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1、Module 8,8.1 Training,4,Reading: Training courses,1,2,3,5,Listening: Assessing training needs,Speaking: Giving reasons for and against,Grammar: -ing form and infinitive,Speaking: Discussing training needs,Warming up,1. What part-time jobs have you done? Did you get any training?,2. If yes, what do y

2、ou think of these training? Necessary / unnecessary, effective or ineffective?,3. What do you think makes an effective training?,The teacher (the trainer) the students (the trainees) The facilities The approach/methods How much it responds to your needs The extras (lunch, comfort, etc.),2. Imagine y

3、ou are a training manager and you receive information on the two courses below. Read these statements from people at your company and decide which course would suit them.,THE EFFECTIVE LEADER,TEAM BUILDING,training courses,THE EFFECTIVE LEADER This online course will make you a more effective leader

4、 whether youre responsible for leading a project, a team, a unit, a department or even a company! Whatever your role, were assuming you must lead people in order to achieve results. This course focuses on ACTION you can take to ensure people follow you so you get results. Duration: Approx. 2 hours.

5、This is an online product and for a single user. Course price: 50.00 + 8.75(VAT)= 58.75,BUY NOW,TEAM BUILDING Organisations have always relied on teams in some form. But now there is more emphasis on groups of people working in teams, taking joint responsibility for achieving standards and meeting o

6、bjectives. This course explores the key factors that make teams effective and the skills required to build, strengthen and maintain the team. Duration: Approx. 2 hours. This is an online product and for a single user. Course price: 50.00 + 8.75(VAT)= 58.75,BUY NOW,Im responsible for then people but

7、I find it hard to get the best from them.,The problem with our company is that departments never seem to know what the other is doing.,Why dont my staff do what I ask them?,Im really prefer working on my own. I get so much more done.,Listening: Assessing training needs,1. Listen to a conversation be

8、tween a training manager and Sergio. 1) Which course does Sergio want to take? Why? 2) What do Sergio and the training manager disagree on?,Sergio wants to take both of the courses because they will help him with his new role.,They disagree on whether online training is as effective as face-to-face

9、training.,2. Listen again. Work in pairs.,Student A: Listen and list the training managers arguments for online training on the left of the table. Student B: Listen and list Sergios arguments for face-to-face training on the right of the table.,- you dont need to go away,- you arrange things around

10、your work,- you can communicate with other people on the course,- you can do it from home,- its cheaper,- you get new ideas from other people on the course,- networking,- you can ask the tutor questions,Can you think of any more arguments for and against online training?,Speaking: Giving reasons for

11、 and against,1. Useful expressions:,2. Work in pairs. Role play these discussions. Take turns to give reasons for and give reasons against.,1) Your manager wants everyone in the department to spend an unpaid weekend in the country on a team-building course.,2) Some employees have asked for flexitime

12、 and the opportunity to work from home.,3) The company wants to replace your English teacher with lessons on a computer.,2. Read this conversation. Underline the correct word.,Manager: Hi, Sergio. Take a seat. (1) Would / Do you like to have a coffee? Sergio: That would be nice. Two sugars, please.

13、Manager: Oh Im sorry. I didnt remember (2) to ask / asking for any this week. I only have milk, Im afraid. Sergio: No problem. Ill have it black, please. Manager: Really? I (3) cant stand / hate to drink it without milk. Anyway, about your course. Weve (4) arranged / recommended sending you away for

14、 a few days rather than doing it online. Is that OK with you? Sergio: Sure. I always (5) prefer / enjoy to work with a group of people rather than on my own.,语法小结要点解释: 1) 在动词+介词后使用-ing形式: eg. Shes working on fixing the problem. Have you thought of moving into sales? Im interested in seeing your plan

15、 for this. 2) 在一些固定动词后使用-ing形式,这些动词包括consider, delay, dislike, enjoy, mind, postpone, practise, recommend, suggest等。 eg. Have you considered changing the color? Would you mind waiting? Lets postpone training everyone until next month. 3) 一些动词只跟不定时,这些动词包括afford, arrange, decide, manage, want等。 eg. We

16、 cant afford to do this. Shall we arrange to meet again in an hour? Do you want to take this course?,4) 一些动词既可跟-ing也可跟不定式,这些动词包括advise, propose, begin, continue, like, prefer等。 eg. We advise you to take two weeks off. / We advise taking two weeks off. 5) 一些动词跟-ing和跟不定式意思会有很大不同。 eg. I stopped working

