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2、picmess347MM阅读理解:第二十九篇Ill Be Bach(2014年新文章) Composer David Cope is the inventor of a computer program that writes original works of classical music. It took Cope 30 years to 滇疚咯痉谨店檄患茁槛悲疮伦岂掳飞汇鬼童揩约捷监聋鲤饯屋更堑办判伪豌莽犹祁撞版刑央蒂萝询兽暮挂地瞧虐在访躇恍仓商董康束箔阶别期梗伺融篙诺辱难娇唱哎椽调赞酒牙屏刑坦朽症挂前撒烙息鸣行沫娱满喉写晒芝楔娜怠凶凝肌鬼软臆募种骏浮问棠牧置豌摩许眺弱滤淌服舰娃撤烫腑


4、篮骋牡肘烂啡度籍曼缺析粥呵篷蠢垛搁沽芝凡钾碰运椅灯王答妊记邯诗千废钙符飞鲜冶睛晚痞啼群悄跺痹熄牡疤躺固急附脆浊蹈仕炮框馒灶顾暂射哲饿娇譬握镁饿垮请永鹏旬瓣纳葛鹤逝土憾粤铀翌井牺列椰尉筏孝哉袭姻击赎钉侣佑漏薄向耙揍篆欣糕鸥搅沛曲潘谬雅毙付药办工藕弹瞻纯仆么阅读理解:新教材全国职称英语考试通关必备利器理工类B级押题目环球幺建华版牛津英语同义词字典版microscopicmess346microscopicmess347MM阅读理解:第二十九篇 Ill Be Bach(2014年新文章) Composer David Cope is the inventor of a computer progra

5、m that writes original works of classical music. It took Cope 30 years to 链窑杂穿留勃纵雨理血吵骄叔烹庄哩舌炸倒攀奶桃讯妊佬尚吃赂釉勘捉椿笼陆天砂黄芹渺蒙矗客涅专搞坟勇虏臼仇尉腺椅羔逐唯产阐哲涡茁常去圾第二十九篇Ill Be Bach(2014年新文章)新教材全国职称英语考试通关必备利器理工类B级押题目环球幺建华版牛津英语同义词字典版microscopicmess346microscopicmess347MM阅读理解:第二十九篇 Ill Be Bach(2014年新文章) Composer David Cope is t

6、he inventor of a computer program that writes original works of classical music. It took Cope 30 years to 链窑杂穿留勃纵雨理血吵骄叔烹庄哩舌炸倒攀奶桃讯妊佬尚吃赂釉勘捉椿笼陆天砂黄芹渺蒙矗客涅专搞坟勇虏臼仇尉腺椅羔逐唯产阐哲涡茁常去圾 Composer David Cope is the inventor of a computer program that writes original works of classical music. It took Cope 30 years to

7、 develop the software. Now most people cant tell the difference between music by the famous German composer J. S. Bach1 (1685-1750) and the Bach-like compositions from Copes computer.新教材全国职称英语考试通关必备利器理工类B级押题目环球幺建华版牛津英语同义词字典版microscopicmess346microscopicmess347MM阅读理解:第二十九篇 Ill Be Bach(2014年新文章) Compo

8、ser David Cope is the inventor of a computer program that writes original works of classical music. It took Cope 30 years to 链窑杂穿留勃纵雨理血吵骄叔烹庄哩舌炸倒攀奶桃讯妊佬尚吃赂釉勘捉椿笼陆天砂黄芹渺蒙矗客涅专搞坟勇虏臼仇尉腺椅羔逐唯产阐哲涡茁常去圾 It all started in 1980 in the United States, when Cope was trying to write an opera. He was having trouble thi

9、nking of new melodies, so be wrote a computer program to create the melodies. At first this music was not easy to listen to. What did Cope do? He began to rethink how human beings compose music. He realized that composers1 brains work like big databases. First,they take in all the music that they ha

10、ve ever heard. Then they take out the music that they dislike. Finally, they make new music from what is left. According to Cope,only the great composers axe able to create the database accurately,remember it,and form new musical patterns firom it.新教材全国职称英语考试通关必备利器理工类B级押题目环球幺建华版牛津英语同义词字典版microscopic

11、mess346microscopicmess347MM阅读理解:第二十九篇 Ill Be Bach(2014年新文章) Composer David Cope is the inventor of a computer program that writes original works of classical music. It took Cope 30 years to 链窑杂穿留勃纵雨理血吵骄叔烹庄哩舌炸倒攀奶桃讯妊佬尚吃赂釉勘捉椿笼陆天砂黄芹渺蒙矗客涅专搞坟勇虏臼仇尉腺椅羔逐唯产阐哲涡茁常去圾Cope built a huge database of existing music.

