Preparing an oral presentation for a scientific meeting.ppt

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《Preparing an oral presentation for a scientific meeting.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Preparing an oral presentation for a scientific meeting.ppt(44页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Preparing an oral presentation Preparing an oral presentation for a scientific meetingfor a scientific meeting Hans LambersHans Lambers School of Plant BiologySchool of Plant Biology The University of Western AustraliaThe University of Western Australia Perth, AustraliaPerth, Australia hlamberscylle

2、 Maximising your chances to get your Maximising your chances to get your message acrossmessage across 淫俩 胺擞 邻迂 民淹 殆杨 昆奎 务环 僵甸 册顷 编紫 拂款 樟乱 萄蕴 获薯 潘及 账噶 Pr ep ar in g an o ra l pr es en ta ti on f or a s ci en ti fi c me et in gP re pa ri ng a n or al p re se nt a

3、t io n fo r a sc ie nt if ic m ee ti ng Professor in Plant Biology since 1985Professor in Plant Biology since 1985 Attended/organised many scientific meetingsAttended/organised many scientific meetings Presented many guest lectures and seminars Presented many guest lectures and seminars in many coun

4、triesin many countries Photo Dr Jianbo Shen, China Agricultural University, Beijing, PR China 矛捻 户辽 湛尚 手鄙 胯彭 粪么 伴关 斤卿 胎筋 休狠 澄柠 副洱 栗尾 耘鹅 删行 佯倡 Pr ep ar in g an o ra l pr es en ta ti on f or a s ci en ti fi c me et in gP re pa ri ng a n or al p re se nt at io n fo r a sc ie nt if ic m ee ti ng The sem

5、inars The seminars included several at included several at three Universities three Universities in PR China in PR China 网腺 复如 聂外 堆帮 雀端 财峡 釉沸 宴蟹 科负 吭未 虎胜 赏涩 见幼 塑绷 邓锑 豹澡 Pr ep ar in g an o ra l pr es en ta ti on f or a s ci en ti fi c me et in gP re pa ri ng a n or al p re se nt at io n fo r a sc ie

6、nt if ic m ee ti ng The structure of a presentation for a The structure of a presentation for a scientific meetingscientific meeting Title, author(s), addresses Background Aims Materials and methods Results Discussion Acknowledgments References may be added when using figures or tables from publishe

7、d papers 承昏 诲娄 名鼎 丸饲 驭敷 叶畦 倔跌 雪凡 傣之 扼凶 娘炽 谬饶 暇嘻 寓责 赵廊 且蛊 Pr ep ar in g an o ra l pr es en ta ti on f or a s ci en ti fi c me et in gP re pa ri ng a n or al p re se nt at io n fo r a sc ie nt if ic m ee ti ng Before you start, choose a “font”Before you start, choose a “font” Arial TimesNewRoman Comic

8、 Sans MS Book Antiqua AvantGarde Bookman Garamond Palatino Choose a simple and clear font, e.g., Arial or Comic Sans MS 宵枕 嫌梗 观荆 叼荒 鸿堆 即哗 转杠 缕坐 氢招 彪欠 虫袒 婶泰 海额 句沧 笋嗅 劫起 Pr ep ar in g an o ra l pr es en ta ti on f or a s ci en ti fi c me et in gP re pa ri ng a n or al p re se nt at io n fo r a sc ie n

9、t if ic m ee ti ng Choose an appropriate “font size”Choose an appropriate “font size” Arial 40 is too large - only ok for very important text Arial 36 is still a bit too large Arial 28 is my standard Arial 24 is still readable Arial 16 is too small to read for main text ok for additional information

10、 Arial 12 is much too small to read, even in the front row Arial 8 is what you use if you want to make sure your audience falls asleep I like Arial 32 for my titles, Arial 28 for the main text, and Arial 16 for references 膳辽 蚤酵 扶磷 摸莲 揩臼 拱润 闪胁 尊酝 敷晒 禄段 酸商 幌翅 楞坏 公峭 显兄 职媒 Pr ep ar in g an o ra l pr es

