青少版新概念1B unit29课件.ppt

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《青少版新概念1B unit29课件.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《青少版新概念1B unit29课件.ppt(45页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、,welcome to my class,alwaysusuallyoftensometimenever,always,often,sometimes,never,usually,Whats the weather like in spring?,Its often fine and warm.,The sun often shines.,often,Whats the weather like in spring?,Its sometimes cloudy.,It sometimes rains.,sometimes,Whats the weather like in summer?,Its

2、 usually hot and sunny.,The sun always shines.,usually,always,Whats the weather like in summer?,Its always dry.,It never rains.,always,never,Whats the weather like in autumn?,Its often cool.,The sun sometimes shines.,sometimes,Whats the weather like in autumn?,It sometimes rains.,sometimes,Whats the

3、 weather like in winter?,Its always cold.,It sometimes snows.,sometimes,always,Whats the weather like in winter?,Its often very wet.,It often rains.,often,Lesson 57,Many happy returns of the day,New words,Many happy returns,长命百岁,August,year 年,present,礼物,bike 自行车,gear,Campagnolo,康帕纽络,齿轮,traffic,交通,da

4、ngerous,危险的,safe,about 关于,safe 安全的,date,日期,question 问题,ask 提问,special 特别的,Read the text and then answer these questions: 1)whats the date today? 2)What is his present? 3)Who is the present from? 4)What kind of gears has Roberts new bike got?,Questions,WILLIAM: The first of August, Karen! Its Roberts

5、 birthday.,基数词变序数词,1,2,3单独记, th要从4加起。 8去t, 9减e, ve 要用 f 代替, ty 变成 tie。 要是遇到两位数,十位基数个位序。,onefirst twosecond threethird fourfourth fivefifth sixsixth sevenseventh eighteighth nineninth tententh twentytwentieth thirty-onethirty-first,eg:8月1号,英文日期如何写和读呢?,August 1,August ( the ) 1st,the first of August,写

6、法:,读法:,August the first,the +日期(序数词)+of+月份,月份+the+日期(序数词),WILLIAM: I cant believe it! Roberts 10 today!,KAREN: I know! Ten years old already!,= 10 years old,KAREN: Happy birthday, Robert! Heres a present for you from your father and me.,ROBERT: Oh, great! Thanks, Mum! Thanks, Dad!,ROBERT: Oh, great!

7、 A new bike! Oh, look at the gears! Dad! Its got Campagnolo gears! Oh, wow!,It has got,看一看,Campanolo gear 康帕纽络齿轮,WILLIAM: Youre quite tall now ,Robert. You need a new bicyle! But you must be careful. The traffic is very dangerous.,十分,非常,交通,KAREN: Dont worry about the traffic now! Happy birthday,Robe

8、rt, and many happy returns of the day!WILLIAM:Yes, many happy returns of the day,Robert,担心,担忧,长命百岁!,Lesson 58,Pronunciation,/r/,cream,red,dry,bread,/h/,hand happy have help horse hot how hurry husband who whose,一月 January 二月 February,三月 March 四月 April 五月 May,六月 June 七月 July 八月 August,九月 September 十月 October,十一月 November 十二月 December,See you !,


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