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1、2020/7/23,1,Unit Three,An American Love Affair Brock Yates,2020/7/23,3,Unit 3 Title,America is said to be a Nation on wheels. They like to move from place to place by driving automobiles. Questions Why are they so fond of moving? Why is America a nation on the wheel?,2020/7/23,4,Why are they so fond

2、 of moving? Why is America a nation on the wheel?,America is a nation made up of immigrants who had traveled long-distances to reach a place which is not explored with little in their baggage , but with their hope, confidence and the will to develop challenges. Travel in search of a better life is i

3、n their blood. The occurrence of gold rush of 1849 resulted more from a spirit of adventure than from that of greed.,2020/7/23,5,What does automobile culture cover:,automobile culture: manufacture, auto repairs, insurance, the development of roads, sales, assembly line workers, urban expansion, yout

4、h, music, public policy, racism, fast food, family vacations, travel, and more. So there are many jobs connecting with automobiles,2020/7/23,6,About the author,Brock Yates-one of the best known, most respected automotive journalists in the world.,2020/7/23,7,Para-1,a Buick man, a Stutz man, a Pontia

5、c man a man who drives a Buick/ Stutz/Pontiac car Great Depression A term applied, especially in the United States, to the worldwide economic disaster of 1930s automotive tastes tastes for automobiles,2020/7/23,8,upward and mobile citizens people who try to rise from a lower to a higher economic or

6、social class mundane transportation modules ordinary tools for transportation class structure class status the social landscape the social status,2020/7/23,9,Paragraph 1 Terms to know Questions to discuss Q1: What social and economic status did the authors father enjoy in his days? And how do you kn

7、ow? Q2:For what reason did his father change from a Stutz man to a Buick man? Q3: Why does the author say “To the day he died, his Buicks were more than mundane transportation modules”? Q4: What is the main idea the author intends to tell us in this paragraph?,2020/7/23,10,Q1: What social and econom

8、ic status did the authors father enjoy in his days? And how do you know?,2020/7/23,11,He enjoyed a middle-class status since the Buick man is better off than a Pontiac man, not as well off as a Cadillac man.,2020/7/23,12,Q2:For what reason did his father change from a Stutz man to a Buick man?,2020/

9、7/23,13,Because of the Great Depression and the consequent tragic shift in the economy.,2020/7/23,14,Q3: Why does the author say “To the day he died, his Buicks were more than mundane transportation modules”?,2020/7/23,15,Because the Buicks not only served as ordinary transportation tools, but also

10、stated his social status.,2020/7/23,16,Q4: What is the main idea the author intends to tell us in this paragraph?,2020/7/23,17,The car one drives can immediately shows ones social economic status.,2020/7/23,18,Para-1,-What does “a Buick man” mean? -Do you know sth. about the Great Depression? -What

11、does the author describe the Great Depression in the paragraph? Tragic shift in the economy,2020/7/23,19,-What make of car did the authors father before the Great Depression and after the Great Depression? before the Great Depression -Stutz after the Great Depression - Buick,2020/7/23,20,Can you fin

12、d another 2 phrases in the paragraph similar to the meaning of “socio-economic status ”? the class structure the social landscape,2020/7/23,21,Para-1 Comprehension,Q1. (1) a middle-class status (2) Yes. (3)“upward”-He attempted to rise to a high socio-economic position Q2. (1)refers to Buicks the au

13、thors father drove in his days (2)The cars one drives can immediately show ones socio-economic status.,2020/7/23,22,Para-1,Topic Sentence: identification on the social landscape Main Idea The automobiles are regarded as symbol of socio-economic status. Q: Do you agree to this idea? Why or why not?,2

14、020/7/23,23,better off than not as well off as equally,2020/7/23,24,Para-1 Tr.,与其他成千上万经济状况处于上升阶段的有车族一样,那场悲剧性的经济逆转使父亲在汽车品位上面临了重大的调整。,2020/7/23,25,Para-2 Comprehension,Q3. (1)loyalties-Faithfully buying and praising a particular brand of car (2) love, revere, social amulets, brag, electrify, smart,bea