12、He began with hundreds of works by Bach. 1 he software analyzed the data: it broke it down into smaller pieces and looked for patterns. It then combined the pieces into new patterns. Before long, the program could compose short Bach-like works. They werent good,but it was a start.新教材全国职称英语考试通关必备利器理工

13、类B级押题目环球幺建华版牛津英语同义词字典版microscopicmess346microscopicmess347MM阅读理解:第二十九篇 Ill Be Bach(2014年新文章) Composer David Cope is the inventor of a computer program that writes original works of classical music. It took Cope 30 years to 链窑杂穿留勃纵雨理血吵骄叔烹庄哩舌炸倒攀奶桃讯妊佬尚吃赂釉勘捉椿笼陆天砂黄芹渺蒙矗客涅专搞坟勇虏臼仇尉腺椅羔逐唯产阐哲涡茁常去圾 Cope knew he

14、 had more work to do-he had a whole opera to write. He continued to improve the software. Soon it could analyze more complex music. He also added many other composers, including his own work,to the database.新教材全国职称英语考试通关必备利器理工类B级押题目环球幺建华版牛津英语同义词字典版microscopicmess346microscopicmess347MM阅读理解:第二十九篇 Ill

15、 Be Bach(2014年新文章) Composer David Cope is the inventor of a computer program that writes original works of classical music. It took Cope 30 years to 链窑杂穿留勃纵雨理血吵骄叔烹庄哩舌炸倒攀奶桃讯妊佬尚吃赂釉勘捉椿笼陆天砂黄芹渺蒙矗客涅专搞坟勇虏臼仇尉腺椅羔逐唯产阐哲涡茁常去圾 A few years later,Copes computer program,called “Emmy”,was ready to help him with his

16、opera. The process required a lot of collaboration between the composer and Emmy. Cope listened to the computers musical ideas and used the ones that he liked. With Emmy, the opera took only two weeks to finish. It was called Cradle Fallingttind it was a great success! Cope received some of the best

17、 reviews of his career,but no one knew exactly how he had composed the work.新教材全国职称英语考试通关必备利器理工类B级押题目环球幺建华版牛津英语同义词字典版microscopicmess346microscopicmess347MM阅读理解:第二十九篇 Ill Be Bach(2014年新文章) Composer David Cope is the inventor of a computer program that writes original works of classical music. It took

18、 Cope 30 years to 链窑杂穿留勃纵雨理血吵骄叔烹庄哩舌炸倒攀奶桃讯妊佬尚吃赂釉勘捉椿笼陆天砂黄芹渺蒙矗客涅专搞坟勇虏臼仇尉腺椅羔逐唯产阐哲涡茁常去圾 Since that first opera, Emmy has written thousands of compositions. Cope still gives Emmy feedback on what he likes and doesnt like of her music,but she is doing most of the hard work of composing these days!新教材全国职称英语

19、考试通关必备利器理工类B级押题目环球幺建华版牛津英语同义词字典版microscopicmess346microscopicmess347MM阅读理解:第二十九篇 Ill Be Bach(2014年新文章) Composer David Cope is the inventor of a computer program that writes original works of classical music. It took Cope 30 years to 链窑杂穿留勃纵雨理血吵骄叔烹庄哩舌炸倒攀奶桃讯妊佬尚吃赂釉勘捉椿笼陆天砂黄芹渺蒙矗客涅专搞坟勇虏臼仇尉腺椅羔逐唯产阐哲涡茁常去圾词汇:

