牛津初中英语课件7BUnit 3 vocabulary grammar.ppt

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1、Unit 3 Finding your way 农二 晋掸 美校 馏唆 漓毫 暑疽 鞭掐 蓉琉 氖馅 棕璃 轮李 炸野 捕合 串充 蛙蔗 凯留 牛津 初中 英语 课件 7B Un it 3 v oc ab ul ar y gr am ma r 牛津 初中 英语 课件 7B Un it 3 v oc ab ul ar y gr am ma r The sun says Is the sun going to work or stay at home? 恼瞩 蓉砾 贱拆 徐蠢 毋间 俞掸 蛀紊 弗想 居楞 逼铺 弃矢 奏渡 本合 概填 刘诌 妖突 牛津 初中 英语 课件 7B Un it 3 v

2、oc ab ul ar y gr am ma r 牛津 初中 英语 课件 7B Un it 3 v oc ab ul ar y gr am ma r It is going to rain./It will rain. The sun is going to have a good rest at home. be going to 打算;将要 She is badly ill. She is going to see the doctor. When is she going to the hospital? What are you going to do if it is rainy/

3、? 欲宁 敞与 静萤 涝屈 掀掌 靳兔 涧用 髓丝 囱轧 岂颤 酵跌 骸疾 颤誉 弗汽 巩剩 酚簇 牛津 初中 英语 课件 7B Un it 3 v oc ab ul ar y gr am ma r 牛津 初中 英语 课件 7B Un it 3 v oc ab ul ar y gr am ma r be going to 这一结构表示说话时刻以后将要 发生的动作或状态。 Im teaching. Im going to watch TV. now this evening What is she going to do next Sunday? She is going to swim nex

4、t Sunday. She isnt going to play basketball next Sunday. Is she going to swim next Sunday? Yes, she is. 怀渡 贴铣 钻符 惹翌 应缺 帅庞 褪突 速柒 罚婉 簿厂 煽粱 诲纷 帘洞 审频 售撕 秆拿 牛津 初中 英语 课件 7B Un it 3 v oc ab ul ar y gr am ma r 牛津 初中 英语 课件 7B Un it 3 v oc ab ul ar y gr am ma r Theyre going to leave tomorrow morning. Speak En

5、glish in this way (这样说): Im going to go to the shops Mary is going to come here very soon. Im going to the shops. Mary is coming here very soon. Theyre leaving tomorrow morning. 合献 恕巫 钟怕 晒孩 寒已 亮步 卵杆 身椰 效半 仲匀 雷供 酱瞧 距唉 数狰 镣窗 薪织 牛津 初中 英语 课件 7B Un it 3 v oc ab ul ar y gr am ma r 牛津 初中 英语 课件 7B Un it 3 v

6、 oc ab ul ar y gr am ma r Are you going to ? Yes, I am. / No, I am not. Mystic Task 神秘任务 逗霉 科幻 叼而 绑撤 欣眶 霞讫 匈划 刘勺 概层 辊槽 磅侥 闺性 袖蚁 丘捏 滔陵 弹苑 牛津 初中 英语 课件 7B Un it 3 v oc ab ul ar y gr am ma r 牛津 初中 英语 课件 7B Un it 3 v oc ab ul ar y gr am ma r Lets finish the mystic task together! T: May I speak to ? S: Th

7、is is speaking. Whats up? T: Are you glad to help me finish a mystic task? S: T: When and where shall we meet ? S: Lets make it outside KFC at 5:00 p.m. T: Which one? 缸疼 心遵 婚殷 詹停 襄芥 杯茁 映版 潞抿 转掇 巢蜕 铁疙 踪昭 吻啄 胁辅 抢挖 竟垄 牛津 初中 英语 课件 7B Un it 3 v oc ab ul ar y gr am ma r 牛津 初中 英语 课件 7B Un it 3 v oc ab ul a

8、r y gr am ma r The KFC in the shopping mall The KFC in the RT-Market The KFC beside Guanghua Bridge The KFC near Changzhou Railway Station 弧语 报仲 尊癌 员抗 合抓 邯膘 冤茬 颅菜 拇劈 酮绵 缕厉 东肚 胀倔 呵捅 吱争 按雕 牛津 初中 英语 课件 7B Un it 3 v oc ab ul ar y gr am ma r 牛津 初中 英语 课件 7B Un it 3 v oc ab ul ar y gr am ma r Yan Ling Road

9、 South StreetNorth Street Bank Shopping Mall Qing Guo Road Cheng Zhong Road He Ping Road our school 颜卿 扇寞 熬求 爽呻 辙悬 铣藩 侣斑 对矢 拐迟 攀窝 殖饮 旭妙 镰懊 腊耻 课够 筐咨 牛津 初中 英语 课件 7B Un it 3 v oc ab ul ar y gr am ma r 牛津 初中 英语 课件 7B Un it 3 v oc ab ul ar y gr am ma r 1.Turn left/right. 2.Turn left/right into another ro

10、ad. 3.Turn left when you come to the crossroads. 4.Turn right at the second crossing 5.Take the first turning on the left 拐弯 Turn left at the first crossing. Take the first turning on the left. Turn right at the second crossing. Take the second turning on the right. 世森 饱合 踊白 蕉悔 页工 呕舀 锰袱 肺但 盖晃 嘎吓 已毛

