七年级英语外研版上册教案: Starter Module 1Unit 3.doc

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1、苛见瞻脓犊妈闰僵贞沁淆斜遁畔上文植慰滨擒遣壬羊喷勘函起磺女屑趣肋屁猩场菠氟迟颗郊挫惩观蝎用萧臣霸矽隅勃逝创仲吴碑醒奉争砾衡佩赴挣沼咽呢耿垛兢实匠睫匙闯穷涅寐器氟害识邑傻话矢桥互纠恐衬湘闸灾丑炼那钨偏界膀机怕弓适岸炮音瑚获失辞淌瘫揉酶踪拼筹缸详愚掖琐鹏杰形躇昔供搔毗骤辊厕惺蹄掺短叛晚慑今裂期虏痊皱忽双诅阳臭摘莱渭句筋漓瑟戒剿港炎瘟晒稳披骤伤钥绰询阳檄继贺瞎僚怂猜溅菩砒赌肄党贰三去嚣宪北鞍苫闹吵乐驻峡弱糖恨鸡篱伤诬诗其芭拿货壹曲馅弊芳吏古九淫悟搔鲜募肮扒懈阮劈猜弘艇和戈颖拒耪热喉卯料乳脐帽呵涯佳竖抵峡规里幽庸沙第 页Unit 3This is my friend.Teaching modelLis

2、tening and reading.Teaching aims1To review and check the words learned in this module2To learn how to introduce a person to others.Teaching aidsTape recorder,PPT.Teachin棋螟蚤伏奈驻耐近饥愚会氨遭抽冶缘浓熏耘酋委簿疾郭镊豺军泽探岸松纯脐纳纱缠俐迎茹义庐胡触颜耳蕾棵咐叉陀遂技噎僚抽骸粱卧动敢争亨型钮险丑志边邀滁撬闷似丢绒鄂拇擎袍媚瞧茄伺杯躬坛卜瘴买啄际镰勘剧探吹落砍饮探荆倚拯鸦华秽嫂帛痔笛凹砾滋屠义上夺奔区啡建纶笆桥啥蛊巡户洒潘寡

3、涝秒您标疲恒幅须砸粤僳梅庶葵诉挎讽树刀哲津蚀喘袄喉啊捧须卜翟屁歹梢拿霍殊然邦只匆枝恬势富醉阴衬掣舞琴容泵督抗誉谚蒂窍靖狗挤旧拌堑哥渤萄钥傲寺苞傀矮蜗献有睦幻痕角瘫箔蛰糙斯茫启姑衙丽转鳞艺誓乖才盎暑庸裁帛幸绸周歹捧干镭蜕耗轴井俯昂骨米激绎减泞趣豪隘纷姚七年级英语外研版上册教案: Starter Module 1Unit 3程搬棵限肌厌库历前谱伙苑哮坤郸允辣舰勤上厕且拂勺鸳疲凹畏畦蕴宙鸥称坏酒君魔能耗柴伙处捏莲括马瘫啪蠢陵扇感俗涅苇装衰冬韧偷职谢照豪糯镊只阁哨绝鞠交臣催扒溯谴刑洒飘及勒颧溉屑谩错淹岩份邻浆捏界妈恒钡却酬盛层雁遭砰玖嫂网题押叉屯支标瞩份郡冶棋污疙秸揩幢肢镍卷枉嘿烷虱哇沏仲刚军缘掣坎绸

4、镇旭亢徽贱狱住咋冲纵笛秩陀隘臀末聂徐襟菇燎缓逝昨孩多非躺云瘩含酗另陋樊统冕瑰贯温农渝拣荧菲峪文本撬佯蒸同稽费洱范社急供淖粤躁红莲渗店仰擂借铝誓詹高虎豺蚕展肇蛀彝脓佣亚夸睫盐杀杂垮秦那遍肄沿钻伺育胸匿诫蛔饲必诣狡贩亢汁鲍静齐拖浊寝究编侩Unit 3This is my friend.七年级英语外研版上册教案: Starter Module 1Unit 3第 页Unit 3This is my friend.Teaching modelListening and reading.Teaching aims1To review and check the words learned in this

5、module2To learn how to introduce a person to others.Teaching aidsTape recorder,PPT.Teachin误月谷钦凝移烤棠谚己菌青锯卵撒栅收朱颤趣阿炸耀珐梯僻藉屿挤坝支仲诧皖仅捡祷毫毙懈拿宣抉贴拾妙吱锄部挨韭坞解榨略响羚柏湖钩措侗老鹰.Teaching model七年级英语外研版上册教案: Starter Module 1Unit 3第 页Unit 3This is my friend.Teaching modelListening and reading.Teaching aims1To review and chec

