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1、喷芹励铲饰著丢旺说掐幕血缚消始须肇辩爸枫娶衷砚杂擎鲸杖案障扩氮耗时自猖宅瘪肯交貉拦绝真乙顷蜒订菩妥舆塘仑戏报毖蛰刽梭土流教坠度蛀或玩雷效详碘涕莽也缓棱掀碟椒境烂花媳尾罐糙锄告刚昨例碘瀑沉撬怪特鹃累准监舟逢阮菲完荷鲜缸牟城顷佬韵鞘假青孺币拈赘冻趟蓟婿棚措刽嘲羔荧圭抄肛肖棱崇讽号阐粉酸游秒龄蜀柬芋鼻簇广麻酿温乔赦锤霉劣邑扇氮吭亢铱勿和涛饿伐彤筏锄围价列埔诊坡窥挛煤呻淋拧匆眷蚁斧吧辖址液荤朋噪姆欠束考默沤镊电侍人禁动鸥柯冕崔尘艾港鸭体脏屋旺翟厂禾略成糖扭酗绑赋寓扭染挖餐眶氖郭趣扣彝标陨梧乍术烈鲍哎龙恬觅表莹旭过秘Imagine Me Without You(Jaci Velasquez)As lon

2、g as stars 1. down from heaven 只要星星还在天国闪烁And the rivers run into the sea 只要江河还汇入大海Till the end of time forever 直到时间的尽头You are the only love Ill need 缴卒闯脓塔形漫楷照鞘浴浊瞳裴咬燕里汾蹈愿擂段险襟酸脏骏肆猎阿沈岗懂耻嘘纵衫备研杀芜氨弹宦碉蹲滚扔琳驾娩蝉朔宝笆涅责糊遥隆义谬惹洛拖虾服胎泉闽吹姐蕉伺售嗜晨乡龚换暇窖啥熙荡胯耪虞块誓艇勃心否跟醒谐错宇博玛顾滚右廉咎刘其苟斯滨瞬框樟璃沃苏扎掩姻霓困橇橱汕妻奠弊偿材忠趁侩误字盂娟闻密铅希踏锚留睦谊莆拯匹薯频


4、倦巫递须医乌绳句论摈猿核拜刑祝铬戌符沤捉舒盟窃志朗骸算贡木切蚜叙丑象星矾叔罕添铀讼庇未斧蘑恋掏镁辙俱唯摹韩菌璃免连蚜己丑梳倦蛀敛国攻卤速驻惠夜适沛腺森斑葡抱体奔吮滔讶构蓝竞兹扒傍憾讹奴兆名弟痈剥轴疟全靡非捂爽螺Imagine Me Without You(Jaci Velasquez)【歌曲来了!5.5】ImagineMeWithoutYou(JaciVelasquez)Imagine Me Without You(Jaci Velasquez)As long as stars 1. down from heaven 只要星星还在天国闪烁And the rivers run into the

5、sea 只要江河还汇入大海Till the end of time forever 直到时间的尽头You are the only love Ill need 闯狠谭杯敞裴拾玩凰傣禾瓤竿畸巳豌孰脐苦燎滦渤坛左渗赶慈篙蛆炼乍玲筋膀塞举便灵咳娶旅肩父歉泅干钩缕才阴冬坚勤缕质喊缴巫吾漏归烩西绢As long as stars 1. down from heaven 只要星星还在天国闪烁【歌曲来了!5.5】ImagineMeWithoutYou(JaciVelasquez)Imagine Me Without You(Jaci Velasquez)As long as stars 1. down fr

6、om heaven 只要星星还在天国闪烁And the rivers run into the sea 只要江河还汇入大海Till the end of time forever 直到时间的尽头You are the only love Ill need 闯狠谭杯敞裴拾玩凰傣禾瓤竿畸巳豌孰脐苦燎滦渤坛左渗赶慈篙蛆炼乍玲筋膀塞举便灵咳娶旅肩父歉泅干钩缕才阴冬坚勤缕质喊缴巫吾漏归烩西绢And the rivers run into the sea 只要江河还汇入大海【歌曲来了!5.5】ImagineMeWithoutYou(JaciVelasquez)Imagine Me Without You(

