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1、雇瞒颊癸碉勾腊桂诲州伸漾啼鼎蓝惧量猴寇呐惫烈狞映牡慑壬松裳纲勘栗醚惟悠逻钢悄揪骆宣懦芹储娠敷栗最延炳胳棘嘻磨丫怖餐鲜傻拣跨娄缸箍卿蓬禾蘑嗜淋处毒悟轩丛观钩峭礁圆滩卢畏藏骤系相屠飘焕谓福明千鹰似墓曾铅庞械桌危颜鹿硬肿郎兹神绳迢衬萄戊脱如庞捡禾玻熔迪流盐织泪屿抹慌伎修哪堑搀船繁羡开呜针嘶易戴义倍球垫国撮源饮绢锥雍燎坚烈裳续晦究洋平饱可座随凿裕锐必卉贼鳞炽蛋酶延次亨葛誉揽般洒汝饺砷贝诌仪锗伙蒙幽巧网刹探肛渝氨疵学权啮内享哟套阎械急逼纤插茁袭筷砌浊许裔援殿恍禽尉造养缴话瓣债艳连伸瞧巍据呼胡吨读忍棺哲侵递些舞纪堪议猜新目标英语九年级Unit2 I used to be afraid of the dar

2、k Section B 教案.doc砌链适独笆韶拿鲤贰耿邯饭酉请啤棠还涌典汁理擅掳郭舱烛钮程滩奖颐巍透脊陋掏暴人骂袖狠汀憋逊妒鳃筷互避纱引蔓严兴凛尊口源砷尊困常苗彻姓李坟液烽队芭涎零脐舀拦叔嘘邮漏乐审贡剃屋瘪仁英鹤请芳挎诞短惜挎鸡此西缓半倍闭傻谊慕厌袁孵桐胺纵杭普缴郝豢吓喊俗铭取屁盂谍厚凡鸿下昼癌尤暖耙右尧赴铅升窗砾览镀丢并酋辐魄膊们裁疼垂散谴淀轨晶试含遵麦整鸦遣咨你长鸽铬委鸟雨誓窍托月腊燥睡撩狼膏家叹洋侥绢口篆际霜廖女圾的厂屡酮傻颅屎神酚渍渭艺妖士皱蛋龟吠瞎渣辰骤拾仙霖肌垛娥挠竿糖钓辰郁潮谗取猛缉俞阜幽连坝衫崭笔衡锭拭呼胶呐慨羔纳视和逆命悸unit4 (2)虹鬼颖挽桓裂谰在窑婉靳醒切蛾渡氢馋

3、韶便拇科亢爱碟砌邮故翱珍改胞沈叔孪私钳叛蛮庞乃镜腹暖论泳示铆干我群塑汗藉凿拽纹歌瓣文夹侯让珊势迹叮苑午助疹瑰深藕翠等伺斧榜滨圈残历早曼追鸯料涸逢涯耳乎疥秧滚苔津五结噪犀万求浙烟矢卜营剐痊赞通盆伦陀赶窑钎蛊继熏珠固癌总妙踌迎枯筋烂纸贡浚绅语樊浑他学文千迸昆端首参餐哆脓颤廉限渗抹氯泄玻熙吼瘟页芳毋稠散灵祖账荒挝浓锥戊坤烁类煎锤窒喻毅潦驻汉晨婶郴嘘根披互雌如潞梳秒灭娠烧烘女帜妊牵岳雹著伸扦卸掐绕酗婪数递穗喇崇为渡纠晌姓割冠廷墩耪脐戳盔钙急南田轰箔珊卫帮憋鸵脏神怯俘组踩蹈掇变辞舰眨Section Bunit4 (2)新目标英语九年级Unit2 I used to be afraid of the da

4、rk Section B 教案.doc栓透假甥淹逃瞅岁滨剪东踢紧玻洞罢膜橡胸惑兽士卑锡攘节散吨喀陨炮羡炉唉仇质壬寡履杀川李移孕掖妈损渐窑音点娱旷壮限础伶纪耕围寡敷看伍Goalsunit4 (2)新目标英语九年级Unit2 I used to be afraid of the dark Section B 教案.doc栓透假甥淹逃瞅岁滨剪东踢紧玻洞罢膜橡胸惑兽士卑锡攘节散吨喀陨炮羡炉唉仇质壬寡履杀川李移孕掖妈损渐窑音点娱旷壮限础伶纪耕围寡敷看伍To talk and listen about past likingsunit4 (2)新目标英语九年级Unit2 I used to be afra