11、en ta ti on f or a s ci en ti fi c me et in gP re pa ri ng a n or al p re se nt at io n fo r a sc ie nt if ic m ee ti ng The titleThe title It should cover the main aims and/or message It should appeal to your audience It should not be too long It is preferably be the same as the one you gave to the

12、 organisers of the meeting, several weeks before 胞蕾 静诗 阵沃 漠钱 含魏 轻恭 槐闽 觅叛 防驴 澄蕉 膊宦 剑周 诌硷 康炭 塘急 替闪 Pr ep ar in g an o ra l pr es en ta ti on f or a s ci en ti fi c me et in gP re pa ri ng a n or al p re se nt at io n fo r a sc ie nt if ic m ee ti ng Different ways to present some Different ways to pre

13、sent some background informationbackground information Avoid too much text Use dot points when using text “One picture is worth more than a thousand words” Use diagrams as well as real photographs 礁静 撕查 显盖 眶坦 葛猪 烩迭 森孺 栋目 迄蔼 疏锗 扔别 凹燥 丧烛 雾厕 辞浦 示溶 Pr ep ar in g an o ra l pr es en ta ti on f or a s ci e

14、n ti fi c me et in gP re pa ri ng a n or al p re se nt at io n fo r a sc ie nt if ic m ee ti ng How How notnot to present the background to present the background informationinformation Cluster roots are either simple or compound. In simple cluster roots, the rootlets occur on branch roots, they hav

15、e a determinate growth, and are common in most Proteaceae, e.g., Hakea, as well as in non-Proteaceae, e.g., Lupinus albus and Myrica gale. In compound cluster roots, some rootlets are branched; they also have a determinate growth; they are common in mat-forming members of the Proteaceae, e.g., Banks

16、ia, Dryandra (Australia), Leucadendron (South Africa). 濒宜 于忍 约哥 驶掷 歌船 篙喷 勇追 纺凹 杖鞋 镣症 料治 蔷嘴 炼决 肺滥 将蒲 擅阂 Pr ep ar in g an o ra l pr es en ta ti on f or a s ci en ti fi c me et in gP re pa ri ng a n or al p re se nt at io n fo r a sc ie nt if ic m ee ti ng SimpleSimple cluster cluster rootsroots Rootle

17、ts on branch root Determinate growth Common in most Proteaceae, e.g., Hakea Also common in non- Proteaceae, e.g., Lupinus albus, Myrica gale Presented like this, the information is easier to take in Some rootlets are branched Determinate growth Common in mat- forming members of the Proteaceae: Banks

18、ia, Dryandra (Australia), Leucadendron (South Africa) CompoundCompound cluster cluster rootsroots 祸蟹 嘛渔 歇算 甩底 井悬 癌此 兹侠 邮咖 股丰 蔫口 桔穿 箱嘶 筑断 萍某 新耿 舱崖 Pr ep ar in g an o ra l pr es en ta ti on f or a s ci en ti fi c me et in gP re pa ri ng a n or al p re se nt at io n fo r a sc ie nt if ic m ee ti ng How

19、ever, we can do a lot better However, we can do a lot better than thisthan this A diagram always helps, especially for those that learn more from pictures than from words 腾酶 姨糙 尾善 住驶 托决 霍涅 浴赢 哪崎 乡颈 顾老 栽湍 尸胳 他涸 辐诧 从简 区衬 Pr ep ar in g an o ra l pr es en ta ti on f or a s ci en ti fi c me et in gP re p

20、a ri ng a n or al p re se nt at io n fo r a sc ie nt if ic m ee ti ng SimpleSimple cluster roots cluster roots Rootlets on branch root Determinate growth Common in most Proteaceae, e.g., Hakea Also common in non- Proteaceae, e.g., Lupinus albus, Myrica gale Lamont, B. (2003) Structure, ecology and p

21、hysiology of root clusters a review. Plant Soil 248: 1-19. Give the “source” of your Give the “source” of your diagram, if it is not your diagram, if it is not your ownown 沈榷 晌奔 丑足 淡混 惜劣 础丘 擞炽 翟札 撩碗 凝兜 渣戮 湛它 寡逞 谜痕 昏弄 览队 Pr ep ar in g an o ra l pr es en ta ti on f or a s ci en ti fi c me et in gP re

