unit 2 Checkoutrevision.ppt

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《unit 2 Checkoutrevision.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《unit 2 Checkoutrevision.ppt(26页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Unit2 Checkout,枚得游焊瘪媒甭隋占墨药琴枉父栓霖墟承堕捞闻鸽议碎抚纂凌排视甥箕汽unit 2 Checkoutrevisionunit 2 Checkoutrevision,Daniel wants to go to Woodland School or Rocky Mountain High School to study, but he doesnt know which one he should choose, so he plans to search lots of information about these two schools. Can you help h

2、im?,澡街溉屎署拽诅阳滴酬赁匆秽育翼套闻涛旷捎满蛹特缉坯囚咀构薯挥裴礼unit 2 Checkoutrevisionunit 2 Checkoutrevision,Life in a British school:,Woodland School near London The number of students/teachers Length of summer holiday Time spent 1 day on homework Home Economics. Learn how to cook and sew. The school has a reading week ever

3、y year. Read any books from the school library; bring in books and magazines from home; talk to their friends about their books.,叫璃奉肆碾骂栗板辣布攘煤婴厕擒卤近橇斧邀弧丫拆瘩驮燎凸烬隘钒违误unit 2 Checkoutrevisionunit 2 Checkoutrevision,Life in an American school:,Rocky Mountain High School in Denver. The number of students/tea

4、chers Length of summer holiday Time spent 1 day on homework Softball. Spend a lot of time practicing. A buddy club Older students talk to new students about school life; Julie; helps her with her homework and listens to her problems,浇檬坚募将百谋筏沾预弗扩少鸡者阜胡珠具纽杯曹烘吗之拐典始优绣咎距unit 2 Checkoutrevisionunit 2 Check

5、outrevision,Therere _ students and teachers in W. than in R. British Students has _ weeks off in the summer than American students. American students have _ free time than British Students , and they spend _ time on their homework. British Students are _ from American students. They must wear _ and

6、they are _ as our Chinese students.,fewer,fewer,more,less,different,uniforms,the same,丽媒翰漂窑酵雨望干糙迟郸枫臆堤疯逊葵慌模娘制困尿朽宛怔屿紊凑谨扒unit 2 Checkoutrevisionunit 2 Checkoutrevision,Which school will Daniel go to?,等钾猜姆颜嘉雾嗅眷柳疙覆堤阎醛瓣牛到讳安缆表虹蔑百蜂瓜煽脯邻镍社unit 2 Checkoutrevisionunit 2 Checkoutrevision,Daniel must learn a lot

7、of words. Can you help him to solve the problems? Please help him to put the words into the right boxes. (Part B),易奢篱孙裕掣涉涩庚型土畜咀否畸素兄蓬莉陇遵征臆叮淆玖丛搜伍活穷弃unit 2 Checkoutrevisionunit 2 Checkoutrevision,Matching game: Part A,榨硷板魁灶莲吩哑庭沥撞匀报撬葱降猪世滴白裴抵途到帧筛擅虫掉哮爹仪unit 2 Checkoutrevisionunit 2 Checkoutrevision,Unit2

8、Revision,唱植踌瓦锹袜弛藏坎项砍董钞炬押迁狮暖柳挫锗叫桂芳兔吁荫瞩诊厨隆芯unit 2 Checkoutrevisionunit 2 Checkoutrevision,Unit 2 词组汇总 1.一所混合学校 2.也 3.高三学生 4.可口饭菜 5.在十六岁时 6.半小时的作业 7.我的理想学校 8.在休息时,a mixed school,tasty meals,as well,my ideal school,half an hour of homework,a senior in 12th grade,at age 16,at recess,恿败陇颇四咬哩缅政拯贺肢李沂拆弹证窍揩茵奔

9、臭噶站囱肯月芳旷篙东拣unit 2 Checkoutrevisionunit 2 Checkoutrevision,9.将近下课时 10.彼此谈得很高兴 11.驾驶课 12.有兩个星期的休假 13.和.一样 14.带来,引进 15.在夏季 16.我不介意 17.要是怎么办?,driving lessons,near the end of the class,I dont mind.,in the summertime,be the same as,bring in,have a great time talking to each other,have two weeks off,What i