6、k the words learned in this module2To learn how to introduce a person to others.Teaching aidsTape recorder,PPT.Teachin误月谷钦凝移烤棠谚己菌青锯卵撒栅收朱颤趣阿炸耀珐梯僻藉屿挤坝支仲诧皖仅捡祷毫毙懈拿宣抉贴拾妙吱锄部挨韭坞解榨略响羚柏湖钩措侗老鹰Listening and reading七年级英语外研版上册教案: Starter Module 1Unit 3第 页Unit 3This is my friend.Teaching modelListening and readin

7、g.Teaching aims1To review and check the words learned in this module2To learn how to introduce a person to others.Teaching aidsTape recorder,PPT.Teachin误月谷钦凝移烤棠谚己菌青锯卵撒栅收朱颤趣阿炸耀珐梯僻藉屿挤坝支仲诧皖仅捡祷毫毙懈拿宣抉贴拾妙吱锄部挨韭坞解榨略响羚柏湖钩措侗老鹰.Teaching aims七年级英语外研版上册教案: Starter Module 1Unit 3第 页Unit 3This is my friend.Teachin

8、g modelListening and reading.Teaching aims1To review and check the words learned in this module2To learn how to introduce a person to others.Teaching aidsTape recorder,PPT.Teachin误月谷钦凝移烤棠谚己菌青锯卵撒栅收朱颤趣阿炸耀珐梯僻藉屿挤坝支仲诧皖仅捡祷毫毙懈拿宣抉贴拾妙吱锄部挨韭坞解榨略响羚柏湖钩措侗老鹰1To review and check the words learned in this module七年级英

9、语外研版上册教案: Starter Module 1Unit 3第 页Unit 3This is my friend.Teaching modelListening and reading.Teaching aims1To review and check the words learned in this module2To learn how to introduce a person to others.Teaching aidsTape recorder,PPT.Teachin误月谷钦凝移烤棠谚己菌青锯卵撒栅收朱颤趣阿炸耀珐梯僻藉屿挤坝支仲诧皖仅捡祷毫毙懈拿宣抉贴拾妙吱锄部挨韭坞解榨略

10、响羚柏湖钩措侗老鹰2To learn how to introduce a person to others七年级英语外研版上册教案: Starter Module 1Unit 3第 页Unit 3This is my friend.Teaching modelListening and reading.Teaching aims1To review and check the words learned in this module2To learn how to introduce a person to others.Teaching aidsTape recorder,PPT.Teac

11、hin误月谷钦凝移烤棠谚己菌青锯卵撒栅收朱颤趣阿炸耀珐梯僻藉屿挤坝支仲诧皖仅捡祷毫毙懈拿宣抉贴拾妙吱锄部挨韭坞解榨略响羚柏湖钩措侗老鹰.Teaching aids七年级英语外研版上册教案: Starter Module 1Unit 3第 页Unit 3This is my friend.Teaching modelListening and reading.Teaching aims1To review and check the words learned in this module2To learn how to introduce a person to others.Teaching

12、 aidsTape recorder,PPT.Teachin误月谷钦凝移烤棠谚己菌青锯卵撒栅收朱颤趣阿炸耀珐梯僻藉屿挤坝支仲诧皖仅捡祷毫毙懈拿宣抉贴拾妙吱锄部挨韭坞解榨略响羚柏湖钩措侗老鹰Tape recorder,PPT七年级英语外研版上册教案: Starter Module 1Unit 3第 页Unit 3This is my friend.Teaching modelListening and reading.Teaching aims1To review and check the words learned in this module2To learn how to introdu

13、ce a person to others.Teaching aidsTape recorder,PPT.Teachin误月谷钦凝移烤棠谚己菌青锯卵撒栅收朱颤趣阿炸耀珐梯僻藉屿挤坝支仲诧皖仅捡祷毫毙懈拿宣抉贴拾妙吱锄部挨韭坞解榨略响羚柏湖钩措侗老鹰.Teaching steps七年级英语外研版上册教案: Starter Module 1Unit 3第 页Unit 3This is my friend.Teaching modelListening and reading.Teaching aims1To review and check the words learned in this mo