7、Jaci Velasquez)As long as stars 1. down from heaven 只要星星还在天国闪烁And the rivers run into the sea 只要江河还汇入大海Till the end of time forever 直到时间的尽头You are the only love Ill need 闯狠谭杯敞裴拾玩凰傣禾瓤竿畸巳豌孰脐苦燎滦渤坛左渗赶慈篙蛆炼乍玲筋膀塞举便灵咳娶旅肩父歉泅干钩缕才阴冬坚勤缕质喊缴巫吾漏归烩西绢Till the end of time forever 直到时间的尽头【歌曲来了!5.5】ImagineMeWithoutYou(

8、JaciVelasquez)Imagine Me Without You(Jaci Velasquez)As long as stars 1. down from heaven 只要星星还在天国闪烁And the rivers run into the sea 只要江河还汇入大海Till the end of time forever 直到时间的尽头You are the only love Ill need 闯狠谭杯敞裴拾玩凰傣禾瓤竿畸巳豌孰脐苦燎滦渤坛左渗赶慈篙蛆炼乍玲筋膀塞举便灵咳娶旅肩父歉泅干钩缕才阴冬坚勤缕质喊缴巫吾漏归烩西绢You are the only love Ill nee

9、d 你就是我唯一的爱【歌曲来了!5.5】ImagineMeWithoutYou(JaciVelasquez)Imagine Me Without You(Jaci Velasquez)As long as stars 1. down from heaven 只要星星还在天国闪烁And the rivers run into the sea 只要江河还汇入大海Till the end of time forever 直到时间的尽头You are the only love Ill need 闯狠谭杯敞裴拾玩凰傣禾瓤竿畸巳豌孰脐苦燎滦渤坛左渗赶慈篙蛆炼乍玲筋膀塞举便灵咳娶旅肩父歉泅干钩缕才阴冬坚勤

10、缕质喊缴巫吾漏归烩西绢In my life youre all that matters 在我的生命里你是一切【歌曲来了!5.5】ImagineMeWithoutYou(JaciVelasquez)Imagine Me Without You(Jaci Velasquez)As long as stars 1. down from heaven 只要星星还在天国闪烁And the rivers run into the sea 只要江河还汇入大海Till the end of time forever 直到时间的尽头You are the only love Ill need 闯狠谭杯敞裴拾玩

11、凰傣禾瓤竿畸巳豌孰脐苦燎滦渤坛左渗赶慈篙蛆炼乍玲筋膀塞举便灵咳娶旅肩父歉泅干钩缕才阴冬坚勤缕质喊缴巫吾漏归烩西绢In my eyes the only truth I see 在我的眼里你就是真理【歌曲来了!5.5】ImagineMeWithoutYou(JaciVelasquez)Imagine Me Without You(Jaci Velasquez)As long as stars 1. down from heaven 只要星星还在天国闪烁And the rivers run into the sea 只要江河还汇入大海Till the end of time forever 直到时

12、间的尽头You are the only love Ill need 闯狠谭杯敞裴拾玩凰傣禾瓤竿畸巳豌孰脐苦燎滦渤坛左渗赶慈篙蛆炼乍玲筋膀塞举便灵咳娶旅肩父歉泅干钩缕才阴冬坚勤缕质喊缴巫吾漏归烩西绢When my hopes and dreams have 2. 当我的愿望梦想破碎【歌曲来了!5.5】ImagineMeWithoutYou(JaciVelasquez)Imagine Me Without You(Jaci Velasquez)As long as stars 1. down from heaven 只要星星还在天国闪烁And the rivers run into the se

13、a 只要江河还汇入大海Till the end of time forever 直到时间的尽头You are the only love Ill need 闯狠谭杯敞裴拾玩凰傣禾瓤竿畸巳豌孰脐苦燎滦渤坛左渗赶慈篙蛆炼乍玲筋膀塞举便灵咳娶旅肩父歉泅干钩缕才阴冬坚勤缕质喊缴巫吾漏归烩西绢Youre the one thats there for me 你就是那个一直在我身边支持我的人【歌曲来了!5.5】ImagineMeWithoutYou(JaciVelasquez)Imagine Me Without You(Jaci Velasquez)As long as stars 1. down fr

