;元音字母:A a , Ee, Ii, Oo, Uu 2. 数字:1999的基数词和序数词的运用,如计算(4上,100以内计算)、购物(dollar, pound, yuan)、时间、日期等。 句型:Whats your number?(三下)Whats the time?(三下)How many pens are there?(三下)How old are you?(三下) Ths sum of forty-six and fifty-f

5、our is one hundred.(四上)How much is the apple?(四下) What time do you get up?(五上)Whens your birthday?(五下)What time did you see him?(五下) 11. How tall are you? (六上)12. How heavy are you? 3. 颜色:单词:red, pink, yellow, brown, blue, purple, orange, black, white, green. 句型:What colour is this ballon?(三下) Whats

6、 your favourite colour? 4. 时间:年、季节、月、星期、日、时刻: Season:spring, summer, autumn, winter Month: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December.(五下) Week: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. Day: 1st May (the first of May), May

7、2nd ( May the second) yesterday, today, tomorrow, weekdays(五下) 句型:见话题2。Spring is warm and nice.(四下) 5. 食品与饮料:人对食品与饮料的喜好;东西方食品(drink, food,noodles, biscuit, jam, milk, dumplings, rice, bread, egg, cold drink, bun, water, soup, vegetables, sugar, tea, a box of sweets, soft jelly, hard nuts, pie,breakf

8、ast, lunch, supper)水果(banana, lemon, orange, mango, pineapple)餐具(chopsticks, bowl, cup)调料(pepper, salt) 句型:This isnt my food. (三下)Is this a mango?(三下) I like biscuits. (四上) Id like a cold drink. Would you like some buns?(五上)Do you want some rice? (五上) I like sweets.(五上) 6. 服装:服装的颜色;人对服装的喜好;某人的穿戴(swi

9、mming suit,coat, trousers, T-shirt, shorts, shirt, jumper,scarf, hat, shoes,glasses); 所属关系;位置等。 句型:Look at the T-shirts. I like the green one.(三下) Whose is this? Is it your hat?(四上)Wheres my new cap? (四下) 7.物品:名词的单、复数;特点、颜色、所属关系(mine,yours,his, hers, ours,theirs);存在的位置(in, on, under, beside, behind,

10、 in front of, above, near, inside, outside)。玩具(toy car, doll, swing, slide)文具(desk, book, bag ,pen, pencil, pencil-box, ruler, pencil sharpener,eraser, glue, dictionary)特点(beautiful, dirty, useful, interested, naughty, strong, big, small, thick, thin, soft, hard, cheap, new , old, nice, good,similar

11、, different)形状(triangle, square,) 句型:Whats this?(三上) Whats that?(四上)Whose is this? (四上)This is my brothers painting. (四上)Those are eggs.(四上)I have a puppet. (四下)Wheres my new cap?(四下)Do you have a ticket?(四下) Thats not mine. (五下) Theres a policeman near the post office.(五下) 11.Was it in the wardrobe

12、? (五下) 12.Our earth looks like this from space.(六下) 8.动物和植物:cow , hen, duck, pig, mouse (mice), cat, dog, fish, sheep, bird, ladybird, seagull, panda, monkey, rabbit, hen , cock, chick, tiger, lion, bull, horn, elephant, puppy, kitten, pet, tree, flower, rose, 句型:Look at the elephant.(四上)Its a cow.

13、9. 建筑与场所:factory, hospital, park, garden, house, library, museum, office, farm, post office, bank, police station, railway station, bookstore, school, classroom, skating rink, caf,beach, exit, garden,shopping centre, corner, street, road, roof, chimney, aquarium, house(bathroom, living-room, sitting

14、-room, bedroom, kitchen,storeroom, door, table, chair, bed, wardrobe,cupboard,television,) 长沙地名( Changsha Underwater Word, Yuelu Academy, Changsha Railway Station) 句型:This is our flat.(4上) 功能:描述房间。This is There are I have 10. 身体:head, hair, eye, nose, ear, mouth, neck, hand, finger, knee, foot(feet)