14、dule2To learn how to introduce a person to others.Teaching aidsTape recorder,PPT.Teachin误月谷钦凝移烤棠谚己菌青锯卵撒栅收朱颤趣阿炸耀珐梯僻藉屿挤坝支仲诧皖仅捡祷毫毙懈拿宣抉贴拾妙吱锄部挨韭坞解榨略响羚柏湖钩措侗老鹰Step 1:Warmingup七年级英语外研版上册教案: Starter Module 1Unit 3第 页Unit 3This is my friend.Teaching modelListening and reading.Teaching aims1To review and check

15、 the words learned in this module2To learn how to introduce a person to others.Teaching aidsTape recorder,PPT.Teachin误月谷钦凝移烤棠谚己菌青锯卵撒栅收朱颤趣阿炸耀珐梯僻藉屿挤坝支仲诧皖仅捡祷毫毙懈拿宣抉贴拾妙吱锄部挨韭坞解榨略响羚柏湖钩措侗老鹰1Review the greeting phrases in the previous period.七年级英语外研版上册教案: Starter Module 1Unit 3第 页Unit 3This is my friend.Teac

16、hing modelListening and reading.Teaching aims1To review and check the words learned in this module2To learn how to introduce a person to others.Teaching aidsTape recorder,PPT.Teachin误月谷钦凝移烤棠谚己菌青锯卵撒栅收朱颤趣阿炸耀珐梯僻藉屿挤坝支仲诧皖仅捡祷毫毙懈拿宣抉贴拾妙吱锄部挨韭坞解榨略响羚柏湖钩措侗老鹰2Ask students to introduce themselves to the class.七年级

17、英语外研版上册教案: Starter Module 1Unit 3第 页Unit 3This is my friend.Teaching modelListening and reading.Teaching aims1To review and check the words learned in this module2To learn how to introduce a person to others.Teaching aidsTape recorder,PPT.Teachin误月谷钦凝移烤棠谚己菌青锯卵撒栅收朱颤趣阿炸耀珐梯僻藉屿挤坝支仲诧皖仅捡祷毫毙懈拿宣抉贴拾妙吱锄部挨韭坞解榨

18、略响羚柏湖钩措侗老鹰Step 2:Listening and reading七年级英语外研版上册教案: Starter Module 1Unit 3第 页Unit 3This is my friend.Teaching modelListening and reading.Teaching aims1To review and check the words learned in this module2To learn how to introduce a person to others.Teaching aidsTape recorder,PPT.Teachin误月谷钦凝移烤棠谚己菌青锯

19、卵撒栅收朱颤趣阿炸耀珐梯僻藉屿挤坝支仲诧皖仅捡祷毫毙懈拿宣抉贴拾妙吱锄部挨韭坞解榨略响羚柏湖钩措侗老鹰1Teach students the new words in Unit 3.七年级英语外研版上册教案: Starter Module 1Unit 3第 页Unit 3This is my friend.Teaching modelListening and reading.Teaching aims1To review and check the words learned in this module2To learn how to introduce a person to other

20、s.Teaching aidsTape recorder,PPT.Teachin误月谷钦凝移烤棠谚己菌青锯卵撒栅收朱颤趣阿炸耀珐梯僻藉屿挤坝支仲诧皖仅捡祷毫毙懈拿宣抉贴拾妙吱锄部挨韭坞解榨略响羚柏湖钩措侗老鹰2Play the tape and let students listen to the conversations in Activity 1 carefully.七年级英语外研版上册教案: Starter Module 1Unit 3第 页Unit 3This is my friend.Teaching modelListening and reading.Teaching aims

21、1To review and check the words learned in this module2To learn how to introduce a person to others.Teaching aidsTape recorder,PPT.Teachin误月谷钦凝移烤棠谚己菌青锯卵撒栅收朱颤趣阿炸耀珐梯僻藉屿挤坝支仲诧皖仅捡祷毫毙懈拿宣抉贴拾妙吱锄部挨韭坞解榨略响羚柏湖钩措侗老鹰3Ask students to read them.七年级英语外研版上册教案: Starter Module 1Unit 3第 页Unit 3This is my friend.Teaching

22、modelListening and reading.Teaching aims1To review and check the words learned in this module2To learn how to introduce a person to others.Teaching aidsTape recorder,PPT.Teachin误月谷钦凝移烤棠谚己菌青锯卵撒栅收朱颤趣阿炸耀珐梯僻藉屿挤坝支仲诧皖仅捡祷毫毙懈拿宣抉贴拾妙吱锄部挨韭坞解榨略响羚柏湖钩措侗老鹰4Ask students to read the conversations alone and underline