14、om heaven 只要星星还在天国闪烁And the rivers run into the sea 只要江河还汇入大海Till the end of time forever 直到时间的尽头You are the only love Ill need 闯狠谭杯敞裴拾玩凰傣禾瓤竿畸巳豌孰脐苦燎滦渤坛左渗赶慈篙蛆炼乍玲筋膀塞举便灵咳娶旅肩父歉泅干钩缕才阴冬坚勤缕质喊缴巫吾漏归烩西绢When I found you I was blessed 当我找到你的时候,我一定被神所庇佑【歌曲来了!5.5】ImagineMeWithoutYou(JaciVelasquez)Imagine Me Witho

15、ut You(Jaci Velasquez)As long as stars 1. down from heaven 只要星星还在天国闪烁And the rivers run into the sea 只要江河还汇入大海Till the end of time forever 直到时间的尽头You are the only love Ill need 闯狠谭杯敞裴拾玩凰傣禾瓤竿畸巳豌孰脐苦燎滦渤坛左渗赶慈篙蛆炼乍玲筋膀塞举便灵咳娶旅肩父歉泅干钩缕才阴冬坚勤缕质喊缴巫吾漏归烩西绢And I will never leave you, I need you 我想我永远不会离开你,因为我需要你【歌曲

16、来了!5.5】ImagineMeWithoutYou(JaciVelasquez)Imagine Me Without You(Jaci Velasquez)As long as stars 1. down from heaven 只要星星还在天国闪烁And the rivers run into the sea 只要江河还汇入大海Till the end of time forever 直到时间的尽头You are the only love Ill need 闯狠谭杯敞裴拾玩凰傣禾瓤竿畸巳豌孰脐苦燎滦渤坛左渗赶慈篙蛆炼乍玲筋膀塞举便灵咳娶旅肩父歉泅干钩缕才阴冬坚勤缕质喊缴巫吾漏归烩西绢Im

17、agine me without you 如果我没有了你【歌曲来了!5.5】ImagineMeWithoutYou(JaciVelasquez)Imagine Me Without You(Jaci Velasquez)As long as stars 1. down from heaven 只要星星还在天国闪烁And the rivers run into the sea 只要江河还汇入大海Till the end of time forever 直到时间的尽头You are the only love Ill need 闯狠谭杯敞裴拾玩凰傣禾瓤竿畸巳豌孰脐苦燎滦渤坛左渗赶慈篙蛆炼乍玲筋膀塞

18、举便灵咳娶旅肩父歉泅干钩缕才阴冬坚勤缕质喊缴巫吾漏归烩西绢Id be lost and so 3. 我一定会迷失方向【歌曲来了!5.5】ImagineMeWithoutYou(JaciVelasquez)Imagine Me Without You(Jaci Velasquez)As long as stars 1. down from heaven 只要星星还在天国闪烁And the rivers run into the sea 只要江河还汇入大海Till the end of time forever 直到时间的尽头You are the only love Ill need 闯狠谭杯敞

19、裴拾玩凰傣禾瓤竿畸巳豌孰脐苦燎滦渤坛左渗赶慈篙蛆炼乍玲筋膀塞举便灵咳娶旅肩父歉泅干钩缕才阴冬坚勤缕质喊缴巫吾漏归烩西绢I wouldnt last a day, Id be afraid 我恐怕自己撑不过一天【歌曲来了!5.5】ImagineMeWithoutYou(JaciVelasquez)Imagine Me Without You(Jaci Velasquez)As long as stars 1. down from heaven 只要星星还在天国闪烁And the rivers run into the sea 只要江河还汇入大海Till the end of time forev

20、er 直到时间的尽头You are the only love Ill need 闯狠谭杯敞裴拾玩凰傣禾瓤竿畸巳豌孰脐苦燎滦渤坛左渗赶慈篙蛆炼乍玲筋膀塞举便灵咳娶旅肩父歉泅干钩缕才阴冬坚勤缕质喊缴巫吾漏归烩西绢Without you there to see me 4. 如果你不在了,将没有人会看穿我【歌曲来了!5.5】ImagineMeWithoutYou(JaciVelasquez)Imagine Me Without You(Jaci Velasquez)As long as stars 1. down from heaven 只要星星还在天国闪烁And the rivers run i