15、 ,toe, hand, arm, leg, body外貌: fat, thin, tall, short, old, young, two big blue eyes, long hair, short hair, black hair. 句型:This is my nose.(三上) Touch your head.(三上) Raise your arm. I have a puppet. 11. 个人情况:姓名、年龄、性别(boy, girl, man, woman)地址、特点与爱好。句型:Im twelve years old.My hobby is reading.I like mu

16、sic.Im interested in space.My name is Peter.Im tall and thin. Do you have any hobbies?(五上) Are you Lingling?(三上) 12. 家庭、亲属和朋友:家庭成员(family, father, mother, brother, sister, grandfather(grandpa/granddad), grandmother(grandma/grand mum), uncle, aunt, cousin, friend. 职业(Policeman/policemen, policewoman,

17、 fireman, pupil, soldiers, traffic police, butcher) 年龄、地址、特点与爱好、与你的关系 句型:Whos he? Hes my father.(三上)Hes a doctorHe likes playing games.My father helps me.(五上)Is he a soldier?Whats he?(三上)We are soliders.(四上)This is my family.(三上) 13. 学校:学校建筑和学校生活。school, classroom, library, playground, Chinese, math

18、s , English, music, computer, PE, art, science, 句型:When do you go to school?What time do you have English?(五上) 14. 情绪和身体状态:happy, sad, tired, angry, shy, sorry, well, sick, weak, worried, pleased,excited, light, heavy 句型:Im sick.Im happy.We are sorry.(五上) I feel sad. 15. 社交礼仪:礼貌用语;询问与应答。句型: 问候Hello.

19、/ Hi.Good morning/afternoon/evening.How are you?How do you do? Glad to meet you./ Nice to meet you. 介绍My name isIm a pupil.Im 12.This is our teacher, Miss Chen. He is from Japan. 道别Goodbye./Bye.See you.Good night. 道谢Thank you./Thanks.Youre welcome. 道歉Sorry.Im sorry.Excuse me. 请求Can I have a puppy?(五

20、上)Can I borrow a pencil?(五上)Yes, please.Of course. 祝愿Happy birthday.Merry Christmas. 提供帮助Can I help you?What can I do for you?Whats the matter? 寻求帮助和建议What can I do? 用餐Do you want some soup?Would you like some rice?Id like a cold drink. 购物Which one do you want,the thick one or the thin one?(五上)I wan

21、t a red one, please.Can I look at it?Its too expensive.Have you got enough money? How much is it? 16.国家:China, Japan, America (the USA), English( the UK), Australia, Russia, Canada, Singapore, India, France, 句型: I come from China.(四下) 17.天气与气候特征:hot, cold, cool, warm, sun, sunny, rain ,heavy rain, r

22、ainy, wind, strong wind, windy, snow , heavy snow, snowy, cloud, cloudy, 句型:Whats the weather like?Its a cold day.(三下)Spring is warm and nice.I like a sunny day.(三下)(六下) Tomorrow will be rainy. 18. 节日:节日的特点;节日的活动。New Years Day, The Spring Festival(五上), Childrens Day, (五上) Mid-autumn Festival, (六上)Te

23、achers Day , National Day (五下), Christmas(六上), The Dragon Boat Festival.(六下) 19. 正在发生的事情:现在进行的动作和发生的事。词汇(playing the piano, baking a cake, making a kite,sleeping, working, sweeping, cooking, painting,hopping,dancing, skipping, playing basketball,going, coming )句型:Are you making a kite?(四下)Peter is w

24、riting. (四下)Whats Anne doing? (四下)Where are you going? (四下)What are they doing?Is he running?The children are playing in the park.(六上) 20.日常生活:日常生活(cook a meal, iron clothes, water plants, have a meal, wake up, make the bed)、工作、学习的活动。句型:I come to school by bus.Your homework is good.What time do you

25、get up?Katie always get up early.(六上) 21. 计划与打算:计划和将要进行的动作 be going to do 句型:Im/Youre /Hes/Shes /Were/Theyre (not) going to swim.Are you going to visit Anne?(六上)Lets go to the Underwater World. (六上)What are you going to do?What is Dongdong going to do?(六上)When are we going to swim? (六上)Tomorrow will

