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1、Welcome to our class,音节的划分,英语单词在发音的时候,不是一个字母一个字母地来发音的,而是几个字母几个字母地拼起来发音的,因此英语单词叫“拼音文字”,几个拼起来发音的字母叫一个“音节”。音节有开音节、闭音节、半开音节之分,不同的音节里,要选择字母的不同发音。 China(中国)Chi-na international(国际的)in-ter-na-tion-al English(英语)Eng-lish,一条蛇的结构是头、肚子、尾巴,一个英语音节的样子也与此相似,一个英语音节包括音节头、音节中、音节尾:音节头 + 音节中 + 音节尾,音节头:指字母表中的辅音字母及辅音组合字母

2、。 音节中:指字母表中的元音字母及元音组合字母。 音节头:指字母表中的辅音字母及辅音组合字母。,一般的,四种音节: 1)元音 单中音节:(头尾都缺) I , a, o, or, ear, are 2)元音+辅音 中尾音节:(缺头) at, am, of, old, egg, art, aid, eight 3)辅音+元音 头中音节:(缺尾) he, me, go, so, she, far, door, sea, 4)辅音+元音+辅音头中尾音节:(头尾都不缺) 一个音节至少有一个元音字母。即a,e,i,o,或u,有时也可以是y。一般的有多少个元音(元音组合)就有多少个音节。 例如:refuse

3、,uncomfortable, jumping,avoided,garlic,forty,音节划分:,元音是构成音节的主体,辅音是音节的分界线。两辅音之间不管有多少个元音,一般都是一个音节。 先找元音去尾e,一个元音一音节。 元音相连听音定,加上头尾是整体。,音节划分口诀:,一靠后,二分手,多个中间偏左右, 组合字母算一个,常见组合要遵守。 词尾看e加音节,发音不发分两种, 双字相连不连手,听音验证最后头, 解释意外不发愁。,一靠后:,当两个元音字母之间有一个辅音字母时(r除外),一般把它划分给后面的音节当头。 如ago,be-gin,a-bout chi-na,wa-ter,ma-ny, a

4、go begin about china water many 练习: reason,later,ability, never,native,heavy,二分手:,当两个元音字母之间有两个辅音字母时,一般把它们分开,一边一个. 如:in-side, dif-fet,com-mon, at-tach,can-not 练习: number,problem,doctor, compare,treatment,after。,多个中间偏左右:,当两个元音字母之间有三个以上辅音字母时,中间的辅音字母要么划分给前面的音节当尾,要么划分给后面的音节当头。 如:in-stead,suc-cess-ful,tra

5、n-sport,in-clude, im-prove,con-gress。,组合字母算一个,常见组合要遵守:,英语里有一些字母常常组合在一起,但它们不像固定组合字母那样发一个音,而是各发各的音,如tr,dr,pr,pl,fr,cl,ch,ck,sh,sp,st, sk, scr, gr,tion,ly,ble,al等组合字母在划分音节时一般不拆开,把它们划分在一起,尊重它们的常见组合习惯。 如:re-try,o-ther,con-tract,as-tro-no-my,cen-tral,tech-no-lo-gy,quick-ly。,词尾看e加音节,发音不发分两种:,*单词尾加er、est、in

6、g等第一个元音字母肯定发音的词尾时,通常增加一个音节,并且把单词尾的辅音字母“抢”过来当音节头。 如 Smal-ler,smal-lest,lon-ger,lon-gest,li-ving,wa-tching。 *单词尾加s、es、d、ed这四个词尾时,要看e增加音节。若e需要发音间隔则增加一个音节;若e不需要发音间隔则不增加音节。,词尾看e加音节,发音不发分两种:,单词尾加s、es、d、ed这四个词尾时,要看e增加音节。若e需要发音间隔则增加一个音节;若e不需要发音间隔则不增加音节。 如 nose加s成为noses,e发i:来间隔两个s的发音; box加es成为boxes,e发i:来间隔x和