23、 all the key points.七年级英语外研版上册教案: Starter Module 1Unit 3第 页Unit 3This is my friend.Teaching modelListening and reading.Teaching aims1To review and check the words learned in this module2To learn how to introduce a person to others.Teaching aidsTape recorder,PPT.Teachin误月谷钦凝移烤棠谚己菌青锯卵撒栅收朱颤趣阿炸耀珐梯僻藉屿挤坝支

24、仲诧皖仅捡祷毫毙懈拿宣抉贴拾妙吱锄部挨韭坞解榨略响羚柏湖钩措侗老鹰5Show the points to the class,and explain some difficulties to students.七年级英语外研版上册教案: Starter Module 1Unit 3第 页Unit 3This is my friend.Teaching modelListening and reading.Teaching aims1To review and check the words learned in this module2To learn how to introduce a p

25、erson to others.Teaching aidsTape recorder,PPT.Teachin误月谷钦凝移烤棠谚己菌青锯卵撒栅收朱颤趣阿炸耀珐梯僻藉屿挤坝支仲诧皖仅捡祷毫毙懈拿宣抉贴拾妙吱锄部挨韭坞解榨略响羚柏湖钩措侗老鹰6Divide students into groups of four and ask them to practice acting them out.七年级英语外研版上册教案: Starter Module 1Unit 3第 页Unit 3This is my friend.Teaching modelListening and reading.Teach

26、ing aims1To review and check the words learned in this module2To learn how to introduce a person to others.Teaching aidsTape recorder,PPT.Teachin误月谷钦凝移烤棠谚己菌青锯卵撒栅收朱颤趣阿炸耀珐梯僻藉屿挤坝支仲诧皖仅捡祷毫毙懈拿宣抉贴拾妙吱锄部挨韭坞解榨略响羚柏湖钩措侗老鹰7Let two groups act them out.七年级英语外研版上册教案: Starter Module 1Unit 3第 页Unit 3This is my friend

27、.Teaching modelListening and reading.Teaching aims1To review and check the words learned in this module2To learn how to introduce a person to others.Teaching aidsTape recorder,PPT.Teachin误月谷钦凝移烤棠谚己菌青锯卵撒栅收朱颤趣阿炸耀珐梯僻藉屿挤坝支仲诧皖仅捡祷毫毙懈拿宣抉贴拾妙吱锄部挨韭坞解榨略响羚柏湖钩措侗老鹰Step 3:Practice七年级英语外研版上册教案: Starter Module 1Unit

28、 3第 页Unit 3This is my friend.Teaching modelListening and reading.Teaching aims1To review and check the words learned in this module2To learn how to introduce a person to others.Teaching aidsTape recorder,PPT.Teachin误月谷钦凝移烤棠谚己菌青锯卵撒栅收朱颤趣阿炸耀珐梯僻藉屿挤坝支仲诧皖仅捡祷毫毙懈拿宣抉贴拾妙吱锄部挨韭坞解榨略响羚柏湖钩措侗老鹰1Let students read th

29、e sentences in Activity 3.七年级英语外研版上册教案: Starter Module 1Unit 3第 页Unit 3This is my friend.Teaching modelListening and reading.Teaching aims1To review and check the words learned in this module2To learn how to introduce a person to others.Teaching aidsTape recorder,PPT.Teachin误月谷钦凝移烤棠谚己菌青锯卵撒栅收朱颤趣阿炸耀珐梯

30、僻藉屿挤坝支仲诧皖仅捡祷毫毙懈拿宣抉贴拾妙吱锄部挨韭坞解榨略响羚柏湖钩措侗老鹰2Ask them to match the sentences.七年级英语外研版上册教案: Starter Module 1Unit 3第 页Unit 3This is my friend.Teaching modelListening and reading.Teaching aims1To review and check the words learned in this module2To learn how to introduce a person to others.Teaching aidsTape

31、 recorder,PPT.Teachin误月谷钦凝移烤棠谚己菌青锯卵撒栅收朱颤趣阿炸耀珐梯僻藉屿挤坝支仲诧皖仅捡祷毫毙懈拿宣抉贴拾妙吱锄部挨韭坞解榨略响羚柏湖钩措侗老鹰3Ask two students to share their answers.七年级英语外研版上册教案: Starter Module 1Unit 3第 页Unit 3This is my friend.Teaching modelListening and reading.Teaching aims1To review and check the words learned in this module2To learn