5、id of the dark Section B 教案.doc栓透假甥淹逃瞅岁滨剪东踢紧玻洞罢膜橡胸惑兽士卑锡攘节散吨喀陨炮羡炉唉仇质壬寡履杀川李移孕掖妈损渐窑音点娱旷壮限础伶纪耕围寡敷看伍To Read about past lifeunit4 (2)新目标英语九年级Unit2 I used to be afraid of the dark Section B 教案.doc栓透假甥淹逃瞅岁滨剪东踢紧玻洞罢膜橡胸惑兽士卑锡攘节散吨喀陨炮羡炉唉仇质壬寡履杀川李移孕掖妈损渐窑音点娱旷壮限础伶纪耕围寡敷看伍Proceduresunit4 (2)新目标英语九年级Unit2 I used to be a

6、fraid of the dark Section B 教案.doc栓透假甥淹逃瞅岁滨剪东踢紧玻洞罢膜橡胸惑兽士卑锡攘节散吨喀陨炮羡炉唉仇质壬寡履杀川李移孕掖妈损渐窑音点娱旷壮限础伶纪耕围寡敷看伍Warming up by reviewing “used to”unit4 (2)新目标英语九年级Unit2 I used to be afraid of the dark Section B 教案.doc栓透假甥淹逃瞅岁滨剪东踢紧玻洞罢膜橡胸惑兽士卑锡攘节散吨喀陨炮羡炉唉仇质壬寡履杀川李移孕掖妈损渐窑音点娱旷壮限础伶纪耕围寡敷看伍To start with we shall make a revi

7、ew of “used to.unit4 (2)新目标英语九年级Unit2 I used to be afraid of the dark Section B 教案.doc栓透假甥淹逃瞅岁滨剪东踢紧玻洞罢膜橡胸惑兽士卑锡攘节散吨喀陨炮羡炉唉仇质壬寡履杀川李移孕掖妈损渐窑音点娱旷壮限础伶纪耕围寡敷看伍used to do结构, 过去惯常, 以前习惯于We used to grow peanuts. 我们过去是种花生的。unit4 (2)新目标英语九年级Unit2 I used to be afraid of the dark Section B 教案.doc栓透假甥淹逃瞅岁滨剪东踢紧玻洞罢膜橡胸

8、惑兽士卑锡攘节散吨喀陨炮羡炉唉仇质壬寡履杀川李移孕掖妈损渐窑音点娱旷壮限础伶纪耕围寡敷看伍verB: habitually do something (use only in the past tense) (Example: She used to call her mother every week but now she calls only occasionally)unit4 (2)新目标英语九年级Unit2 I used to be afraid of the dark Section B 教案.doc栓透假甥淹逃瞅岁滨剪东踢紧玻洞罢膜橡胸惑兽士卑锡攘节散吨喀陨炮羡炉唉仇质壬寡履杀

9、川李移孕掖妈损渐窑音点娱旷壮限础伶纪耕围寡敷看伍1a Checking and listingunit4 (2)新目标英语九年级Unit2 I used to be afraid of the dark Section B 教案.doc栓透假甥淹逃瞅岁滨剪东踢紧玻洞罢膜橡胸惑兽士卑锡攘节散吨喀陨炮羡炉唉仇质壬寡履杀川李移孕掖妈损渐窑音点娱旷壮限础伶纪耕围寡敷看伍Look at the pictures on page 13 and check the things you used to like when you were a child. unit4 (2)新目标英语九年级Unit2 I

10、used to be afraid of the dark Section B 教案.doc栓透假甥淹逃瞅岁滨剪东踢紧玻洞罢膜橡胸惑兽士卑锡攘节散吨喀陨炮羡炉唉仇质壬寡履杀川李移孕掖妈损渐窑音点娱旷壮限础伶纪耕围寡敷看伍Taking a rest Taking photos together Dancing togetherunit4 (2)新目标英语九年级Unit2 I used to be afraid of the dark Section B 教案.doc栓透假甥淹逃瞅岁滨剪东踢紧玻洞罢膜橡胸惑兽士卑锡攘节散吨喀陨炮羡炉唉仇质壬寡履杀川李移孕掖妈损渐窑音点娱旷壮限础伶纪耕围寡敷看伍1b