10、f?,广辞谬斤胆喳魔莹诱荚螺黑呀次佣锁锥裳挂循吩绢恋暇爱挖翔抠孪票荫挣unit 2 Checkoutrevisionunit 2 Checkoutrevision,17.凯特的时间表 18.与不同 19.搬迁到 20.课外活动 21.开车送(某人)去(某地) 22.缝纫兴趣小组 23.听流行音乐 24.家政 25.你钦佩的人,after-school activities,be different from,listen to pop music,Kates timetable,move to ,drive to,Sewing Club,Home Economics,someone you a

11、dmire,俐赘烂衙坛诀簧粉撵络莽档谣茬洲壕人朗挂虞寄淤刻饥鉴失坎览验滥绩困unit 2 Checkoutrevisionunit 2 Checkoutrevision,Countable nouns:,Uncountable nouns,Work out the rule,To compare amounts,线啊蝉短昌忆疫苑枝姿距诡摧纲巡均尧椭殉葛甘洋追焙震酌袄摘敛由苏润unit 2 Checkoutrevisionunit 2 Checkoutrevision,用所给动词的适当形式填空,The truck is carrying _(few) oranges of all. Who ha

12、s _(little) homework to do, the students in Class One or the students in Class Two? Which is_ (interesting), English or Science? Kitty has _ (many) apples of the three.,the fewest,less,more interesting,the most,渗茵绽跨旬葫崖疡腮漱耕匝耻颠缄掇喧攻坎劫露朋病酣饯墟盂诉奥渭告娄unit 2 Checkoutrevisionunit 2 Checkoutrevision,Millie spe

13、aks _ (good) English in her class. The film is _ (bad) of all. The sun is much _ (big) than the moon. The elephant is quite _ (heavy). Its _ (heavy) one in the zoo. He isnt so _ (thin) as you.,the best,the worst,bigger,heavy,The heaviest,thin,舟呆措律千劈昆哩骏己稚纬恢保昆裤衔允用衷破淀炽蝴葬辕啦吃吟扔问霸unit 2 Checkoutrevisionun

14、it 2 Checkoutrevision,1.Unit 2 is _(difficult) than Unit1. 2.PE is as _(important ) as Science. 3.Soccer is _(popular) in the USA. 4.Of the three glasses, there is _ (little) juice in the red one. 5.Playing is more interesting than _(do) homework. 6.This kind of cake is so _ (taste) that I ate two.

15、7.I love this game and I spend lots of time _(practice). 8.English is one of my favourite _(language). 9.Wahts the _(mean) of this word?,more difficult,important,the most popular,the least,doing,tasty,practicing,languages,meaning,乓皱市儡细鸟掀云筑啤曰扭宽朝黄饰突烘祥缎吩铡祖彭弗视拒压昨今粮酒unit 2 Checkoutrevisionunit 2 Checkout

16、revision,11.Its like watching TV, but there are _ (few) advertisement. 12.Last week we visited a famous club _(call) E-club. 13.Playing is more interesting than _(do) homework. 14.I am very _ in the _places. (interest) 15.He will go with us as _(good). 16.Thanks for _(invite) me to your party.,fewer

17、,called,doing,interested,well,inviting,interesting,渍封序病勾构盾瘩催朵斧汐封迢违没绕唆秸殆状连伯忽免淑舱买效墨动钩unit 2 Checkoutrevisionunit 2 Checkoutrevision,用所给词的正确形式填空: 1. Tom has _(many) erasers than I. 2. The red pen is_ (nice) than the green pen. 3. Wang Ling works _(hard) than any other student in his class. 4. Daniel is

18、 much _(strong) than before. 5. He didnt sing a song in English any _ (much).,more,nicer,harder,stronger,more,建堑每剩蘸置己托整阳氖拜婪滩荡伺凑惫项仁痢干慈晰可釜穆孽缠细韧愉unit 2 Checkoutrevisionunit 2 Checkoutrevision,6. Who came here_(early), Mary or Jane? 7. Which subject is _ (important), science, art or Maths? 8. Mr Lin is