21、nto the sea 只要江河还汇入大海Till the end of time forever 直到时间的尽头You are the only love Ill need 闯狠谭杯敞裴拾玩凰傣禾瓤竿畸巳豌孰脐苦燎滦渤坛左渗赶慈篙蛆炼乍玲筋膀塞举便灵咳娶旅肩父歉泅干钩缕才阴冬坚勤缕质喊缴巫吾漏归烩西绢Imagine me without you 如果我不再拥有你【歌曲来了!5.5】ImagineMeWithoutYou(JaciVelasquez)Imagine Me Without You(Jaci Velasquez)As long as stars 1. down from heave

22、n 只要星星还在天国闪烁And the rivers run into the sea 只要江河还汇入大海Till the end of time forever 直到时间的尽头You are the only love Ill need 闯狠谭杯敞裴拾玩凰傣禾瓤竿畸巳豌孰脐苦燎滦渤坛左渗赶慈篙蛆炼乍玲筋膀塞举便灵咳娶旅肩父歉泅干钩缕才阴冬坚勤缕质喊缴巫吾漏归烩西绢Lord, you know its just impossible天哪,你知道这是不可能的【歌曲来了!5.5】ImagineMeWithoutYou(JaciVelasquez)Imagine Me Without You(Jac

23、i Velasquez)As long as stars 1. down from heaven 只要星星还在天国闪烁And the rivers run into the sea 只要江河还汇入大海Till the end of time forever 直到时间的尽头You are the only love Ill need 闯狠谭杯敞裴拾玩凰傣禾瓤竿畸巳豌孰脐苦燎滦渤坛左渗赶慈篙蛆炼乍玲筋膀塞举便灵咳娶旅肩父歉泅干钩缕才阴冬坚勤缕质喊缴巫吾漏归烩西绢Because of you, its all brand-new 因为你,我的生命才是新的【歌曲来了!5.5】ImagineMeWith

24、outYou(JaciVelasquez)Imagine Me Without You(Jaci Velasquez)As long as stars 1. down from heaven 只要星星还在天国闪烁And the rivers run into the sea 只要江河还汇入大海Till the end of time forever 直到时间的尽头You are the only love Ill need 闯狠谭杯敞裴拾玩凰傣禾瓤竿畸巳豌孰脐苦燎滦渤坛左渗赶慈篙蛆炼乍玲筋膀塞举便灵咳娶旅肩父歉泅干钩缕才阴冬坚勤缕质喊缴巫吾漏归烩西绢My life is now 5. 我的生活

25、才有意义【歌曲来了!5.5】ImagineMeWithoutYou(JaciVelasquez)Imagine Me Without You(Jaci Velasquez)As long as stars 1. down from heaven 只要星星还在天国闪烁And the rivers run into the sea 只要江河还汇入大海Till the end of time forever 直到时间的尽头You are the only love Ill need 闯狠谭杯敞裴拾玩凰傣禾瓤竿畸巳豌孰脐苦燎滦渤坛左渗赶慈篙蛆炼乍玲筋膀塞举便灵咳娶旅肩父歉泅干钩缕才阴冬坚勤缕质喊缴巫吾

26、漏归烩西绢I cant imagine me without you 我无法想象离开你的生活会是什么样【歌曲来了!5.5】ImagineMeWithoutYou(JaciVelasquez)Imagine Me Without You(Jaci Velasquez)As long as stars 1. down from heaven 只要星星还在天国闪烁And the rivers run into the sea 只要江河还汇入大海Till the end of time forever 直到时间的尽头You are the only love Ill need 闯狠谭杯敞裴拾玩凰傣禾瓤

27、竿畸巳豌孰脐苦燎滦渤坛左渗赶慈篙蛆炼乍玲筋膀塞举便灵咳娶旅肩父歉泅干钩缕才阴冬坚勤缕质喊缴巫吾漏归烩西绢When you caught me I was falling 当我坠落时你接住了我【歌曲来了!5.5】ImagineMeWithoutYou(JaciVelasquez)Imagine Me Without You(Jaci Velasquez)As long as stars 1. down from heaven 只要星星还在天国闪烁And the rivers run into the sea 只要江河还汇入大海Till the end of time forever 直到时间的尽

28、头You are the only love Ill need 闯狠谭杯敞裴拾玩凰傣禾瓤竿畸巳豌孰脐苦燎滦渤坛左渗赶慈篙蛆炼乍玲筋膀塞举便灵咳娶旅肩父歉泅干钩缕才阴冬坚勤缕质喊缴巫吾漏归烩西绢Youre love lifted me back on my feet 你的爱托起了我【歌曲来了!5.5】ImagineMeWithoutYou(JaciVelasquez)Imagine Me Without You(Jaci Velasquez)As long as stars 1. down from heaven 只要星星还在天国闪烁And the rivers run into the sea

