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1、现在分词作状语 制卷人:吕巧俊 审题人:邹丹 时间:2016.10.26Step 1 lead in 朗读下面一首唐诗,找出其中的现在分词形式 Thinking in the Silent Night 静夜思 Before my bed there is bright moonlight 床前明月光 So that it seems that frost on the ground. 疑是地上霜 Lifting my head, I watch the bright moonlight. 举头望明月 Lowering my head, I dream that Im home. 低头思故乡 S

2、tep 2识别现在分词所充当的各种状语 1.Review:判断V-ing在句中所做的成份 . Coming late for school is a bad habit. ( ) .We should avoid talking loudly in a library. ( ).They are exciting . ( ) . They are visitors coming from several countries. ( ) . Coming late, the girl missed the train. ( ) 2.Observe and think :现在分词可以做哪些状语? E

3、xample: Having been translated into 20 languages, the book is famous all over the world now. (原因状语) .Being ill, he couldnt come to school today. ( ).Using your head, you will find a way. ( ) .Having arrived at the factory, they immediately set to work. ( ) Having a cold, the boy went to school as us

4、ual. ( ) .She was so angry that she threw the toy on the ground, breaking it into pieces. ( ) .The girl came in smiling.( ) 小结:现在分词可以充当原因条件、时间、让步、结果、伴随或方式状语。其中,_、_、 _、_常位于句首,_、_常位于句尾,有时伴随状语或方式状语可谓语句中或句首。Step 3 Presentations一. -ing分词短语作时间状语,代替一个时间状语从句(引导词有when ,as ,while, as soon as) When we are cros

5、sing the road, we often say: “Be careful!” When we are crossing the road, we often say: “Be careful!” When we are crossing the road, we often say: “Be careful!” 小结:当从句主语和主句主语一致,且从句谓语和主句主语是主动关系时,可以省略状语从句的_、_,当谓语中含有be或助动词do时,也应一起省略),再把谓语中的实义动词变成_,其他不变。请把下列状语从句转换成现在分词作状语。 Eg: After he heard a strong so

6、und, he went out of the room for a look. = Hearing a strange sound, he went out of . .As the girl was seriously ill, she was taken to hospital immediately. _ .As she didnt know any French, she couldnt get any one to help her. _ When she saw those pictures,she remembered her childhood. _ As soon as h

7、e heard the good news, he jumped with joy. _. _ in the street, he saw an old friend. A.Walking B.walk C.having walked D.being walked二-ing分词短语作原因状语,相当于一个原因状语从句。(引导词有because ,as ,since) 如:As he was ill, he didnt go to school yesterday =Being ill, he didnt go to school yesterday. 由于生病,他昨天没有上学。 三-ing分词也

8、可作条件状语,相当于一个条件状语从句。(引导词有if,unless,once) If you work hard, you will succeed. =Working hard, you will succeed. 如果你勤奋一点,你就会成功。 If you turn to the left, you will find the path leading to the school.= , you will find the path leading to the school. 如果你向左转,你就会找到到学校取得路。 四-ing分词也可作让步状语,相当于让步状语从句(引导词有althoug

9、h,though,even if ,even though) Although they knew all this,they made me pay for the damage. = Knowing all this, they made me pay for the damage. 尽管知道了一切情况,他们还是要我赔偿损失。 五-ing分词也可作方式状语、伴随状语,表示行为方式、伴随情况或补充说明,是主语的另一个、较次要的动作,相当于一个由and引导的并列结构。 She came into the house, and carried a lot of books. =She came

10、into the house, carrying a lot of books. 她捧着许多书走进了房间。 He lay on the grass, and stared at the sky for a long time. =He lay on the grass, staring at the sky for a long time. 他躺在草地上,长时间地望着天空。小结:伴随状语出现的条件: 六现在分词表示主句的动作所带来的必然结果,相当于一个并列谓语 His father died, and left him a lot of money. =His father died, lea

11、ving him a lot of money. 他父亲死了,留给他许多钱。 She was so angry that she threw the toy on the ground, and broke it into pieces. =She was so angry that she threw the toy on the ground, breaking it into pieces. 她非常生气,把玩具扔在地上,摔成了碎片。Step4 Exercise巩固练习:一、判断下列句子正误 1. 从窗户看出去,我们看见一个漂亮的花园。 a. Looking out through the

12、 window, the garden was beautiful. b. Looking out through the window, we saw a beautiful garden. 2. 我看着晚报的时候,一只狗开始叫起来。 a. Reading the evening newspaper, a dog started barking. b. I was reading the evening newspaper when a dog started barking. 3. 听到这个消息,我的眼泪忍不住流下来。 a. Hearing the news, tears ran down

13、 her face. b. Hearing the news, she burst into tears. 4.等公汽的时候,一块砖头砸在我的头上。a. Waiting for the bus , a brick fell on my head. b. Waiting for the bus , I was hit by a brick on the head. 5.打开窗户,一只蝴蝶飞进来了。 a. Opening the window, a butterfly flew into my room. b. Opening the window, I saw a butterfly flyin

14、g into my room. 6.如果你努力学习,你的梦想一定会实现。 a. Working hard with a strong will, your dream will certainly come true b. Working hard with a strong will, youll certainly make your dream come true 二、判断下列现在分词作哪种状语, 并用相应的连词改写句子.Being ill, he couldnt come to school today. ( _ 状语 ) _ _,he couldnt come to school t

15、oday. Working harder at English, you will make greater progress. (_ 状语) _ , you will make greater progress.Arriving at the factory, they immediately set to work. (_ 状语 ) _ , they immediately set to workHaving a cold, the boy went to school as usual. ( _ 状语 ) , the boy went to school as usual.The chi

16、ldren ran out of the room, laughing happily. (_ 状语) The children ran out of the room and happily. She was so angry that she threw the toy on the ground, breaking it into pieces. (_ 状语) She was so angry that she threw the toy on the ground, and it into pieces.注:非谓语作状语时,要看它同句子主语之间的关系。 和句子主语构成主动关系时,用现在

17、分词作状语,和句子主语构成被动关系时,用过去分词作状语 三、对比练习: a._from the top of the building, we saw the house like a match box. b._from the top of the building, the house looks like a match box. A. Seen B. Seeing C. To see D.See四、辨别正误: 1.因为漆成了白色,房子看起来更美了。 a. Painting white , the house looks more beautiful. b. Painted white

18、 , the house looks more beautiful. 2. 受到他的话的鼓励,我开始认真学习。 a. Encouraging by her words, I got down to studying hard. b. Encouraged by her words, I got down to studying hard五、用动词的恰当形式填空。 While in London, I just had to go to the British Museum. Theres so much1._(see) and I only had time to spend a few ho

19、urs there. 2._ _ (see) the pocket watches, I was reminded of the old watch my grandfather used to wear. I dont think I ever saw him without it. Then I went to the Monkey Gallery. They have got an 3. _ _ (amaze) collection of coins, some 4._ _ (be) over 2,000 years old. Next stop was the Chinese coll

20、ection. 5._ _(live) in Hong Kong for so many years, I was very interested in this. After looking at the Chinese collection, I had hoped to see the Mexican collection. Unfortunately, when 6._(get) there, I found that it was closed. 7._ _(spend) the whole morning walking around the museum, I decided t

21、hat I wanted to do something very different in the afternoon. So I went to the London Eye 8._ _(get) a birds view of the city. When 9._ _ (see) from the top of the Eye, some of the biggest buildings appear very small. After that, tired from all the walking, I went back to my room at the hotel 10._ _(stand) on the riverside and slept for a couple of hours before going out to have dinner.


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