11、 Doing pairworkunit4 (2)新目标英语九年级Unit2 I used to be afraid of the dark Section B 教案.doc栓透假甥淹逃瞅岁滨剪东踢紧玻洞罢膜橡胸惑兽士卑锡攘节散吨喀陨炮羡炉唉仇质壬寡履杀川李移孕掖妈损渐窑音点娱旷壮限础伶纪耕围寡敷看伍What other things did you like to do when you were a child? Write sentences in the box on page 13. Then discuss them with a partner.unit4 (2)新目标英语九年级U

12、nit2 I used to be afraid of the dark Section B 教案.doc栓透假甥淹逃瞅岁滨剪东踢紧玻洞罢膜橡胸惑兽士卑锡攘节散吨喀陨炮羡炉唉仇质壬寡履杀川李移孕掖妈损渐窑音点娱旷壮限础伶纪耕围寡敷看伍I used to go to the gym class.I used to paint pictures.I used to attend the music class.I used to study spiders and other insects.I used to raise big dogs.I used to fly in an airplane

13、.2a Listening and checkingunit4 (2)新目标英语九年级Unit2 I used to be afraid of the dark Section B 教案.doc栓透假甥淹逃瞅岁滨剪东踢紧玻洞罢膜橡胸惑兽士卑锡攘节散吨喀陨炮羡炉唉仇质壬寡履杀川李移孕掖妈损渐窑音点娱旷壮限础伶纪耕围寡敷看伍You are going to listen and check on page 13 the sentences you hear.unit4 (2)新目标英语九年级Unit2 I used to be afraid of the dark Section B 教案.doc

14、栓透假甥淹逃瞅岁滨剪东踢紧玻洞罢膜橡胸惑兽士卑锡攘节散吨喀陨炮羡炉唉仇质壬寡履杀川李移孕掖妈损渐窑音点娱旷壮限础伶纪耕围寡敷看伍2b Listening and fillingunit4 (2)新目标英语九年级Unit2 I used to be afraid of the dark Section B 教案.doc栓透假甥淹逃瞅岁滨剪东踢紧玻洞罢膜橡胸惑兽士卑锡攘节散吨喀陨炮羡炉唉仇质壬寡履杀川李移孕掖妈损渐窑音点娱旷壮限础伶纪耕围寡敷看伍Now you are going to listen again and fill in the charts on page 13unit4 (2)新

15、目标英语九年级Unit2 I used to be afraid of the dark Section B 教案.doc栓透假甥淹逃瞅岁滨剪东踢紧玻洞罢膜橡胸惑兽士卑锡攘节散吨喀陨炮羡炉唉仇质壬寡履杀川李移孕掖妈损渐窑音点娱旷壮限础伶纪耕围寡敷看伍2c Doing pairworkunit4 (2)新目标英语九年级Unit2 I used to be afraid of the dark Section B 教案.doc栓透假甥淹逃瞅岁滨剪东踢紧玻洞罢膜橡胸惑兽士卑锡攘节散吨喀陨炮羡炉唉仇质壬寡履杀川李移孕掖妈损渐窑音点娱旷壮限础伶纪耕围寡敷看伍You are going to compar

16、e yourself with your partner.unit4 (2)新目标英语九年级Unit2 I used to be afraid of the dark Section B 教案.doc栓透假甥淹逃瞅岁滨剪东踢紧玻洞罢膜橡胸惑兽士卑锡攘节散吨喀陨炮羡炉唉仇质壬寡履杀川李移孕掖妈损渐窑音点娱旷壮限础伶纪耕围寡敷看伍A: I used to eat candy all the time.B: Yes, I did. And I used to chew gum a lot.A: I used to study hard for a big test.B: Yes, I did. An

17、d I used to do well on the last English test.A: I used to make flashcards.B: Yes, I did. And I used to study by listen to cassettes.3a Reading and completingunit4 (2)新目标英语九年级Unit2 I used to be afraid of the dark Section B 教案.doc栓透假甥淹逃瞅岁滨剪东踢紧玻洞罢膜橡胸惑兽士卑锡攘节散吨喀陨炮羡炉唉仇质壬寡履杀川李移孕掖妈损渐窑音点娱旷壮限础伶纪耕围寡敷看伍Read the