7、s的发音 size加s成为sizes,e发i:来间隔z和s的发音: work加ed成为worked,k、d发音差别明显,不需要e间隔; like加s成为likes,k、s发音差别明显,不需要e间隔; live加s成为lives,v、s发音差别明显,不需要e间隔:,双字相连不连手:,英语里有很多单词是由两个单词连起来构成的,如rest-room, it-self,how-ever这种情况下两个单词一般分开发音,不合并。若两个单词的头尾相接字母是字母表里的固定组合字母, 如 rest-room中间的tr,it-self中间的ts,一般也要拆开发音,不合并。,有声验证最后头,解释意外不发愁。,不确定

8、或有疑惑的单词! 根据音标验证,读一读! 几个音节就很明了啦!,r,如果是“元音r元音” ,属于一个音节,但这不是 -r 音节。如 -are, -ere, -ire, -ore, -ure 称作 -re 音节;别的情况称作含字母 r 的音节。 如果两个元音字母中间有两个辅音字母,第一个是r,这两个辅音字母,也分别划入左右两个音节。第一个音节(左边那个音节)称为r音节,按重读r音节读音规则发音。 例如: corner,portrait,harbor,barber 如果两个元音(以及y)中间有两个r的话分别划入也分别划入左右两个音节。左边那个音节不构成r音节,按重读闭音节读音规则发音。 例如:ca

9、rry,berry,mirror,sorry,hurry.,Thank You,Vowels(元音) -pure vowels(单元音),后元音: /u:/, /, /:/, /, /:/,/,例词: foot wood book push 短语: good cook good book couldnt look pudding without sugar,/:/,例词: fork ball morning airport 短语: four balls score board morning glory sports reporter,/- /,例词: cock shop job hospit

10、al 短语: hot coffee long job on the box drop the pot,/:/,例词: car garden star guitar 短语: fast car half mast heart transplant stars and bars,Vowels(元音) -diphthongs(双元音),/e/, /a/, /, /, /a/, /, /e/, /,/e/-/ei/,例词: face rain cake wait 短语: eight cakes waste paper railway station wait for the mail,/a/-/ai/,

11、例词: sky kite write bicycle 短语: white lie high tide eye for eye silent night,/-/i/,例词: boy boil noise coin 短语: a spoilt boy a noisy toy an annoying voice Joyces boyfriend,/-/v/,例词: coast throw boat toe 短语: Joes coat go to the window load and unload throw a snowball,/a/-/av/,例词: cow house mouth trouse

12、rs 短语: shout out brown mouse down town round lounge,/-/i/,例词: ear queer zero beard 短语: the atmosphere here queer skier weary mountaineer experienced engineer,/e/-/,例词: hair bare pear chair 短语: millionaires heir mayors parents square chairs careful librarian,/-/v/,例词: tour poor jury gourd 短语: poor to

13、urists tour from China furious jury European gourd,Consonants(辅音) -plosives(爆破音),/p/, /b/, /t/, /d/, /k/, /g/,/p/,例词: pig pot pond plan 短语: pick up a pepper pot a piece of pork a pen and a pencil,/b/,例词: bus bed bench brush 短语: Big Ben a big bottle beautiful blouses blue butterflies,/t/,例词: tie taxi

14、 tap telephone 短语: tit for tat tip of the tongue flat foot tale-teller,/d/,例词: door doctor head wind 短语: darling daughter dark red played cards listened to the radio,/k/,例词: car duck clock park 短语: the back of the car ask question a quarter to six cool as cucumber,/g/,例词: bag dog goat grape 短语: good

15、 girl go to the grocers as good as gold get angry,Consonants(辅音) -fricatives(摩擦音),/f/, /v/, /, /, /s/, /z/, /, /, /h/, /, /, /r/,/f/,例词: laugh fat fish family 短语: fresh fruit fast food soft sofa feel fine,/v/,例词: vet village volcano television 短语: lovely view village vet leaving arriving leaves of t

