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1、Why Mom Gets Roses,and Dad a Collect Call母亲收到玫瑰花,而父亲却接到付费电话,这是为什么呢?Americans celebrate both Mothers Day and Fathers Day.However,the gifts fathers and mothers receive from their children on these two occasions are different. The article explores what is behind the difference.美国人庆祝母亲节和父亲节。然而,在节日里,父亲和母

2、亲收到孩子们送的礼物却是不同的。这篇文章就是来探究这种差异背后的奥妙。Lets face it: theres something about a silk tie that strangles sentiment.让我们面对这样一个事实:一条真丝领带其实蕴含着某些情感纠葛。Whereas May overflows with tender tokens for mon measured by the 150 million greeting cards and the wirejamming long-distance telephone calls-dear old dad general

3、ly will make do with much less this Sunday. As many dads know, Fathers Day is the No.1 day for collect call-and for proudly modeling a new glow-in-the-dark football tie.五月份里,到处充满着为母亲准备的各种温馨礼物,相比之下,在这个星期天,可怜的父亲则只能凑合着接收到150万个贺卡和显得拥堵的长途电话。就像大多数父亲所知道的,父亲节是电话费最多的一天,但是他们也会骄傲地在一个暗暗的角落里摆弄收到的古怪领带。Even if dad

4、s dont mind, the fathers day/mothers day discrepancy nonetheless speaks to societys views on parenthood and fathers role in raising children. “The gag gifts associated with Fathers Day reflect the profound ambivalence that our culture feels about emotional connections to fathers, ” says Scott Coltra

5、ne, a sociolgist at the University of California at Riverside.虽然父亲们并不介意,但母亲节与父亲节之间的巨大差异也说明了社会如何看待父母,以及父亲在抚养子女方面所扮演的角色。父亲节里滑稽的礼物反映了对于和父亲的情感联系方面,我们文化态度上的深层矛盾,加州大学河畔分校的社会学家Scott Coltrane 如是说。Glenn Bridges of wellford, S.C. ,has a sentimental side, but he acknowledges he isnt completely comfortable show

6、ing it on Fathers Day. Growing up, he saw his dad as a more distant, almost heroic figure.来自南卡莱罗纳州wellford的Glenn Bridges,虽然有些情绪化,但是他坦承他不会把他的这种不自在在父亲节这天表现出来。因为从小到大,他一直视他的父亲是一位遥远的英雄形象。As an adult. He says, “Ive seen a more affectionate side to hin . But even so, I tend to get him a humorous card and a

7、 more practical gift.”作为一名成年人,他说“虽如此,我对他的态度已经较之以前有了很大改观, 我打算给他买个巨大的贺卡和一个实用些的礼物”。Still, times are changing, and attitudes toward fathers are changing along with them. Mr. Bridges, for example, is himself a father, having custody of his three sons.随着时间的改变,对父亲的态度也随之发生变化。例如,Mr. Bridges他自己就一个已经需要照顾三个孩子的父

8、亲。“Its Fathers Day year-round for me,” says Bridges, who doesnt care what he gets this Sunday. He frequently tucks letters in his boys backpacks telling them how proud he is of them.Mr. Bridges说道:“我整年里每天都是父亲节。”他并不介意这个周末他得到什么。他经常将信藏在他孩子的背包里告诉他们他以他们为骄傲。Lately, his youngest son has been returning the f

9、avor, hiding homemade drawings and notes saying, “I love you, Daddy” in Bridgess briefcase. “Thats better than Hallmark,” Bridges chuckles.最近,他的小儿子将写着“我爱你,老爸”的课堂作业藏在了他的公文包里,以作为得到赞许的回应。Mr. Bridges说:“那比买卡片好多了。”As men like Bridges take more active roles in their childrens lives, Fathers Day might move

10、up in the holiday pantheon.像Mr. Bridges这样的男人,在孩子生活中起如此积极作用,在万神殿里,父亲节的地位应该得到提升。Ralph LaRossa, a professor at Georgia State University and author of “The Modernization of Fatherhood,” cautions drawing parallels between “the culture of fatherhood and the conduct of fathers.”Ralph LaRossa现代父权的作者,细致地将父权文

11、化与父权行为进行了比较。But how Americans celebrate fatherhood may catch up with todays dads, others say. “Gender roles and gender behavior are changing all the time,” says Frederic Brunel, associate professor of marking at Boston University School of Management.但是,也有人说,美国人庆祝父权已经与今天的老爸们并驾齐驱了,Frederic Brunel说:“性

12、别角色与性别行为是随着时间的改变而改变。”There are some signs that may be happening. Hallmarks wares feature fewer dads befuddled by diaper changes and more straight-faced sentiment. Bostons Bella sant spa recommends pampering pop with a manicure or facial and 911 offers tranquility fountains and European soaps. The t

13、op sellers, however, are a money clip, a pocket tool and a hand-cranked radio/light, proving that shopping for dad still comes down to “ties and tools,” as Mr. Brunel puts it.这里有一些可能正在发生的标志。Hallmark的商品很少考虑那些被尿布的变化弄糊涂的父亲,更多的是直观的感情表达。波士顿的Bella Sunte 温泉疗养地,推出了一种无微不至的项目,包括修指甲、美容以及911G提供的安宁喷泉和欧洲香皂。但是最畅销的

14、还是钱夹、工具包和手拧收音机(或灯)。这证明了Brunel先生所说的,买给父亲的礼物始终还是那些领带工具之类。Indeed, Americans tendency to shy away from sentiment when it comes to their fathers is one explanation for the 10 million ties being handed out this Sunday-to say nothing of the scores of soap-on-a-rope and state-of-the-art pooper scoopers(for

15、ergonomic walks with Rover) being gift-wrapped this weekend as symbols of filial piety.事实上,美国人在面对父亲的时候有羞于表达感情的倾向,这也解释了为什么这个星期天会有上千万条领带被送出-更不用说许多系着绳子的香皂和最新型的长柄粪铲(符合人体工学,适合散步者)在这个周末被包装送出作为子女孝道的象征。Fathers Day, first proposed in 1910, has played second violin to Mothers Day throughout the 20th century.