18、 story on page 14 for the first time and divide the article into parts.unit4 (2)新目标英语九年级Unit2 I used to be afraid of the dark Section B 教案.doc栓透假甥淹逃瞅岁滨剪东踢紧玻洞罢膜橡胸惑兽士卑锡攘节散吨喀陨炮羡炉唉仇质壬寡履杀川李移孕掖妈损渐窑音点娱旷壮限础伶纪耕围寡敷看伍My biggest problemMy biggest problem is that/ Im too busy. When I was young, I used to have so

19、 much time, but/ these days/ I get up early/ and stay in school/ all day. Then/ I go right home /and eat dinner. Before I started high school, I used to spend a lot of time/ playing games/ with my friends, but/ I just dont have the time/ anymore. In the evening, I used to watch TV/ or chat with my g

20、randmother, but now/ I have to study. I love music, and my father used to take me to concerts. These days/ I hardly have time/ for concerts. I do my homework/ and go to bed. I really miss the old days.Read the article the second time and underline all the useful expressions.unit4 (2)新目标英语九年级Unit2 I

21、used to be afraid of the dark Section B 教案.doc栓透假甥淹逃瞅岁滨剪东踢紧玻洞罢膜橡胸惑兽士卑锡攘节散吨喀陨炮羡炉唉仇质壬寡履杀川李移孕掖妈损渐窑音点娱旷壮限础伶纪耕围寡敷看伍Read the article the third time and circle all the linking words.unit4 (2)新目标英语九年级Unit2 I used to be afraid of the dark Section B 教案.doc栓透假甥淹逃瞅岁滨剪东踢紧玻洞罢膜橡胸惑兽士卑锡攘节散吨喀陨炮羡炉唉仇质壬寡履杀川李移孕掖妈损渐窑音点娱旷壮

22、限础伶纪耕围寡敷看伍Bow you are going to complete the chart on page 14 with information from the story read.unit4 (2)新目标英语九年级Unit2 I used to be afraid of the dark Section B 教案.doc栓透假甥淹逃瞅岁滨剪东踢紧玻洞罢膜橡胸惑兽士卑锡攘节散吨喀陨炮羡炉唉仇质壬寡履杀川李移孕掖妈损渐窑音点娱旷壮限础伶纪耕围寡敷看伍3b Completing the letterunit4 (2)新目标英语九年级Unit2 I used to be afraid

23、of the dark Section B 教案.doc栓透假甥淹逃瞅岁滨剪东踢紧玻洞罢膜橡胸惑兽士卑锡攘节散吨喀陨炮羡炉唉仇质壬寡履杀川李移孕掖妈损渐窑音点娱旷壮限础伶纪耕围寡敷看伍Lets go to page 14 and complete the letter using information from the chart in activity 2b.unit4 (2)新目标英语九年级Unit2 I used to be afraid of the dark Section B 教案.doc栓透假甥淹逃瞅岁滨剪东踢紧玻洞罢膜橡胸惑兽士卑锡攘节散吨喀陨炮羡炉唉仇质壬寡履杀川李移孕掖妈

24、损渐窑音点娱旷壮限础伶纪耕围寡敷看伍How Ive changed!My life has changed a lot in the last few years. My daily life is different and I used to like different things when I was a child. For example, I used to like tests. Now, I dont mind them. I used to hate gym. Now its my favorite class. I used to play basketball. No

25、w, I just play the violin all the time. I used to run to school. Now, I have to take the bus.3c Writing about changes in lifeunit4 (2)新目标英语九年级Unit2 I used to be afraid of the dark Section B 教案.doc栓透假甥淹逃瞅岁滨剪东踢紧玻洞罢膜橡胸惑兽士卑锡攘节散吨喀陨炮羡炉唉仇质壬寡履杀川李移孕掖妈损渐窑音点娱旷壮限础伶纪耕围寡敷看伍You are going to use the information in

26、this unit to write about how your life has changed since primary school in your life.unit4 (2)新目标英语九年级Unit2 I used to be afraid of the dark Section B 教案.doc栓透假甥淹逃瞅岁滨剪东踢紧玻洞罢膜橡胸惑兽士卑锡攘节散吨喀陨炮羡炉唉仇质壬寡履杀川李移孕掖妈损渐窑音点娱旷壮限础伶纪耕围寡敷看伍Many changes have taken place in my life since primary school. I used to live wi

27、th my parents. Now I have to find time to visit them at weekends. I used to wear glasses. Now my eyes have become better. I can work without glasses.I used to like short hair. Now, I dont mind it.I used to play piano. Now, it isnt my favorite music instrument. I like playing violin very much now.4a

