英语写作 人.ppt

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《英语写作 人.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《英语写作 人.ppt(19页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Basic Writing-,Character introduction,Introduction of Steve Jobs,Jobs, the greatest IT genius, was born in San Francisco in 1955 and adopted after his birth. He graduated from high school in 1972, and enrolled in Reed college where he only attended one semester. When he was in college he met his lif

2、e-long friend Woz who chare the same interest in electric with him. Not long they formed Apple company that later produced ipod, ipad,iphone and many other well-known digital product. The “Fortune” magazine described him the greatest businessman of the year.,定语从句,状语从句,同位语,连词,How to introduce a perso

3、n?,一brief information(简介) 1 Birth英语作文中介绍人物的姓名、年龄、出身的词汇 2 Appearance英语作文中描述人物外貌的常用词语 3 Character英语作文中描述人物品质的词汇 4 Hobbies英语作文中描述人物爱好的词汇 二education(教育)英语作文中描述人物教育的词汇 三experience (经历)英语作文中描述人物经历的词汇 四evaluation (评价)英语作文中描述人物评价的词汇,英语作文中介绍人物的姓名、年龄、出身的词汇,1,be born in 出生于 2, a twenty-five-year-old young man/

4、lady, 一个25岁的年轻人 3, during his childhood 在他的童年 4,he son of a poor family, 穷人家的孩子,英语作文中描述人物外貌的常用词语,1长/短头发 long/ short hair 2 活泼的 lively 3 可爱的 lovely 4强壮的 strong 5胖胖的/瘦的 bigger/thin,6. 有- - -米高 about-metres tall 7. 有大而明亮的眼睛的女孩 a girl with bright big eyes 8戴眼镜的男孩 a boy with glasses,英语作文中描述人物品质的词汇,1.害羞的

5、shy 2.乐于助人的helpful 3.友好的friendly/kind 4.安静的 quiet 5.沉默的silent 6.耐心的 patient 7.仔细的careful,8.精力充沛的energetic 9.外向的out-going 10.勇敢的brave 11.诚实的honest 12.热心肠的warm-hearted 13.随和的,容易相处的 easy-going,英语作文中描述人物爱好的词汇,非常喜欢 like very much 2. 喜爱 love 3. 对感兴趣 be interested in 4. 喜欢 enjoy / be fond of 5. 擅长 be good

6、at 6. 憎恨 hate 7. 对着迷 be crazy about,Guessing game,She is a twenty-seven-year old young lady and was born in Liaoning. She is not very tall and a little bigger with glasses sometimes. She is very kind and patient to her students. She is crazy about English.,Who is he or she?,Hi, guys! Its Me,英语作文中描述人

7、物教育的词汇,1.被北大录取 be admitted to in Beijing University 2.获得硕士(博士)学位 get a master(doctor)s degree 3.毕业于 graduate from. 4.出国深造 go abroad for further education 5.专业是 major in,英语作文中描述人物经历的词汇,1.获得第一/金牌 win the first prize/gold medal 2.致力于 devote oneself to 3. 下定决心做某事 make up ones mind to do sth 4. 克服许多困难 ov

8、ercome many difficulties,英语作文中评价人物的常用句型,中最好的(重要的) One of the best (most important) 2. 为人们所尊重 be respected by everyone 3被认为是 be regarded as 4是一个值得的人 be a worthy person for us to,1.他2005年4月24日因病于北京逝世。 2.他大学时先从事于医学学习,但后来却改变主意。 3.他19301935年于清华大学学习,之后到国外继续深 造并获得学士学位. 4. 1938年后,曾任教于清华(Tsinghua) 大学和 北京(Pek

9、ing)大学. 5. 他一生对中国社会发展做出了巨大的贡献.,Translation(翻译练习),Birth,Education,Experience,Evaluation,Think about It? 想 一 想 ?,How to combine all the separate sentences into a real composition。 如何将这些零散的句子变成一篇流畅的文章?,Fei Xiaotong, a famous Chinese sociologist and social activist, passed away due to disease in Beijing

10、 on April 24, 2005. When going to college, he first majored in medicine but then changed his mind. Between 1930 and 1935, he studied in Tsinghua University and then went abroad for further education ,where he received his doctors degree. After 1938, he once taught in Tsinghua University and Peking U

11、niversity. He made great contribution to the evelopment of Chinese society for all his life.,The composition (参考作文),请根据以下信息写一篇介绍霍英东的文章.,Homework:Now comes your turn!,Thank you, In May 1923, Dr Huo Yingdong was born from a poor family in Hong Kong. At the age of ten, his father died. After 1955, he w

12、as engaged in architecture, shipping, petroleum and became a famous person at home and abroad. Since the beginning of the reform and open policy, he had donated over 10 billion dollars to sponsor education, culture, sports, and public welfare in Mainland. He has made great contributions to constructing and benefiting our country, which makes him a Moving China hero.,


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