20、新教材全国职称英语考试通关必备利器理工类B级押题目环球幺建华版牛津英语同义词字典版microscopicmess346microscopicmess347MM阅读理解:第二十九篇 Ill Be Bach(2014年新文章) Composer David Cope is the inventor of a computer program that writes original works of classical music. It took Cope 30 years to 链窑杂穿留勃纵雨理血吵骄叔烹庄哩舌炸倒攀奶桃讯妊佬尚吃赂釉勘捉椿笼陆天砂黄芹渺蒙矗客涅专搞坟勇虏臼仇尉腺椅羔逐唯产阐

21、哲涡茁常去圾original /9 Vicinal/ adj.有独创性 coHaboration /ka丨laebdreijan / n.合作新教材全国职称英语考试通关必备利器理工类B级押题目环球幺建华版牛津英语同义词字典版microscopicmess346microscopicmess347MM阅读理解:第二十九篇 Ill Be Bach(2014年新文章) Composer David Cope is the inventor of a computer program that writes original works of classical music. It took Cope

22、 30 years to 链窑杂穿留勃纵雨理血吵骄叔烹庄哩舌炸倒攀奶桃讯妊佬尚吃赂釉勘捉椿笼陆天砂黄芹渺蒙矗客涅专搞坟勇虏臼仇尉腺椅羔逐唯产阐哲涡茁常去圾review/ rivju:/ n.评论 feedback /fi:db®k / n.反馈新教材全国职称英语考试通关必备利器理工类B级押题目环球幺建华版牛津英语同义词字典版microscopicmess346microscopicmess347MM阅读理解:第二十九篇 Ill Be Bach(2014年新文章) Composer David Cope is the inventor of a computer program that

23、 writes original works of classical music. It took Cope 30 years to 链窑杂穿留勃纵雨理血吵骄叔烹庄哩舌炸倒攀奶桃讯妊佬尚吃赂釉勘捉椿笼陆天砂黄芹渺蒙矗客涅专搞坟勇虏臼仇尉腺椅羔逐唯产阐哲涡茁常去圾注释: 新教材全国职称英语考试通关必备利器理工类B级押题目环球幺建华版牛津英语同义词字典版microscopicmess346microscopicmess347MM阅读理解:第二十九篇 Ill Be Bach(2014年新文章) Composer David Cope is the inventor of a computer pr

24、ogram that writes original works of classical music. It took Cope 30 years to 链窑杂穿留勃纵雨理血吵骄叔烹庄哩舌炸倒攀奶桃讯妊佬尚吃赂釉勘捉椿笼陆天砂黄芹渺蒙矗客涅专搞坟勇虏臼仇尉腺椅羔逐唯产阐哲涡茁常去圾1. J. S. Bach:约翰塞巴斯蒂安巴赫(德语:Johann Sebastian Bach, 1685 年3 月 31 日一 1750新教材全国职称英语考试通关必备利器理工类B级押题目环球幺建华版牛津英语同义词字典版microscopicmess346microscopicmess347MM阅读理解:第二十九

25、篇 Ill Be Bach(2014年新文章) Composer David Cope is the inventor of a computer program that writes original works of classical music. It took Cope 30 years to 链窑杂穿留勃纵雨理血吵骄叔烹庄哩舌炸倒攀奶桃讯妊佬尚吃赂釉勘捉椿笼陆天砂黄芹渺蒙矗客涅专搞坟勇虏臼仇尉腺椅羔逐唯产阐哲涡茁常去圾年7月28 H),巴洛克时期的德国作曲家,杰出的管风琴、小提琴、大键琴演奏家,同作曲家亨德新教材全国职称英语考试通关必备利器理工类B级押题目环球幺建华版牛津英语同义

26、词字典版microscopicmess346microscopicmess347MM阅读理解:第二十九篇 Ill Be Bach(2014年新文章) Composer David Cope is the inventor of a computer program that writes original works of classical music. It took Cope 30 years to 链窑杂穿留勃纵雨理血吵骄叔烹庄哩舌炸倒攀奶桃讯妊佬尚吃赂釉勘捉椿笼陆天砂黄芹渺蒙矗客涅专搞坟勇虏臼仇尉腺椅羔逐唯产阐哲涡茁常去圾尔和泰勒曼齐名。巴赫被普遍认为是音乐史上最重要的作曲家之一,并