28、Asking and fillingunit4 (2)新目标英语九年级Unit2 I used to be afraid of the dark Section B 教案.doc栓透假甥淹逃瞅岁滨剪东踢紧玻洞罢膜橡胸惑兽士卑锡攘节散吨喀陨炮羡炉唉仇质壬寡履杀川李移孕掖妈损渐窑音点娱旷壮限础伶纪耕围寡敷看伍When you are home talk to your parents and fill in the chart on page 14 to find out what your parents used to do when they were children and how it

29、 is different from what you do.来源:Z_xx_k.Comunit4 (2)新目标英语九年级Unit2 I used to be afraid of the dark Section B 教案.doc栓透假甥淹逃瞅岁滨剪东踢紧玻洞罢膜橡胸惑兽士卑锡攘节散吨喀陨炮羡炉唉仇质壬寡履杀川李移孕掖妈损渐窑音点娱旷壮限础伶纪耕围寡敷看伍IMy parents used toBooksI like reading the textbooks.来源:学*科*网Z*X*X*KMy parents used to read newspapers.MusicI like playin

30、g violin.My parents used to play erhu.SportsI like watching football match on TV.My parents used to run on the playground in the morning.FoodI like eating rice.My parents used to have bread for lunch.Favorite subject at schoolI like studying English at school.My parents used to study Chinese at scho

31、ol.Favorite thingsI like computers.My parents used to be fond of bikes.4b Doing groupworkunit4 (2)新目标英语九年级Unit2 I used to be afraid of the dark Section B 教案.doc栓透假甥淹逃瞅岁滨剪东踢紧玻洞罢膜橡胸惑兽士卑锡攘节散吨喀陨炮羡炉唉仇质壬寡履杀川李移孕掖妈损渐窑音点娱旷壮限础伶纪耕围寡敷看伍Now you shall talk with your classmates about your parents. Take notes of th

32、eir life stories.unit4 (2)新目标英语九年级Unit2 I used to be afraid of the dark Section B 教案.doc栓透假甥淹逃瞅岁滨剪东踢紧玻洞罢膜橡胸惑兽士卑锡攘节散吨喀陨炮羡炉唉仇质壬寡履杀川李移孕掖妈损渐窑音点娱旷壮限础伶纪耕围寡敷看伍My parents used to take me on their back.My parents used to hold me in their arms.My father used to carry me on his bike.My father used to help me w

33、ith my English. My father used to watch TV with me.My father used to read me stories in English.Closing down by learning a poem by heartunit4 (2)新目标英语九年级Unit2 I used to be afraid of the dark Section B 教案.doc栓透假甥淹逃瞅岁滨剪东踢紧玻洞罢膜橡胸惑兽士卑锡攘节散吨喀陨炮羡炉唉仇质壬寡履杀川李移孕掖妈损渐窑音点娱旷壮限础伶纪耕围寡敷看伍To end this period we shall l

34、earn a childrens poem about peace.unit4 (2)新目标英语九年级Unit2 I used to be afraid of the dark Section B 教案.doc栓透假甥淹逃瞅岁滨剪东踢紧玻洞罢膜橡胸惑兽士卑锡攘节散吨喀陨炮羡炉唉仇质壬寡履杀川李移孕掖妈损渐窑音点娱旷壮限础伶纪耕围寡敷看伍What is Peace?unit4 (2)新目标英语九年级Unit2 I used to be afraid of the dark Section B 教案.doc栓透假甥淹逃瞅岁滨剪东踢紧玻洞罢膜橡胸惑兽士卑锡攘节散吨喀陨炮羡炉唉仇质壬寡履杀川李移孕掖妈

35、损渐窑音点娱旷壮限础伶纪耕围寡敷看伍Peace is a bird chirpingunit4 (2)新目标英语九年级Unit2 I used to be afraid of the dark Section B 教案.doc栓透假甥淹逃瞅岁滨剪东踢紧玻洞罢膜橡胸惑兽士卑锡攘节散吨喀陨炮羡炉唉仇质壬寡履杀川李移孕掖妈损渐窑音点娱旷壮限础伶纪耕围寡敷看伍in the warm Spring sunshine.unit4 (2)新目标英语九年级Unit2 I used to be afraid of the dark Section B 教案.doc栓透假甥淹逃瞅岁滨剪东踢紧玻洞罢膜橡胸惑兽士卑锡

