现代大学英语4 Unit4 lions and tigers and bears_language study.ppt

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1、Part Four,Language Study,ENTER,Word Study Phrases and Expressions Word Building,Language Study,Contents,Word Study,Word list:,bolt curl drizzle embolden obliterate,6. perplex platitude scurry secluded shriek,Word Study,bolt,vi. a) to run away quickly 猛冲,逃跑 b) to move; to break away 迅速移动 vt. c) to fa

2、sten with strong rods and bar 拴住,使和在一块 d) to swallow food or drink hurriedly 匆匆吞下,咽下,blot,cf.,To be continued on the next page.,Word Study,Examples: a) He bolted out of his house. b) Eyes bolted towards the stranger. c) He bolted the door on the inside. d) He bolted down a hurried breakfast. a bolt

3、from (out of) the blue 晴天霹雳,意外的事 bolt upright 笔直 make a bolt (for it) 赶快逃走,2. curl v. a) to form into a spiral or curved shape 卷曲,扭曲;缠绕 b) to grow in or form curls or ringlets (烟)缭绕升起;蜷曲 Examples: The hairdresser curled Marys hair. She kept curling her handkerchief around one finger. Smoke curled fr

4、om the chimney. A snake curled around the trunk of a tree.,Word Study,3. drizzle v. to rain in fine drops Examples: It drizzled throughout the night. The insecticide drizzled over the plants. The dew on the branches drizzled our hair.,Word formation,adj. drizzly,Word Study,4. embolden v. to give cou

5、rage or confidence to sb. Examples: He smiled and this emboldened her to ask him for help. Emboldened by drink, he walked over to speak to her.,Word Study,5. obliterate v. to rub out or blot out Examples: The heavy rain obliterated all footprints. Anne was eager to obliterate her error. They tried t

6、o obliterate the enemys bomb base.,擦掉痕迹; 忘记; 消灭;,Translation,Word Study,perplex v. to cause to be puzzled or bewildered over what is not understood or certain; to make complicated and confused Examples: The question perplexed him. The boy perplexed his parents. to perplex an issue adj. perplexed/per

7、plexing n. perplexity,使困惑,使费解; 使复杂化,Translation,Word Study,7. platitude n. (fml.) (derog.) boring and meaningless commonplace remark or statement, esp. when it is said as if it were new or interesting because it has been said so many times before 陈腐平凡的,老生常谈,陈词滥调,clich; commonplace; banal,cf.,Word St

8、udy,To be continued on the next page.,Example: This speech was full of empty platitudes about (of) peace and democracy. adj. platitudinous v. platitudinize n. platitudinarian,Word Study,8. scurry v. / n. to run with short quick steps Examples: It began to rain and we scurried home. We heard mice scu

9、rrying about in the kitchen. Dark clouds were being scurried across a grey sky by the wind. a scurry of footsteps in the passage 急促脚步声 Huge snow scurries.,急赶,急转,疾走,Word Study,Translation,9. secluded adj. not visited or seen by many people; away from the company of others Examples: This is the quiete

10、st and most secluded area of the city. secluded life/monk/valley v. seclude (from) n. seclusion adj. seclusive,隐居的,与世隔绝的; 僻静的,Word Study,Translation,10. shriek v. / n. to shout in a loud high voice because you are frightened, excited, or surprised Examples: The woman trapped under the piles of debri

11、s raised her voice to a shriek. She shrieked an alarm at him.,Word Study,Translation,尖叫,尖声叫喊,The end of word study.,list:,come upon curl up drift out drop off in view,6. not to mention 7. on ones hands 8. on the/a rampage 9. to the day 10. wind ones way,Phrases and Expressions,1. come upon 碰上,偶然遇上;

12、冲向,袭来 Examples: I came upon an old friend when I was shopping in the store. Fear came upon her as she waited.,Phrases and Expressions,2. curl up 卷起,撅起(嘴唇); (因恐惧、羞愧、厌恶)使蜷缩,扭曲身体 Examples: She curled her mouth up in anger. She curled herself up in the big armchair with a good book.,Phrases and Expressi

13、ons,3. drift out (口)不经意(慢吞吞)走出来,走开,离开 Example: The smoke pall drifted out to reveal the blackened shell of the building.,Phrases and Expressions,4. drop off (口)入睡,睡着;(逐个)走开,消失;放下,下降,掉下 Examples: She dropped off in front of the fire while watching TV. Her friends dropped off into the shadows. Can you

14、 drop me off at a supermarket?,Phrases and Expressions,in view 在能看见的范围内;在考虑中;在注意中 Examples: The sea came in view as we came out of the forest. Dream pursuer has kept his goal in view.,Phrases and Expressions,To be continued on the next page.,in view of 鉴于,由于 to the view 在展出 with a view to 以为目标 come

15、in view of 出现在视线中 come /burst into view (突然)出现在眼前 disappear/be lost from view 看不见了 block/obstruct/shut off/spoil the view 挡住某人的视线,Phrases and Expressions,not to mention without mentioning 更不必说,除以外还 Examples: We are served French champagne, not to mention the usual cocktails. David is handsome and sm