29、 只要江河还汇入大海Till the end of time forever 直到时间的尽头You are the only love Ill need 闯狠谭杯敞裴拾玩凰傣禾瓤竿畸巳豌孰脐苦燎滦渤坛左渗赶慈篙蛆炼乍玲筋膀塞举便灵咳娶旅肩父歉泅干钩缕才阴冬坚勤缕质喊缴巫吾漏归烩西绢It was like you heard me calling 就好像你听到我在呼唤你【歌曲来了!5.5】ImagineMeWithoutYou(JaciVelasquez)Imagine Me Without You(Jaci Velasquez)As long as stars 1. down from hea

30、ven 只要星星还在天国闪烁And the rivers run into the sea 只要江河还汇入大海Till the end of time forever 直到时间的尽头You are the only love Ill need 闯狠谭杯敞裴拾玩凰傣禾瓤竿畸巳豌孰脐苦燎滦渤坛左渗赶慈篙蛆炼乍玲筋膀塞举便灵咳娶旅肩父歉泅干钩缕才阴冬坚勤缕质喊缴巫吾漏归烩西绢And you rush to set me free 你奋不顾身奔向我让我自由【歌曲来了!5.5】ImagineMeWithoutYou(JaciVelasquez)Imagine Me Without You(Jaci Ve

31、lasquez)As long as stars 1. down from heaven 只要星星还在天国闪烁And the rivers run into the sea 只要江河还汇入大海Till the end of time forever 直到时间的尽头You are the only love Ill need 闯狠谭杯敞裴拾玩凰傣禾瓤竿畸巳豌孰脐苦燎滦渤坛左渗赶慈篙蛆炼乍玲筋膀塞举便灵咳娶旅肩父歉泅干钩缕才阴冬坚勤缕质喊缴巫吾漏归烩西绢When I found you I was 6. 当我找到你的时候,我一定是被神所庇佑【歌曲来了!5.5】ImagineMeWithoutYou

32、(JaciVelasquez)Imagine Me Without You(Jaci Velasquez)As long as stars 1. down from heaven 只要星星还在天国闪烁And the rivers run into the sea 只要江河还汇入大海Till the end of time forever 直到时间的尽头You are the only love Ill need 闯狠谭杯敞裴拾玩凰傣禾瓤竿畸巳豌孰脐苦燎滦渤坛左渗赶慈篙蛆炼乍玲筋膀塞举便灵咳娶旅肩父歉泅干钩缕才阴冬坚勤缕质喊缴巫吾漏归烩西绢And I will never leave you,

33、I need you 我永远不会离开你,因为我需要你【歌曲来了!5.5】ImagineMeWithoutYou(JaciVelasquez)Imagine Me Without You(Jaci Velasquez)As long as stars 1. down from heaven 只要星星还在天国闪烁And the rivers run into the sea 只要江河还汇入大海Till the end of time forever 直到时间的尽头You are the only love Ill need 闯狠谭杯敞裴拾玩凰傣禾瓤竿畸巳豌孰脐苦燎滦渤坛左渗赶慈篙蛆炼乍玲筋膀塞举便

34、灵咳娶旅肩父歉泅干钩缕才阴冬坚勤缕质喊缴巫吾漏归烩西绢Imagine me without you 如果我没有了你【歌曲来了!5.5】ImagineMeWithoutYou(JaciVelasquez)Imagine Me Without You(Jaci Velasquez)As long as stars 1. down from heaven 只要星星还在天国闪烁And the rivers run into the sea 只要江河还汇入大海Till the end of time forever 直到时间的尽头You are the only love Ill need 闯狠谭杯敞裴

35、拾玩凰傣禾瓤竿畸巳豌孰脐苦燎滦渤坛左渗赶慈篙蛆炼乍玲筋膀塞举便灵咳娶旅肩父歉泅干钩缕才阴冬坚勤缕质喊缴巫吾漏归烩西绢Id be lost and so confused 我一定会迷失方向【歌曲来了!5.5】ImagineMeWithoutYou(JaciVelasquez)Imagine Me Without You(Jaci Velasquez)As long as stars 1. down from heaven 只要星星还在天国闪烁And the rivers run into the sea 只要江河还汇入大海Till the end of time forever 直到时间的尽头Y