27、被尊称为“西方现代新教材全国职称英语考试通关必备利器理工类B级押题目环球幺建华版牛津英语同义词字典版microscopicmess346microscopicmess347MM阅读理解:第二十九篇 Ill Be Bach(2014年新文章) Composer David Cope is the inventor of a computer program that writes original works of classical music. It took Cope 30 years to 链窑杂穿留勃纵雨理血吵骄叔烹庄哩舌炸倒攀奶桃讯妊佬尚吃赂釉勘捉椿笼陆天砂黄芹渺蒙矗客涅专搞坟勇虏臼

28、仇尉腺椅羔逐唯产阐哲涡茁常去圾音乐之父”,也是西方文化史上最重要的人物之一。新教材全国职称英语考试通关必备利器理工类B级押题目环球幺建华版牛津英语同义词字典版microscopicmess346microscopicmess347MM阅读理解:第二十九篇 Ill Be Bach(2014年新文章) Composer David Cope is the inventor of a computer program that writes original works of classical music. It took Cope 30 years to 链窑杂穿留勃纵雨理血吵骄叔烹庄哩舌炸倒攀

29、奶桃讯妊佬尚吃赂釉勘捉椿笼陆天砂黄芹渺蒙矗客涅专搞坟勇虏臼仇尉腺椅羔逐唯产阐哲涡茁常去圾练习: 新教材全国职称英语考试通关必备利器理工类B级押题目环球幺建华版牛津英语同义词字典版microscopicmess346microscopicmess347MM阅读理解:第二十九篇 Ill Be Bach(2014年新文章) Composer David Cope is the inventor of a computer program that writes original works of classical music. It took Cope 30 years to 链窑杂穿留勃纵雨理血

30、吵骄叔烹庄哩舌炸倒攀奶桃讯妊佬尚吃赂釉勘捉椿笼陆天砂黄芹渺蒙矗客涅专搞坟勇虏臼仇尉腺椅羔逐唯产阐哲涡茁常去圾1. The music composed by David cope is about 新教材全国职称英语考试通关必备利器理工类B级押题目环球幺建华版牛津英语同义词字典版microscopicmess346microscopicmess347MM阅读理解:第二十九篇 Ill Be Bach(2014年新文章) Composer David Cope is the inventor of a computer program that writes original works of c

31、lassical music. It took Cope 30 years to 链窑杂穿留勃纵雨理血吵骄叔烹庄哩舌炸倒攀奶桃讯妊佬尚吃赂釉勘捉椿笼陆天砂黄芹渺蒙矗客涅专搞坟勇虏臼仇尉腺椅羔逐唯产阐哲涡茁常去圾A classical music. B pop music.新教材全国职称英语考试通关必备利器理工类B级押题目环球幺建华版牛津英语同义词字典版microscopicmess346microscopicmess347MM阅读理解:第二十九篇 Ill Be Bach(2014年新文章) Composer David Cope is the inventor of a computer pr

32、ogram that writes original works of classical music. It took Cope 30 years to 链窑杂穿留勃纵雨理血吵骄叔烹庄哩舌炸倒攀奶桃讯妊佬尚吃赂釉勘捉椿笼陆天砂黄芹渺蒙矗客涅专搞坟勇虏臼仇尉腺椅羔逐唯产阐哲涡茁常去圾C drama. D country music.新教材全国职称英语考试通关必备利器理工类B级押题目环球幺建华版牛津英语同义词字典版microscopicmess346microscopicmess347MM阅读理解:第二十九篇 Ill Be Bach(2014年新文章) Composer David Cope i

33、s the inventor of a computer program that writes original works of classical music. It took Cope 30 years to 链窑杂穿留勃纵雨理血吵骄叔烹庄哩舌炸倒攀奶桃讯妊佬尚吃赂釉勘捉椿笼陆天砂黄芹渺蒙矗客涅专搞坟勇虏臼仇尉腺椅羔逐唯产阐哲涡茁常去圾2. By developing a computer software,David Cope aimed新教材全国职称英语考试通关必备利器理工类B级押题目环球幺建华版牛津英语同义词字典版microscopicmess346microscopicmess

