牛津译林版8B Unit1 past and present课堂练习(共8份).doc

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1、八年级(下)英语课堂十分钟练习 Unit1 Welcome to the unit班级 姓名 一、翻译词组1、半小时前_ 2、你见过我的食物吗?_3、我刚刚吃了它。_ 4、你变了。_5、过去常常和我分享一切_6、过去常常对我好_7、不同时期的交通方式_ 8、步行去那儿_9、太多人和车辆_二、根据旬意及中文提示完成单词1. At _(现在,目前),we can fly to Seoul from Yancheng.2.We cant forget the poor life in the_ (过去).3.Ive_ (刚刚)known about it. Sorry to hear that.4.

2、 He has changed. He_(曾经)to be so kind to his wife.5. In big cities, people often go to work by _(地铁). Its fast and cheap.三、用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空1.Therere different forms of transport at different_ (time).2.I want something _ (eat) because I am hungry.3. 一Where is my book? 一It_ (be)on the desk five minutes

3、 ago.4.I used to_ (go) to school by bus, but now I ride a bike.5.Tom has_ (change)a lot. He always wanted to play with others but now he doesnt.四、单项选择( ) 1. We got here_ half an hour ago. A. since B. C. for D. in ( )2.一_he _at this school two years ago? 一一Yes,I think so.A. Did ; study B. Has, studie

4、d C. Was; study D. Did; studied( )3.Timmy goes to school _every dayIts five minutes walk from his home to school. A. by bus B. by plane C. on foot D. by train( )4.一China develops(发展) so fast.一Thats true. It_a lot already. A. has changed B. changed C. will change D. changes( )5.The building is a cine

5、ma now. It_a supermarket. A. was used to be B. used to be C. is used to being D. uses to be五、根据中文提示完成句子1、我妈妈一小时前在家里。 _2、-你看见我的电脑了吗?” - “不,没有。”_3、格林先生每天乘地铁去上班。_4、许多年前Kate曾经是一名护士。_5、这部电影有助于你了解中国的过去和现在。_6、-当你爸爸小的时候为什么不乘坐公交车上学?-因为等下一部花很长时间。_八年级(下)英语课堂十分钟练习 Unit1 Reading1班级 姓名 一、翻译词组1、很了解阳光镇_2、把变成_3、在的北部

6、_4、和某人结婚_5、水污染_ 6、在某种程度上_7、改善条件_ 8、不时,有时_9、感到有点孤独_10、一生_二、根据旬意及中文提示完成单词1.We have lived here _ (自从)my father began to work in this city.2.Tom and Linda have been _ (已婚的)for ten years,but theyve never quarrelled.来源:学_科_网3.Yancheng is in the _ (北部的)part of Jiangsu Province.4.Now there are a number of _

7、 (工厂)in our hometown.5.-How many _ (街区)are there in your hometown? -About ten.三、用括号中所给动词的适当形式填空1. Now the rivers in the park are much _ (clean).2. Many people from the poor villages have _ (move) to the cities.3.一There are great _in your hometown一Yes. It_a lot in the past few years(change)4.There is

8、 less air _ (pollute)in the small village.I like going there on vacation.5.一Is she _ (marry)? 一Yes. Her husband is Mr Green.四、单项选择( )1.-Do you know the movie Lost In Thailand?-YesI_it twice.Its funny. A.saw B.see C.have seen D.will see( )2.Things_a lot since the boy finished school. A.has changed B.

9、have changed C.changed D.was changed( )3.Lilys grandpa has lived here_. A.10 years ago B. almost 10 year C.since 1994 D.for long time( )4.Last Thursday when I got to the station,I_I had left my ticket at home. A.understood B.realized C.believed D.seemed( )5.Iook!The reporter from CCTV is having an i

10、nterview_Mr Zhou. A.on B.in Cto Dwith五、句型转换1.Chen Ping received an email an hour ago.(否定)Chen Ping_ _an email an hour ago.2.They went to the center of the city by bus.(同义) They _ _ _to the center of the city.3.Sometimes I go swimming in summer(同义)I go swimming in summer _ _ _ _.4.I bought a new bike