15、st, Black Beauty, mysterious machine,2020/7/23,26,Para-2 Tr.,我们美国人恋车的特殊情结,基于对某一种品牌车坚如磐石般的挚爱,这种挚爱因其来之不易而倍受珍惜。,2020/7/23,27,Para-2,Philco-a brand of a radio which the authors family once had. the Green Hornet- a cartoon figure of a radio program which the author listened to on the Philco-brand family

16、radio. Black Beauty- the name of the car that the Green Hornet drove,2020/7/23,28,Para-3 Comprehension,Q4. Cars enjoy anthropomorphic status. They are treated as members of the family and mechanical pets,2020/7/23,29,Para-3 Topic Sentence,Cars enjoy anthropomorphic status.,2020/7/23,30,Part I (Para

17、13),American people like cars very much and enjoy a special bond with them.,2020/7/23,31,Para-4 Comprehension,Q5.- They see automobiles negatively. - illustrate the privileged classes did not encourage common people to have the freedom to move around. Q6. -Automobiles are the cause of many problems-

18、pollute, kill, injure, population movement,2020/7/23,32,Para-4 Tr.,他们期冀我们加入未来拥挤不堪的的自行车行列,而不是坐在被一位激动不已的批评家谴责为“傲慢的战车”的方向盘前。,2020/7/23,33,Para-5 Comprehension,Q7.- automobiles - People will continue to move in large numbers by means of automobiles no matter how worried environmentalists are about it.,2

19、020/7/23,34,Part II (Para 46),Though cars are responsible for many problems, they remain welcomed because American people can get much benefit from them such as freedom of population shifts and entertainment,2020/7/23,35,Part III (Para 710),The problems caused by automobiles and their possible solut

20、ions.,2020/7/23,36,Para 7-8,Para 7-Problem: Cars hurt people Solution: Para 8-Problem: Cars pollute Solution: Car accidents and pollution-two problems frequently associated with cars- are actually serious and to a great extent can be solvable.,2020/7/23,37,Para 910,Para 9- Problem: Cars are the sour

21、ce of traffic jams and urban sprawl. Para 10Solution:,2020/7/23,38,Para-10 Comprehension,Q11. Because the modern automobile offers such freedom that it will remain integral to modern life (it is essential to modern life ).,2020/7/23,39,Para-10 Tr.,除非对国家城市的重新总体规划,在广袤的大地上全面禁止车辆行驶。,2020/7/23,40,Part IV

22、 (Para 1112),(The automobiles offers such freedom that it will remain integral to modern life.) We will live with the automobile despite all the problems it has brought with it.,2020/7/23,41,Para 11,既然妖魔已从瓶中出来,而有车一族又在逐年递增,遍布全国各地,那么,我们所面临的挑战就是尽可能地将它驯服,融合到人们的生活中去。,2020/7/23,42,Example,Public Transport

23、ation in Cities 1.公共交通的重要性; 2.各种常见的交通工具; 3.城市化公共交通的未来。,2020/7/23,43,Traffic Jam,在现代社会,城市交通问题变得越来越严重城市交通问题的表现以及对人们生活的影响解决的方法与措施,2020/7/23,44,Drunken Driving. 1.醉酒驾车增多的原因 2.醉酒驾车的危害 3.如何减少醉酒驾车,2020/7/23,45,Open Discussion Are cars making our life more convenient or more troublesome?,2020/7/23,46,Transl

24、ation,最近的一项调查表明,中国读书和杂志的人数比1998年降低了8.7%。读书人数的减少反映了人们生活方式的变化,人们获取信息的渠道已不再仅限于出版物了。越来越多的人承认他们一般都是通过上网而不是通过读书和杂志来获取信息的。,2020/7/23,47,A recent survey shows that the number of the Chinese who read books and magazines has fallen 8.7% than that in 1998. The decline in the number of book readers just reflect

25、s a changing lifestyle. Peoples access to information is no longer limited to printed publications. More and more people admit that they are turning to the Internet for information, instead of reading books and magazines.,2020/7/23,48,7、对于很多人来说手机已不仅仅是通讯工具了。它可以是时钟、日历、电话号码簿、备忘录,甚至是女孩子防止讨厌的男孩子打扰的武器。一位女