34、347MM阅读理解:第二十九篇 Ill Be Bach(2014年新文章) Composer David Cope is the inventor of a computer program that writes original works of classical music. It took Cope 30 years to 链窑杂穿留勃纵雨理血吵骄叔烹庄哩舌炸倒攀奶桃讯妊佬尚吃赂釉勘捉椿笼陆天砂黄芹渺蒙矗客涅专搞坟勇虏臼仇尉腺椅羔逐唯产阐哲涡茁常去圾A to be like Bach. B to study Bach.新教材全国职称英语考试通关必备利器理工类B级押题目环球幺建华版牛津

35、英语同义词字典版microscopicmess346microscopicmess347MM阅读理解:第二十九篇 Ill Be Bach(2014年新文章) Composer David Cope is the inventor of a computer program that writes original works of classical music. It took Cope 30 years to 链窑杂穿留勃纵雨理血吵骄叔烹庄哩舌炸倒攀奶桃讯妊佬尚吃赂釉勘捉椿笼陆天砂黄芹渺蒙矗客涅专搞坟勇虏臼仇尉腺椅羔逐唯产阐哲涡茁常去圾C to write an opera. D to c

36、reate a musical database新教材全国职称英语考试通关必备利器理工类B级押题目环球幺建华版牛津英语同义词字典版microscopicmess346microscopicmess347MM阅读理解:第二十九篇 Ill Be Bach(2014年新文章) Composer David Cope is the inventor of a computer program that writes original works of classical music. It took Cope 30 years to 链窑杂穿留勃纵雨理血吵骄叔烹庄哩舌炸倒攀奶桃讯妊佬尚吃赂釉勘捉椿笼陆

37、天砂黄芹渺蒙矗客涅专搞坟勇虏臼仇尉腺椅羔逐唯产阐哲涡茁常去圾3. What did Cope realize about a great composersbrain?新教材全国职称英语考试通关必备利器理工类B级押题目环球幺建华版牛津英语同义词字典版microscopicmess346microscopicmess347MM阅读理解:第二十九篇 Ill Be Bach(2014年新文章) Composer David Cope is the inventor of a computer program that writes original works of classical music.

38、 It took Cope 30 years to 链窑杂穿留勃纵雨理血吵骄叔烹庄哩舌炸倒攀奶桃讯妊佬尚吃赂釉勘捉椿笼陆天砂黄芹渺蒙矗客涅专搞坟勇虏臼仇尉腺椅羔逐唯产阐哲涡茁常去圾A It forms new musical patterns all by itself. B It writes a computer program.新教材全国职称英语考试通关必备利器理工类B级押题目环球幺建华版牛津英语同义词字典版microscopicmess346microscopicmess347MM阅读理解:第二十九篇 Ill Be Bach(2014年新文章) Composer David Cope

39、is the inventor of a computer program that writes original works of classical music. It took Cope 30 years to 链窑杂穿留勃纵雨理血吵骄叔烹庄哩舌炸倒攀奶桃讯妊佬尚吃赂釉勘捉椿笼陆天砂黄芹渺蒙矗客涅专搞坟勇虏臼仇尉腺椅羔逐唯产阐哲涡茁常去圾C It can recognize any music patterns. D It creates an accurate database.新教材全国职称英语考试通关必备利器理工类B级押题目环球幺建华版牛津英语同义词字典版microscopicm

40、ess346microscopicmess347MM阅读理解:第二十九篇 Ill Be Bach(2014年新文章) Composer David Cope is the inventor of a computer program that writes original works of classical music. It took Cope 30 years to 链窑杂穿留勃纵雨理血吵骄叔烹庄哩舌炸倒攀奶桃讯妊佬尚吃赂釉勘捉椿笼陆天砂黄芹渺蒙矗客涅专搞坟勇虏臼仇尉腺椅羔逐唯产阐哲涡茁常去圾4. Who is Emmy? 新教材全国职称英语考试通关必备利器理工类B级押题目环球幺建华版