16、“Theres a sacredness attached to motherhood that we dont attach to fatherhood,” says Mr. Lacrosse.父亲节在1910年被首次提出后,在整个20世纪一直处于比居母亲节低的次要地位。“有一种神圣的感觉附着在母性上,这种感觉在父性上,我们却没有。(把母亲放在神圣的位置,而却不那么崇敬父亲)”LaRossa先生说。That comes through in the hoopla surrounding the two holidays. Dads got 95 million cards last year

17、 to moms 150 according to AT&T, while fathers day registers the most collect calls. And moms got six times more posies in 1998 than did her parenting counterpart, according to an FTD survey.这来自于围绕这两个节日的讨论。去年父亲们收到9千5百万张贺卡而母亲们收到1亿5千万张。据AT&T调查,母亲节是美国接电话最多的一天,而父亲节是注册对方付费电话最多的一天。而根据FTD的调查,在1998年妈妈们收到的花朵是

18、与她们相应的抚养同伴们收到的6倍。Also while both holiday were created at the beginning of the century,Mothers Day was signed into law in 1914,while Fathers Day didnt become an official celebration until 1972.并且,虽然这两个节日都是在20世纪创立的,母亲节在1914年被写入法律的,而父亲节则是在1972年。Thats not to say Americans dont want to do right by their

19、dads. Elizabeth Stump of Castro Valley, Calif., for one, says both holidays are “equally important” to her. Last year, she bought her dad a plane ticket to come and visit. But that, is partly because her father spent three years as a stay-at-home dad in the 1970s-long before it was fashionable。这并不是说

20、,美国人不想公平对待他们的父亲。拿Stump来说,她认为对她来说这两个节日是一样重要。据她说因为在19世纪70年代她父亲三年都在家里,去年,她为她父亲买了一张双程机票,那时还不流行双程机票。In general, she says, because mom deals with more of the nitty-gritty of daily life, children know their mother better.总之,她说因为母亲料理日常的琐事多,子女也更了解他们的母亲。Fathers Day,like most holiday, harks back to tradition-i

21、n this case, the era when dads were sole breadwinners.像大多数节日一样,父亲节,在这种情况下,回想过去,父亲在赚钱。In that tradition,when dad needs something,he goes and gets it,says culture commentator Robert Thompson in Syracuse,N.Y. So when its time to buy him a gift,all thats left is stuff he didnt really want.The question b

22、ecomes,what do you get for the guy who has everything?在那个年代,“当父亲需要什么,他自己就会去买,”来自纽约锡拉丘兹的文化学者罗伯特汤普森说道。因此,到了给父亲买礼物的时候,“所有的东西都不是他真正想要的。”于是,让人为难的是,你能给一个什么都不缺的人买什么呢?Choosing the right gift can be a minefield,says Brunel.Its not the gift that matters.Its not really the thought that counts,either,he adds.Yo

23、u have to find a gift that says,Hey,dad,I really understand who you are and this is a symbol of our relationship.选择一份合适的礼物是一件很难的事,布鲁内尔这样说。“礼物不重要,想法也非关键,”他补充道。你最好是先买一份礼物,然后对他说:“嗨,老爸,您很辛苦了,我爱您。”Moreover,some dads have trouble switching roles from giver to receiver.此外,一些父亲很难适应从付出者到接受者之间的转变。I tell my ki

24、ds,You dont have to get me anything,says Rick Flynn of Saugus,Mass.His philosophy is,Let me take care of you.But at the same time,he admits,Im thinking,Gee,I hope I get that drill.来自索格斯的瑞克弗林说:“我告诉孩子们,不要给我买什么东西,”。他的理念是,“让我来照顾你。”不过他也承认,“当孩子们给我礼物时,我心想吉,其实我希望拥有那把钻子。”Some cultural experts say the expandi

25、ng definition of father may also raise the profile of dads special day.Now,one-third of all Fathers Day cards are send to men other than dads.The need for Fathers Day may become greateras a way to honor stepfathers,grandfathers,and other men who have stepped in to fill a fathers shoes,says Mr.Thompson.It might end up putting more juice into the holiday.一些文化专家指出,“父亲”的扩大定义也可能提升父亲节的形象。如今,有三分之一的父亲节卡片被送给不是父亲的人。作为一种尊敬继父、祖父和那些充当父亲角色的人的方式,父亲节的需求会越来越大,汤普森先生指出。“这可能会给父亲节增添不少色彩。”But until that happens,Brunel says,Were still going to see a lot of ties.但在那发生之前,“我们将仍然会看到很多领带。”布鲁内尔说道。


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