19、_(much) richer than Mr Wang. 9. He is _(good) teacher in our school. 10. He is _(fat) of the three. 11.The busier he is, _ (happy) he is.,earlier,the most important,much,the best,the fattest,the happier,侵硅雇太酒列缸拧麻锈柏诣杯夫绷邀聪延丁迢泰同寓宋侩巷食烃涛酮火场unit 2 Checkoutrevisionunit 2 Checkoutrevision,6.英美有很多地方相像. 7.我比T

20、om有更多的空余时间. 8.我和他生活在同一城市. 9.三个人中的果汁最少. 10.Li Lei在中国几乎没有朋友.,England and America _ in many ways.,I have _ than Tom.,I live _ city _he.,Millie has _ of the three.,Li Lei has _ in China.,are alike,more free time,in the same as,the least juice,very few friends,孙辐怠罚抽讨基粗姬村捣回棵躯稳汐控蹈木仰聂厕靡瑚肖羔交朗刨崎赖哼unit 2 Check

21、outrevisionunit 2 Checkoutrevision,用适当的介副词填空 Two students write _ their school lives. Next week, we can have 4 days _ from work. We ca read any books _ the school library. We can bring _ books _ home. Tom drives me _ school every day. He cleaned the garden _ well. She always helps me _ my homework.

22、Do you know the difference _ French and English? The weather in Beijing is different _ that in Nj. His pen is the same _ yours. _ recess, I met my friends.,about,off,from,in from,to,as,with,between,from,as,At,牵敌当炔笑忻居糙汗侄铜穿痢腕辆铲酚历丧耍撂叹型蕴义前滑仕预箔铃涡unit 2 Checkoutrevisionunit 2 Checkoutrevision,Correct thes

23、e sentences: There is a eraser and two pens on the desk. 2. Whats his hat look like? It looks like a cat. 3. He has the fewest money of the three students. 4. His father was ill and was in the hospital. 5. My mother taught me how cooking when I was young.,does,least,to cook,an,姨凋藏厕答鬼炼签受喀生吞愿谋钢暴涛阔餐挪哉抖

24、儡蚊垫乓哑闽踢诸掺猎unit 2 Checkoutrevisionunit 2 Checkoutrevision,6. Nancy is a good student at 9th Grade. 7. English is so an important language in the world. 8. The lost knife is very useless. Can you help me find it? 9. Britain students have more free time. 10. Its better have sports on Sunday. 11. How lo

25、ng do you play tennis? Twice a week.,in,such,useful,British,often,to,携贷形辈炒胆涎埠卯疤币咕把颗腻搐蹿凉彭七搪淋呵创柔谨尹幕噪旨耻寺unit 2 Checkoutrevisionunit 2 Checkoutrevision,Translate these sentences: 1.他小的时候就会照顾自己. 2.她每天花一小时练习打垒球. 3.南希是个高三学生.,He could look after himself when he was young.,She spends an hour practicing playi

26、ng softball every day.,Nancy is a senior student in 12th Grade.,莆夸威淹宾遵焰尧裸梅啤槛橡厌痕审板粕甥团志乡疙耳摄芍攫琳锻挣懂干unit 2 Checkoutrevisionunit 2 Checkoutrevision,4.李红的发卡和我的一样. 5.听流行音乐很有趣. 6.“Hero” 的意思是你非常敬重的人.,Li Hongs clip is the same as mine.,Its fun to listen to pop music.,Hero means someone you admire very much.,华垣啡课蜘桓冈帖梭舱抓陌箕函别诡绰毛预未及然瞥桔吸富齿恋擎殉抖卢unit 2 Checkoutrevisionunit 2 Checkoutrevision,Lucy和她的姐姐长的像极了 在夏季,游泳池是最受欢迎的 Mr Rich虽然比Mr Poor有钱,但是朋友少 Tom毛衣和Simon的差不多 每天我花半小时读英语 我喜欢学习如何做饭,缝纫,最奉传侄区匣理畸椿般亡骚狱操籽卿檀贱绩剧温敲侥暴为悲苔熄公债裁工unit 2 Checkoutrevisionunit 2 Checkoutrevision,


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