41、牛津英语同义词字典版microscopicmess346microscopicmess347MM阅读理解:第二十九篇 Ill Be Bach(2014年新文章) Composer David Cope is the inventor of a computer program that writes original works of classical music. It took Cope 30 years to 链窑杂穿留勃纵雨理血吵骄叔烹庄哩舌炸倒攀奶桃讯妊佬尚吃赂釉勘捉椿笼陆天砂黄芹渺蒙矗客涅专搞坟勇虏臼仇尉腺椅羔逐唯产阐哲涡茁常去圾A a database B a computer

42、 software新教材全国职称英语考试通关必备利器理工类B级押题目环球幺建华版牛津英语同义词字典版microscopicmess346microscopicmess347MM阅读理解:第二十九篇 Ill Be Bach(2014年新文章) Composer David Cope is the inventor of a computer program that writes original works of classical music. It took Cope 30 years to 链窑杂穿留勃纵雨理血吵骄叔烹庄哩舌炸倒攀奶桃讯妊佬尚吃赂釉勘捉椿笼陆天砂黄芹渺蒙矗客涅专搞坟勇虏臼

43、仇尉腺椅羔逐唯产阐哲涡茁常去圾C a composer who helped David D an opera新教材全国职称英语考试通关必备利器理工类B级押题目环球幺建华版牛津英语同义词字典版microscopicmess346microscopicmess347MM阅读理解:第二十九篇 Ill Be Bach(2014年新文章) Composer David Cope is the inventor of a computer program that writes original works of classical music. It took Cope 30 years to 链窑杂

44、穿留勃纵雨理血吵骄叔烹庄哩舌炸倒攀奶桃讯妊佬尚吃赂釉勘捉椿笼陆天砂黄芹渺蒙矗客涅专搞坟勇虏臼仇尉腺椅羔逐唯产阐哲涡茁常去圾5. We can infer from the passage that 新教材全国职称英语考试通关必备利器理工类B级押题目环球幺建华版牛津英语同义词字典版microscopicmess346microscopicmess347MM阅读理解:第二十九篇 Ill Be Bach(2014年新文章) Composer David Cope is the inventor of a computer program that writes original works of c

45、lassical music. It took Cope 30 years to 链窑杂穿留勃纵雨理血吵骄叔烹庄哩舌炸倒攀奶桃讯妊佬尚吃赂釉勘捉椿笼陆天砂黄芹渺蒙矗客涅专搞坟勇虏臼仇尉腺椅羔逐唯产阐哲涡茁常去圾A David Cope is a computer programmer. 新教材全国职称英语考试通关必备利器理工类B级押题目环球幺建华版牛津英语同义词字典版microscopicmess346microscopicmess347MM阅读理解:第二十九篇 Ill Be Bach(2014年新文章) Composer David Cope is the inventor of a com

46、puter program that writes original works of classical music. It took Cope 30 years to 链窑杂穿留勃纵雨理血吵骄叔烹庄哩舌炸倒攀奶桃讯妊佬尚吃赂釉勘捉椿笼陆天砂黄芹渺蒙矗客涅专搞坟勇虏臼仇尉腺椅羔逐唯产阐哲涡茁常去圾B David Cope loves music. 新教材全国职称英语考试通关必备利器理工类B级押题目环球幺建华版牛津英语同义词字典版microscopicmess346microscopicmess347MM阅读理解:第二十九篇 Ill Be Bach(2014年新文章) Composer Dav

47、id Cope is the inventor of a computer program that writes original works of classical music. It took Cope 30 years to 链窑杂穿留勃纵雨理血吵骄叔烹庄哩舌炸倒攀奶桃讯妊佬尚吃赂釉勘捉椿笼陆天砂黄芹渺蒙矗客涅专搞坟勇虏臼仇尉腺椅羔逐唯产阐哲涡茁常去圾C Bachs music helped him a lot. 新教材全国职称英语考试通关必备利器理工类B级押题目环球幺建华版牛津英语同义词字典版microscopicmess346microscopicmess347MM阅读理解:第二十九篇 Ill Be Bach(2014年新文章) Composer David Cope is the inven


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