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1、重点1 Definition of cultureCulture is the total accumulation of beliefs, customs, values, institutions and communication patterns that are shared, learned and passed through the generations in an identifiable group of people.重点2 Characteristics of culture(10)1、Culture is sharedCulture is a system of s

2、hared values beliefs or patterns of behaviors held in a group ,organization or society. It is not property of any individual.2、culture is cumulativeHuman beliefs, arts etc. are results of many generations. Every generations can discover the new things. The new knowledge are added to what was learned

3、 in previous generations.3、culture is learned Culture is not inherent with any people. Culture can not be genetically and automatically passed down from previous generations. And it should be taught and learned by people.4、culture is adaptiveCulture is created by humans. Humans have to adapt the env

4、ironment . thus is in development bears the trait of being adaptive5、culture is dynamicAt the same time that new culture are added, and the old ones are lost because they are no longer useful.6、culture is symbolic Symbols generally serve as communicative tools for a multitude purposes, on a persons

5、as well as culture level.7 、culture is relationalCulture is an organic whole. All the components of culture are interlinked.8 、culture is implicit and explicitSome layers culture are easy to be observe, like eating , dressing, talking. But the ideas underlying the behaviors are generally hard to kno

6、w. Many scholars label the culture as iceberg. 9、 culture is universal10 、culture is diversified重点3 Halls dimensionsHigh context High-context communication relies heavily on nonverbal, contextual and shared cultural meanings. The meanings are not fully expressed.Meanings are determined by “how” thin

7、gs are said , rather than “what” is said.日本 欧洲东部和南部 阿拉伯CollectivismLow contextVerbal codes rather than the information impliesClear straight and to-the-point communication美国 德国 斯堪的纳维亚IndividualismMonochromic cultureDo one thing at one time, Concentrate on the job, take time seriously, low-context an

8、d need information, commit to the job, religiously to the plans, not disturbing others, seldom borrow or lend things, emphasize promptnessPolychromic cultureDo many things at once, subject to interruptions, consider time commitments an objective to be achieved, high-context and already have informat

9、ion. Change plans often. Emphasize the relationships. 重点4 Triandiss individualism & collectivismIndividualismFosters independence and individual achievement, Promotes self-expression ,personal choice, individual thinkingAssociated with egalitarian relationships and flexibility in rolesUnderstand the

10、 physical world as knowable apart of human lifeCollectivismInterdependence and group successPromotes adherence to normsAssociated with stable, hierarchical rolesShared property, group ownership重点5 Elements of communicationSource (sender)EncodingMessageMedium(channel)ReceiverDecodingResponseFeedback重

11、点6 Grices cooperative principleQuantity maximMake your contribute as informative as is required for the current purpose of exchange.Do not make your contribution more information than is required. (量的准则话语提供充分而不多余的信息)Quality maximMake your contribution is ture(质的准则话语的内容是真实的)Relation maximBe relevant(

12、关系准则话语与话题有关,即与所要实现的意图有关)Manner maximBe perspicuousAvoid obscurity of expressionAvoid ambiguityDe brief and orderly(方式准则说话要清楚明白、简洁而有条理)重点7 Brown & levinsons face theoryFace is something that is emotionally invested, can be lost, maintained, or enhanced, and must be often attended to in communicationP

13、eople cooperate while maintaining face in interaction. Face theory : face threatening acts (FTAs) Politeness strategies Politeness strategies: bald on-record不使用补救措施赤裸裸的公开实行面子威胁行为 off-record indirect strategy非公开的实行面子威胁行为negative politeness消极礼貌策略 Positive politeness积极礼貌策略 Face: negative face Positive

14、face重点8 Thought patternsField dependence 场依存性Holistic thinking eastern peoplePerspective of the whole, all the relevant parts take into account. Easily influence by othersField independence场独立性Analytic thinking western peopleDivinding the whole into parts to analyze the features or relations between

15、 the partsHardly influence by othersEastern: field-dependence, holistic thinking, high-contextWestern: field-independence, analytic thinking, low-context重点9 Phases of negotiationPreparation 准备Non-task sounding 非任务测探Task-oriented exchangePersuasion 劝说ConcessionConclusion重点10 Components of a brandBran

16、d name 品牌名称(产品)Brand mark 品牌标志 (产品)Trade name商号(公司名字)Trade mark 品牌商标重点11 SWOT analysisStrengthsWeaknessesOpportunitiesThreats重点12 Intercultural advertising strategiesStandardization strategyConvey and extend the same advertising message to different markets and culturesKey point:Deal with the differ

17、ent markets using the same massageExample:MarlboroPhilips优点:reinforce the corporate image Saving energy Be convenient to manage compared with several ads缺点: unlikely to be adaptive without change to all foreign culture Result in misunderstanding or conflict even ruin a businessLocalization strategyStresses the specialties of the local market and adaptation to the local market environment重点13 Three meaning layers of adsthe surface meaning the intended meaning the cultural meaning


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