22、pa ri ng a n or al p re se nt at io n fo r a sc ie nt if ic m ee ti ng Simple cluster roots of Simple cluster roots of HakeaHakea Hakea prostrata Hakea prostrata Hakea trifurcata “One picture is worth more than a thousand words” It complements a diagram 筑魂 肯混 远拳 藕月 耀沦 闷聂 抄溺 璃凶 续晋 滨晴 负裙 窄场 也辜 又舱 闷烁 滓

23、撅 Pr ep ar in g an o ra l pr es en ta ti on f or a s ci en ti fi c me et in gP re pa ri ng a n or al p re se nt at io n fo r a sc ie nt if ic m ee ti ng Compound Compound cluster rootscluster roots Some rootlets are branched Determinate growth Common in mat- forming members of the Proteaceae: Banksi

24、a, Dryandra (Australia), Leucadendron (South Africa) Lamont, B. (2003) Plant Soil 248: 1-19. 坤节 怔晋 你看 细贮 惭痈 岩谭 雨萝 咐芜 躁仰 咸馋 壹伪 否畏 零竿 尸棒 姜彤 免筒 Pr ep ar in g an o ra l pr es en ta ti on f or a s ci en ti fi c me et in gP re pa ri ng a n or al p re se nt at io n fo r a sc ie nt if ic m ee ti ng Compound

25、 cluster roots Compound cluster roots of of BanksiaBanksia species species 珍弧 昆蹲 笼坑 鸵玻 暗沸 导瓣 销氢 网腊 谱固 崎哑 袍贬 屯奠 便岛 牡厕 萄顾 挛倚 Pr ep ar in g an o ra l pr es en ta ti on f or a s ci en ti fi c me et in gP re pa ri ng a n or al p re se nt at io n fo r a sc ie nt if ic m ee ti ng The choice between a Figur

26、e or a TableThe choice between a Figure or a Table 频职 毁路 筷盅 嚎苯 虚剩 挟柿 淖亭 拍咋 我囱 狞氖 刽渝 乖科 馒赦 杨巳 欺摄 疑獭 Pr ep ar in g an o ra l pr es en ta ti on f or a s ci en ti fi c me et in gP re pa ri ng a n or al p re se nt at io n fo r a sc ie nt if ic m ee ti ng The columns of a table must be labelled The column

27、s of a table must be labelled appropriately, and the appropriately, and the unitsunits must be must be included tooincluded too Xu1.1 Huang1.2 Wang2.8 Tan3.2 Zhao4.3 Farmer Yield (ton ha-1) 姻湾 敢巷 捍削 瑚袋 妨瀑 投郭 厌阵 届庆 肤依 羞辐 奠邻 标遁 倪男 要痕 遂友 趋奶 Pr ep ar in g an o ra l pr es en ta ti on f or a s ci en ti fi

28、 c me et in gP re pa ri ng a n or al p re se nt at io n fo r a sc ie nt if ic m ee ti ng Use acceptable units, not ones that are Use acceptable units, not ones that are “out-of-date”“out-of-date” Recommended/preferred units are often included in Instructions for Authors Double prefixes are best avoi

29、ded, e.g., use mg g-1, rather than mg kg-1 (simpler) For information on SI conventions: http:/ 赛湍 遍堆 盾鸣 馅应 沤具 酣乍 雀漱 线酱 积爪 彪晴 谩蕉 煽学 燥缀 起酚 边戊 幢拖 Pr ep ar in g an o ra l pr es en ta ti on f or a s ci en ti fi c me et in gP re pa ri ng a n or al p re se nt at io n fo r a s

30、c ie nt if ic m ee ti ng AcknowledgementsAcknowledgements Thank the input of people and agencies who allowed you to present your paper Your supervisor (if not a co-author) Your technician (if not a co-author) Your colleague, who gave you some bright suggestions Granting agencies Others 还伸 阮版 粟逗 弯良 镭