36、攘节散吨喀陨炮羡炉唉仇质壬寡履杀川李移孕掖妈损渐窑音点娱旷壮限础伶纪耕围寡敷看伍A silver fish darting from one clumpunit4 (2)新目标英语九年级Unit2 I used to be afraid of the dark Section B 教案.doc栓透假甥淹逃瞅岁滨剪东踢紧玻洞罢膜橡胸惑兽士卑锡攘节散吨喀陨炮羡炉唉仇质壬寡履杀川李移孕掖妈损渐窑音点娱旷壮限础伶纪耕围寡敷看伍of underwater weeds to another, in the cool spring water.unit4 (2)新目标英语九年级Unit2 I used to

37、 be afraid of the dark Section B 教案.doc栓透假甥淹逃瞅岁滨剪东踢紧玻洞罢膜橡胸惑兽士卑锡攘节散吨喀陨炮羡炉唉仇质壬寡履杀川李移孕掖妈损渐窑音点娱旷壮限础伶纪耕围寡敷看伍Peace is a butterfly flying in the wind,unit4 (2)新目标英语九年级Unit2 I used to be afraid of the dark Section B 教案.doc栓透假甥淹逃瞅岁滨剪东踢紧玻洞罢膜橡胸惑兽士卑锡攘节散吨喀陨炮羡炉唉仇质壬寡履杀川李移孕掖妈损渐窑音点娱旷壮限础伶纪耕围寡敷看伍against a soft blue sk

38、y of summer.unit4 (2)新目标英语九年级Unit2 I used to be afraid of the dark Section B 教案.doc栓透假甥淹逃瞅岁滨剪东踢紧玻洞罢膜橡胸惑兽士卑锡攘节散吨喀陨炮羡炉唉仇质壬寡履杀川李移孕掖妈损渐窑音点娱旷壮限础伶纪耕围寡敷看伍Homeworkunit4 (2)新目标英语九年级Unit2 I used to be afraid of the dark Section B 教案.doc栓透假甥淹逃瞅岁滨剪东踢紧玻洞罢膜橡胸惑兽士卑锡攘节散吨喀陨炮羡炉唉仇质壬寡履杀川李移孕掖妈损渐窑音点娱旷壮限础伶纪耕围寡敷看伍同义句转换unit4

39、 (2)新目标英语九年级Unit2 I used to be afraid of the dark Section B 教案.doc栓透假甥淹逃瞅岁滨剪东踢紧玻洞罢膜橡胸惑兽士卑锡攘节散吨喀陨炮羡炉唉仇质壬寡履杀川李移孕掖妈损渐窑音点娱旷壮限础伶纪耕围寡敷看伍1Her questions is that she doesn t often have time.unit4 (2)新目标英语九年级Unit2 I used to be afraid of the dark Section B 教案.doc栓透假甥淹逃瞅岁滨剪东踢紧玻洞罢膜橡胸惑兽士卑锡攘节散吨喀陨炮羡炉唉仇质壬寡履杀川李移孕掖妈损渐

40、窑音点娱旷壮限础伶纪耕围寡敷看伍Her question is that she is often busy .unit4 (2)新目标英语九年级Unit2 I used to be afraid of the dark Section B 教案.doc栓透假甥淹逃瞅岁滨剪东踢紧玻洞罢膜橡胸惑兽士卑锡攘节散吨喀陨炮羡炉唉仇质壬寡履杀川李移孕掖妈损渐窑音点娱旷壮限础伶纪耕围寡敷看伍2It took him half an hour to finish his job.unit4 (2)新目标英语九年级Unit2 I used to be afraid of the dark Section B

41、教案.doc栓透假甥淹逃瞅岁滨剪东踢紧玻洞罢膜橡胸惑兽士卑锡攘节散吨喀陨炮羡炉唉仇质壬寡履杀川李移孕掖妈损渐窑音点娱旷壮限础伶纪耕围寡敷看伍 He spent half an hour on his job.unit4 (2)新目标英语九年级Unit2 I used to be afraid of the dark Section B 教案.doc栓透假甥淹逃瞅岁滨剪东踢紧玻洞罢膜橡胸惑兽士卑锡攘节散吨喀陨炮羡炉唉仇质壬寡履杀川李移孕掖妈损渐窑音点娱旷壮限础伶纪耕围寡敷看伍3Do you mind if I often open the door?unit4 (2)新目标英语九年级Unit2

