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1、,英语文化知识,When offered a dish, you ,A. make some noises when eating it to show that you really enjoy it. B. eat it silently。 C. taste it first and make a positive comment .,C,What are the position of the spoon, knife and fork when table is set?,a. To the right of the plate will be the knives and spoon

2、s and to the left will be the forks. b.To the right of the plate will be the knives, spoons and forks. c. To the right will be the forks and spoons and to the left of the plate will be the knives.,a,1 Which of the following ways of holding the spoon, fork or knife is correct?,A. Fingers ought to be

3、placed nearer the end of the handle than the bowl of the spoon. B. Knife is used to cut food and convey the food to the mouth. C. The knife should not be held too close to the blade, with the index-finger. D. Knife and fork can be used at the same time with fork in the right hand.,A.C,Many people do

4、nt like living on the thirteenth floor because,A. they think its too high. B.they believe number 13 brings bad luck. C. they have to pay a high rent.,B,If you dont know how to use a knife and fork, you,a. ask the host how to show you. b.watch how other guests do with it and imitate them. c.ask for c

5、hopsticks.,a.b.,A fat chance Have fun! Sure thing We are even.,机会极少或无机会,你知道它的意思吗?,祝你玩得开心!,当然,一定,我们扯平了,你知道多少,A black sheep A lost sheep A wolf in sheeps clothing,害群之马 迷途之羔羊 披着羊皮的狼,绿色代表什么?,She is green-eyed with his success,Youre looking rather green.,她对他的成功感到眼红,你脸色苍白,A Sofa Potato is,A. a favorite fo

6、od B. a comfortable armchair C. a person who watches television all day long,C,A football widow is a woman whose husband,A.died of playing football B. watches foot-ball all weekend C.died of watch-ing football,B,Prime-time is,A. when the program has the highest viewing rate B.when the program has th

7、e lowest viewing rate C. when the program has just been put on show,(电视)黄金时间,A,A teachers pet is his,A. dog B. book C. favourite student,C,他被当场抓住了,He was caught red-handed,A night owl is a person who:,A. sleeps well at night B. sees well at night C. stays up at night,喜欢熬夜干活的人,即夜猫子,C,Peg在一家服装店工作,认真负责

8、,尽心尽力,从不马虎。Anne 说,确是这样,经Peg 整理过的服装everything is in apple pie shape. 这里是服装店,不是食品店,哪来的apple pie?,指做事有条不紊,有规则,有秩序,外形看上去又很漂亮,你知道它的意思吗?,Peter 第一次与同事们去爬山远足,走了两小时后在小径边休息。此时有三四位女同事站起来说“We are going into the woods.” Peter 以为那里有好玩的地方,竟站起来说: “I am going with you folks.” 一下把大家笑得前仰后合,说: “No. You are not!”,野外没有厕所

9、,此处Go into the woods, 其实是在树林中找个四顾无人的地方 “方便”一下。,你知道它的意思吗?,会计处主任Tony 带新同事来办公室作介绍,指着大家说:“They are bean counters.” Bill 听了心中不悦,对同事June 说: “我们工作很勤快,怎么Tony 说我们是在数豆过日子呢?,Bean counter 是指精打细算的人,你知道它的意思吗?,两位政客竞选市议员,在台上你来我往,相互攻击,同时对听众许下很多诺言,场面非常热闹。一位听众说:“Mr. Smith is a hot-air artist.” 他是什么“艺术家”吗?,Hot-air arti

10、st 是吹牛大王的意思;Hot-air 是俚语,意思是空话大话,夸夸其谈。,你知道它的意思吗?,你知道它的意思吗?,Ive had enough. Watch your step. You cant have it both ways,我受够了。,走路小心,留神脚下,你不能看风使舵。,你知道它的意思吗?,I was so ignorant that I didnt know from A to Z.,我没文化,一个大字也不识。,你知道它的意思吗?,P,用英语说出下列交通标志的意思,NO SMOKING!,NO PARKING,NO NOISE!,NO RIGHT TURNING,Proverb

11、,When in Rome, do as the Romans do.,入乡随俗,He that has been bitten by a serpent is afraid of a rope.,一朝被蛇咬, 十年怕井绳。,Everyone has his taste.,众口难调,Nothing ventured, nothing gained. .,不入虎穴,焉得虎子。,Birds of a feather flock together,物以类聚,Two heads are better than one.,三个臭皮匠顶个诸葛亮。,More haste makes waste.,欲速则不达

12、,All that glitter is not gold.,闪光的不都是金子,Hope for the best and prepare for the worst,抱最好的希望,作最坏的打算。,Opportunity seldom knocks twice,机不可失,时不再来,Genius is 1 percent of inspiration and 99 percent of perspiration. .,天才是百分之一的灵感,百分之九十九的汗水。,Fellow-sufferers pity one another.,同病相怜,Every second counts. .,一寸光阴一寸金,One mans meat is another mans poison,萝卜表菜,各有所爱。,


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