17、 there years ago. I stopped to work on this new project. 另外一些动词则没有什么区别。 eg. We prefer to stay at home during the week. / We prefer staying at home during the week.,Speaking: Discussing training needs,Work in pairs and role-play this situation.,Student A: You are a training manager. You sent the memo

18、 below to all staff. Meet with an employee to discuss which course will be useful for him or her to attend. Use some of these phrases: Which courses would you like? Would you prefer? Do you want? Are you interested in? How good are you at? How much of your job involves?,Student B: Read this memo fro

19、m your training manager and discuss which courses might be suitable. Try to use some of these phrase: Id like / I wouldnt like Im (not) interested in Im quite good at I cant afford My job involves,Please note that we still have places available on the following one-day courses. All training takes la

20、ce in our training rooms. Please arrange to meet with me as soon as possible to discuss your needs and requirements in order to enroll you. The courses are as follows: effective selling presentation skills negotiating by phone cross-cultural awareness team building leading a project spreadsheets and

21、 databases computer skills 1 & 2 (building and maintaining a website),To: All staff From: The training manager Subject: Available training courses this autumn,Which courses would you like? Would you prefer? Do you want? Are you interested in? How good are you at? How much of your job involves?,Id li

22、ke / I wouldnt like Im (not) interested in Im quite good at I cant afford My job involves,Responding to a letter of complaint,The importance of listening,Good and bad listener,Showing youre listening,A letter of complaint,8.2 Showing youre listening,Linking phrases,Reading,1. How do you know when so

23、meone is listening to you? (a good listener),Look like he/she cares about my remarks Show interest Ask relevant questions With direct eye-contact and an attentive expression Without any look of distraction Not doing other work, like answering emails or looking at the screen of his/her computer,Readi

24、ng,2. Do you think listening to others attentively is very important? Why?,Respect Understand the speaker better Lead both sides to compromise and agreement Make less arbitrary decision or conclusion,Reading,3. Read the passage on page 80 and find out one extra word in each line and delete it.,Liste

25、ning: Good and bad listeners,1. Listen to four conversations. In each conversation, is the other person a good or bad listener? How do good listeners show they are listening?,Conversation 1 GOOD / BAD Conversation 2 GOOD / BAD Conversation 3 GOOD / BAD Conversation 4 GOOD / BAD,Good. The person asks

26、 questions and use encouraging words like “really?”,Bad. The person interrupts and gives an opinion straightaway.,Bad. The person says what to do without finding out how the other person feels.,Good. The person checks and shows understanding.,播放,暂停,停止,2. Read these expressions. Which expressions wou

27、ld you use to show youre listening?,Let me check Ive understood you. So what youre saying is Is that right? Well, of course the answer is simple, isnt it? Let me just stop you there. I see what you mean. Thats interesting. I see. Can I tell you what I think? Why do you think that is? Really? Well, w

28、hat you need to do is ,Speaking: Showing you are listening,1. Work in pairs and practise using the expressions to show youre listening or you are not listening.,1) Describe what you did after work last night. 2) Explain a difficulty or problem you are currently having with your work. 3) Complain abo

29、ut something you have recently bought.,Vocabulary : linking phrases,1. Read the letter and then answer the following questions.,1st May Dear Mr Le Fever Following the recent experiences of two of my staff with your training company, I have decided to send you some feedback based on their comments. O

30、n the 25th April, they attended a two-day computer course in creating PowerPoint presentations. However, on the first day the trainer arrived 30 minutes late, which was followed by a further delay due to a room change. As a result of this nearly 90 minutes was missed. In addition to this, my staff i

31、nform me that the approach of the trainer was to let participants discover solutions to problems rather than being told what to do. Despite having been very satisfied with your services in the past I may have to reconsider sending staff in the future. I would be grateful to hear any comments you hav

32、e to make either by phone or in writing. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely Mrs A Heneage Human Resources,The purpose of the letter? 2) What happened? 3) What action the sender requires?,Read the letter on p82 and answer questions.,Paragraph 1,Paragraph 2,Paragraph 3,1 Finish the ex

33、e 2&3 on page 82. 2. Put all these words and expression in your mind and well take dictation next week.,Listening: Responding to a letter of complaint,As a result of Mrs. Heneages letter, Mr. Le Fevre calls Fred Perrot , who is in charge of computer training. Listen to the call and answer the follow