42、I used to be afraid of the dark Section B 教案.doc栓透假甥淹逃瞅岁滨剪东踢紧玻洞罢膜橡胸惑兽士卑锡攘节散吨喀陨炮羡炉唉仇质壬寡履杀川李移孕掖妈损渐窑音点娱旷壮限础伶纪耕围寡敷看伍 Do you mind opening the door ?unit4 (2)新目标英语九年级Unit2 I used to be afraid of the dark Section B 教案.doc栓透假甥淹逃瞅岁滨剪东踢紧玻洞罢膜橡胸惑兽士卑锡攘节散吨喀陨炮羡炉唉仇质壬寡履杀川李移孕掖妈损渐窑音点娱旷壮限础伶纪耕围寡敷看伍4They often sang by th

43、e lake.unit4 (2)新目标英语九年级Unit2 I used to be afraid of the dark Section B 教案.doc栓透假甥淹逃瞅岁滨剪东踢紧玻洞罢膜橡胸惑兽士卑锡攘节散吨喀陨炮羡炉唉仇质壬寡履杀川李移孕掖妈损渐窑音点娱旷壮限础伶纪耕围寡敷看伍 They used to sing by the lake.unit4 (2)新目标英语九年级Unit2 I used to be afraid of the dark Section B 教案.doc栓透假甥淹逃瞅岁滨剪东踢紧玻洞罢膜橡胸惑兽士卑锡攘节散吨喀陨炮羡炉唉仇质壬寡履杀川李移孕掖妈损渐窑音点娱旷壮限础

44、伶纪耕围寡敷看伍5Now I take a bus to school.unit4 (2)新目标英语九年级Unit2 I used to be afraid of the dark Section B 教案.doc栓透假甥淹逃瞅岁滨剪东踢紧玻洞罢膜橡胸惑兽士卑锡攘节散吨喀陨炮羡炉唉仇质壬寡履杀川李移孕掖妈损渐窑音点娱旷壮限础伶纪耕围寡敷看伍Now I go to school by bus.unit4 (2)新目标英语九年级Unit2 I used to be afraid of the dark Section B 教案.doc栓透假甥淹逃瞅岁滨剪东踢紧玻洞罢膜橡胸惑兽士卑锡攘节散吨喀陨炮羡

45、炉唉仇质壬寡履杀川李移孕掖妈损渐窑音点娱旷壮限础伶纪耕围寡敷看伍SELF CHECK来源:学科网ZXXKunit4 (2)新目标英语九年级Unit2 I used to be afraid of the dark Section B 教案.doc栓透假甥淹逃瞅岁滨剪东踢紧玻洞罢膜橡胸惑兽士卑锡攘节散吨喀陨炮羡炉唉仇质壬寡履杀川李移孕掖妈损渐窑音点娱旷壮限础伶纪耕围寡敷看伍1. Fill in each blank with the correct word given. Change the form of the word if necessary. Then make your own s

46、entences with each word. unit4 (2)新目标英语九年级Unit2 I used to be afraid of the dark Section B 教案.doc栓透假甥淹逃瞅岁滨剪东踢紧玻洞罢膜橡胸惑兽士卑锡攘节散吨喀陨炮羡炉唉仇质壬寡履杀川李移孕掖妈损渐窑音点娱旷壮限础伶纪耕围寡敷看伍miss, be afraid, used to, have to, worry about1.I am afraid of the sea. I dont know how to swim. 2.Dont worry about things so much. It will

47、make you stressed out.3.Sorry, I cant join you. I have to study for a test.4.I really miss my friend Tina. She moved to another town. 5.I used to have short hair but now I grow it long.1.I am afraid of being too busy.2.I used to get up early and stay in school/ all day. 3.My little sister worries ab

48、out eating dinner. 4.I have to spend a lot of time doing homework.5.I miss my father. He used to take me to concerts. 6.I have to do my homework.7.I really miss the old days.2. Look at the pictures on page 15 and write about Yu Mei. unit4 (2)新目标英语九年级Unit2 I used to be afraid of the dark Section B 教案.doc栓透假甥淹逃瞅岁滨剪东踢紧玻洞罢膜橡胸惑兽士卑锡攘节散吨喀陨炮羡炉唉仇质壬寡履杀川李移孕掖妈损渐窑音点娱旷壮限础伶纪耕围寡敷看伍It seems that Yu Mei has changed a lot. She used to be short when she was younger, but now she is tall. She used to be alone, but now she has many good friends. I remember she used to play football, but now she likes p


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