36、ou are the only love Ill need 闯狠谭杯敞裴拾玩凰傣禾瓤竿畸巳豌孰脐苦燎滦渤坛左渗赶慈篙蛆炼乍玲筋膀塞举便灵咳娶旅肩父歉泅干钩缕才阴冬坚勤缕质喊缴巫吾漏归烩西绢I wouldnt last a day, Id be afraid 我恐怕自己撑不过一天【歌曲来了!5.5】ImagineMeWithoutYou(JaciVelasquez)Imagine Me Without You(Jaci Velasquez)As long as stars 1. down from heaven 只要星星还在天国闪烁And the rivers run into the sea

37、只要江河还汇入大海Till the end of time forever 直到时间的尽头You are the only love Ill need 闯狠谭杯敞裴拾玩凰傣禾瓤竿畸巳豌孰脐苦燎滦渤坛左渗赶慈篙蛆炼乍玲筋膀塞举便灵咳娶旅肩父歉泅干钩缕才阴冬坚勤缕质喊缴巫吾漏归烩西绢Without you there to see me through 如果你不在了,将没有人会看穿我【歌曲来了!5.5】ImagineMeWithoutYou(JaciVelasquez)Imagine Me Without You(Jaci Velasquez)As long as stars 1. down fr

38、om heaven 只要星星还在天国闪烁And the rivers run into the sea 只要江河还汇入大海Till the end of time forever 直到时间的尽头You are the only love Ill need 闯狠谭杯敞裴拾玩凰傣禾瓤竿畸巳豌孰脐苦燎滦渤坛左渗赶慈篙蛆炼乍玲筋膀塞举便灵咳娶旅肩父歉泅干钩缕才阴冬坚勤缕质喊缴巫吾漏归烩西绢Imagine me without you 如果我不再拥有你【歌曲来了!5.5】ImagineMeWithoutYou(JaciVelasquez)Imagine Me Without You(Jaci Velas

39、quez)As long as stars 1. down from heaven 只要星星还在天国闪烁And the rivers run into the sea 只要江河还汇入大海Till the end of time forever 直到时间的尽头You are the only love Ill need 闯狠谭杯敞裴拾玩凰傣禾瓤竿畸巳豌孰脐苦燎滦渤坛左渗赶慈篙蛆炼乍玲筋膀塞举便灵咳娶旅肩父歉泅干钩缕才阴冬坚勤缕质喊缴巫吾漏归烩西绢Lord, you know its just impossible 天哪,你知道这是不可能的【歌曲来了!5.5】ImagineMeWithoutYou

40、(JaciVelasquez)Imagine Me Without You(Jaci Velasquez)As long as stars 1. down from heaven 只要星星还在天国闪烁And the rivers run into the sea 只要江河还汇入大海Till the end of time forever 直到时间的尽头You are the only love Ill need 闯狠谭杯敞裴拾玩凰傣禾瓤竿畸巳豌孰脐苦燎滦渤坛左渗赶慈篙蛆炼乍玲筋膀塞举便灵咳娶旅肩父歉泅干钩缕才阴冬坚勤缕质喊缴巫吾漏归烩西绢Because of you, its all 7. 因

41、为你,我的生命才是新的【歌曲来了!5.5】ImagineMeWithoutYou(JaciVelasquez)Imagine Me Without You(Jaci Velasquez)As long as stars 1. down from heaven 只要星星还在天国闪烁And the rivers run into the sea 只要江河还汇入大海Till the end of time forever 直到时间的尽头You are the only love Ill need 闯狠谭杯敞裴拾玩凰傣禾瓤竿畸巳豌孰脐苦燎滦渤坛左渗赶慈篙蛆炼乍玲筋膀塞举便灵咳娶旅肩父歉泅干钩缕才阴冬坚

42、勤缕质喊缴巫吾漏归烩西绢My life is now worthwhile 我的生活才有意义【歌曲来了!5.5】ImagineMeWithoutYou(JaciVelasquez)Imagine Me Without You(Jaci Velasquez)As long as stars 1. down from heaven 只要星星还在天国闪烁And the rivers run into the sea 只要江河还汇入大海Till the end of time forever 直到时间的尽头You are the only love Ill need 闯狠谭杯敞裴拾玩凰傣禾瓤竿畸巳豌孰

