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1、现金流量表中文项目現金流量表英文項目合并现金流量表Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows现金流量表Statements of Cash Flows营业活动之现金流量:Cash flows from operating activities:本期净利(净损)Net income (loss)调整项目:Adjustments to reconcile net income (loss) to net cash provided by operating activities:递延所得税Deferred income tax expense (benefit)联属

2、公司间未(已)实现利益净额Realized (unrealized) gain from inter-affiliate accounts折旧费用Depreciation各项摊提Amortization备抵呆帐提列(回转)Allowance (reversal) for doubtful accounts备抵销货退回折扣提列(回转)Allowance (reversal) for sales returns and discounts存货跌价及呆滞损失Allowance for inventory valuation and obsolescence loss权益法认列投资损失(利益)净额Eq

3、uity in loss (gain) of affiliates, net采权益法之现金股利Cash dividends from investees company under equity method应付利息补偿金Accrued premiums汇率变动影响数Foreign exchange adjustments已实现销货损失(利益)Realized gain (loss) from sale未实现销货损失(利益)Unrealized gain (loss) from sale短期投资跌价损失提列(回转)Provision for loss (reversal of provisio

4、n for loss) on short-term investments已实现投资损失(利益)净额Realized investment losses, net出售短期投资损失(利益)净额Loss (gain) on disposal of short-term investments, net出售长期投资损失(利益)净额Loss (gain) on disposal of long-term investments, net出售固定资产损失(利益)净额Loss (gain) on disposal of property, plant and equipment, net报废固定资产损失(

5、利益)净额Loss (gain) on abandonment of property, plant and equipment, net应收帐款减少(增加)Decrease (increase) in accounts receivable应收票据减少(增加)Decrease (increase) in notes receivable其它应收帐款、票据减少(增加)Decrease(increase) in other accounts 、notes receivable催收款减少(增加)Decrease (increase) in uncollectible receivable存货减少(

6、增加)Decrease (increase) in inventories预付款项减少(增加)Decrease (increase) in prepaid accounts其它流动资产减少(增加)Decrease (increase) in other current assets应付帐款增加(减少)Increase (decrease) in accounts payable应付票据增加(减少)Increase (decrease) in notes payable其它应付帐款、票据增加(减少)Increase(decrease) in other accounts、 notes payab

7、le应付所得税增加(减少)Increase (decrease) in income tax payable应付费用增加(减少)Increase (decrease) in accrued expenses 递延退休金成本增加(减少)Increase (decrease) in deferred pension cost, net应计退休金负债增加(减少)Increase (decrease) in pension liabilities其它流动负债增加(减少)Increase (decrease) in other current liabilities其它Others营业活动之净现金流入(

8、流出)Cash provided by (used in) operating activities投资活动之现金流量:Cash flows from investing activities:处分(出售)固定资产价款Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment 固定资产保险理赔款Proceeds from insurance compensation for property, plant and equipment处分(出售)闲置资产价款Proceeds from disposal of idle assets增购固定资产Addit

9、ions to property, plant and equipment取得短期投资Acquisition of short-term investments取得长期投资Acquisition of long-term investments处分(出售)短期投资价款Sale of short-term investments处分(出售)长期投资价款Sale of long-term investments收回长期投资价款Repayment of long-term investments质押定存单净减少(增加)Decrease (increase) in pledged time depos

10、its递延费用净减少(增加)Decrease (increase) in deferred expenses合并产生之现金流入Cash received through merger 受限制资产净减少(增加)Decrease (increase) in restricted assets存出保证金净减少(增加)Decrease (increase) in refundable deposits其它资产净减少(增加)Decrease (increase) in other assets其它Others投资活动之净现金流入(流出)Cash provided by (used in) investi

11、ng activities融资活动之现金流量:Cash flows from financing activities:短期借款增加(减少)Increase (decrease) in short-term loans应付短期票券增加(减少)Increase (decrease) in commercial paper payable长期借款增加(减少)Increase (decrease) in long-term loans应付公司债增加(减少)Increase (decrease) in bonds payable现金增资Issuance of common stock for cash

12、支付董监事酬劳Directors remuneration 发放员工红利Employees bonuses支付现金股利Cash dividends paid库藏股减少(增加)Decrease (increase) in treasury stock其它Others融资活动之净现金流入(流出):Cash provided by (used in) financing activities汇率变动现金影响数Effects of exchange rate change on cash本期现金及约当现金净增加(减少)数Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents期初现金及约当现金余额Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year期末现金及约当现金余额Cash and cash equivalents at end of year本期支付之现金Cash paid during the period for:支付利息(不含利息资本化)Interest支付所得税Income taxes其它Others


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