16、art, not to mention being a good athlete.,Phrases and Expressions,on ones hands 受照顾;需要负责;可自由支配 Examples: She has a large family on her hands. 她有许多子女要照顾。 I have an empty house on my hands. 我手里有一所空房子要处理掉。 He has got much time on his hands. 他有许多时间可自由支配。,Phrases and Expressions,To be continued on the ne

17、xt page.,at hand: 在附近,在手边 on hand: 现在,在手头;到场出席;即将发生 in hand: 手里拿着;在掌握中;(工作等)在进行中(讨究),Phrases and Expressions,8. on the/a rampage 横冲直撞;暴跳如雷 Examples: The escaped elephant was on the rampage for two days. The rioters went on a rampage and vandalized many shops.,Phrases and Expressions,to the day 恰好,刚好

18、,一天不差 Examples: three years ago to the day 一天不差恰好三年前 40 years ago to the day 四十年前的今天 cf. to this day 直到现在,迄今 of the day 当代的,当时的,Phrases and Expressions,10. wind ones way 迂回而行,弯曲经过 Examples: The brook wound its way through the fields. She wound her way into his confidence.,Phrases and Expressions,The

19、 end of Phrases and Expressions.,III. Word BuildingVocabulary Expansion,shimmering: shining unevenly/seeming to move slightly other words denoting “to send forth light” glimmer glisten glitter sparkle twinkle,To be continued on the next page.,e.g. Everything about her shimmered and glimmered softly,

20、 as if her dress had been woven out of candle-beams. The sweat glistened on his forehead. jewels glittering in the display case crystal glasses sparkling in the candlelight a few stars, twinkling faintly in the deep blue of the night sky,III. Word BuildingVocabulary Expansion,To be continued on the

21、next page.,general verbs specific verbs look/see/watch,Identify these words.,scan (细查,扫视) glimpse(瞥见,简短的一瞥) glare(怒目而视) stare(凝视) gaze(集中注意力看,凝视) glance(粗略地看一下,扫视) peep (窥视,偷窥) peek(瞥一眼,偷窥) peer(细看),III. Word BuildingVocabulary Expansion,To be continued on the next page.,run,bolt (to run in a sudden

22、 way) 迅速移动,惊跑 dash 猛冲, hurry 快速移动 jog 慢跑 plunge 冲入,俯冲 rush 冲,猛攻;奔泻 scurry 疾跑,急赶 trot 小跑,III. Word BuildingVocabulary Expansion,To be continued on the next page.,walk,hike (to go for along walk for fun or exercise) 远足,长途步行 march (to walk steadily) 齐步前进,行进 race 踱步 ramble 漫步闲逛 shuffle (to walk without

23、taking your feet from the ground) 曳脚而行,拖着步子走 step (a short distance) 走,跨步 stride (to take long steps) 大步行走,跨 stroll (to walk with out hurrying, often for pleasure) 溜达,闲逛,散步 tiptoe 惦着脚尖走,III. Word BuildingVocabulary Expansion,To be continued on the next page.,Specific words vividly describe the actio

24、ns for minute description. jerk: to pull something suddenly using a lot of force George raced to the window and jerked back the curtains. grab: to take hold of something in a rough or rude way He grabs a knife and dives at the robber. appeal drift peek reassure (assure, insure) rotate,Find more exam

25、ples from the text.,III. Word BuildingVocabulary Expansion,To be continued on the next page.,adjective suffixes summarized -ful: useful, beautiful, powerful -less: hopeless, homeless, useless -able: desirable, comparable, reasonable -ible: visible, responsible, possible,III. Word BuildingVocabulary

26、Expansion,To be continued on the next page.,-ive: impressive, active, protective -ic: symbolic, economic, idealistic -ant: important, distant, dominant -ent: consistent, frequent, persistent,III. Word BuildingVocabulary Expansion,To be continued on the next page.,-ist: colonialist, fundamentalist, i

27、ndividualist -ese: Chinese, Japanese, Nepalese -(i)an: Russian, Canadian, American -y: rosy, dusty, skinny,III. Word BuildingVocabulary Expansion,To be continued on the next page.,-ly: homely, friendly, orderly -en: wooden, woolen, golden -ary: revolutionary, voluntary, military -ory: preparatory, c

28、ompulsory, introductory,III. Word BuildingVocabulary Expansion,To be continued on the next page.,There is no escaping/denying the recognition that the city was very beautiful. (Para. 12) There is no verb.+ing There is no denying that Theres no escaping being human. (We can never escape who we are.)

29、There is no escaping the fact that he has lied. (One cannot escape from the fact that he has lied.),III. Word BuildingVocabulary Expansion,To be continued on the next page.,More examples: There was no knowing how long he might be away. Theres no telling when an outburst might come. Theres no escapin

30、g the dust in Spring. There is no telling how long he might be away. Theres no escaping mental stress these days. Life is tough. There is no denying the fact that these people have a reason to be angry.,III. Word BuildingVocabulary Expansion,To be continued on the next page.,There is no arguing with

31、 someone who refuses to listen. He knew that from that day onward there was no going back. There was no mistaking his intention this time. There is no denying that he is bad-tempered and selfish. But hes also a genius.,The end of word Building.,III. Word BuildingVocabulary Expansion,Part Four,Language Study,This is the end of Part Four. Please click HOME to visit other parts.,


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