26、孩儿说当她看到讨厌的男孩向他走来时,她最好的办法就是拿起手机假装与某人打电话。 8、最近的一项调查表明,中国读书和杂志的人数比1998年降低了8.7%,而且总人口中只有百分之五的人经常读书。然而这一调查结果并不需要我们过分担心。读书人数的减少反映了人们生活方式的变化,人们获取信息的渠道已不再仅限于出版物了。越来越多的人承认他们一般都是通过上网而不是通过读书和杂志来获得信息的。,2020/7/23,49,9、超重对人健康产生的危害是不可低估的。有证据表明许多种疾病与超重有关。值得注意的是到健身俱乐部健身或开始跑步的人越来越多。在我看来,最不可取的是试图通过不吃早餐使自己苗条。 10、对于任何活着

27、的人来说,最宝贵的是身心健康,财富和地位是次要的。尽管有些根深蒂固的观念,保持健康的方式因人而异。专家们一致认为经常运动、良好的饮食习惯和轻松的生活有助于长寿。,2020/7/23,50,11、 (1)把大部分时间用于学习上的学生最有可能通过所有考试。 (2)由于科学进步,几十年前看起来不可能的事已变成现实。 (3)事实使我们得出的结论是诚实和无私一样重要。 (4)大学毕业两年后,她决定考研以更新自己的知识。 (5)人口的增加使地球必须生产更多的粮食。,2020/7/23,51,12、 (1)减少温室气体的排放是减缓全球变暖的有效方法之一。 (2)把每篇英语课文背下来并不一定意味着能主动使用英

28、语。 (3)必须考虑到国与国习俗不同的这个事实。 (4)给我印象最深的是中国已发生的巨大变化。 (5)我一直在琢磨这个句子是否有更好的译法。,2020/7/23,52,13、 (1)人类的种种技术,都是人的体力和智慧的延伸。 (2)咖啡是世界上最主要的经济作物之一,常常生长在生物多样性很高的地区。 (3)回首往事,我意识到,我们经历了一次非同寻常的事件,胜利来之不易。 (4)要记住,娱乐对人的全面健康同工作一样重要。 (5)奇怪的是,他们两个看起来像一对双胞胎,从外貌到动作都彼此相像。,2020/7/23,53,错译?,7, for many people, the phone is more

29、 than just communication tools. 它可以是时钟、日历、电话号码簿、备忘录,甚至是女孩子防止讨厌的男孩子打扰的武器。 It can be a clock, calendar, telephone directory, memo, or even prevent the nasty boys girls disturb weapons. 一位女孩儿说当她看到讨厌的男孩向他走来时,她最好的办法就是拿起手机假装与某人打电话。 One girl said that when she saw the boy came to him annoying, she is the b

30、est way to pick up the phone and call someone to pretend.,2020/7/23,54,8、最近的一项调查表明,中国读书和杂志的人数比1998年降低了8.7%,而且总人口中只有百分之五的人经常读书。 8, a recent survey shows that the number of Chinese reading and magazines lower than 8.7% in 1998, and only five percent of the total population of people who usually read.

31、然而这一调查结果并不需要我们过分担心。 However, this survey does not need to worry too much about us. 读书人数的减少反映了人们生活方式的变化,人们获取信息的渠道已不再仅限于出版物了。 Study reflects a reduction in the number of changes in lifestyle, access to information that people are no longer limited to the publication of the. 越来越多的人承认他们一般都是通过上网而不是通过读书和杂

32、志来获得信息的。 More and more people admit that they are generally through the Internet rather than through reading books and magazines to get information.,2020/7/23,55,9、超重对人健康产生的危害是不可低估的。 9, overweight harm to human health can not be underestimated. 有证据表明许多种疾病与超重有关。 There is evidence that many types of d

33、isease and overweight related. 值得注意的是到健身俱乐部健身或开始跑步的人越来越多。 It is noteworthy that the health club or gym more and more people started running. 在我看来,最不可取的是试图通过不吃早餐使自己苗条。 In my opinion, the most desirable is to try to slim by eating breakfast themselves. 10、对于任何活着的人来说,最宝贵的是身心健康,财富和地位是次要的。,2020/7/23,56,1

