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1、Lian 梁山伯 and Zhu 英台In the beautiful scean.银心and英台walk around the dais. Then leave the classroom.梁山伯and 四九come in.梁山伯:The most distant way in the world is not the way from birth to the end.It is when I sit near youthat you dont understand I love you. Then 银心and英台come in.英台: The most distant way in th

2、e world is not when I sit near you that you dont understand I love you.It is in our love we are keeping between the distance.英台and梁山伯: So the most distant way in the worldis the love between the fish and bird.One is flying at the sky,the other is looking upon into the sea.英台:oh you like tagore梁山伯:ye

3、ah,you like him too英台:yes!yes! thats so good to know one who likes tagore too.英台 and 梁山伯 leave.四九 and 银心 in the centrel.四九:hi nice to meet you银心:nice to meet you too. Is that your master?四九:yeah, he wants to go to the 万松school银心:oh we too. Let us go together.Then 四九 and 银心 leave. Teacher come in.Tea

4、cher:Im the teacher in the school. Now the students is more and more difficult to teach.文才:梁山伯:teacher! Good to see you.i want to study with you英台:me too.Teacher:good, come and study now.Teacher:finding what is new in reviewing what is old.Everyone: finding what is new in reviewing what is old.Teach

5、er:梁山伯,give me the next sentence,the gentleman is easy to work but?梁山伯:difficult to please,英台 look at 英台 lovely.Teacher:英台,its your turn! See what a man does.英台:e e er文才: Mark his motives.英台 feel not so good.Everybody leave the room.then 英台 and 银心 come in.英台 change her hair into a womens.英台:银心,what

6、do you think of 梁山伯.银心:he is a good man.Miss zhu, do you like him英台 feel embarrassed.英台:dont talk about me,and you? How about 四九.银心:miss zhu.文才 saw all of this. And he knew 英台 is a girl.Everybody leave. Then 英台s mother come in.文才:I want to marry your daughter.英台mom:no I cant!.i need my daughters pro

7、mise.文才:if you see no, I will kill everything! Every!You must call 英台 back and marry me.英台s mom: ok. I will write a letter to 英台 ,you bring it to her.”my dear daughter ”英台 you have left hometown for a long time. Your father and I miss you very much. We hope you can come back after get this.” ” they

8、leaving. 英台 come in.银心:miss zhu miss zhu,here is a letter from home!英台:give me. Oh Its mom! 银心,we have to come back. Please tell liang梁山伯 Im waiting him here.银心 leave and 梁山伯 come in.梁山伯:英台 ,what happened. 英台:山伯,I have to come back to my home,and ,I have something to tell you.梁山伯: just say.英台:er. er

9、Im a girl.梁山伯:what?! Are you kidding?!英台:no Im serious.梁山伯: you you you r a girl. 英台:山伯 梁山伯:let me calm down,梁山伯 open the window then come back.梁山伯:”you ask me how deep I love how much I love you”英台:”my love is true my imotion is true.”梁山伯 and 英台:the moon represent my heart.文才 come in and trag 英台 文才

10、:come with me ,you r my wife.英台:what?!文才:your mom has promise you marry me yet.英台:no that impossible.文才:nothing is impossible. You belong to me from now on. Hahaha!Then 文才 took 英台 away.and the bad man separate 英台 and 梁山伯.梁山伯:英台 ,remember, the moon represent my heart!Then 梁山伯 was heated by the bad man.四九 come in and 埋了 梁山伯. And 贴上墓碑。then 英台 come in.英台:what what happened to 梁山伯?!四九:miss zhu,he he he died!英台 cry like a child.英台:why why u leave me alone.Then 梁山伯 out from the tomb.梁山伯:英台 you see,I come, I didnt leave you alone.Then they dance and hide.And 四九 and 银心 dance and two butterfies fly.End


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