26、 be rainy.(六下) Ill stay at home. 22. 能力和可能:能做某事或可能进行某事。 词汇:jump high, run fast, swim fast, throw far, fly high,climb, read, write, 句型:Can you read and write in English?Can I have a puppy?What can I do?(六下)I can swim fast.(四上)Can you write in English?(四下) 23. 过去发生的事情或过去的打算:过去式。句型:Where were you?(五下)W

27、ho was first?(五下)Was it in the wardrobe?(五下)Benny took my ball.(五下)Where did you go?What did you do?I came by plane.(五下) Anne wanted to skate.(六下) 24. 对事物的比较:比较级和最高级。fewer, more, the least, the most句型:My singing is louder than yours.(六上)Im taller than you.There are more shops in Picture One.(六下)Some

28、 stories are more interesting than others.(六下)The most interesting stories.(六下)Who is fatter? 25.提醒与告示:词汇:loudly, quietly, noisily, What does that sign mean?No talking. No fishing. No spitting. No picking of flowers. No mobile phone. Guests do not go in.(五上)Draw a cat on the roof.(五下)Dont put your f

29、eet on the seat.(五下)No speaking.Do not go in. Play quietly. Dont play noisily.(六上) 26.擅长和喜欢的事情:Im/ Youre/ Hes good at drawing.(六下)I like playing basketball. 27.交通方式:词汇:ship, car, plane, train, bus, bike/bicycle, taxi,subway, on foot,句型:I come to school by bus.(三下)I came by plane.(五下) (二)语法 三上:1.特殊疑问

30、句:What: Whats your name? Whats this? Who: Who are you? Whos he? 2.一般疑问句: Are you Lingling? Is he a soldier? 三下:1.特殊疑问句:What: Whats the number/time? What colour How old/ many 2.一般疑问句: Is this a mango? 3. 否定句: This isnt my food. 四上:1.特殊疑问句:What:Whats that? How: How many Whose:Whose is this? Where: Whe

31、res the cat? 2. be动词:is: This/That is. 句型 Are: These/Those are. 句型 3. 名词的复数形式:+s, We are.句型 4. There be 句型:There are. 5.I like I dont like 句型 6.情态动词:can: I/ He can. Can后接动词原形。 7.形容词性物主代词:my, your, our, their 8.介词:in, on , under 四下:1.特殊疑问句:Where, what, how much 2.一般疑问句:Do you have a ticket? 3.情态动词疑问句

32、:Can you ? Yes, I can. No, I cant. 4.正在进行时:V+ing 5.I have. He has.句型。 6.介词:from I come from China. 五上:1. Would you like? Id like .句型。 2. 一般疑问句:Do you? 3. 情态动词疑问句: Can I? 4. 特殊疑问句:Which one do you want? What does that sign mean? 5. 一般现在时,第三人称后动词形式:+s 如:My father helps me. 6. I like +动名词。如: I like rea

33、ding. 7. 介词:at. I get up at 6:50. 8. 祈使句:No talking. 9. 名词复数形式 story-stories, cloth-clothes 五下:1. 祈使句:Draw a cat on the roof. Dont put your feet on the seat. 2. There be.句型。 3. 特殊疑问句:Where, Who, When, Where, What time? 4. 过去时。 5.名词性物主代词:Thats not mine.(his, hers,) 6.基数词:1st 10th 7.介词: on, near, by 8

34、. 一般疑问句的过去式形式:Was it in the wardrobe? Yes, it was. No, it wasnt. 六上:1. 正在进行时 2.一般现在时,第三人称后动词形式:+s 3. 将来时:be going to 4. 特殊疑问句:How tall, What, When 5. 祈使句:Lets . 6. 比较级: 六下:1. 过去式 2. 比较级和最高级 3. 将来时: will: Tomorrow will be rainy. 4. There be .句型 5. 一般现在时,第三人称后动词形式:+s 6. 情态动词:What can I do? 7. 名词的复数形式

35、8. 动名词:You are good at drawing. (三)动词过去式 特殊形式一般形式 形式不变形式变化加ed改y为i,加ed双写,加ed hit-hitarewerewant-wantedtry-trieddrop-dropped iswasask-asked dodidwatch-watched go-wenttalk-talked take-tookborrow-borrowed have-hadwalk-walked see-sawopen-opened come-came wearwore steal-stole say-said fall-fell get-got think-thought lose-lost


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