11、 just now. (同义句转换) I_ just _a new bike.5.They have been here since 2000.(对划线部分提问)_ _have they been here?六、翻译句子1、他过去住在香港,但现在已搬到纽约。_2、以前这里有一个钢铁厂。现在已经变成一个饭店。_3、那儿的污染很严重,因为工厂的工人过去经常往河里倒废物。_4、后来政府意识到问题并且采取措施改善情况。_5、看到镇上令人惊讶的变化真好。Its_八年级(下)英语课堂十分钟练习 Unit1 Reading 2班级 姓名 一、根据句意及中英文提示完成单词1We must stop drivi

12、ng cars to reduce air_ (污染)in the cities2You will_ (意识到)the mistake you made today in the future3The womans _(丈夫)drives her to work every day 4Though he lives alonehe has a lot of friends and doesnt feel_(寂寞)二、用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空1Everything_ (change)a lot over the years in the modern city2Im sure you wi

13、ll be_ (good)at English if you work harder3My aunt and uncle got_ (marry)thirty years ago.Now they have two children4I lived in the_ (south)part of the town with my parents two years ago5Danny and Daniel are brothers,and their_ (wife)are sistersThats interesting三、单项选择( )1Nothing in the world is _if

14、you set your mind to do it Aimpossible Bwonderful Cinteresting Dnecessary( )2Water pollution is a great_ to be solved now Aquestion Bproblem Cmatter Dtrouble( )3Catherine got married_a policeman twenty years ago Awith Bfor Cto Dof( )4Your foreign teacher Miss Smith_us English since five years ago At

15、aught Bis teaching Chas taught Dteaches( )5一_do you know the Olympic Games? 一1 know it very wellAHow long BHow often CHow well DHow soon( )6. Its very _to play _ Chinese chess with them. A. pleasure, a B. pleased, the C. pleasant, / D. necessary, an( )7. Why not go to see the dolphin show with me? B

16、ecause I _ it Asaw Bwill see Csee Dhave seen ( )8.I hear Jim _ Ann next month.A will marry to B will marry with C will marry D will be married with( )9. They have never washed their clothes themselves _ Aalready Bever Cbefore Djust( )10. I still cant understand the article,_there are few new words i

17、n it Aif Bbecause Cthough Dand 四、根据中文提示完成句子1深圳已经变成了一座现代化城市。_2这位老人并不感到寂寞,因为他的子女每周去看他一次。_3在过去的几年里我的生活发生了很大的变化。 _4我像以前一样经常看NBA比赛。_ 5.-你认为现在的公交服务(bus service)比以前好吗?-是的,某些方面是的。_科网ZXXK6你叔叔曾是工程师,是吗?_7你过去常饭后打篮球吗?_8. 你已经变了。你以前很好,但现在我再也不想和你玩了。_八年级(下)英语课堂十分钟练习 Unit1 Grammar 1班级 姓名 一、在表格中写出下列动词的适当形式动词原形现在分词过去式过

18、去分词动词原形现在分词过去式过去分词runleaveknowswimmovecarryteachgiveplanbegin二、根据要求变换句型,每空一词1. Hes finished his homework. (改为一般疑问句,作否定回答) _ _ finished his homework? _, _ _.2. They have already arrived in Shanghai. (否定句)They _ _ in Shanghai _.3. I bought a new iphone6 Plus just now. (用just改写)I _ _ _ a new iphone6 Pl

19、us.4. He hasnt come to school because hes ill. (提问)_ _ he come to school?5. We began to learn English three years ago. (改为同义句)We _ _ English _ three years.三、单项选择1. -How clean the bedroom is! -Yes, I am sure that someone _ it.A. cleans B. cleaned C. has cleaned D. is cleaning2. -When _ Jessie _ to Ne

20、w York? -Yesterday.A. does, get B. did, get C. has, got D. is, getting3. I havent heard of my best friend _. I dont know what has happened to her.A. already B. ever C. recently D. never4. -Its time for dinner. Where is your father, Emma? -He _ his bike in the yard.A. repair B. repaired C. is repairi

21、ng D. will fix5. -Hi. I _ you for a long time. -I _ in Beijing. Ive just come back. A. didnt see, am B. havent seen, shall be C. didnt see, will be D. havent seen, was6. -Is it the most wonderful football game you have _ watched? -Yes, I have _ watched such a wonderful game before. A. ever; never B.