16、he vine,/,例词: tooth month thin thirsty 短语: three thousand Marthas birthday healthy author thirty mathematicians,/,例词: father breathe that feather 短语: smooth leather get together better than others another brother,/s/,例词: sun small horse bicycle 短语: sleep soundly expensive cigarettes some books sit i

17、n the sun,/z/,例词: zoo prize bees nose 短语: jazz music close the windows these days zero animal,/,例词: fish sugar shoe shop 短语: fashion shops friendship association British shoes washing machine,/,例词: garage pleasure measure collision 短语: an unusual collision measure a garage a great decision my pleasu

18、re,/h/,例词: hat hard hen high 短语: heart and hand high heels head-to-head happy honeymoon,/,例词: cheek chicken church watch 短语: Chinese chess which butcher chicken and chips change much,/,例词: jeep jug orange bridge 短语: a large jeep injured passengers adjust the engine orange juice,/r/,例词: rose lorry ru

19、bber rocket 短语: American waitress a married secretary grown up children French restaurant,Consonants(辅音) -nasals(鼻音),/m/, /n/, /,/m/,例词: moon home medicine mountain 短语: man-made make a mistake come tomorrow middle name,/n/,例词: neck tin night noise 短语: neat brandy a negative answer telephone number h

20、arden the neck,/,例词: ink ring sing monkey 短语: ring-ding rising diphthong strong string playing ping-pang,Consonants(辅音) -lateral(舌侧音),/l/,例词: black light jelly lemon 短语: early for lunch leg of lamb a glass of lemonade yellow jelly,/l/,Consonants(辅音) -semi-vowels(半元音),/j/, /w/,/j/,例词: yellow yacht yo

21、lk year 短语: yolk yellow new years day new York university a tough onion,/w/,例词: week whale win window 短语: weight watcher weave a web weeping willow wet wind,Consonants(辅音) -fricatives(摩擦音),/ts/, /dz/, /tr/, /dr/,/ts/,students coats cats boats,/dz/,heads reads beds hands,/tr/,tree truck train trace,/

22、dr/,dress drink drain dream,Read the following:,/lait/ /main/ /sain/ /nail/ /lit/ /min/ /si/ /nil/,/mai/ /laim/ /kait/ /gaid/ /mei/ /leim/ /keit/ /geit/,/it/ /mis/ /pin/ /lik/ /et/ /mes/ /pen/ /lend/,/si:/ /gi:s/ /ki:p/ /bi:t/ /sez/ /ges/ /kept/ /bed/,/si:k/ /pi:p/ /mi:t/ /di:d/ /seik/ /peid/ /meit/

23、 /deiz/,/et/ /sed/ /beg/ /pek/ /t/ /sd/ /bg/ /pk/,Read the following:,Read the following:,/u/ / /nut/ /nt/ /uz/ /s/ /smuk/ /fk/,/s/ / /si:m/ /i:m/ /sin/ /in/ /sed/ /eft/,/ /z/ /i:/ /zi:/ /is/ /zip/ /en/ /zed/,pp pen picture jeep map t t ten two boat meet bb bike bus book box dd desk down bird good k

24、k cake Kate thank clock g g good girl egg bag s s sit see yes class z z is his these zero,Read the following:,blue ruler too school up bus number under,he hat here hill,red right brown room,yes you your yellow,we woman where white,/u:/,/,/h/,/r/,/j/,/w/,Guessing Game:,bike sit nice Miss find hill fi

25、ve this,look hello floor family,my map am game,nine new ten son,morning wrong think thank,/ai/,/i/,/l/,/m/,/n/,/,no go so old home those rose,box fox not dog pot clock sorry,fine five four family face floor friend,very seven have love glove over eleven,thin think thank three thirteen thirty tenth,this that these those there father mother,/ u /,/ /,/f/,/v/,/,/,Homework,Practise reading the IPA at your spare time!,Thank You,


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