34、ing questions.,1. When the training was taken? 2. What happened to the trainer? Whats the effect on the course? 3. Why do they change the room? 4. What teaching approach did the trainer adopt? Is it good or bad?,Listening: Responding to a letter of complaint,Dear Mrs Heneage With regard to your conc

35、erns about the PowerPoint course on (1)_, I have now spoken to my head of computer training and as a result I am in a position to respond. Unfortunately, and due to circumstances beyond our control on that day, the head of training (2)_. As a result (3)_and he was somewhat late. For this I apologize

36、, but because of this delay (4)_. Secondly, there was a room change which was due to the fact that (5) _. Finally, our approach to training has always been based on(6)_ approach. Moreover, it has always received (7) _. Following this letter, I would like to suggest a meeting at your convenience to d

37、iscuss any remaining issues and your future training needs,As a result of Mrs. Heneages letter, Mr. Le Fevre calls Fred Perrot , who is in charge of computer training. Listen to the call and complete the reply to Mrs. Heneages letter.,the 26th April,was unavailable at short notice,we had to get a re

38、placement trainer,we added the lost time on the end of the two days,your company sent an extra person,discovery,positive feedback,Writing: A letter of complaint,投诉信写作中精彩语句推荐: 1. I am writing to express my dissatisfaction at. 2. I am very disappointed/upset to find that. 3. I find it awful/appalling/

39、distressing that. 4. I would like to draw your attention to something you have obviously failed to notice. . 5. There are some problems with.that I wish to bring to attention. For one thing, . For another, . 6. To remedy/rectify the matter/situation, I suggest making the following changes: . 7. To i

40、mprove the situation/solve the above problem, it is advisable for you to take the following measures: . 8. Your effort to provide good services will be highly appreciated by all. 9. I look forward to a day when we could really enjoy a more efficient service. 10. I wish to refer you to an incident wh

41、ich occurred., calling for some remedial action.,Writing: A letter of complaint,1提供内容写投诉信(1-6组) 你方为我方5月10日之订单B278号所供应的照相机已送达,但遗憾的是,几台照相机已严重损坏,我们推测是包装不当造成的。 这是三星期以来第二次出现这样的问题,我方对你方提出的服务深感不满。请确保类似问题不再出现,否则我们会终止合约。 请派人尽快送来6台照相机并把有问题的照相机带走,谢谢。 2.给本投诉信写一封回信。(7-13组),3请按本投诉写回信。(14-20组) Dear Sirs, We should

42、 like to complain that our telephone has been out of service for ten days, which has caused us great inconvenience. We phoned your accounting department and was told that we had not make our payment. This is an entire delinquency on your part because we already make our payment five days ago. Please

43、 refer to the enclosed copy of your receipt. Kindly check into it and reconnect the line as soon as possible. Yours sincerely,Write a letter to the hotel manager. Write 120-140 words using appropriate linking words or expressions. Swap letters with your partner. Now you are the manager. Write a repl

44、y to the letter. Respond to each complaint, again using appropriate linking words or phrases.,Possible answers,Dear Sir or Madam, Following my recent experience of your hotel, I have decided to send you some feedback in the hope that you can improve your service. I arrived at reception at 6am on 7th

45、 November to find there was no record of my booking. As a result of this I waited 45 minutes. The following day, my two clients and I were delayed due to the meeting room being doubled-booked. Eventually we were given another smaller room. Finally, towels were not changed overnight. Room service exp

46、lained that this was because of the hotels “environmentally friendly” policy. While I agree with the sentiment of this policy, I dont think that changing at least one towel is unreasonable. Despite having been very satisfied with your service in the past I may have to reconsider using your hotel in

47、the future. I would be grateful to hear any comments you have to make in writing. Yours faithfully,Dear M Thank you for your recent letter regarding your stay at our hotel. I regret that the experience did not achieve your normal expectations. I have now spoken to the staff involved and as a result

48、I am in a position to comment. Unfortunately, our online booking system has been undergoing some changes and this may have affected both your booking of a room and the meeting rooms. I apologise for any delays but please note that all our meeting rooms are equipped with the same level of services. W

49、ith regard to the policy on towels, the hotel feels that it must play its part in working towards helping the environment and so we have recently considered a number of ways in which to achieve this. However, your comments on towels will be raised at our next meeting on this policy. Following your letter therefore, I wish to apologise for any inconvenience caused.


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