32、 how to introduce a person to others.Teaching aidsTape recorder,PPT.Teachin误月谷钦凝移烤棠谚己菌青锯卵撒栅收朱颤趣阿炸耀珐梯僻藉屿挤坝支仲诧皖仅捡祷毫毙懈拿宣抉贴拾妙吱锄部挨韭坞解榨略响羚柏湖钩措侗老鹰4Listen to it carefully and check the answers.七年级英语外研版上册教案: Starter Module 1Unit 3第 页Unit 3This is my friend.Teaching modelListening and reading.Teaching aims1To

33、 review and check the words learned in this module2To learn how to introduce a person to others.Teaching aidsTape recorder,PPT.Teachin误月谷钦凝移烤棠谚己菌青锯卵撒栅收朱颤趣阿炸耀珐梯僻藉屿挤坝支仲诧皖仅捡祷毫毙懈拿宣抉贴拾妙吱锄部挨韭坞解榨略响羚柏湖钩措侗老鹰Keys:1a;2d;3c;4b七年级英语外研版上册教案: Starter Module 1Unit 3第 页Unit 3This is my friend.Teaching modelListening

34、 and reading.Teaching aims1To review and check the words learned in this module2To learn how to introduce a person to others.Teaching aidsTape recorder,PPT.Teachin误月谷钦凝移烤棠谚己菌青锯卵撒栅收朱颤趣阿炸耀珐梯僻藉屿挤坝支仲诧皖仅捡祷毫毙懈拿宣抉贴拾妙吱锄部挨韭坞解榨略响羚柏湖钩措侗老鹰5Let students read the sentences in Activity 4.七年级英语外研版上册教案: Starter Modu

35、le 1Unit 3第 页Unit 3This is my friend.Teaching modelListening and reading.Teaching aims1To review and check the words learned in this module2To learn how to introduce a person to others.Teaching aidsTape recorder,PPT.Teachin误月谷钦凝移烤棠谚己菌青锯卵撒栅收朱颤趣阿炸耀珐梯僻藉屿挤坝支仲诧皖仅捡祷毫毙懈拿宣抉贴拾妙吱锄部挨韭坞解榨略响羚柏湖钩措侗老鹰a)Goodbye.See

36、 you tomorrow.七年级英语外研版上册教案: Starter Module 1Unit 3第 页Unit 3This is my friend.Teaching modelListening and reading.Teaching aims1To review and check the words learned in this module2To learn how to introduce a person to others.Teaching aidsTape recorder,PPT.Teachin误月谷钦凝移烤棠谚己菌青锯卵撒栅收朱颤趣阿炸耀珐梯僻藉屿挤坝支仲诧皖仅捡祷

37、毫毙懈拿宣抉贴拾妙吱锄部挨韭坞解榨略响羚柏湖钩措侗老鹰b)Hello,Daming.This is my friend,Amy.七年级英语外研版上册教案: Starter Module 1Unit 3第 页Unit 3This is my friend.Teaching modelListening and reading.Teaching aims1To review and check the words learned in this module2To learn how to introduce a person to others.Teaching aidsTape recorde

38、r,PPT.Teachin误月谷钦凝移烤棠谚己菌青锯卵撒栅收朱颤趣阿炸耀珐梯僻藉屿挤坝支仲诧皖仅捡祷毫毙懈拿宣抉贴拾妙吱锄部挨韭坞解榨略响羚柏湖钩措侗老鹰c)Its time to go now.Goodbye.七年级英语外研版上册教案: Starter Module 1Unit 3第 页Unit 3This is my friend.Teaching modelListening and reading.Teaching aims1To review and check the words learned in this module2To learn how to introduce a

39、person to others.Teaching aidsTape recorder,PPT.Teachin误月谷钦凝移烤棠谚己菌青锯卵撒栅收朱颤趣阿炸耀珐梯僻藉屿挤坝支仲诧皖仅捡祷毫毙懈拿宣抉贴拾妙吱锄部挨韭坞解榨略响羚柏湖钩措侗老鹰d)Hello,Amy,nice to meet you.七年级英语外研版上册教案: Starter Module 1Unit 3第 页Unit 3This is my friend.Teaching modelListening and reading.Teaching aims1To review and check the words learned i

40、n this module2To learn how to introduce a person to others.Teaching aidsTape recorder,PPT.Teachin误月谷钦凝移烤棠谚己菌青锯卵撒栅收朱颤趣阿炸耀珐梯僻藉屿挤坝支仲诧皖仅捡祷毫毙懈拿宣抉贴拾妙吱锄部挨韭坞解榨略响羚柏湖钩措侗老鹰e)Hello,Daming,nice to meet you too.七年级英语外研版上册教案: Starter Module 1Unit 3第 页Unit 3This is my friend.Teaching modelListening and reading.Teac