31、躇 甩仕 纤泵 膘删 厚章 耍哩 懈曲 树薪 柑恳 踌卸 炔鞍 线条 Pr ep ar in g an o ra l pr es en ta ti on f or a s ci en ti fi c me et in gP re pa ri ng a n or al p re se nt at io n fo r a sc ie nt if ic m ee ti ng AbbreviationsAbbreviations All abbreviations must be explained Try to avoid abbreviations If you must use abbrevia

32、tions, they should be explained, preferably in each slide in which you use them 竹绑 烯饶 怠等 裸象 慑抵 阔杆 变涡 昂化 漆阻 赠怒 尧咯 似王 凯纽 沫民 烧学 姜掘 Pr ep ar in g an o ra l pr es en ta ti on f or a s ci en ti fi c me et in gP re pa ri ng a n or al p re se nt at io n fo r a sc ie nt if ic m ee ti ng Frequently made mista

33、kesFrequently made mistakes Too much information on a slide Poor timing of your presentation Too many animations Inappropriate colour combination 厅谊 妄走 浮唐 铜陷 竹呆 投扇 番读 刺乡 市锯 披肚 额已 廓敌 喜次 姿迪 剿勤 熊晴 Pr ep ar in g an o ra l pr es en ta ti on f or a s ci en ti fi c me et in gP re pa ri ng a n or al p re se

34、 nt at io n fo r a sc ie nt if ic m ee ti ng SI or recommended/preferred unitsNon-SI or discouraged / unacceptable units Lengthnm, mm, mm, m, km (i.e. m, and up and down by factors of thousand) cm, dm, dam, hm; inch, foot, yard, mile Areanm2, mm2, mm2, m2, km2 (i.e. m, and up and down like for lengt

35、h) cm2, ha / acre Volumem3 (and up and down like for length); also acceptable L (and up and down by factors of thousand) cm3, gallon, cubic feet Massg (and up and down by factors of thousand)bushel, tonne Times; also acceptable: h, day, yearmin Concentrationsmol m-3 (and up and down by factors of th

36、ousand); also acceptable: M (and up and down by factors of thousand); molc kg-1 cmol kg-1 g kg-1% mg g-1, mmol mol-1ppm, ppb TemperatureKelvin, K; Celcius, oCFahrenheit Transpiration, photosynthesis, respiration mol m-2 s-1, nmol g-1 s-1 (and up and down by factors of thousand) mol cm-2 h-1, mol dm-

37、2 min-1 Electrical conductivity, electricity and magnetism Siemens per meter, S m-1 (and up and down by factors of thousand) millimho per centimeter, mmho cm-1 Irradiancemmol m-2 s-1; W m-2, MJ m-2 day-1lux Pressure, water potentialPa, kPa, MPahPa, atmosphere 更偷 唯逮 蒜枉 粳蔼 综器 揪伪 矿鲸 空纫 公忌 决毋 勃屑 痛吹 廖券 赤

38、眶 钢洋 胎痊 Pr ep ar in g an o ra l pr es en ta ti on f or a s ci en ti fi c me et in gP re pa ri ng a n or al p re se nt at io n fo r a sc ie nt if ic m ee ti ng SI or recommended/preferred unitsNon-SI or discouraged / unacceptable units Lengthnm, mm, mm, m, km (i.e. m, and up and down by factors of th

39、ousand) cm, dm, dam, hm; inch, foot, yard, mile Areanm2, mm2, mm2, m2, km2 (i.e. m, and up and down like for length) cm2, ha / acre Volumem3 (and up and down like for length); also acceptable L (and up and down by factors of thousand) cm3, gallon, cubic feet Massg (and up and down by factors of thou

40、sand)bushel, tonne Times; also acceptable: h, day, yearmin Concentrationsmol m-3 (and up and down by factors of thousand); also acceptable: M (and up and down by factors of thousand); molc kg-1 cmol kg-1 g kg-1% mg g-1, mmol mol-1ppm, ppb TemperatureKelvin, K; Celcius, oCFahrenheit Transpiration, ph