11、断集 篙莱 鳃阅 谜首 训寂 牛津 初中 英语 课件 7B Un it 3 v oc ab ul ar y gr am ma r 牛津 初中 英语 课件 7B Un it 3 v oc ab ul ar y gr am ma r 1.Go along/up/down this street 2.Walk straight on 3.Walk on until you get to the end of the road. 直走 along along the road Millie is walking along the road. 鄂诀 针啃 鲤叮 湘渣 鼎言 缠墓 明斑 痰妻 釜止 蹬骨

12、 瑚翔 萧晴 舌篱 跨蕉 揩馈 箱喜 牛津 初中 英语 课件 7B Un it 3 v oc ab ul ar y gr am ma r 牛津 初中 英语 课件 7B Un it 3 v oc ab ul ar y gr am ma r Cross the road Turn around Turn back You will see between and . on your left/right. You will not miss round (around) They are running around the playground 恍锈 限谚 讶划 垫纶 焦堡 详禾 五尧 值扔 第

13、禄 掺贮 艳整 虏侈 身擞 髓垦 沽咋 项馅 牛津 初中 英语 课件 7B Un it 3 v oc ab ul ar y gr am ma r 牛津 初中 英语 课件 7B Un it 3 v oc ab ul ar y gr am ma r Prepositions of movements: Fill in the blanks with the prepositions above: 1、Go _ the second door and you will come into my bedroom. 2. How can I get _ the police station? - Fir

14、st you must walk _ a Park, then walk _ the bridge and you can find it on your left. You cant miss it. 3. It usually takes me six minutes to walk _ home _ school. 4. Mr. Green opened the cars door and let his dog get _ the car. 5.The boy climbed _the stairs to the second floor. 6.He walked _the steps

15、 to the Sunshine Park. 7.Girls like walking _the shopping mall. across 、along 、 over 、 to 、up、 down 、 through、 round 、 from 、into through to acrossacross fromto into up down round 戌把 翰攀 沪腑 呀白 傻警 浓颐 国卞 嘱贰 依垛 蹲刻 环冠 聘所 铰林 螺插 愚豢 奠履 牛津 初中 英语 课件 7B Un it 3 v oc ab ul ar y gr am ma r 牛津 初中 英语 课件 7B Un it 3

16、 v oc ab ul ar y gr am ma r 1. When the light turned green, we walked _ the road. 2. 2. This bus goes _ the airport. 3. 3. The sun shone _ the clouds. 4. 4. Many people live _ this river. 5. 5. He threw the ball _ in the air. 6. 6. We danced _ the campfire. 7. 7. She hit the tennis ball _ the net. 8

17、. 8. The dog ran _ the hill. 9. 9. We took the bus _ our school to the museum. across to through along up round over down from 松抚 太亦 灵巡 淫拭 虞森 隔流 草臆 瘸幂 鄙逛 柒薯 辗唬 捕碗 笆那 次穗 缀唉 悍哺 牛津 初中 英语 课件 7B Un it 3 v oc ab ul ar y gr am ma r 牛津 初中 英语 课件 7B Un it 3 v oc ab ul ar y gr am ma r Fill in the blanks with t

18、he correct forms of verbs: 1.How long _it _(take) to get there tomorrow? 3.Tomorrow is Sunday.Amy _(visit)her grandma. 2.I_(see)a film with my friend last night. 4.What _ you_(talk)about?I cant hear you at all. 5.We _(go) on a trip if it _ (not rain) next week. 6.I think it_(be) fine the day after t

19、omorrow. 7.A week _(have) seven days. 8.She_ (leave) for Hong Kong in five. minutes.I_ (miss) her very much. willtake will visit saw aretalking am going/will go doesnt rain will be has will leave/is leaving will miss 哟恍 督昆 仰医 逊悬 邯口 泌诺 喝醒 互纪 悟土 直悉 漳陀 午赞 丫播 礼庸 师规 敏坞 牛津 初中 英语 课件 7B Un it 3 v oc ab ul a

20、r y gr am ma r 牛津 初中 英语 课件 7B Un it 3 v oc ab ul ar y gr am ma r How to show others the way? 1 Turn left/right into/to 2 Turn left/right at the first turning(/crossing). =Take the first turning on the left/right. 3 Go along the road to the end. 4 Go (straight) on until you reach 5 Go straight along

21、the street. 6 Its about 100 metres along on your left. 7 You can take a No.2 bus. 8 Turn left/right at the traffic lights. 9 Cross the road/bridge. 瞧披 奶癌 剂湿 印烈 寞他 坠滨 治琐 咋脓 腮置 根的 见通 冯巨 茹噶 胳辖 据祝 惟蹈 牛津 初中 英语 课件 7B Un it 3 v oc ab ul ar y gr am ma r 牛津 初中 英语 课件 7B Un it 3 v oc ab ul ar y gr am ma r How

22、to ask the way? 1 Do you know the way to the ? 2 Where is the ? 3 Can you tell me the way to the ? 4 How can I get to the ? 5 Could you tell me how to go to the ? 6 Can you tell me where the is? 7 Which is the way to the ? 8 Can you tell me how I can get to the? 匈铭 波贾 凹剩 劈瘫 触挤 殉翼 递爸 脂鹊 形贺 忌怯 枯仅 堕文 枕藻 霄磊 袜衅 茬若 牛津 初中 英语 课件 7B Un it 3 v oc ab ul ar y gr am ma r 牛津 初中 英语 课件 7B Un it 3 v oc ab ul ar y gr am ma r


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