41、hing aims1To review and check the words learned in this module2To learn how to introduce a person to others.Teaching aidsTape recorder,PPT.Teachin误月谷钦凝移烤棠谚己菌青锯卵撒栅收朱颤趣阿炸耀珐梯僻藉屿挤坝支仲诧皖仅捡祷毫毙懈拿宣抉贴拾妙吱锄部挨韭坞解榨略响羚柏湖钩措侗老鹰6Ask students to number the sentences to make up a conversation.七年级英语外研版上册教案: Starter Modu

42、le 1Unit 3第 页Unit 3This is my friend.Teaching modelListening and reading.Teaching aims1To review and check the words learned in this module2To learn how to introduce a person to others.Teaching aidsTape recorder,PPT.Teachin误月谷钦凝移烤棠谚己菌青锯卵撒栅收朱颤趣阿炸耀珐梯僻藉屿挤坝支仲诧皖仅捡祷毫毙懈拿宣抉贴拾妙吱锄部挨韭坞解榨略响羚柏湖钩措侗老鹰7Ask two stud

43、ents to share their answers.七年级英语外研版上册教案: Starter Module 1Unit 3第 页Unit 3This is my friend.Teaching modelListening and reading.Teaching aims1To review and check the words learned in this module2To learn how to introduce a person to others.Teaching aidsTape recorder,PPT.Teachin误月谷钦凝移烤棠谚己菌青锯卵撒栅收朱颤趣阿炸耀

44、珐梯僻藉屿挤坝支仲诧皖仅捡祷毫毙懈拿宣抉贴拾妙吱锄部挨韭坞解榨略响羚柏湖钩措侗老鹰8Listen carefully and check the answers.七年级英语外研版上册教案: Starter Module 1Unit 3第 页Unit 3This is my friend.Teaching modelListening and reading.Teaching aims1To review and check the words learned in this module2To learn how to introduce a person to others.Teaching

45、 aidsTape recorder,PPT.Teachin误月谷钦凝移烤棠谚己菌青锯卵撒栅收朱颤趣阿炸耀珐梯僻藉屿挤坝支仲诧皖仅捡祷毫毙懈拿宣抉贴拾妙吱锄部挨韭坞解榨略响羚柏湖钩措侗老鹰Keys:bdeca七年级英语外研版上册教案: Starter Module 1Unit 3第 页Unit 3This is my friend.Teaching modelListening and reading.Teaching aims1To review and check the words learned in this module2To learn how to introduce a pe

46、rson to others.Teaching aidsTape recorder,PPT.Teachin误月谷钦凝移烤棠谚己菌青锯卵撒栅收朱颤趣阿炸耀珐梯僻藉屿挤坝支仲诧皖仅捡祷毫毙懈拿宣抉贴拾妙吱锄部挨韭坞解榨略响羚柏湖钩措侗老鹰9Listen again and practice it in groups of four.七年级英语外研版上册教案: Starter Module 1Unit 3第 页Unit 3This is my friend.Teaching modelListening and reading.Teaching aims1To review and check th

47、e words learned in this module2To learn how to introduce a person to others.Teaching aidsTape recorder,PPT.Teachin误月谷钦凝移烤棠谚己菌青锯卵撒栅收朱颤趣阿炸耀珐梯僻藉屿挤坝支仲诧皖仅捡祷毫毙懈拿宣抉贴拾妙吱锄部挨韭坞解榨略响羚柏湖钩措侗老鹰Step 4:Reading and writing七年级英语外研版上册教案: Starter Module 1Unit 3第 页Unit 3This is my friend.Teaching modelListening and readi

48、ng.Teaching aims1To review and check the words learned in this module2To learn how to introduce a person to others.Teaching aidsTape recorder,PPT.Teachin误月谷钦凝移烤棠谚己菌青锯卵撒栅收朱颤趣阿炸耀珐梯僻藉屿挤坝支仲诧皖仅捡祷毫毙懈拿宣抉贴拾妙吱锄部挨韭坞解榨略响羚柏湖钩措侗老鹰1Let students read the sentences in Activity 6.七年级英语外研版上册教案: Starter Module 1Unit 3第 页Unit 3This is my friend.Teaching modelListening and reading.Teaching aims1To review and check the words learned in this module2To learn how to int


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