34、0, for any living person, the most valuable is the physical and mental health, wealth and status is secondary. 尽管有些根深蒂固的观念,保持健康的方式因人而异。 Although some deep-rooted ideas, maintain a healthy way to vary. 专家们一致认为经常运动、良好的饮食习惯和轻松的生活有助于长寿。 Experts agree that regular exercise, good eating habits and an easy

35、 life contribute to longevity. 11、 11 (1)把大部分时间用于学习上的学生最有可能通过所有考试。 (1) most of the time for learning on the students most likely to pass all exams. (2)由于科学进步,几十年前看起来不可能的事已变成现实。 (2) Due to scientific progress, a few decades ago seemed impossible has become reality. (3)事实使我们得出的结论是诚实和无私一样重要。 (3) the fa

36、ct that our conclusion is as important as honesty and selflessness. (4)大学毕业两年后,她决定考研以更新自己的知识。 (4) two years after graduation, she decided to Kaoyan to update their knowledge. (5)人口的增加使地球必须生产更多的粮食。,2020/7/23,57,(5) the increase of population the earth to produce more food. 12、 12 (1)减少温室气体的排放是减缓全球变暖的

37、有效方法之一。 (1) reduce greenhouse gas emissions is an effective way to slow global warming one. (2)把每篇英语课文背下来并不一定意味着能主动使用英语。 (2) to memorize each English text does not necessarily mean that the initiative to use English. (3)必须考虑到国与国习俗不同的这个事实。 (3) must take into account the fact that different countries

38、customs. (4)给我印象最深的是中国已发生的巨大变化。 (4) impressed me most is the tremendous changes have taken place in China. (5)我一直在琢磨这个句子是否有更好的译法。 (5) Ive been wondering whether this sentence better translation.,2020/7/23,58,13、 13 (1)人类的种种技术,都是人的体力和智慧的延伸。 (1) All kinds of human technology, are peoples physical stre

39、ngth and wisdom of the extension. (2)咖啡是世界上最主要的经济作物之一,常常生长在生物多样性很高的地区。 (2) Coffee is the worlds one of the most important cash crops, often grown in areas with high biodiversity. (3)回首往事,我意识到,我们经历了一次非同寻常的事件,胜利来之不易。 (3) Looking back, I realized that we have experienced an extraordinary event, the har

40、d-won victory. (4)要记住,娱乐对人的全面健康同工作一样重要。 (4) to remember that entertainment on the overall health of people is as important as with the work. (5)奇怪的是,他们两个看起来像一对双胞胎,从外貌到动作都彼此相像。 (5) The strange thing is, they both look like twins, from the appearance of the movements are similar to each other.,2020/7/

41、23,59,2020/7/23,60,2020/7/23,61,2020/7/23,62,与幸福有关的话题,我们从来都不陌生。但答案,却迟迟没有浮出水面。幸福究竟是什么?没有人能给出一个放之四海皆准的明确结论。所以,我们为此彷徨,思量。我们找寻我们看不到的东西,我们看不到我们找寻的东西。 关于幸福的诘问常常会出现在一段感情结束的时刻。那一刻,我们也许会感觉心如刀割,甚至觉得自己的世界顷刻间便能分崩离析。但流着泪一一走过,再回过头来的时候,却发现,那些痛,也不过如此。爱情,真的死不了人,却可以让人在不自知的情况下沉沦。一定要等摸爬滚打了好久,泥泞满身的爬出来之后,才看着狼狈的自己苦笑一声。想想,

42、其实也还好。至少,无论当初有多痛的伤口最后总是会痊愈的。而如果不是太爱过,我们又拿什么去深刻?很多时候连自己也说不清,这虚晃人生到底是应该深刻一点好,还是简单一点更好。反复问下去也依然没有答案,不过我们唯一可以做的便是努力将经历过的变成自身的一种养分,不为通达,只为成长。 人生的挫折,总是这样,有舍就有得。我们要相信,曾真心付出的都会是值得的,只是终究遗憾,所有的美好不能一直停格在最灿烂的一瞬间。但是,这就是人生,阴晴圆缺,来不得半点商量。有时候会想,那个人曾是自己的选择,仅凭这一点就很难得。那么就这样吧,放过自己。就算再不舍,至少尽力了。我们画不出幸福的模样,但却深切地明白:幸福不是情歌。情歌唱完了就结束了,可幸福的路却还很长。,


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