41、otosynthesis, respiration mol m-2 s-1, nmol g-1 s-1 (and up and down by factors of thousand) mol cm-2 h-1, mol dm-2 min-1 Electrical conductivity, electricity and magnetism Siemens per meter, S m-1 (and up and down by factors of thousand) millimho per centimeter, mmho cm-1 Irradiancemmol m-2 s-1; W

42、m-2, MJ m-2 day-1lux Pressure, water potentialPa, kPa, MPahPa, atmosphere 炒烁 凶通 责腋 奶帘 苇甚 账琳 糖戈 搀注 冕酚 尿莉 陀苟 协跨 缔簇 厘份 苇徘 军挨 Pr ep ar in g an o ra l pr es en ta ti on f or a s ci en ti fi c me et in gP re pa ri ng a n or al p re se nt at io n fo r a sc ie nt if ic m ee ti ng Recommended/preferred SI un

43、its and nonRecommended/preferred SI units and non -SI units that are either discouraged or not -SI units that are either discouraged or not acceptable for acceptable for Plant and Soil.Plant and Soil. SI or recommended/preferred units Non-SI or discouraged / unacceptable units Length nm, mm, mm, m,

44、km (i.e. m, and up and down by factors of thousand) cm, dm / dam, hm. inch, foot, yard, mile Transpiration, photosynthesis, respiration mol m-2 s-1, nmol g-1 s-1 (and up and down by factors of thousand) mol cm-2 h-1, mol dm-2 min-1 绎晤 呼属 烷镀 傅拓 碧汕 纹辱 脑夏 浸蔫 糯军 驹霉 状臆 脐猎 岿眶 劫惶 耿戒 醇棋 Pr ep ar in g an o r

45、a l pr es en ta ti on f or a s ci en ti fi c me et in gP re pa ri ng a n or al p re se nt at io n fo r a sc ie nt if ic m ee ti ng TimingTiming Make sure you finish your presentation within the time available For a 15-minutes presentation, you only have 11 minutes to speak 1 min is “lost” in between

46、 presentations 3 min must be reserved for questions Practice your talk to make sure the timing is right Alone In front of a “friendly” audience for feedback 号隐 验竿 茁烙 劈蜂 炊啄 融柳 睁吐 硅碘 虱颈 允僳 条喳 舵怨 汹润 化崔 著铲 膀憾 Pr ep ar in g an o ra l pr es en ta ti on f or a s ci en ti fi c me et in gP re pa ri ng a n or

47、 al p re se nt at io n fo r a sc ie nt if ic m ee ti ng Animations can help to Animations can help to emphasise pointsemphasise points 逛仪 娶朽 琶虽 掏纬 滋袍 岛姥 般庚 捐邱 舌退 友薯 续进 屡窒 厄钟 杰锄 剂眶 蓄奸 Pr ep ar in g an o ra l pr es en ta ti on f or a s ci en ti fi c me et in gP re pa ri ng a n or al p re se nt at io n

48、 fo r a sc ie nt if ic m ee ti ng Nutrient availability as dependent on soil Nutrient availability as dependent on soil pH - note low availability of phosphate, pH - note low availability of phosphate, iron and manganese at iron and manganese at alkalinealkaline pH pH 晤菠 徒继 唁械 胀避 武行 惜蘑 顷涤 佃包 芍掇 槛悟 葡

49、粟 序别 昏胆 办走 沪聋 烽涧 Pr ep ar in g an o ra l pr es en ta ti on f or a s ci en ti fi c me et in gP re pa ri ng a n or al p re se nt at io n fo r a sc ie nt if ic m ee ti ng Too many (different) animations Too many (different) animations can be very distracting can be very distracting sometimes even irritatingsometimes even irritating 田锹 寂硷 柱战 决峰 突鼓 慎诸 撬竟 秒岁 盾育 亨捧 良川 亦脚 忆隔 批岭 予务 饱颈 Pr ep ar in g an o ra l pr es en ta ti on f or a s ci en ti fi c me et in gP re pa ri ng a n or al


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