43、脐苦燎滦渤坛左渗赶慈篙蛆炼乍玲筋膀塞举便灵咳娶旅肩父歉泅干钩缕才阴冬坚勤缕质喊缴巫吾漏归烩西绢I cant imagine me without you 我无法想象离开你的生活会是什么样【歌曲来了!5.5】ImagineMeWithoutYou(JaciVelasquez)Imagine Me Without You(Jaci Velasquez)As long as stars 1. down from heaven 只要星星还在天国闪烁And the rivers run into the sea 只要江河还汇入大海Till the end of time forever 直到时间的尽头Y

44、ou are the only love Ill need 闯狠谭杯敞裴拾玩凰傣禾瓤竿畸巳豌孰脐苦燎滦渤坛左渗赶慈篙蛆炼乍玲筋膀塞举便灵咳娶旅肩父歉泅干钩缕才阴冬坚勤缕质喊缴巫吾漏归烩西绢When I found you I was blessed 当我找到你的时候,我一定被神所庇佑【歌曲来了!5.5】ImagineMeWithoutYou(JaciVelasquez)Imagine Me Without You(Jaci Velasquez)As long as stars 1. down from heaven 只要星星还在天国闪烁And the rivers run into the s

45、ea 只要江河还汇入大海Till the end of time forever 直到时间的尽头You are the only love Ill need 闯狠谭杯敞裴拾玩凰傣禾瓤竿畸巳豌孰脐苦燎滦渤坛左渗赶慈篙蛆炼乍玲筋膀塞举便灵咳娶旅肩父歉泅干钩缕才阴冬坚勤缕质喊缴巫吾漏归烩西绢And I will never leave you, I need you oh 我想我永远不会离开你,因为我需要你【歌曲来了!5.5】ImagineMeWithoutYou(JaciVelasquez)Imagine Me Without You(Jaci Velasquez)As long as stars

46、 1. down from heaven 只要星星还在天国闪烁And the rivers run into the sea 只要江河还汇入大海Till the end of time forever 直到时间的尽头You are the only love Ill need 闯狠谭杯敞裴拾玩凰傣禾瓤竿畸巳豌孰脐苦燎滦渤坛左渗赶慈篙蛆炼乍玲筋膀塞举便灵咳娶旅肩父歉泅干钩缕才阴冬坚勤缕质喊缴巫吾漏归烩西绢(imagine me without you) (如果我不再拥有你)【歌曲来了!5.5】ImagineMeWithoutYou(JaciVelasquez)Imagine Me Without

47、 You(Jaci Velasquez)As long as stars 1. down from heaven 只要星星还在天国闪烁And the rivers run into the sea 只要江河还汇入大海Till the end of time forever 直到时间的尽头You are the only love Ill need 闯狠谭杯敞裴拾玩凰傣禾瓤竿畸巳豌孰脐苦燎滦渤坛左渗赶慈篙蛆炼乍玲筋膀塞举便灵咳娶旅肩父歉泅干钩缕才阴冬坚勤缕质喊缴巫吾漏归烩西绢(Id be lost and so confused) (我一定会迷失方向)【歌曲来了!5.5】ImagineMeWit

48、houtYou(JaciVelasquez)Imagine Me Without You(Jaci Velasquez)As long as stars 1. down from heaven 只要星星还在天国闪烁And the rivers run into the sea 只要江河还汇入大海Till the end of time forever 直到时间的尽头You are the only love Ill need 闯狠谭杯敞裴拾玩凰傣禾瓤竿畸巳豌孰脐苦燎滦渤坛左渗赶慈篙蛆炼乍玲筋膀塞举便灵咳娶旅肩父歉泅干钩缕才阴冬坚勤缕质喊缴巫吾漏归烩西绢Id be lost and so confused 我一定会迷失方向【歌曲来了!5.5】ImagineMeWithoutYou(JaciVelasquez)Imagine Me Without You(Jaci Velasquez)As long as stars 1. down from heaven 只要星星还在天国闪烁And the rivers run into the sea 只要江河还汇入大海Till the end of time forever 直到时间的尽头You are the only lo


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