22、 yet; ever C. already; yet D. ever; yet7. This kind of flu (流感) is terrible, but the government _ action to prevent it already. A. has taken B. took C. will take D. was taking四、用所给动词的适当形式填空1. -_ you _ (find) your Math book yet?-Yes. I _ (find) it behind the building an hour ago.2. They _ (not visit)

23、 her for a long time.3. -How many times _ you _ (see) the film? -Not even once. But I _ (see) it sometime next week.4. The young man _ (plant) 400 trees in the past three years.5. _ Millie _ (speak) to a foreigner before?八年级(下)英语课堂十分钟练习 Unit1 Grammar 2班级 姓名 一、根据旬意及中文提示完成单词1. I have only started to l

24、earn French _.(近来)2.-Has the train arrived _ (还,仍)? -Yes, it arrived ten minutes ago.3.How long has Mr Smith_ (教)English so far?4.There have been great_ (改变)in America since I left there.5.No country has made such great progress as Chinese in the _(过去的)thirty years二、用括号中所给动词的适当形式填空1. I_(buy)the bike

25、 two weeks ago. I_(have)this bike since the beginning of this month. I _(have)it for two weeks. 2. Great changes_(take)place in those villages in the past ten years. 3. How many times _you _ (phone)me these days? _ you _ (phone)me this morning?4. Tom cant get into the room because he _(lose)the key

26、to the door.5. I _(look)for the dictionary, but I _(find not)it yet.6. _ the new programmes _ (start)yet?No, they _(plan).7. We _(live)in Shanghai from 1989 to 1999.m8. They cant go with us. They _ (finish, not)the work yet.9. You _ (change, not )your mind, _ you?三、单项选择( )1 -What is the weather like

27、 this summer here? -There _ very little rain. A. has B has been C are D have been ( )2. I havent seen you _ last Friday A. for B. since C. from D. on( )3. John, you _ the computer game for two hours. Its bad for your eyes. Stop, please! OK, Mum. A. played B. have played C. were playing D. play ( )4.

28、I wont go to the concert because I _ my ticket. A. lost B. dont lose C. have lost D. will lost( )5. _ my dictionary? Yes. I saw it on your desk a moment ago.A. Have you seen B. Do you seen C. Had you seen D. Would you seen( )6. _have you been here? For 3 years. A. How often B. How long C. How far D.

29、 How( )7.Because of the busy traffic, the plane _when he arrives.A. has landed B. has taken off C. landed D. took off( )8 May I go to play tennis with you, Dad? _you _your composition yet?A. Are, finishing B.Did, finish C.Will, finish D. Have, finished( )9 _have you been here? For a month.A.How ofte

30、n B. How far C. How long D. How soon( )10. Youll answer for what you_ . A.will do B.have done C.had done D. do 四、翻译句子 1、我已经做出了这道数学题。_2、他还没有回家。_3、Lily和 Lucy 来上学了吗?不,还没有。_4、自从他来中国,他就教孩子们英语。_网5、在过去的几年里,他画了成百上千幅画。_八年级(下)英语课堂十分钟练习 Unit1 Integrated skills班级 姓名 一、根据句意及中文提示完成单词1Its our duty to protect our_

31、(环境)2You should_ (归还)the books to the library as soon as possible3Our study_ (条件)is much better than before41 want to go_ (在国外)for further study5They have been good friends since they were in_ (小学)school6. Paul speaks good English, and he gets a good job because of his _(优势).二、用括号中所给动词的适当形式填空1. How

32、lucky we are_ (1ive)in this modern city! Everything is fast2. Tom gets used to_ (walk)to school every day3. Things_ (change)a lot during the past few years4. Modern technologies make_ (communicate)much faster and easier5. Great improvements_ (take)place in those villages in the last ten years6. The

33、_(develop) of science has changed our world a lot.7. The film shows us a war that happened _(century) ago.8. The changes to Moonlight Town _(bring) many problems.三、单项选择( )1Im happy to see great_have taken place in my hometownMany new roads have been built Aexperiences Badvantage Cdream Dchanges( )2He used to_in a small village,but now he has been used to_in a big city A1ive;living B1ive;live C1iving;living D1iving;live( )3Students in Beijing_ away many books to the Hope Schools since 2009 Ahave given Bgive Cgave Dgiving( )4-When did you_see your old friends? -About th


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